Paperback, $59.95

James Schaller, M.D.

Book Back Cover
Dr. Schaller's Other Books:
"The world of Lyme disease is a world where information is often limited. It is a world where patients often feel helpless and alone. It is a world that very few people understand unless they live it on a daily basis. I personally thirst for information to help me better understand my illness and how to approach healing. Dr. Schaller is one of the few tirelessly working to provide information to those of us that really need it; to provide new options to those of us that require them. Having read the majority of his Lyme-related books, I always look forward to new ones and
Babesia Update 2009 does not disappoint.."
—Scott Forsgren
“As a Babesia researcher and sufferer, I have witnessed how standardized treatments for this infection have failed. Furthermore, I have been frustrated by the failure of some within the medical community to recognize that current treatments for
Babesia are inadequate for getting rid of this infection in a large number of people. Because I have tried a number of such recommended treatments myself, and still test positive for
Babesia, I can attest to the fact of their inadequacy.
I applaud Dr. Schaller for tenaciously researching this infection, and spending what must have been countless hours to obtain the information found within the book. Without his work, we would have NO up-to-date books on
Babesia, and what a travesty this would be, as the ignorance surrounding
Babesia would be greater and more patients would likely remain without proper treatment. Indeed, the information presented here is cutting-edge and not found elsewhere.
The book is an easy read, written with refreshing candor and intrigue. It is chock-full of valuable information, and includes great photos, which are characteristic of Dr. Schaller's books.
I highly recommend this book for anyone with Babesia, and especially for those for whom standardized treatments have failed. I would also consider it a vital guide for physicians that treat this important tick-borne infection.
—Connie Strashiem
Author, The
Lyme Disease Survival Guide
“I have read a lot of
Dr. Schaller's books and I thought his first Babesia book was very informative but this book is absolutely phenomenal - it is an extraordinary book with an
unlimited amount of cutting edge information. This is so ahead of it's time - I would
recommend it very highly. I didn't completely comprehend the severity of this disease until reading this book. Since being treated for Babesia my migraines are gone & so is my excess weight. I never would have thought the Babesia was causing those problems but the doctor said it was & since reading this book
I understand more of what happened with this disease.”
—M. Noll
Babesia Update:
A Cause of Excess Weight, Migraines, and Fatigue? By
James Schaller, M.D
145 Pages, $59.95
CLEARANCE, $49.95 |
powerful and clear book is simply the most up-to-date practical and
innovative textbook on human Babesia in the world.
Dr. Schaller is the author of three Babesia Books and this represents his final Babesia contribution to patients suffering all over the world from chronic fatigue, excess weight and migraines. He also explains the reasons so many Lyme disease patients do not achieve expected recovery.
Written for both motivated patients and health care workers and filled with incredible new tools for healing and diagnosis. Are you tired of being sick? Are you frustrated with ineffective treatment? Do you feel like something is being missed? Why testing for Lyme disease alone is usually an error. A presentation of new labs which end stealth Babesia infections. Stealth Babesia infections prolong suffering, or eventually lead to a decrease in functioning. Traditional treatments fail to cure Babesia and only lower body load. This book discusses new treatments directed at cure. Lyme disease is never cured if Babesia remains.
This book is not intended to replace Dr. Schaller's Babesia
Textbook. The 2009 Babesia Update is a supplement to the
textbook, not a replacement.
Table of Contents |
The State of International Babesia Ignorance
Health Care Workers Treating Babesia and Lyme in 2009
Studying Babesia is Very Useful Time
Basic 2009 Babesia Principles
Critical Babesia Issues
A Rude Babesia Awakening
Routine Mepron Dosing Fails
The Bottom Line on Mepron Dosing
Who Are You to Set Babesia Dosing?
Traditional Mepron Dosing Errors and Outcomes
Should Dosing Fit a Standard?
Should Dosing and Diagnosis Fit Symptoms?
Lyme Antibiotics Can Fail After Years of Use
Why Do “Lyme Disease” Patients Stay Sick with Antibiotics?
I Have Babesia, But It Is No Big Deal
I Have Babesia Alone
I Feel Better on Treatment X
Mepron Makes Me Ill at Routine Dosing
What is the “Correct Dose” of Mepron?
The End of The Mepron Cliche Dose
Mepron: Dose or Duration?
Updated Thoughts on Malarone
Artemisia (Artesunate)
“Artemisia is Toxic to the Brain.” Is This True?
Are Artemisia Derivatives Safe?
Is Artesunate Safe and Effective?
The Problems of Artesunate Dosing
The “Best Dose” of Artesunate
Other Babesia Drug Options–Old and New
Synergistic Babesia Killing
Treating People Who Work or Go to School Full-Time
The Use of Alternative or Progressive Medicine
Optimal Ideal Babesia Testing and Tracking Methods |
Why Bother Testing
For Babesia?
Babesia Frequency Sample References
Does Babesia Die Inside the Body in Weeks to Months?
Using a Simple New Blood Test
The ECP Trick to Uncover Very Low Levels of Babesia
ECP Provocation Using Medications: Uncover Hidden Babesia
A Final Word on Uncovering Babesia References
What Type of Babesia Testing is Best for 2009?
Indirect Lab Babesia Patterns
Large National Specialty Labs For Indirect Babesia Testing
Bartonella and Lyme Infection
Babesia and Lyme without Bartonella
Babesia and Bartonella Together
Sample Bartonella Laboratory References
Antibody Testing for Babesia
Antibody Priming Trial: Is it Really Worth It?
Babesia DNA or PCR Testing
Visual Imaging of Babesia
IGeneX Visual Testing Using FISH Technology
Babesia FISH Samples
Sample Babesia Forms and Stains
Fry Labs Sample Image of Genus Babesia Positive Patients
Sample References For Babesia Images
Other Laboratories Doing Visual Inspection of Manual Blood Smears
Alternative or Progressive Medicine Diagnostics
The End of the Babesia Trilogy
Appendix I: Table of Contents from The Diagnosis and Treatment of Babesia
Appendix II: IGeneX Federal Malaria FISH grant
Selected Bibliography
A Sample of Other Books by Dr. Schaller |
The State of International Babesia Ignorance
The State of International Babesia Ignorance When I published the most up-to-date practical and extensive Babesia book in 2006, The Diagnosis and Treatment of Babesia, I thought I was done with this infection. So I quickly published a Babesia images lab manual, a large two-part color Bartonella book, and then worked on The 18 Reasons Lyme Disease Treatment Fails, because the current Lyme debate had degenerated into a mere fight over antibiotic duration. But patients were still suffering with their cluster of tick-borne infections after a month, or even after three years of treatment. Yet the only solutions were more antibiotics, antibiotic cocktails, a referral to a psychiatrist or various alternative medicine options, which were supposedly helpful, but did not meet my direct and indirect testing requirements for a certain and long-term cure of Babesia or other tick-borne infections.
Many physicians and patients seeking cures have amazingly ignored the treatment of other infections commonly passed into the human body with Lyme. The notion of “Lyme disease” is a 1970’s notion, since deer ticks, and other vectors like fleas, dust mites, pet saliva and flies carry a wide range of infections.
If a child is playing in his suburban backyard day after day, and rolling in the grass, the concept of acquiring a single deer tick bite is wrong. Still more flawed is the notion that any painless deer tick bite will deliver only one infection. Deer ticks and other infectious ticks never carry one infection in their saliva or stomach. Ticks have a “salad stomach.” And like the best salads, more infectious “ingredients” or infections in a tick are better — but not for humans.
So the naive and peculiar notion that deer ticks have sterile saliva and sterile stomachs, except for Lyme bacteria, deserves to be quietly put away forever. This ignorant “Lyme only” approach needs to be discarded in the manner of a small child who accidentally wets himself and looks quickly for a new set of shorts to cover his shame, and who quickly tosses away his urine filled underpants. The view of “Lyme only” infections after a deer tick bite is naive, flawed and simply embarrassing. The fact I once believed it myself is deeply humbling.
It is the belief of some Lyme experts that extended patient complaints might simply be repeat infections from new tick bites or residual die‑off inflammation that will dissipate in a season. Others believe that ongoing symptoms after Lyme treatment are due to other causes. These include Babesia, Bartonella, Lyme neurotoxins like Bb Tox1, Mycoplasma, dozens of possible viruses, metabolic pathology, various types of “detoxification” troubles, bad diets, yeast infections, poor exercise, hormone deficiency issues, psychiatric illness, heavy metals, genetic liver defects, weak immunity, a “leaky gut,” or co-morbid mold biotoxin exposure, which is found in 30% of USA structures due to water intrusion (per EPA).
Some health care workers confuse tick-borne infections with other medical diseases or mental problems. Perhaps some of what they diagnose is valid, but few ask the question, “What caused this medical or psychiatric problem?” Fixing some of these medical or psychiatric issues is often not a home run in recovered functioning.
So a solid health practitioner should know the basics of all emerging infections that are common and serious. These would include Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Lyme and Babesia. My impression is that 1/10,000 physicians are on the cutting edge of all of these emerging infections, including physicians vastly more intelligent and gifted than myself.
Further, having symptoms after a month or years of Lyme treatment shows chaos and uncertainty. The explanation offered by health care workers on their treatment approach is usually what they had been taught by whatever “Popes” they follow. But in 2009, there is no Tick Infection Pope in any government agency, medical society or guideline author.
Unfortunately, some patients still ill with stealth Babesia make treating physicians angry. They feel a patient was given a “reasonable treatment,” and their frustration translates into patients being resented and abused for reporting chronic symptoms. Such abuse includes acting like brash Woody Allen movie psychiatrists, with limited 2009 tick infection clinical knowledge, who toss patients to psychiatrists to “fix” them. While all tick and some flea-born infections cause brain and psychiatric defects, this is just one component of treatment, an important Band- Aid, but not the cure.
This type of patient abuse is simply an admission of a health care worker’s clinical ignorance. It shows a lack of knowledge in new and modern cutting edge tick and flea-borne infections. It is also an admission that they do not know how to use new, highly effective direct and indirect labs for detecting Babesia, Bartonella and Lyme.
Basic 2009 Babesia Principles
No Lyme cure exists if a powerful co-infection like Babesia and/or Bartonella is present and untreated to the point of full
Lyme cure is also likely impossible in the presence of ineffective routine dosing, (i.e. like 750 mg of Mepron twice a day), which kills some Babesia but leaves some residual Babesia alive.
The presence of Bartonella causes massive types of immune suppression and will also likely lower antibody testing results for Lyme disease, Babesia, Ehrlichia and Bartonella. So Bartonella actually hides itself and other infections like Babesia.
Current Bartonella testing can only detect two of the 32 species published in the world’s top genetic gene banks. Current national labs have not invested large sums to improve species or genus level Bartonella testing, or better visualization techniques that would increase the capacity to see Bartonella in a blood drop smear.
Current Babesia testing does not test for all possible human species. Current national labs have not invested large sums to improve species or genus level Babesia testing, or better visualization techniques that would increase the capacity to see Babesia in a blood drop smear.
Many Babesia species infect humans, and more species or species variants are discovered every year. I believe I am seeing patients with a mix of Babesia species or species variants. For example, I have patients with Babesia
microti, Babesia duncani (WA-1) and suspected MO-1. This last species is all over North America. Further, I believe microti has more than one strain in the USA, and we already know it has more than one strain in the world. I believe the dose that kills one species or species variant, does not fully remove other species or other species variants. This is a revolutionary component in approaching Babesia treatment.
the Author
Dr. Schaller is the author of 23 books, four of which outline tick, flea, and other infections that cause chronic illness and fatigue. Recent popular titles displaying Dr. Schaller's dedication on a variety of important topics include The Diagnosis and Treatment of Babesia, A Laboratory Guide to Human Babesia Hematology Forms, Bartonella: Diagnosis and Treatment, Mold Illness and Mold Remediation Made Simple, The Complete Guide to Artemisinin, When Traditional Medicine Fails, 100 Solutions to Out of Control Youth, and Suboxone: Pain Treatment with Addiction Relief. He is currently preparing the most up-to-date textbook on Bartonella, which, according to Schaller, may be among the top vector infections in the world, possibly more common than Lyme Disease. He has started textbooks on the cause of treatment failure in people suffering with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Lyme disease.
Dr. Schaller has approximately 27 national and international medical publications in journals such as JAMA, Medscape, and some of the largest pediatric journals in the world. He was the first to publish a practical cancer cure, now a standard treatment internationally, which hypothesizes the blocking of a single enzyme for a deadly blood disease, Idiopathic Hypercosinophilia Syndrome (HES). Further, he has designed nutritional products, and published nutrient and herb purity and potency research. Dr. Schaller strongly advocates getting to the root cause of illnesses and tailoring treatments to the individual. His primary web site is
As a full-time researcher, Dr. Schaller is uniquely able to study and invent individualized cures to heal his patients. Dr. Schaller has invested countless hours creating treatments to give hope to the hopeless.
Dr. Schaller lives with his family in the United States..
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