Archive for January, 2013

Dr. Gordon on Heavy Metals

This alarming report tells you that people are increasingly poisoned worldwide by heavy metal pollution.

I cannot fix what is going on but at least I can continue to ask you all to go to my and review even briefly the 507 published papers on oral chelation and heavy metal detoxification. The lead battery plants should not be allowed to operate without providing oral EDTA to keep blood lead levels down!

Somehow the lies about oral EDTA do not stop. Some pretend it is a waste of time; others claim it must be stuck in the rectum to work, utter falsehood countered with the published lead levels in urine and blood studies on my website. Others claim it is poorly tolerated, yet everyone taking Beyond Chelation-Improved packets twice a day receives 800 mg EVERY DAY and I have been on this for well over 20 years. But, with increasing pollution, I prefer to take more oral EDTA and suggest many can work up slowly to 3000 mg, which is about one level teaspoon of powdered EDTA.

Of course EDTA is not a cure all. Those relying on just oral EDTA are getting a very cost effective benefit but preventing heart attacks requires the blood thinning effect from the all natural heparin like action found only in Essential Daily Defense.

And with all the dangerous food I eat since I do not have the luxury in my extensive travel schedule lecturing around the world to live organically, I have to rely on zeolite and the greens found in Organic Greens from Longevity Plus and the never less than 1 slightly heaping teaspoonful of BioEn’R-G’y C twice a day providing my minimum intake of 8 gram of vitamin C along with one-two capsules of Zeogold twice a day.

Read the attached newspaper report from one country that has proven what is really happening world-wide today, as we pollute our planet more and more.


Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

I found this news in one of Nigerians Newspaper and I thought i spread the word


Abraham O Kowo

Happy New Year!

Whatever you think you know about mercury toxicity is about to be expanded ten fold. Thanks for learning all this. I have emphasized LEAD because it has been more widely studied and, of course, lead makes mercury far more toxic. I have a proven lifetime proposal to deal with the 1000 fold increase in bone lead we find in everyone born today vs. 700 years ago.

Now you will have the facts on mercury and may be more interested then in why I find zeolite so useful, as it is known to help detox mercury, as well as many organic toxins we all carry. I hope to be protected with my 8-12 grams of BioEn-R’G-y C every day and my Power Drink and the Beyond Chelation Improved packet of 9 pills twice a day along with Zeogold twice a day.

I hope this new information helps you motivate yourself and loved ones, as well as patients, to stay on a real lifetime detox program.


Dr. Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

From: R S

A wonderfully informative site on all aspects of Hg…Especially see the section “The Problem With Mercury”