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May Supplements of the Month: EpiCor + AHCC

I will be featuring favorite supplements each month. This month’s picks are:

EpiCor by Healthy Origins

AHCC by Quality of Life Labs

I’ve had colds and flus all winter. It’s been one of those winters. My family has been sick a lot as well. So, I began taking various immune-boosting supplements recently, and  these two are my favorites. Of course, don’t neglect to consider taking colostrum, vitamin C, zinc, echinacea, and the other usual suspects.

But in addition to colds and flus, these two workhorse supplements also have incredible benefit in Lyme and related conditions involving the immune system.

Epicor contains Sacchromyces Cerevisiae, a yeast which has been well-studied in use for immune system modulation.

AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) is a mix of several ingredients, and has been extremely well-studied. Reading some of these studies is really amazing; this stuff has a lot of science behind it.

One thing Lyme sufferers often notice toward the end of the recovery process is that their energy levels can still be low, and working out can be difficult. Many people don’t know that immune health is directly connected to energy levels. After taking these supplements, I noticed I had much more usable energy with which to hit the gym, go on hikes, and participate in fun activities.

If you have reached a plateau in the recovery process and you are feeling ready to move beyond just “killing” microorganisms; if you feel the need to rebuild the immune system and normalize your body’s immune response, you should discuss these two supplements with your doctor.

Some Lyme sufferers notice the same herx-type reactions and improvements using these two products as they do with antibiotics, which indicates that they are helping the immune system to kill infections.

I believe in rotating antibacterial therapies – as I discuss in my books. During breaks from these therapies, a person can often wonder, “what should I do now?” Immune supporting supplements are great to take in between antibacterial therapies. They can fill the gap during the “off” cycles in the antibiotic rotation protocol.

I have found taking them together, on an empty stomach, before bed, works best for me.

I’ll be featuring more supplements of the month next month; stay tuned for another fantastic immune booster which top LLMD’s are actually using to boost the all-important CD-57 test results! What’s more, this supplement is over-the-counter and affordable… stay tuned!

DISCLAIMER: As usual, please remember that I’m not a doctor. This article is based on my own personal experiences and opinions. It is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult a physician before beginning any new supplements or treatments. 

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