Comments on: How Ticks Transmit Lyme Disease to Humans Linda Heming describes her Lyme disease healing journey Sun, 07 Jan 2018 20:27:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: LymeAngl Thu, 26 Nov 2009 05:25:40 +0000 THANK YOU Dr Jordan….I totally agree. I’m the type that never has and never will take ANY vacines. I personally am an advocate against “any” vaccine. I’m not sure that the first case of Lyme back in 2003 was not caused from the Polio vaccinesI received as a child. I was 8 yrs (1953) and the first case of Poilo diagnosed in my county in Illinois. Of course they began shoving the polio vaccine.

I’ve been on the FIGHT program for ovr a year now and I only wish I had known about it, during the first Lyme infection. I don’t do antibiotics and have beaten 5 Cancers with 2 Lyme infections all alternatively.

I’m driven to bring education and awareness to all who will listen.


By: Dr. Patricia Jordan Mon, 23 Nov 2009 14:13:40 +0000 I just wanted to let you know that there is another way that Lyme Disease patholgoy can be transmitted and that is through vaccines. I have found while researching for the book, MARK OF THE BEAST HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT that the use of Lymerix vaccine when it was available and the use of the canine lyme vaccines all wer able to confer the same dis ease patholgoy associated with actual Lyme Disease. Now, there is substantial proof that the antigen in the vaccines is able to cause the reaction between immune cells of the body and the antigen (immunopathology) that is essentially no difference than the disease itself.So, if any vaccine say for the flu contains the antig of Lyme vaccine (unintentional cross over) than the disease can be set up in the body the same way as if the actual infection took place. Autoantibodies to Vit E or nerve tissue, (autoantibodies are only produced in vaccinated individuals) go on to produce autoimmune disease. Vit B 12 (cobalamine) is compromised in vaccinated indivuals and so both Vit E and Vit B 12 are important supplements for vaccine damaged individuals exhibitng any form of neuropathy. Vaccines are certainly not the golden chalic of immunity we were all lead to believe, rather they are indeed the vector to just about all internal medicine cases we now experience including cancer, atuoimmune disease, asthma, allergies. The important thing to realize is that any vaccine, any vaccine at all can set up the auto destruction of your body. I certainly hope that those in the North east are not receving vaccines of any type contaminated with Lyme antigen.Don’t blame it all on the ticks.
Dr. Jordan
