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Lumbrokinase Research Update 2013 October

Microvascular impairment is a key factor in the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Currently conventional treatment towards DPN is often less than satisfactory, leaving many DPN patients in agony and poor quality of life.
Lumbrokinase is excellent in restoring circulatory health, including microcirculation. The attached file shows that lumbrokinase was statistically better than B12 injections in improving peripheral neuropathy, muscle tone, and deep tendon reflex (P<0.01).
The study did not specify the product name of the particular lumbrokinase. However, the dosage of 460mg TID matches one of the lumbrokinase brand approved in China, and each 230mg contains 300,000 lumbrokinase units. (Whereas 20mg of Boluoke already contains 300,000 lumbrokinase units)
Now, imagine how much better your results will be if you add Boluoke to your DPN protocol!

See attached for more news on Lumbrokinase

Dear Practitioners:

ATTACHMENT: LumbroTxPrimaryHypertension2007

Can lumbrokinase be used for primary hypertension?  It appears so!  This paper shows that lumbrokinase can be an effective treatment for primary hypertension in about 50% of people. We believe that those who responded to lumbrokinase likely had increased peripheral resistance secondary to hypercoagulation. The lumbrokinse used in the study was a lower potency lumbrokinase. Maybe a high potency lumbrokinase, like Boluoke, would have a better efficacy?!
So, should lumbrokinase be used for treating hypertension? The answer if YES if the patient has other cardiovascular risk factors or has a cardiovascular history; namely a high-risk patient. However, for those with simple primary hypertension without other risk factors, lumbrokinase may not be the best choice or first choice; dietary and lifestyle changes would likely be more important (they are always important!).

One side note: We’ve had anecdotal reports of patients with labile hypertension and uncontrolled hypertension responding to Boluoke. Boluoke stabilized the BP and saved those patients from having to make frequent trips to the ER.
We hope you’ve had a nice and refreshing summer!
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Canada RNA Biochemical Inc.

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Lumbrokinase Study

lumbrokinase-study-2 Very important

Clinical Observation of Using Baiao Lumbrokinase in the Treatment of Central 
Retinal Vein Occlusion. Capital Medicine, 1999, 6(2): 51
Jian Qiang Zhang, Chong Hua Jin 
Beijing Tiantan Hospital (100050)


The Efficacy of Lumbrokinase in the Prevention and Treatment of Ischemic Stroke


Boluoke Phase III Summary Files

Download Here:

The effects of lumbrokinase treatment in diabetes mellitus patients with microcirculation impairment

Link to PDF:

Boluoke Lumbrokinase Study