arthritis – F.I.G.H.T for your health! Linda Heming describes her Lyme disease healing journey Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GMO foods Mon, 01 Oct 2012 23:29:21 +0000 Linda’s comments:  WE MUST STOP GMO FOOD PRODUCTION….OR AT LEAST LABEL FOODS THAT CONTAIN GMO….the industry knows if they label, people will not buy, except for the “sheeple”….protect your families and especially your children….JUST SAY NO TO GMO….

Monsanto GMO foods are causing symptoms like allergies, asthma, weight problems, serious digestive disorders, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and anxiety. By just eliminating all GMO foods some of these issues to responded.

I somehow feel that in the future we will need community gardens or some way to affordable get real food for people again. Just look at Mark Hyman’s wildly successful weight loss and improved glucose control etc. in people if they stop all wheat and dairy.

Now, in addition, Russell Blaylock’s current news letter reports that dairy, particularly skim milk, is the biggest risk factor for prostate cancer. What have we done to our food supply?


Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


From: David Ponsonby

Dramatic Health Recoveries Reported By Patients Who Took Their Doctor’s Advice and Stopped Using GMO Foods
by Jeffrey M. Smith

Are genetically modified (GM) foods making you sick – I mean really sick? Up until recently, all that we could say was thank goodness you’re not a lab rat; GM feed messes them up big time. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) appear to trigger the immune systems of both mice and rats as if they were under attack. In addition, the gastrointestinal system is adversely affected, animals age more quickly, and vital organs are damaged.

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Untreated Lyme: A Case Tue, 11 Jan 2011 05:50:08 +0000 Link:


Background A 71-year-old woman presented to a rheumatologist with what she
believed to be a 2-year history of Lyme disease, progressing from erythema
migrans to Lyme arthritis.Investigations History, physical examination and
serologic testing confirmed the diagnosis of Lyme disease.Diagnosis Lyme
disease.Management The patient refused antibiotic therapy during the first 2
years of her illness. During the next 2 years, she consulted a
rheumatologist, but declined antibiotic therapy. She continued to have
recurrent episodes of arthritis, following which she was successfully
treated with doxycycline, given initially for 2 weeks, with a second, 4-week
cycle administered 2 months later.
This case illustrates the natural history of untreated Lyme disease, which
is rarely observed in most patients since diagnosis almost always leads to
successful antibiotic treatment. Furthermore, this case also demonstrates
that infection with Borrelia burgdorferi can persist for years in untreated
patients; however, antibiotic therapy is still likely to be effective,
despite long-term infection.

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Curcumin: the Indian solid gold Thu, 02 Sep 2010 05:05:56 +0000 Cancer therapies should include high quality absorbable curcumin, as it provides the same effects as standard chemo does!

Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus has a potential against various malignant diseases, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other chronic illnesses.

These effects are mediated through the regulation of various transcription factors, growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, protein kinesis, and other enzymes. Curcumin exhibits activities similar to recently discovered tumor necrosis factor blockers (e.g., HUMIRA, REMICADE, and ENBREL), a vascular endothelial cell growth factor blocker (e.g., AVASTIN), human epidermal growth factor receptor blockers (e.g., ERBITUX, ERLOTINIB, and GEFTINIB), and a HER2 blocker (e.g., HERCEPTIN).

Considering the recent scientific bandwagon that multi-targeted therapy is better than mono-targeted therapy for most diseases, curcumin can be considered an ideal “Spice for Life”.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


Turmeric, derived from the plant Curcuma longa, is a gold-colored spice commonly used in the Indian subcontinent, not only for health care but also for the preservation of food and as a yellow dye for textiles. Curcumin, which gives the yellow color to turmeric, was first isolated almost two centuries ago, and its structure as diferuloylmethane was determined in 1910. Since the time of Ayurveda (1900 Bc) numerous therapeutic activities have been assigned to turmeric for a wide variety of diseases and conditions, including those of the skin, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal systems, aches, pains, wounds, sprains, and liver disorders. Extensive research within the last half century has proven that most of these activities, once associated with turmeric, are due to curcumin. Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus has a potential against various malignant diseases, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other chronic illnesses. These effects are mediated through the regulation of various transcription factors, growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, protein kinases, and other enzymes. Curcumin exhibits activities similar to recently discovered tumor necrosis factor blockers (e.g., HUMIRA, REMICADE, and ENBREL), a vascular endothelial cell growth factor blocker (e.g., AVASTIN), human epidermal growth factor receptor blockers (e.g., ERBITUX, ERLOTINIB, and GEFTINIB), and a HER2 blocker (e.g., HERCEPTIN). Considering the recent scientific bandwagon that multitargeted therapy is better than monotargeted therapy for most diseases, curcumin can be considered an ideal “Spice for Life”.

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Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer Mon, 09 Aug 2010 06:21:56 +0000 Our colleague, Dr Simon Yu, board certified internist in St Louis has written a new book that you must own if you wish be in the know on energy medicine and EAV. Accidental Cure is a must own book. The information it contains might just save your life or the life of a loved one.

This book is new this year and it will enable you to utilize information from biological medicine accurately and affordably. I hope you also subscribe to EXPLORE, the digital on line version that covers all the biological medicine you never hear about in  USA, but with Dr YU’s book you will know how to practice this advanced energy based medicine.

This book makes the use of homeopathic and energy medicine totally understandable with his succinct explanation of the new physics on which all of this is based. It will cause you to be much more aware of one more commonly overlooked contributor to your patient’s complex symptoms, parasites, and the EAV method of determining which parasite your patient has. We know that standard stool tests in the best labs only identify a fraction of what is there without multiple repeated testing using aggressive stool collection.

I urge you to check out his websites and I attach a couple of statements from his website here to convince you to get his book and learn much more about EAV testing, parasites etc.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


“Think differently! We must correct the underlying problems that cause our illnesses.
Only by doing so, will our bodies correct themselves and return to optimal health.”
Simon Yu, M.D.

Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer

Prevention and Healing clinic integrates traditional internal medicine with Alternative and Complementary medicine for the management of chronic illness when conventional approaches alone have failed.

“My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so bad?”

New environments bring new health problems. Conventional medical treatments never deal with the reasons why illnesses exist. They frequently create new health problems as side effects in their attempts to treat symptoms.

Modern medicine has been very successful in dealing with many serious infectious diseases and acute medical problems, but now we are facing greater challenges.

We are dealing with chronic illnesses based on their symptoms such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Allergies, Hypoglycemia, Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Attention Deficit and Memory Loss, and later diagnosed with Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, and many others.

If you’re suffering from a chronic and incurable disease, have been diagnosed with “medically unexplained symptoms (MUS)” and labeled as a weird, difficult or extreme patient, there is hope for you. Think outside of MUS head! Your medical problems may not be what you think or what you have been told or diagnosed.

Think hidden parasite infection, food allergies, environmental toxicities from heavy metals and chemical exposures, dental infection, diet and nutrition, unresolved emotional conflict and the need for detoxifications. Accidental Cure, the book, will explain my approach to an individualized evaluation based on your unique biological terrain, bio-cybernetic matrix, and bio-energetic, acupuncture meridian assessment.

You may go to my web site for numerous articles. To be informed of the book’s release, you can sign up for my newsletter through my web site. You’ll be able to purchase the book from my web site or from in the spring of 2010. Beware and be warned! To some, this book will seem like it’s just full of crock pot ideas on alternative/complementary medicine. To others, it feels like a sigh of relief, an accidental discovery of an oasis in a desert.

Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories visit his web site at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc.,  314-432-7802  314-432-7802 . You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Yu on Alternative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Please call to verify the date and reserve your space.
Simon Yu, M.D.

Prevention and Healing, Inc.
10908 Schuetz Road
St. Louis, MO 63146
314-432-7802  314-432-7802

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Opinion: A Health Epidemic That’s Going Largely Unnoticed Sat, 12 Jun 2010 06:34:44 +0000 Excerpt:

Connie Bennett

Special to AOL News

(May 28) — We’re in the midst of a terrifying epidemic, although you wouldn’t know it to talk to most doctors and health specialists.

The disease is growing at a rate faster than AIDS. From 2006 to 2008 alone, the number of cases jumped a whopping 77 percent. In 2008 alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed 28,921 “confirmed” and 6,277 “probable” cases of the disease, but there could be as many as 420,000 because of underreporting.

Prominent victims include Parker Posey, Richard Gere, President George W. Bush, Alice Walker and Christie Brinkley.

If any other disease had stricken so many people, the medical community would be scurrying for knowledge, scrambling for cures or rushing to warn patients (think swine flu).

But that’s not the case with Lyme disease — a disease carried by ticks.

Instead, ill-informed doctors are often flummoxed when patients complain of fatigue, headaches, fever or chills, muscle or joint pain, mental confusion, swollen lymph nodes and neurological symptoms. It’s an appalling display of indifference.

As Lyme Disease Awareness Month comes to a close and Memorial Day travelers flock to grassy, tick-infested holiday spots across America, vacationers and physicians alike need to be on the alert for freckle-sized menaces that are responsible for the fastest-growing, most misdiagnosed infectious disease in the country. The CDC has a map that shows where the ticks are most prevalent.

For my part, I was lucky because my smart nutritionist friend, JJ Virgin, immediately grew suspicious when, almost overnight, I became an exhausted, headache-ridden, nightmare-plagued, memory-challenged zombie suffering from vertigo, sleeping problems, swollen glands, achy eyes, sensitivity to light and noise, fever, chills and a sore neck.

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The pain of Bartonella Thu, 10 Jun 2010 05:28:02 +0000  

Linda’s comments: Amazing how animals get better research and treatments than humans!!??  God Bless Dr Breitschwerft for his research …… He found “first time documented evidence that the pathogen may have been passed between family members.”  What Lida Mattman said all alone.  Then they say ,”At least 26 strains of Bartonella have been named worldwide, and the list is growing.”…..  AGAIN, a VET finds out with his continued research how deadly Bartonella can be.  This statement/quote ” Dr. Michael Kosoy, who heads the Bartonella laboratory for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, Colo., said scientists are only beginning to build evidence that Bartonella infections may be more common than previously thought.” WHAT, NOW the CDC is admitting that Bartonella exists??  WOW….unbelievable….Perhaps all the pressure the Lymies are putting on research, IDSA and doctors is working….

At any rate, THANK GOD this is coming to the public….there is hope folks…..we just can’t give up the FIGHT….which brings me to the Dr Garry Gordon FIGHT protocol…..I have been on it for 1 1/2 years and IT WORKS….Lyme and the co-infections do NOT have a chance if you are on the FIGHT protocol….getting control and cleaning out the total body burden of pathogens and toxins in our bodies only helps to speed along our wellness journeys…..
Staff Writer

A bacterial infection typically spread by fleas, lice and biting flies could be more prevalent than many think, and may have been transmitted from a mother to her children at birth, scientists from N.C. State University say.

Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt, an infectious disease veterinarian and one of the world’s leading researchers of bacteria called Bartonella, has for the first time documented evidence that the pathogen may have been passed between family members.

Although more studies are needed to back up his findings, Breitschwerdt and colleagues describe the case of a mother and father who began battling chronic aches, fatigues and other symptoms soon after they were married. When their twins were born in 1998, the daughter died after nine days from a heart defect, and the son developed chronic health problems.

Using tissue from the daughter’s autopsy and blood from the surviving family members, Breitschwerdt’s team discovered that the entire family was infected with the same species of Bartonella bacteria, despite having no shared exposures to flea or lice infestations. Bartonella is known to causes such illnesses as trench fever and cat scratch disease, and it is increasingly suspected of triggering a variety of aches and inflammations that doctors have been unable to diagnose.

“I think we have stumbled across something that is of monumental medical importance,” said Breitschwerdt, whose findings were published recently in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

Proving the mother-child transmission could be difficult, however. Little funding is available for such research because the bacteria are still not considered a major source of human disease.

Dr. Michael Kosoy, who heads the Bartonella laboratory for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, Colo., said scientists are only beginning to build evidence that Bartonella infections may be more common than previously thought.

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The pain of Bartonella Tue, 25 May 2010 09:11:35 +0000 Linda’s comments: Amazing how animals get better research and treatments than humans!!??  God Bless Dr Breitschwerft for his research …… He found “first time documented evidence that the pathogen may have been passed between family members.”  What Lida Mattman said all alone.  Then they say ,”At least 26 strains of Bartonella have been named worldwide, and the list is growing.”…..  AGAIN, a VET finds out with his continued research how deadly Bartonella can be.  This statement/quote ” Dr. Michael Kosoy, who heads the Bartonella laboratory for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, Colo., said scientists are only beginning to build evidence that Bartonella infections may be more common than previously thought.” WHAT, NOW the CDC is admitting that Bartonella exists??  WOW….unbelievable….Perhaps all the pressure the Lymies are putting on research, IDSA and doctors is working….

At any rate, THANK GOD this is coming to the public….there is hope folks…..we just can’t give up the FIGHT….which brings me to the Dr Garry Gordon FIGHT protocol…..I have been on it for 1 1/2 years and IT WORKS….Lyme and the co-infections do NOT have a chance if you are on the FIGHT protocol….getting control and cleaning out the total body burden of pathogens and toxins in our bodies only helps to speed along our wellness journeys….. 

Staff Writer

A bacterial infection typically spread by fleas, lice and biting flies could be more prevalent than many think, and may have been transmitted from a mother to her children at birth, scientists from N.C. State University say.

Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt, an infectious disease veterinarian and one of the world’s leading researchers of bacteria called Bartonella, has for the first time documented evidence that the pathogen may have been passed between family members.

Although more studies are needed to back up his findings, Breitschwerdt and colleagues describe the case of a mother and father who began battling chronic aches, fatigues and other symptoms soon after they were married. When their twins were born in 1998, the daughter died after nine days from a heart defect, and the son developed chronic health problems.

Using tissue from the daughter’s autopsy and blood from the surviving family members, Breitschwerdt’s team discovered that the entire family was infected with the same species of Bartonella bacteria, despite having no shared exposures to flea or lice infestations. Bartonella is known to causes such illnesses as trench fever and cat scratch disease, and it is increasingly suspected of triggering a variety of aches and inflammations that doctors have been unable to diagnose.

“I think we have stumbled across something that is of monumental medical importance,” said Breitschwerdt, whose findings were published recently in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

Proving the mother-child transmission could be difficult, however. Little funding is available for such research because the bacteria are still not considered a major source of human disease.

Dr. Michael Kosoy, who heads the Bartonella laboratory for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, Colo., said scientists are only beginning to build evidence that Bartonella infections may be more common than previously thought.

“Bartonella are circulated around the world in many animals, but there are different Bartonella species, and the question is how can they be transmitted to humans?” Kosoy said, noting that most known cases have been transmitted from biting insects. He said the NCSU findings about the potential family transmission are compelling but inconclusive.

Dozens of strains

At least 26 strains of Bartonella have been named worldwide, and the list is growing. The most notorious Bartonella infection is cat scratch disease, a fever illness passed to humans from flea-infected cats. Fleas are the primary hosts, and they spread the bacteria in their feces.

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Lyme neuroborreliosis in children Mon, 03 May 2010 05:29:09 +0000 Excerpt:

Cliniques Universitaires de Mont-Godinne, Universite Catholique
de Louvain, Departement de Pediatrie, Yvoir, Belgium.

Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) represents the second most frequent
manifestation of Lyme disease (LD) in Europe after cutaneous
involvement. In the USA, LNB represents the third most frequent
manifestation of LD after cutaneous involvement and arthritis.
The scope of this article is, in the light of recent
publications, to review the specific manifestations of LNB in
children including predictive models, and to discuss diagnosis
criteria, new diagnostic tools and new therapeutic options.
Differences in disease patterns between the USA and Europe are
also highlighted.

Full article:

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Bartonellosis: an emerging infectious disease Sat, 10 Apr 2010 04:42:43 +0000 Bartonellosis: an emerging infectious disease of
zoonotic importance to animals,and human beings.

J Vet Emerg Crit Care (San Antonio). 2010 Feb 1;20(1):8-30.

Bartonellosis: an emerging infectious disease of zoonotic
importance to animals and human beings.

Breitschwerdt EB, Maggi RG, Chomel BB, Lappin MR.

Department of Clinical Sciences, Center for Comparative Medicine
and Translational Research, College of Veterinary Medicine, North
Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27606.

Objective- To provide a review of clinically relevant
observations related to Bartonella species as emerging pathogens
in veterinary and human medicine. Data
Sources- Literature as cited in PubMed and as generated by each
of the authors who have contributed to various aspects of the
clinical understanding of bartonellosis. Human Data Synthesis-
Important historical and recent publications illustrating the
evolving role of animal reservoirs as a source of human
infection. Veterinary Data Synthesis- Comprehensive review of the
veterinary literature.

Conclusions- In addition to inducing life-threatening illnesses,
such as endocarditis, myocarditis, and meningoencephalitis and
contributing to chronic debilitating disease, such as arthritis,
osteomyelitis, and granulomatous inflammation in cats, dogs, and
potentially other animal species; pets and wildlife species can
serve as persistently infected reservoir hosts for the
transmission of Bartonella spp. infection to veterinary
professionals and others with direct animal contact.
PMID: 20230432  [PubMed – in process]

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Stiller suffering from possible Lyme disease Fri, 26 Mar 2010 06:04:01 +0000

Actor Ben Stiller is anxiously waiting to hear if he has contracted Lyme disease after badly injuring his knee during a recent trip to Mozambique.

The Meet the Parents star traveled to the African country last month as part of his charity work but he was left limping after falling into a muddy ditch while walking through a village.

His left knee became inflamed and he visited a number of doctors to diagnose the problem, but almost a month later, medics have yet to determine the cause of his ailment, despite running numerous tests.

Full article:

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