Archive for May, 2010

Dairy and wheat

Linda’s comment’s:  Don’t you just love reporters who don’t have a clue??!!  This Gina Kolata has obviously NOT done her homework, but then again we have to look at who she works for.  Her comment that there are “Many who think they have food allergies actually do not”…. she doesn’t mention anything about “food sensitivities”?? My question IS?  Who paid for this article??  Would you think that the food industry had anything to do with this BS article?  I don’t know about you, but I take it as a grain of salt and investigate further what the NY Times puts in print. 
Eliminating dairy and wheat makes a proven difference in many illnesses so NY Times headline by Gina Kolata suggesting food allergies are rare will confuse our patients. Maybe we all need to clean up our language and tell people we are concerned about possible food intolerances.

People will only see this headline and their compliance with restricting foods will plummet. You need to know your patients will not have time to read the entire article where food intolerances are explained and where the technical fact that food allergy involves IMMUNE mediated reactions.

This is a disservice to our efforts to help our patient’s health using my FIGHT program. I repeat that patients can do everything, drink best food, raise organic food picked ripe from balanced soil, exercise, detox, etc, and yet sabotage their results by ignoring the need to avoid certain foods. I admit that it is difficult to identify all food intolerances and no test is perfect. But, irresponsible reporting to sell newspapers where the full story is not told does serious disservice to the millions whose health is being adversely impacted by a food they lack the enzymes to metabolize, like lactose intolerance, which admittedly is not a food allergy but clearly is adversely affected the health of millions.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

May 11, 2010
Doubt Is Cast on Many Reports of Food Allergies

Many who think they have food allergies actually do not.

A new report, commissioned by the federal government, finds the field is rife with poorly done studies, misdiagnoses and tests that can give misleading results.

While there is no doubt that people can be allergic to certain foods, with reproducible responses ranging from a rash to a severe life-threatening reaction, the true incidence of food allergies is only about 8 percent for children and less than 5 percent for adults, said Dr. Marc Riedl, an author of the new paper and an allergist and immunologist at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Yet about 30 percent of the population believe they have food allergies. And, Dr. Riedl said, about half the patients coming to his clinic because they had been told they had a food allergy did not really have one.

Dr. Riedl does not dismiss the seriousness of some people’s responses to foods. But, he says, “That accounts for a small percentage of what people term ‘food allergies.’ ”
Even people who had food allergies as children may not have them as adults. People often shed allergies, though no one knows why. And sometimes people develop food allergies as adults, again for unknown reasons.

For their report, Dr. Riedl and his colleagues reviewed all the papers they could find on food allergies published between January 1988 and September 2009 — more than 12,000 articles. In the end, only 72 met their criteria, which included having sufficient data for analysis and using more rigorous tests for allergic responses.

“Everyone has a different definition” of a food allergy, said Dr. Jennifer J. Schneider Chafen of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Palo Alto Health Care System in California and Stanford’s Center for Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research, who was the lead author of the new report. People who receive a diagnosis after one of the two tests most often used — pricking the skin and injecting a tiny amount of the suspect food and looking in blood for IgE antibodies, the type associated with allergies — have less than a 50 percent chance of actually having a food allergy, the investigators found.

One way to see such a reaction is with what is called a food challenge, giving people a suspect food disguised so they do not know if they are eating it or a placebo food. If the disguised food causes a reaction, the person has an allergy.

But in practice, most doctors are reluctant to use food challenges, Dr. Riedl said. They believe the test to be time consuming, and worry about asking people to consume a food, like peanuts, that can elicit a frightening response.

The paper, to be published Wednesday in The Journal of the American Medical Association, is part of a large project organized by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to try to impose order on the chaos of food allergy testing. An expert panel will provide guidelines defining food allergies and giving criteria to diagnose and manage patients. They hope to have a final draft by the end of June.

“We were approached as in a sense the honest broker who could get parties together to look at this question,” said Dr. Matthew J. Fenton, who oversees the guidelines project for the allergy institute.

Authors of the new report — and experts on the guidelines panel — say even accepted dogma, like the idea that breast-fed babies have fewer allergies or that babies should not eat certain foods like eggs for the first year of life, have little evidence behind them.
Part of the confusion is over what is a food allergy and what is a food intolerance, Dr. Fenton said. Allergies involve the immune system, while intolerances generally do not. For example, a headache from sulfites in wine is not a food allergy. It is an intolerance. The same is true for lactose intolerance, caused by the lack of an enzyme needed to digest sugar in milk.

And other medical conditions can make people think they have food allergies, Dr. Fenton said. For example, people sometimes interpret acid reflux symptoms after eating a particular food as an allergy.

The chairman of the guidelines project, Dr. Joshua Boyce, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard and an allergist and pediatric pulmonologist, said one of the biggest misconceptions some doctors and patients have is that a positive test for IgE antibodies to a food means a person is allergic to that food. It is not necessarily so, he said.

During development, he said, the immune system tends to react to certain food proteins, producing IgE antibodies. But, Dr. Boyce said, “these antibodies can be transient and even inconsequential.”

“There are plenty of individuals with IgE antibodies to various foods who don’t react to those foods at all,” Dr. Boyce said.

The higher the levels of IgE antibodies to a particular food, the greater the likelihood the person will react in an allergic way. But even then, the antibodies do not necessarily portend a severe reaction, Dr. Boyce said. Antibodies to some foods, like peanuts, are much more likely to produce a reaction than ones to other foods, like wheat or corn or rice. No one understands why.

The guidelines panel hopes its report will lead to new research as well as clarify the definition and testing for food allergies.

But for now, Dr. Fenton said, doctors should not use either the skin-prick test or the antibody test as the sole reason for thinking their patients have a food allergy.
“By themselves they are not sufficient,” Dr. Fenton said.

FIGHT protocol for heart disease

Linda’s comments: ********I have been on Dr Gordon’s FIGHT protocol for over 1 1/2 years now….best decision I have ever made in my 66 years…..FIGHT is also great for Lyme, Cancer and Autoimmune patient’s….I encourage you ALL to listen.  I have been very successful of dissolving bio-films with the FIGHT protocol…I also suggest that you go to and view (free) the FIGHT webinars….. 

I strongly support the need for early, non-invasive assessment of heart disease using advanced approach. You will detect disease more accurately than Angiogram and this is quick and painless so like an ECG you will repeat as needed to make sure your patient is reversing their heart disease using the protocol I have written for anyone wanting a better report on subsequent follow up repeat of the Multifunction Electrocardiogram.

Recently, I put together a comprehensive PROTOCOL for significant CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE detected non-invasively using equipment. I was contacted by a colleague who took my advice about the value of early detection of heart disease using the Multifunction Cardiogram developed by Dr Shen of This MCG analysis is the most accurate current means for detection of heart disease non-invasively. If all or you took the test, most of you will fail until you get on the program I have described here.

The doctor had a reading of 4.5 and if you get really bad you might even see a 6, which usually means that within a few months unless you do something you will have a serious heart attack. The good news is that every one of you can do as I have done, and my score is zero.

The test finds as little as a 40% obstruction painlessly but the device costs $35,000, as there is special equipment and you pay every time you use the test for the report you receive in a few hours. This will save lives, as you can reward every one by in improved score if they follow the program I described here for my colleague. Or you can just stay alive with Beyond Chelation-Improved but adding Boluoke would be advisable, as this was a dangerous reading.

Since you know over 90% of those over 40 have some disease it is nice to quantify that and then to improve it and that is why the program I have described here is so comprehensive.

I am dealing with an anti-aging doctor who does a lot yet seriously failed this test. That means we need reversal of heart disease and over time we can do lots of tests to help narrow our focus but without all the tests we could want, I have covered everything here so that the next repeat MCG test will be better  with no question.  


This is your personal path to survival and regenerative detoxification based Antiaging program based on my FIGHT program.

It would be good to scan your medical records and get me copies of as much as you can obtain so I know more about your blood tests results, medical history, toxin levels, even a hair test is useful and lets check out your hormone and lipid test results but in any event, I want you to ALWAYS stay on BC-I bid forever. It alone is NOT CURATIVE BUT PROTECTIVE.

Read the chapter from the book Miracle Heart Health secrets to refresh your memory but always know to search both your  FACT database  using your password and also search  topics on my website using search words like heart disease or EDTA or lead, etc.  

Here is a beginning program to be refined when I have a chance to see all lab tests etc for past few years and updated with things that ought to be done like Glutathione levels.  This will be amazing when I show you what this will lead to in antiaging medicine that others have no clue about how to raise to optimal levels. 

BC-I twice a day; use with or without food
Note: if working with a smaller person you may want to  start with the  full 9 pills just once a day for a few days, as some will have a little restlessness at night with the full pack taken too late in the day. This alone in my experience  is enough to eliminate over 90% of all fatal heart attacks or strokes but you never are allowed to  run out of it; think of it as Plavix or Coumadin, it is only protective  not curative.

Since you want to get better, and not just stay alive, we must add much of what I call my total Antiaging FIGHT program. You can spend time profitably on my website and see my PERSONAL SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM.  No one takes more than I do and over time you may need to do much of what I do, as you have to look really good over the coming years to make it clear you can help thousands of others stay healthy longer,

I will go into any detail about why you need to be on  each of  the following supplements, as the details can be found by putting the name of a product in the little search window on my website but when you spend the hours it takes to listen to my webinars, one hour each on food , infection, genetics, heavy metals, hormones, then toxins  then you will have the knowledge and in this convenient format you can redo these webinars and we supply you the PowerPoint or you can arrange to have them linked on your site, as they do promote the Longevity Products,  as no other company offers products  like  BC-I , ZEOGOLD, ACS, BioEn’R-G’y C.,  H.R.T Plus, etc. 

ZEOGOLD:  one a day for 1 week then 2 a day for 2 weeks then increase to tid.
Note: some will get bowel changes with some cleansing even a few will see diarrhea and may have to stay at one a day for a time.


BOLUOKE: two three times a day 30 min ac for 3 weeks
Then use just one tid always preferred 30 minutes or more before meals, continue that tid for a least 4-6 months IE until MGC is better then use one bid for at least another year.

You who want to travel the world and push your body hard  should learn to make my POWER DRINK: Use BIOENERGY C, at least 1 slight heaping tsp, never less than bid and increase when getting less sleep and more stress to  tid or qid.

I add my BEYOND FIBER and my ORGANIC GREEN and MACA powder so all four items then are referred to as my Power Drink.  Many can use it once a day,  you may want it bid;  and use just the same dose  a level tsp of all four ingredients. 

But since I do not use HGH  but want to avoid Sarcopenia I use the unique Tribulus, not in any other product, and Moomiyo and hypothalamus. which we call
BEYOND GHS: take THREE at HS. You will sleep deeper; it releases your own growth hormone and increases free testosterone  (as does the MACA in my power drink).

I use topical testosterone, Progesterone, Chrysin 150 5 200  (Abrams Royal Pharmacy, Dallas),  as explained on my website under my person program.
NOTE:  there are supplements that you need that  Longevity Plus does not carry at this time.

You will want to be on these supplements for years to come from:
ACIDOPHILUS  like PB 8 or Kyodophilus 
UBIQUINOL 100 mg  tid for 2 weeks then one daily for 6 months then just 50 daily ACETYL CARNITINE 250 mg  bid 
NAC  600 mg bid 
DHEA  50 mg a day
MELATONIN  3 mg nightly etc
IODINE – lugols  5  drops daily

If you are in Phoenix, plan to visit Longevity Plus  in Payson,  it is 90 minutes from the airport.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

From: Premier Heart
Denver, CO
June 12th-13th

We invite you to join us for a hands-on seminar that can mean a quantum shift in your practice’s effectiveness and income. Experience QRA breakthroughs and revisit the techniques to truly master the phenomenal effectiveness of this system.
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Matt Storey
Divisional Executive, International Sales Manager
(800) 325-7734 ext. 2505
mail to:

molecular markers for borrelia


Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, carried by Ixodes ticks, is one of the most significant human pathogens, causing Lyme disease. As there is no standardized PCR method for detection and identification of spirochaete DNA, we carried out a comparative analysis using a set of complementary primers for three regions in the genomic DNA of these bacteria (genes fla and rrs and the non-coding rrs–rrlA region). DNA extracted from 579 Ixodes ricinus ticks was subjected to nested PCR. DNA of the examined spirochaetes was detected in 43 (7.4 %) lysates when the fla gene was used as a molecular marker, in 7 (1.2 %) lysates when using primers complementary to the rrs gene, and in 12 (2.1 %) lysates using primers complementary to the non-coding rrs–rrlA sequence. RFLP analysis based on the fla gene helped identify species from the B. burgdorferi sensu lato complex (B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia valaisiana), detect co-infections, and also identify Borrelia miyamotoi. Therefore, the fla gene is the most sensitive and specific molecular marker for the detection and identification of Borrelia spirochaetes in I. ricinus.

meningitis vaccine

Linda’s comments….ok folks LISTEN UP and pay attention….Dr Gordon sent this post to his private health care professionals email group commenting on what Dr Mercola had sent to his newsletter lists….IT IS ALL TRUE…..I like the idea of organizing either patient office base, OR parents who are concerned….If you do organize a group make sure you research your STATE LAWS on vaccinations….also check the State Laws where your child will attend college.  It is time we ALL start taking a stand against being forced by the government and schools to take the toxic vaccines…..Personally I would NEVER advise anyone to take vaccines….my heart breaks for our military …they are forced and a large percentage of them become very sick and are a mess when discharged from the military….what is worse is our federal government DROPS THEM ON THEIR HEAD AND DON’T CARE……

We all need to stop the nonsense….take a stand….for groups of parents, groups in your neighborhoods, church and start making plans on how YOU are going to protect your families….enough is enough….TAKE A STAND TODAY…
Q: I would be very appreciative of professional advice regarding our 18 year old daughter who has to have a “mandatory” meningitis vaccine for admittance to college this September.  After reading all the material that Dr. Gordon has presented on the forum, many of us as parents and clinicians hesitate and fear both the vaccine demanded for admission and its side effects.  Thank you for your comments. 
signed by a parent….

Australia has finally recognized the direct link between flu vaccine and death. This is the kind of information you must get to your patients so they can stand up against the forces that will attack them for not vaccinating their children. The authorities saw enough convulsion and high fevers that they banned seasonal flu vaccines in children under 5.

Please stay fully informed on the latest developments in vaccine related facts as your credibility is on the line. Under the Vaccinations forum on FACT, you will find what the best things to do if you must be vaccinated, as well as forms and websites that will protect your child from “mandatory” requirements by schools.

A new book by Sherri Tenpenny is now available so in one affordable up to date fully referenced material you will be able to arm your patients with the facts they must have when their neighbor refuses to let their vaccinated children play with their unvaccinated child (see : to order). Continued

Dissemination of Mycobacteria to the Thymus


The ability of the thymus to generate a population of T cells that is, for the most part, self-restricted and self-tolerant depends to a great extent on the Ags encountered during differentiation. We recently showed that mycobacteria disseminate to the thymus, which raised the questions of how mycobacteria within the thymus influence T cell differentiation and whether such an effect impacts host-pathogen interactions. Athymic nude mice were reconstituted with thymic grafts from Mycobacterium avium-infected or control noninfected donors. T cells generated from thymi of infected donors seemed generally normal, because they retained the ability to reconstitute the periphery and to respond to unspecific stimuli in vitro as well as to antigenic stimulation with third-party Ags, such as OVA, upon in vivo immunization. However, these cells were unable to mount a protective immune response against a challenge with M. avium. The observation that thymic infection interferes with T cell differentiation, generating T cells that are tolerant to pathogen-specific Ags, is of relevance to understand the immune response during chronic persistent infections. In addition, it has potential implications for the repertoire of T cells generated in patients with a mycobacterial infection recovering from severe lymphopenia, such as patients coinfected with HIV and receiving antiretroviral therapy.

Rule on Lead Safety Set to Take Effect

Dr. Gordon’s comments:

LEAD is again being recognized for the persistent danger it represents.

No one dares discuss the levels of lead we are born with being 1000 times higher than just 400 years ago or the proven fact that is DOES REAL HARM, as the higher it is the more heart attacks there are and the sooner you develop cataracts. All found in studies from Harvard and CDC that everyone has this massive load of lead in bones when we are born and it just gets worse every time we breath, as particulates in the air from coal burning as far away as China are giving us Lead and Mercury.

Somehow, this does not make anyone excited, as statins are so much easier to focus on and what your cholesterol level is fits our 5-7 minute office visit demands. Yet statements like this are regularly appearing in newspapers like the New York Times that reminds some of us that Ritalin deficiency is not the correct diagnosis. Of course this extends to Autism, Dementia and all causes of morbidity and mortality and bones take adults 15 years to remodel and no chelator gets it out faster, as only soft tissue stores are readily chelatable.

So bone lead must come out slowly by pushing out more lead each day than we take in by living, breathing, drinking, and eating by using oral chelators and fiber and high dose ascorbic acid and properly designed Zeolite products daily for life.

Of course anyone who is pregnant today is pushing the lead from their body into the fetus. So no where on planet earth is anyone born without their 1000 times elevation of bone lead, which at menopause slowly is released, as bone loss occurs leading to Hypertension, Fatigue, Dementia, etc. So this EPA regulation is too little too late but better than nothing, as some may learn that getting the lead out is a worthwhile activity.

Here it is in the NY TIMES and similar information is seen all the time but it all misses the mark by a mile!!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


After almost two decades of delays, the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday that it was on track to implement a regulation requiring the construction industry to help prevent cases of lead poisoning among children.
The agency said it expected more than 125,000 renovation and remodeling contractors to be trained and certified in lead-safe work practices by April 22, when the new regulation takes effect.

Under the rule, workers would have to take steps like containing their work area with plastic and conducting a thorough cleanup of lead paint dust stirred up during construction activity, which federal officials say is partly to blame for about 120,000 cases of elevated lead levels in children younger than 6 each year. Congress passed legislation in 1992 directing the E.P.A. to propose the regulation, but the agency did not finish the rule until 2008, after environmental and public interest groups filed a lawsuit to pressure the agency to issue it.  Some environmental groups are now pushing to make the rule tougher, while builders are warning their clients that it will inevitably increase construction costs. The rule applies to work performed in homes and buildings occupied by children, including schools and day care centers built before lead paint was banned in 1978.  E.P.A. officials said on Thursday that with a housing stock of about 38 million units that are potentially affected by the rule, they expect it to produce results. 

Bacterial Lipoproteins – Inflammatory to the Brain


The current view is that bacteria need to enter the brain to
cause inflammation.
However, in mice infected with the spirochete Borrelia turicatae,
we observed widespread cerebral inflammation despite a paucity of
spirochetes in the brain parenchyma at times of high bacteremia.
Here we studied the possibility that bacterial lipoproteins may
be capable of disseminating from the periphery across the
blood-brain barrier to inflame the brain. For this we injected
normal and infected mice intraperitoneally with
lanthanide-labeled variable outer membrane lipoproteins of B.
turicatae and measured their localization in blood, various
peripheral organs, and whole and capillary-depleted brain protein
extracts at various times. Lanthanide-labeled nonlipidated
lipoproteins of B. turicatae and mouse albumin were used as
controls. Brain inflammation was measured by TaqMan RT-PCR
amplification of genes known to be up-regulated in response to
borrelial infection.  

Rapid detection,of Bartonella species using PCR


A gram-negative, rod-shaped microorganism was detected in a
69-year-old man suffering from chronic back pain but otherwise
exhibiting no signs of infection.
The bacterium could not be identified using any routine
diagnostic modality. A research use only application utilizing
PCR and Mass Spectrometry was performed on nucleic acid extracted
from the tissue sample. These studies resulted in the implication
of Bartonella quintana as the underlying cause of the infection.
quintana is not a well-known cause of an abdominal aortic mycotic
aneurysm. This article will discuss the B. quintana infection,
its diagnosis and treatment, and reinforce the potential of B.
quintana as a possible etiology in mycotic aneurysms that show no
apparent indications of infection. It will also explore the
potential use of polymerase chain reaction detected by
electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (PCR/ESI-MS) to help
identify B. quintana in a situation where other conventional
methods prove non-informative.

Lone star ticks highly infected with rickettsia


A quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay to detect and quantify a portion of the outer membrane protein B gene (ompB) of Rickettsia amblyommii was employed to assess the threat of R. amblyommii exposure to humans parasitized by Amblyomma americanum (the lone star tick).

A total of 72 pools of lone star ticks removed from humans were acquired from two collections and used in this study: 44 pools of A. americanum submitted to the Department of Defense Human Tick Test Kit Program in 2003 collected from 220 individuals from 14 states, and 28 pools of A. americanum representing 120 ticks obtained from boy scouts and adult leaders at the Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree held at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, in 2005.

Of the 72 lone star tick pools representing 340 lone star ticks, 58 pools (80.5%) were positive for R. amblyommii. In addition, individual A. americanum ticks parasitizing humans collected as part of the Department of Defense Human Tick Test Kit Program in 2002 and 2003 from 17 states were evaluated. It was found that 244 of 367 (66.5%) individual A. americanum ticks tested positive for the presence of R. amblyommii DNA. These results clearly show that lone star ticks parasitizing humans are highly infected with R. amblyommii, which may potentiate rickettsial infection of and possibly disease in humans.

The BatR/BatS two component regulatory system


Here we report the first comprehensive study of B. henselae gene
expression during infection of human endothelial cells.
Expression of the main cluster of up-regulated genes, comprising
the VirB Type IV secretion system and its secreted protein
substrates, is shown to be under the positive control of the
transcriptional regulator BatR. We demonstrate binding of BatR to
the promoters of the virB operon and a substrate-encoding gene,
and provide biochemical evidence that BatR and BatS constitute a
functional two component regulatory system. Moreover, in contrast
to the acid-inducible (pH5.5) homolog ChvG/ChvI of Agrobacterium
tumefaciens, BatR/BatS is optimally activated at the
physiological pH of blood (pH7.4). By conservation analysis of
the BatR regulon, we show that BatR/BatS is uniquely adapted to
up-regulate a genus-specific virulence regulon during hemotropic
infection in mammals. Thus we propose that BatR/BatS
two-component system homologs represent vertically inherited pH
sensors that control the expression of horizontally transmitted
gene sets critical for the diverse host-associated life-styles of
the alpha-proteobacteria.