Andrew Wakefield – F.I.G.H.T for your health! Linda Heming describes her Lyme disease healing journey Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New study says: Autism NOT Genetic Tue, 02 Aug 2011 06:11:34 +0000 Linda’s Comments: This destroys the “expert” standing of so many autism so-called experts so do not expect overnight acceptance of the environment causation, which to anyone not involved in genetic research will find is clearly the logical explanation for not just autism but the fact that in USA one in four in school today are on drug therapy for some condition, diebetes, asthma, mental issues including depression adhd, obsessive compulsive and so on. 

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

This is a bombshell! Autism genetic causation with millions of dollars invested in this wrong direction is all but dead when the world reads the attached in-depth report.

Of course, erroneous ideas hang around in medicine for years, as there is so much money involved in sticking with out-moded concepts. This destroys the “expert” standing of so many autism so-called experts so do not expect overnight acceptance of the environment causation, which to anyone not involved in genetic research will find is clearly the logical explanation for not just autism but the fact that in USA one in four in school today are on drug therapy for some condition, diebetes, asthma, mental issues including depression adhd, obsessive compulsive and so on. 

This latest large study moves the pendulum away from genetic causation back to environment!! This study is carefully reported here in all detail so if you are involved in autism please read the attached in its entirety, as there are important details you will want to express accurately if you are advising patients or teaching.

I have always known that what Andrew Wakefield reported on, see his website and book Callous Disregard, had merit (IE MMR triggered autism in what had seemed to be normal children up until then). I have dealt with many of these families and attended numerous conferences

However, things are not always simple A + B = C and Thiomersal may not be acting alone and there are these Epigenetic issues we know are happening when substances like Bisphenol A impair methylation, as Randy Jirtle at Duke has documented in Agouti mice. Then the issue becomes one of what are the contributing environmental toxins and they may well vary from case to case. Then when you try to study which nutrient deficiencies are contributing to the autism spectrum, you have issue including D, Magnesium etc and now issues around the need for methylation support in order to better handle the load of toxins found in every child’s cord blood (see Ten Americans at 

Then the bomb shell of cerebral folate deficiency now reported in NEJM last week where we find that some antigen is blocking the folate receptors in brain and the only hint of nutrient deficiency was documented only in cerebral spinal fluid. Now we have many potential culprits for this new autoimmune disease of the folate receptor – milk protein or whatever you want to implicate to help explain why the folate receptor in brain are blocked and cannot take up folic acid unless in the form of Folinic acid or 5’MTHF and apparently needed by some in significant orthomolecular levels.

Now we have the time line of events and a turning point in the disease was 1988, which we now find is when vaccine manufacturers turned away from egg and incorporated aborted fetal tissue for vaccine production. 

WILL someone ever make sense of all this so that we can stop this epidemic? 

I vote for anyone wanting a healthy baby to start a one or two year aggressive detox program for prospective mom and dad along the lines I advocate with oral chelation including my Power Drink with ZeoGold added along with regular exercise and some sauna exposure to enhance sweating, as a minimum.

Then hopefully start a boycott of all vaccines made on aborted fetal tissue that includes 24 of them today. That would be nice but since that in some countries is met with jail terms and a gun pointed at the prospective recipient of the vaccine, maybe we have to settle for now with trying to decrease the number of adverse outcomes by at minimum using aggressive Vitamin C based oral program. That means using a minimum of one gram per 10# of weight or roughly for year of age, as one program to try to diminish the clear risk I see in associated with current vaccine use in a world population whose immune system is compromised from birth with over 220 known toxins including an average of over 1000 times more lead in tissues than was present 700 years ago (see Cal Tech, Clair Patterson). 

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



For over two decades now, so-called “autism experts” have been claiming that autism is more than 90% caused by genes. The influence of these claims on autism policy and research funding is hard to overstate. But few realize that the basis of these claims hangs on a fragile evidence base: two small twin studies–one from Great Britain, the other from Scandinavia–that reported high rates of concordance for autism among identical twins and no concordance at all among fraternal twins. Last week, the largest and most rigorous twin study ever conducted, the California Autism Twin Study (CATS) reported contradictory new evidence that struck a devastating blow to these claims. The CATS identical twins had lower and the fraternal twins higher concordance rates than past studies, a striking finding that suggests that instead of being highly heritable, the vast majority of autism cases stem from environmental causes.

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V Vitamin C and Swine Flu success stories (with comments from Linda and Dr. Gordon) Wed, 22 Sep 2010 17:05:04 +0000 Linda’s comment: 

IV Vitamin C will also work on West Nile Virus.  I have suggested that ALL of my readers stock up your medicine cabinets with BioEn’R-Gy and ACS200ppm.  I know Dr Ber personally and he saved 20 plus people one year from West Nile Virus.  It is tough to get the allopathic docs to open up their eyes and step outside of the box.

Dr. Gordon’s Comment:

IV Vitamin C is now proven effective against Swine Flu but why not also have the best tolerated oral form of  vitamin C available anywhere on hand, BioEn’R-G’y, in your patients homes along with the most powerful colloidal silver  available anywhere, ACS 200.  Nothing compares to the proven killing power of ACS 200.   

Let’s keep both products in the home of your patients and let them know you are available to also give IV Vitamin C that is proven to work.  But since sometimes people get ill when there is no way to get an IV, let’s all be prepared.

Dr Abe Ber MD (H.) also has a well documented case of Swine flu in a very sick young girl recently.  He treated her just once with 50 GM of IV Vitamin C.  Three days later she was back in school!

We all know that this Swine Flu story is being used to frighten people. Yet compared to normal death rates from regular flu, all the fuss makes no sense. It appears now to primarily be just a scheme to foist a useless and clearly dangerous $1 billion worth of untested Swine Flu vaccine on the public, as it would be a shame to just throw it away and poison some area of the earth with all the mercury and other toxins in it.

By pretending that flu vaccines work better than Vitamin C, and in the name of possible saving a couple of lives, the authorities are willing to chance doing irreparable harm to thousands of us. This is done with no real warning to all of those unsuspecting and trusting people. The NBC special on Andrew Wakefield research on vaccine danger was another whitewash that refused to tell the truth about his documentation about the autism connection to vaccines. 

Vitamin C in high enough doses will provide all the protection needed by 99% of the population without any of the risks associated with the use of vaccines. But since not everyone can get an IV Vitamin C when they need it we need to help our patients to be prepared at home with ACS 200 and a couple bottles of BIOEN’R-G’Y C. 

Fortunately BIOEN’R-G’Y C is so well tolerated that most can take 20 grams a day by mouth with minimal increase in stools and probable high levels in urine testing ( see Bright spot) so that clearly they are  going to recover in far less time than anyone not getting aggressive well tolerated form of  oral vitamin C.  

We now have another slight piece of incorrect information do deal with.  Dr Mercola, my friend, has warned the public against using colloidal silver!  He says it might work but he feels it is a heavy metal so you might have to take some heavy metal treatment in your life. But with the zeolite we all need to deal with our mercury and lead exposures this is not a serious situation. In fact, the evidence is persuasive that silver is a conditionally essential nutrient and not a toxic heavy metal at all.

But unfortunately he then assumes that the normal healing or cleansing Herxheimer reactions that some patients have reported when they have a massive  die off of their infections,  is or might be a  a “cytokine storm”  that could hurt the lungs and might even kill you.  Yes, everything we do has a benefit and a risk but here the proven benefits of ACS handling every infection it has ever been tested against clearly would be a very strong benefit against a risk that has never been reported anywhere in the world in the humans and animals receiving it for many years now.

I feel that this statement is just an unsupportable supposition that I know when Dr Mercola realizes how many can die without an effective alternative like BIOEN’R-G’Y C or ACS 200, he will correct his position. 100,000 die each year of antibiotic resistant infections and silver and vitamin C could save most.

ACS silver successfully kills all viruses and lab reports found on prove that ACS 200 is 240 times more effective against Staph Aureus than ASAP, one of the most heavily promoted silver products on the market and 20 times more effective against Candida than ASAP.

Dr Tom LEVY MD, expert in the treatment of infections with Vitamin C has provided additional valuable information here about the use of IV Vitamin C in swine flu.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute 

Full article:



I would like to submit a case report of a nearly terminal case of swine flu completely cured in short order by vitamin C. The doctors in the FACT group are very aware individuals, and they collectively have many brilliant and innovative ways to approach treating their patients. However, I want to make it clear that adequately dosed vitamin C, to my knowledge, has never failed to cure an acute viral syndrome. Specifically, all these doctors should now realized that H1N1, the swine flu virus, while perhaps proving to be more potent than a host of other flu viruses, need not be a feared bogeyman with vitamin C in their arsenal.

While I intend to assemble a more substantial case report from the hospital chart in the future, here are the words of my colleague in New Zealand, John Appleton:

“The short story is:

Waikato farmer goes to Fiji for holiday
Starts developing flu like symptoms–decides to tough it out
Arrives back in NZ very sick–swine flu
Tauranga Hospital not able to treat him (what was not known at the time is that he has leukemia–he didn’t know either)
Sent him to Auckland Hospital–continues to deteriorate–Tamiflu–antibiotics etc. (usual stuff)
Brother-in-law (knows a bit about vitamin C) contacts Thomas Levy in the US who refers him to me
I provided a lot of info on vitamin C etc and referred family to CAM (Centre for Advanced Medicine) in Auckland
Family pushes to get him some IVC–hospital refuses
CAM doctors encourages hospital then to try vitamin C
Patient deteriorates further and is on life support–family told nothing more can be done and life support will be switched off on Monday. Lungs not functioning.
Family says NO–until everything has been tried–they won’t agree to life support being ‘switched off’.

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