candida – F.I.G.H.T for your health! Linda Heming describes her Lyme disease healing journey Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dr. Gordon on infections and oxidative therapies. Fri, 13 Apr 2012 05:34:42 +0000 Linda comment:  We must all wake up and address the chronic infections…..I love the FIGHT protocol and have been on it for 3 years…..IT ROCKS….go to my file on Webinars and watch all six webinars on the FIGHT protocol…..


WE ALL HAVE SOME CHRONIC INFECTIONS; now there is another major breakthrough to prove this.

My Fight program clearly is meant to help us educate our patients that achieving optimal health is a lifetime challenge. With increasing sophistication of lab sciences, we will find many more challenges in every one of my FIGHT categories but with the epidemic of people with chronic fatigue, you now have even more reason to want to learn about Oxidative therapies like OZONE/UVB/SILVER.

However, a unifying approach to enhance our bodies ability to deal with the multifactorial nature of any chronic disease should increase our interest in learning more about Energy medicine. This broad topic includes Homeopathy, Accupunture, Prayer, Microelectric Current therapy, Magnetic Healing, Oxygen, Hyperthermia and much of what is now called Alternative Medicine.

The exerpt below is just one line from the great overview of viral infections and XMRV that is found in Autism and Prostate Cancer and Chronic Fatigue. This area of research is all new this year but we can expect that someone will soon find many more fungi issues or parasites issues. Of course tying impaired health to our toxin load is just beginning to be seriously considered. Do not fail to look for a moment at this article, as when you tell patients they need to deal with the chronic infection component of their current symptom complex, many feel you are off the wall.

Unless they have heard of Candida or Chlamydia, or CMV, or Herpes, or Lyme, they are not attuned to the need to lower their total body burden of pathogens. No one needs to spend the money to chase down which of these infections they have, as no one will test negative for one or more of these infections if adequately tested. So testing for most patients is impractical except to get their attention as to why they must do something about the infection component of my FIGHT program if they are to achieve optimal health.

“XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) is strongly associated with chronic fatigue syndrome/ME. The earlier study published in the journal Science was a joint study by the Cleveland Clinic, the National Cancer Institute, and the Whittemore-Peterson Institute of the University of Nevada with Drs. Vincent Lombardi and Judy Mikovits as lead authors. Here the lead author of the NIH/Harvard/FDA study, Dr. Harvey Alter, noted in a press conference that he considered his study a confirmation of the earlier WPI study, even though they had detected different MLV-related viruses (MRVs), rather than only XMRV. There does seem to be a greater variety of MRVs in chronic fatigue syndrome/ME patients than first understood. The WPI’s original study also showed some evidence of additional MRVs.”
Read more:


Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

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Gut bacteria can cause autoimmune disease – with comments from Dr. Gordon Wed, 01 Dec 2010 06:28:45 +0000 Gut bacteria may cause autoimmune disease. We have all known this for some time but here is more research getting into how it happens.

My FIGHT program assumes that thanks to Monsanto and their BT (BACILLUS THERINGENSIS, i.e. the promised pesticide effect that caused farmers to buy into genetic modification of our food supply) along with continual exposure to antibiotics in our food supply causes me to take Kyodophilus 9 strain cap every day. 

I also use my ACS 200 (Advanced Cellular Silver), which I know kills all fungi, molds, bacteria and virus so I always have to reimplant healthy bacteria a few hours later than my bid doses of ACS 200. I always feed the Kyodophilus organisms with Beyond Fiber, which includes stabilized rice bran (nature’s most nutrient dense food). It also has artichoke (FOS that causes too much gas), a fiber source of Lignans that helps provide the ideal mixture of soluble to insoluble fiber and long chain saccharides that helps support healthy intestinal flora and simultaneously helps drives out Candida continuously.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



The finding 
The trillions of microbes that reside in the human gut shape their host’s immune system—for better or for worse. In a mouse model of autoimmune arthritis, Diane Mathis from Harvard University and colleagues found that gut bacteria can provoke autoimmune disease in distant parts of the body—the joints.

The surprise 
When investigators raised transgenic mice (which develop the disease at 4 weeks of age) in germ-free conditions, the animals developed a milder version of the disease much later. Germ-free mice lack immune cells called T helper 17 cells (Th17), because these cells require the gut bacteria called segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) to properly develop. When Mathis blocked IL-17—secreted by Th17 cells—in the normally raised mouse model, disease progression was also attenuated.

The link 
Mathis and colleagues showed that after SFB induced the accumulation of Th17 cells in the gut, the immune cells traveled to the spleen, where they helped activate antibody-producing B cells. Since the B cells in this mouse model produced self-attacking antibodies that initiated arthritis, the presence of IL-17 acted like a catalyst, quickening the disease. Though more work remains, “it is not hard to imagine the clinical relevance,” write Rochelle Marie Hinman and Faculty Member John Cambier.

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Insanity virus — a crazy idea? Sun, 03 Oct 2010 05:20:59 +0000 This research about the “insanity” virus has not stopped, and in fact, the more you read up on endogenous retrovirus the more you will see that this all further reinforces my FIGHT4yourhealth concept. The June Discover magazine on the newsstands brings this story up to date but the more you become interested in the infection component of today’s epidemic of impaired health, the more you will see how this infection from endogenous retroviruses found in what we used to call our JUNK DNA, helps explain Bipolar and MS as well as Schizophrenia.

Maybe we all need to get toxins out so our immune system can handle these inborn infections better, and more of us will need to lower the total body burden of all infections fungal bacterial and viral using ACS 200 Silver that is proven to efficiently lower even Borrelia and Candida.

This is worth really understanding, as this is real and when we begin to understand how these virus that are in our DNA are kept under control, until certain things happen, like a severe viral infection during pregnancy, and then years later the child starts to hear voices
etc. I have covered on my website with 8 hours of webinars, the topics of Food, Infection, Genetics, Hormones, Toxins, etc but this aspect of infection was not covered. If we think about it, there could be some tie in here to the live virus given children when they receive their MMR, and subsequent development of Autism. There could be a HERV-W involved in that condition too.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute




Insanity virus — a crazy idea? / Mainstream psychiatric outcast ponders parasitic mental illness
August 05, 2002|By Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer

#3: New Findings Boost Theory That Infection Causes Schizophrenia 

Psychiatric News March 19, 2010 
Volume 45 Number 6 Page 1 
© American Psychiatric Association 
1.   Mark Moran

A review of studies of maternal exposure to infectious agents and schizophrenia in their offspring suggests that eliminating certain infections could prevent as many as 30 percent of schizophrenia cases. 

Call it an instance of science being stranger than science fiction, and of nature’s unintended consequences.

In 2000, a team of British researchers published a remarkable paper in the journal of the Royal Society titled “Fatal Attraction in Rats Affected With Toxoplasma Gondii.” It seems that rodents infected with Toxoplasmosis gondi (T. gondii), a parasite that normally thrives in cats, become fatally attracted to cat urine, causing them to shed their normal avoidant behavior in the presence of a cat. 

Naturally, cat catches rodent and devours it, with the result that the parasite T. gondii is again where it belongs: in a feline host. 

Observing this case of attraction gone fatally wrong, the researchers, from the University of Oxford, postulated that T. gondii, one of nature’s most successful organisms, had developed an ingenious evolutionary mechanism for manipulating the behavior of the rodent—in whom the parasite would have reached a dead end—so that the rodent seeks out, suicidally, the feline host in which the parasite can thrive and complete its life cycle. 
Fast forward to 2009 when another group of researchers seeking to explore the neurochemical mechanisms for the parasite’s behavioral manipulation of its host discover a likely culprit. In a paper published in the March 2009 PLoS One, Glenn McConkey, Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of Leeds found that the genome of the T. gondii parasite encodes the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase, the central enzyme in dopamine synthesis. 
“Intriguingly, dopamine is the most logical neurotransmitter candidate for altering the avoidant behavior of the rodent,” McConkey told Psychiatric News. “So it would make sense for the parasite to increase dopamine. For the parasite, this is an ideal way to manipulate the behavior of the host.” 

New Credibility for Infectious Etiology
And this strange cat-and-mouse story has yet another wrinkle.
For decades, an excess of dopamine has been implicated in schizophrenia. And so last year’s discovery that T. gondii synthesizes dopamine has lent new credence to an intriguing, though not universally accepted, theory—that at least some forms of schizophrenia may be caused by infection. 

Among researchers inclined to the theory, T. gondii has been one, among several, of the most prominent candidates. 

“Humans infected with T. gondii will form the same cysts on the brain as are found in infected rodents when high levels of the gene involved in dopamine synthesis are expressed,” McConkey said. “While production of dopamine in the rodents could be an evolutionary mechanism devised by the parasite, in humans it would be merely accidental. But now suddenly, this provides a possible link to the observed correlation of T. gondii with some forms of schizophrenia.” 

The theory of an infectious etiology for at least some forms of schizophrenia has a long history, though it is still outside the mainstream. As far back as the 1960s, British epidemiologist Edward Hare, Ph.D., documented a marked increase in late-winter and early-spring births of people with schizophrenia, a finding that pointed to an infection, possibly acquired during winter months in utero. 

Psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., a long-time proponent of the theory, published a paper in the Lancet as early as July 1973 titled “Slow and Latent Viruses in Schizophrenia.” 
Since then, Torrey has published a number of papers with Johns Hopkins University pediatrician and virologist Robert Yolken, M.D., showing increased antibodies to T. gondii—possibly acquired in utero or early childhood through exposure to cat feces, undercooked meat, or contaminated water, dirt, or sand—among people with schizophrenia. 
Meanwhile, infectious agents have been implicated in other diseases—the heliobacter pylori virus in peptic ulcers, the papilloma virus in cervical cancer—that had been considered unlikely candidates for infection. “It’s no longer a theory from Mars,” Torrey told Psychiatric News. “We’ve arrived on planet Earth.” 

Epidemiologic Data Accumulate
Now, a report published online in AJP in Advance on February 1 by Alan Brown, M.D., of Columbia University and colleagues, reviews more than 40 studies looking at seroepidemiologic findings, ecologic data, and maternal reports on prenatal exposure to influenza and other infectious agents and the development of schizophrenia. 

They found that odds ratios for associations between schizophrenia in offspring and serologically documented maternal influenza, elevated levels of antibody to T. gondii, and other peri-conceptional genital or reproductive infections ranged between 3.0 and 5.0. 
The study, “Prenatal Infection and Schizophrenia: A Review of Epidemiologic and Translational Studies,” was done in collaboration with Catherine Schaefer, Ph.D., director of the Kaiser Permanente Research Program on Genes, Environment, and Health, and Barbara Cohn, Ph.D., director of the Child Health and Development Studies, funded primarily by the National Institutes of Health. 

In a study published in the April 2005 American Journal of Psychiatry, titled “Maternal Exposure to Toxoplasmosis and Risk of Schizophrenia in Adult Offspring,” Brown and colleagues conducted serological assays for Toxoplasma antibody on maternal serum specimens from pregnancies giving rise to 63 cases of schizophrenia and other schizophrenia spectrum disorders and compared them with assays from 123 matched healthy subjects. 

They found that the adjusted odds ratio of schizophrenia/schizophrenia spectrum disorders for subjects with high maternal Toxoplasma IgG antibody titers was 2.61. 
“The infectious theory has garnered more interest in the research community,” Brown told Psychiatric News. “This is being driven in part by accumulating data from epidemiological studies of schizophrenia and translational neuroscience in which offspring exposed prenatally to immune challenge and infection show evidence of neurobiological abnormalities found in schizophrenia.” 

A Gene-Environment Interaction
Still, the pathogenic theory of schizophrenia runs counter to years of orthodox thinking that schizophrenia is a congenital, organic brain disorder. Maternal and intrauterine infections are notably common, so one question is that if schizophrenia is infectious in origin, why aren’t more offspring born with schizophrenia? 

But proponents acknowledge that infection alone is unlikely to cause schizophrenia. “Infections are almost certainly interacting with susceptibility genes and other environmental factors,” Brown explained. “So gene-environment interactions likely play a very important role.” 

Nor do proponents of the pathogenic theory insist that infection is necessarily the cause of all schizophrenia.

“While replication in independent samples is warranted, the data from our sample suggest that up to approximately 30 percent of schizophrenia cases could be prevented in the offspring of the pregnant population [in the review appearing in AJP in Advance] if we were to completely eliminate three of the infections we studied—influenza, elevated Toxoplasma antibody, and peri-conceptional genital-reproductive infections,” Brown told Psychiatric News. 

While complete eradication is highly unlikely, Brown says, the finding has implications for prevention and treatment (see Can Infection-Related Schizophrenia Be Prevented?). 
More “orthodox” researchers acknowledge that infection may be a factor in a more expansive research vision looking at “domains of psychosis” in which schizophrenia-like symptoms stem from different gene-environment interactions. 

“Most people acknowledge today that schizophrenia is never going to be found to have a single etiology,” said psychiatric researcher and AJP deputy editor Carol Tamminga, M.D., of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. “It’s more likely a syndrome like congestive heart failure than a disease like Parkinson’s with a single molecular lesion. So we can assume that schizophrenia is a diagnosis with multiple etiologies and overlapping risk factors. 

“We know genetics and environmental factors are risks,” she continued. “Keeping an open mind, I think we will find a list of risk genes and a list of environmental factors, and we will have to see how both of those play out in producing symptoms of a brain disease like schizophrenia.” 

An abstract of “Fatal Attraction in Rats Infected With Toxoplasma Gondii” is posted at <>. “A Unique Dual Activity Amino Acid Hydroxylase in Toxoplasma Gondii” is posted at <>. “Prenatal Infection and Schizophrenia: A Review of Epidemiologic and Translational Studies” is posted at <>. “Maternal Exposure to Toxoplasmosis and Risk of Schizophrenia in Adult Offspring” is posted at <>. 

Related articles
Clinical & Research News: Can Infection-Related Schizophrenia be Prevented? Psychiatr News March 19, 2010 45:19

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V Vitamin C and Swine Flu success stories (with comments from Linda and Dr. Gordon) Wed, 22 Sep 2010 17:05:04 +0000 Linda’s comment: 

IV Vitamin C will also work on West Nile Virus.  I have suggested that ALL of my readers stock up your medicine cabinets with BioEn’R-Gy and ACS200ppm.  I know Dr Ber personally and he saved 20 plus people one year from West Nile Virus.  It is tough to get the allopathic docs to open up their eyes and step outside of the box.

Dr. Gordon’s Comment:

IV Vitamin C is now proven effective against Swine Flu but why not also have the best tolerated oral form of  vitamin C available anywhere on hand, BioEn’R-G’y, in your patients homes along with the most powerful colloidal silver  available anywhere, ACS 200.  Nothing compares to the proven killing power of ACS 200.   

Let’s keep both products in the home of your patients and let them know you are available to also give IV Vitamin C that is proven to work.  But since sometimes people get ill when there is no way to get an IV, let’s all be prepared.

Dr Abe Ber MD (H.) also has a well documented case of Swine flu in a very sick young girl recently.  He treated her just once with 50 GM of IV Vitamin C.  Three days later she was back in school!

We all know that this Swine Flu story is being used to frighten people. Yet compared to normal death rates from regular flu, all the fuss makes no sense. It appears now to primarily be just a scheme to foist a useless and clearly dangerous $1 billion worth of untested Swine Flu vaccine on the public, as it would be a shame to just throw it away and poison some area of the earth with all the mercury and other toxins in it.

By pretending that flu vaccines work better than Vitamin C, and in the name of possible saving a couple of lives, the authorities are willing to chance doing irreparable harm to thousands of us. This is done with no real warning to all of those unsuspecting and trusting people. The NBC special on Andrew Wakefield research on vaccine danger was another whitewash that refused to tell the truth about his documentation about the autism connection to vaccines. 

Vitamin C in high enough doses will provide all the protection needed by 99% of the population without any of the risks associated with the use of vaccines. But since not everyone can get an IV Vitamin C when they need it we need to help our patients to be prepared at home with ACS 200 and a couple bottles of BIOEN’R-G’Y C. 

Fortunately BIOEN’R-G’Y C is so well tolerated that most can take 20 grams a day by mouth with minimal increase in stools and probable high levels in urine testing ( see Bright spot) so that clearly they are  going to recover in far less time than anyone not getting aggressive well tolerated form of  oral vitamin C.  

We now have another slight piece of incorrect information do deal with.  Dr Mercola, my friend, has warned the public against using colloidal silver!  He says it might work but he feels it is a heavy metal so you might have to take some heavy metal treatment in your life. But with the zeolite we all need to deal with our mercury and lead exposures this is not a serious situation. In fact, the evidence is persuasive that silver is a conditionally essential nutrient and not a toxic heavy metal at all.

But unfortunately he then assumes that the normal healing or cleansing Herxheimer reactions that some patients have reported when they have a massive  die off of their infections,  is or might be a  a “cytokine storm”  that could hurt the lungs and might even kill you.  Yes, everything we do has a benefit and a risk but here the proven benefits of ACS handling every infection it has ever been tested against clearly would be a very strong benefit against a risk that has never been reported anywhere in the world in the humans and animals receiving it for many years now.

I feel that this statement is just an unsupportable supposition that I know when Dr Mercola realizes how many can die without an effective alternative like BIOEN’R-G’Y C or ACS 200, he will correct his position. 100,000 die each year of antibiotic resistant infections and silver and vitamin C could save most.

ACS silver successfully kills all viruses and lab reports found on prove that ACS 200 is 240 times more effective against Staph Aureus than ASAP, one of the most heavily promoted silver products on the market and 20 times more effective against Candida than ASAP.

Dr Tom LEVY MD, expert in the treatment of infections with Vitamin C has provided additional valuable information here about the use of IV Vitamin C in swine flu.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute 

Full article:



I would like to submit a case report of a nearly terminal case of swine flu completely cured in short order by vitamin C. The doctors in the FACT group are very aware individuals, and they collectively have many brilliant and innovative ways to approach treating their patients. However, I want to make it clear that adequately dosed vitamin C, to my knowledge, has never failed to cure an acute viral syndrome. Specifically, all these doctors should now realized that H1N1, the swine flu virus, while perhaps proving to be more potent than a host of other flu viruses, need not be a feared bogeyman with vitamin C in their arsenal.

While I intend to assemble a more substantial case report from the hospital chart in the future, here are the words of my colleague in New Zealand, John Appleton:

“The short story is:

Waikato farmer goes to Fiji for holiday
Starts developing flu like symptoms–decides to tough it out
Arrives back in NZ very sick–swine flu
Tauranga Hospital not able to treat him (what was not known at the time is that he has leukemia–he didn’t know either)
Sent him to Auckland Hospital–continues to deteriorate–Tamiflu–antibiotics etc. (usual stuff)
Brother-in-law (knows a bit about vitamin C) contacts Thomas Levy in the US who refers him to me
I provided a lot of info on vitamin C etc and referred family to CAM (Centre for Advanced Medicine) in Auckland
Family pushes to get him some IVC–hospital refuses
CAM doctors encourages hospital then to try vitamin C
Patient deteriorates further and is on life support–family told nothing more can be done and life support will be switched off on Monday. Lungs not functioning.
Family says NO–until everything has been tried–they won’t agree to life support being ‘switched off’.

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Are you sick and tired? My FIGHT4YOURHEALTH program can change your life! Thu, 17 Jun 2010 15:12:59 +0000 Are you sick and tired?  My FIGHT4YOURHEALTH program can change your life even if you think LYME is your only problem. Learn more and become vibrantly healthy again.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


Most people battling chronic Lyme disease think of the illness as an infection caused by a bacterium known commonly as Borrelia Burgdorferi, generally transmitted via the bite of an infected tick.  What many don’t recognize, however, is that recovery from chronic Lyme disease requires a recognition that the disease is truly a much more complex illness.  Recovery often challenges one to consider more than just infection as the single causative agent involved in the disease process.  It is through looking beyond the infectious component of Lyme disease and understanding the equally important aspects of damaging heavy metals and other toxic insults that a more full and lasting recovery may be realized.

Garry F. Gordon MD, DO, MD (H) co-founded the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) and serves as the President of Gordon Research Institute.  Dr. Gordon graciously spent a couple of hours with me sharing his views on chronic Lyme disease and those factors that are important in recovering from chronic illness. 

Dr. Gordon acknowledges Lyme disease as a serious infection which can lead to a wide-variety of health challenges.  He does not, however, hyperfocus on the specific tick-borne pathogens which cause the disease.  He instead believes that a multitude of infections are prevalent in anyone with chronic ill health.  In addition to these numerous infections, our state of health is closely tied to our total body burden of endogenous and exogenous toxins.  When looking at why illness is present, it is important to look at a number of factors including genetics, chronic infections, and total body burden of heavy metals and other toxins.

Peering into one’s genetic makeup can be quite helpful when establishing the proper course of action and considering what factors may have contributed to one’s state of health.  The more precisely a practitioner can understand the genetic contributors, the more accurately a treatment protocol can be outlined to fit a person’s unique needs.  As an example, a specific gene mutation can suggest an inability of the body to remove toxic heavy metals.  Thus, even tests performed to determine whether or not one is heavy metal toxic can be incorrect if the metals are not being released due to this specific genetic profile.  Where many doctors may miss a heavy metal toxicity issue in these patients, a practitioner incorporating a genetic review into their diagnostic workup is much better equipped to evaluate the potential impact of toxic metals on the overall state of health.

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2009 UPDATED BABESIA TEXTBOOK Thu, 05 Nov 2009 16:37:39 +0000 My F.I.G.H.T. program requires increasing our knowledge about various infections our patients MAY have in addition to the Candida, CMV, Coxackie, cell wall deficient and Mycoplasma  forms of which we can safely assume that everyone has one or more. But since there is so much concern now about LYME, please review this offer to have a major textbook free of charge.

I am quite sure that this book by Dr Schaller is one you will want access to if you are thinking of incorporating my F.I.G.H.T. Program in your practice.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


Dr. Schaller has decided limiting access to this new book due to cost, despite the immense cost and years of reading and research to write it, is the wrong approach.

Books on super specific issues do not sell and do not make money to even remotely break even.

The reasonable money being made in good sales is certainly not worth one life. It is not worth one person becoming disabled and non-functional for years or decades.






YOU cannot alter the text in any manner.

Babesia can cause death, disability, obesity, serious fatigue, migraine torture and a hundred other things it needs to be free to everyone.

We also hope it will help some interested healers catch stealth Babesia more often because we feel it is common, and not an occasional finding in a Lyme positive patient. Many new Babesia species are being found in humans even in the last four years, so the list of human Babesia species and their variants is not finalized

Finally, the cost for top laboratories to keep up and have perfect diagnostic testing is an unrealistic expectation, so other new ideas and included to help show low levels of Babesia that have significant body effects based on solid research articles.



Be Better!! Be Well!

Rona. C
Office Manager

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We Are All ‘Living In A Sea Of Toxins’ Wed, 01 Jul 2009 16:57:31 +0000 Mark Hyman MD has done an excellent job at the 13th Annual Functional Medicine Conference of organizing thoughts about the EFFECTS of environmental and exogenous chemicals on our health, and why blood testing underestimates the extent of the problem.

I draw your attention to a few paragraphs from his extensive presentation, which discusses some of the impact of chemicals and toxins on our health. Click the link to view the entire 13th annual conference proceedings ‘Managing Biotransformation: The Metabolic, Genomic, and Detoxification Balance Points’.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


The Proceedings From the 13th International Symposium of The Institute for Functional Medicine

(Excerpt from presentation article by Mark Hyman, MD entitled ‘Systems Biology, Toxins, Obesity, and Functional Medicine’)


Why should we worry about toxins unless we work with toxic chemicals or spray pesticides for a living? Isn’t exposure minimal? Unfortunately, risks of exposure are substantial, pose significant public health risks, and can no longer be ignored. We live in a sea of toxins. Every single person and animal on the planet contains residues of toxic chemicals or metals in their tissues. Eighty thousand new chemicals have been introduced since the turn of the 20th century and most have never been tested for safety or for synergistic actions. The Centers for Disease Control issued a report on human exposure to environmental chemicals. They assessed human blood or urine levels for 116 chemicals (and there were thousands more for which tests were not conducted) as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.1 While they found high levels of toxins in some, and low levels in many more, the study, in isolation, may not tell the whole story. Why? Because these chemical toxins move quickly from the blood into storage sites-mostly fat tissue, organs, and bones-so the blood or urine levels underestimate the total toxic load. Both weight gain (because of stored toxins) and the total toxic load can frustrate attempts at weight loss by impairing two key metabolic organs-the liver and the thyroid, by damaging the mitochondria- the site of energy metabolism, by affecting neuroendocrine signaling, and by increasing inflammation and oxidative stress.


The Environmental Protection Agency has monitored human exposure to toxic environmental chemicals since 1972 when they began the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey. This study evaluates the levels of various toxins in the fat tissue from cadavers and elective surgeries. Five of what are known to be the most toxic chemicals were found in 100% of all samples (OCDD or octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, styrene, 1,4- dichlorobenzene, xylene, and ethylphenol-toxic chemicals from industrial pollution that damage the liver, heart, lungs, and nervous system). Nine more chemicals were found in 91-98% of samples: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, DDE (a breakdown product of DDT, the pesticide banned in the US since 1972), three dioxins, and one furan. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were found in 83% of the population. A Michigan study found DDT in over 70% of 4 years olds, probably received through breast milk. With the global economy, we may be eating food that was picked a day before in Guatemala, Indonesia, or Asia, where there are not the same restrictions on the use of pesticides as there are in the United States. Many of these chemicals are stored in fat tissue, making animal products concentrated sources. One hundred percent of beef is contaminated with DDT, as is 93% of processed cheese, hot dogs, bologna, turkey, and ice cream.

Exposure to toxins comes from two main sources: the environment (external toxins) and the gut (breakdown products of our metabolism, or internal toxins). Both can overload endogenous detoxification mechanisms.

External Toxins: The Dangers from Without
The external toxins include chemical toxins and heavy metals. The heavy metals that cause the most ill health are lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, and aluminum. Chemical toxins include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), solvents (cleaning materials, formaldehyde, toluene, benzene), medications, alcohol, pesticides, herbicides, and food additives. Infections (hepatitis C virus) and mold toxins (sick building syndrome) are other common sources of toxins. Our modern refined diet can be considered toxic because it places an exta burden o detoxification systems through excessive consumption of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup (the two most important causes of elevated liver function tests), trans fatty acids, alcohol, cafeine, aspartame, foods made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and the various plastics, pathogens, hormones, and antibiotics found in our food supply.

Testing for Toxins and Detoxification Function
* Genetic testing of detoxification pathways for phase I and phase II SNPs
* Detoxification challenge test (provocations with caffeine, aspirin,
* Measurement of detoxification enzymes
– Reduced glutathione
– Glutathione peroxidase
– super oxide dismutase (SOD)
* Heavy metals
– RBC or whole blood
– Hair analysis
– Chelation challenge with DMPS or DMSA
* Urinary organic acids
– Specific compounds measured, including sulfates, pyroglutamate,
orotate, and others, can give clues to problems with detoxification
* Chemical antibodies to various toxins and metals (can occasionally be useful)
* Organophosphates: identified through a 24-hour urine collection test
* Mold and mycotoxin antibodies
* IgG food sensitivity testing
* Celiac testing (IgG and IgA anti-gliadin antibodies, tTG IgA)
* Digestive stool analysis for dysbiosis
* Tests for hidden infections (Lyme, H. pylori, etc.)

Practical Suggestions for Patients
Remove Toxins
* Eat organic food and animal products to avoid petrochemical pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and antibiotics.
* Drink filtered water (reverse osmosis or carbon filter).
* HEPA/ULPA filters and ionizers can be helpful in reducing dust, molds,
volatile organic compounds, and other sources of indoor air pollution.
* Clean and monitor heating systems for release of carbon monoxide, the most common cause of death by poisoning in America.
* Have houseplants that help filter the air.
* Air out your dry cleaning before wearing it.
* Avoid excess exposure to environmental petrochemicals (garden
chemicals, dry cleaning, car exhaust, second-hand smoke).
* Reduce or eliminate the use of toxic household and personal care products (aluminium-containing underarm deodorant, antacids, and pots and pans).
* Remove allergens and dust from your home as much as possible.
* Minimize electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from radios, TVs, and
microwave ovens.
* Reduce ionizing radiation (from sun exposure or medical tests such as X-rays).
* Reduce heavy metal exposure (predatory and river fish, water, lead paint, thimerosal-containing products, etc.).

Improve Elimination of Toxins
* Have 1-2 bowel movements a day.
* Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
* Sweat regularly.
– Use exercise to help you sweat regularly.
– Use steam baths or saunas – infrared saunas may be even more beneficial.
* Regular exercise, yoga, or lymphatic massage can improve lymph flow and help flush toxins out of your tissues into your circulation so they can be detoxified.

To read the rest of this article, see page 136 of The Proceedings From the 13th International Symposium of The Institute for Functional Medicine at

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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) May Cause High Blood Pressure. Thu, 11 Jun 2009 18:59:32 +0000 cytomegalovirus-tumb


This is a crucial article in setting the stage for the need of treating the infections that everyone else is ignoring!!! This is a review of the CMV research from Harvard that I feel is short and to the point; however, I have attached the link to the full research report so that you can better appreciate the far reaching significance and new understanding of the role Infections in chronic degenerative disease.

Lyme, etc is not an adequate description; TOTAL BODY BURDEN OF PATHOGENS should become today’s focus. This report reveals that there is or has been CMV in 60-99% of everyone documented by this Harvard research so why fight over whether the pathogens we encounter are Lyme or Candida or some exotic Fungus. Let’s deal with pathogen burden and lower it!
For most chronically ill patients we need to incorporate something like ACS Silver, or Oxidative therapies like UVB/Ozone, or high dose Vitamin C to help patients deal more effectively with the infection component of their health problem, which can have over 100 different names. I am thinking about all patients with chronic autoimmune related conditions, which are over 27 million people in the United States alone.

These patients need a total approach to recover. I think my F.I.G.H.T. program will dramatically increase success in dealing with these complex conditions, where standard medicine is doing little and often harming patients with their excessively narrow single etiology approaches.

There are other infections whose incidence is close to that, such as those from our mouth that are now tied to many chronic health conditions. These chronic infections are the next frontier that has been largely ignored. If standard antibiotics do not eradicate these infections, no one really wants to spend the time and money to diagnose them.

Patients are aware of the need to detox and they understand that everyone has these chemicals (like PCB’s, Dioxins, Flame Retardant PBDE, etc.), but infection is not on their mind unless they have heard of Lyme. Lyme has become a dangerous diagnosis to make, and even the Mayo Clinic says no test is completely accurate.  The doctor who feels it could be Lyme should go ahead and treat based on clinical history and condition, and not fail to treat because of a negative Lyme test. Yet, we know that diagnosing Lyme makes the insurance companies worried about the potential costs, and they lean on Medical Boards to discipline anyone treating Lyme.

Since most infections can be treated effectively with alternative therapies, from high dose IV C to ACS Silver and aggressive nutritional support programs, then it seems wiser to not focus on the presence or absence of a particular infection, when experts agree we all have significant infections on board at all times. So why don’t we just admit that there is an epidemic of chronic, generally antibiotic-resistant, undiagnosed infections, and help the body lower the burden of all these pathogens which even the Institute Of Medicine agrees are present in chronic disease.

See my POWERPOINT on, for my upcoming lecture to be presented at the Lyme In Autism Conference, June 25-28, in Scottsdale, AZ. I feel that rather than wasting a lot of time and money attempting to prove Lyme is present or not, when it may not even be the main culprit, and if it is present, generally there are other Lyme associated infections present too. Let’s help the patient’s body handle these infections by finding the optimal diet, lowering the toxins and heavy metals, optimizing nutritional status, and considering genetic and epigenetic issues such as providing needed methylation acetylation and sulfation support.

I believe that we should advise our patients that determining which virus, fungus or bacteria is the main culprit is less important than lowering their total body burden of ALL pathogens, as a part of a comprehensive program I call F.I.G.H.T. Any such treatment-based program will be more cost effective for patients who need results now, than spending thousands of dollars and wasting time trying to identify Lyme or some other pathogens.

In this research on CMV, the condition happens to be hypertension, but it could just as well be researched in the context of almost any chronic disease including chronic neurological conditions from Autism to Parkinson’s. The name of the condition is less important than having a concept that can improve the health of most patients seeking your care.

This is WHY I developed my F.I.G.H.T. program.  Learning about this research on how infections from our mouth are proven to grow in virtually every aneurism, will help you and your patients avoid being excessively focused on too narrow a recovery plan. Without using some therapy to lower total body burden of Pathogens, I am convinced we are providing suboptimal care to our autoimmune patients.  This research now shows we can better tie infection into hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


Cytomegalovirus Infection Causes an Increase of Arterial Blood Pressure

Cytomegalovirus may cause high blood pressure

15. May 2009 03:26 A new study suggests for the first time that cytomegalovirus (CMV), a common viral infection affecting between 60 and 99 percent of adults worldwide, is a cause of high blood pressure, a leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.
Led by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and published in the May 15, 2009 issue of PLoS Pathogens, the findings further demonstrate that, when coupled with other risk factors for heart disease, the virus can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.
“CMV infects humans all over the world,” explains co-senior author Clyde Crumpacker, MD, an investigator in the Division of Infectious Diseases at BIDMC and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. “This new discovery may eventually provide doctors with a whole new approach to treating hypertension, with anti-viral therapies or vaccines becoming part of the prescription.”
A member of the herpes virus family, CMV affects all age groups and is the source of congenital infection, mononucleosis, and severe infection in transplant patients. By the age of 40, most adults will have contracted the virus, though many will never exhibit symptoms. Once it has entered the body, CMV is usually there to stay, remaining latent until the immune system is compromised, when it then reemerges.
Previous epidemiological studies had determined that the CMV virus was linked to restenosis in cardiac transplant patients, a situation in which the heart’s arteries “reblock.” The virus had also been linked to the development of atherosclerosis, the hardening of the heart’s arteries. But, in both cases, the mechanism behind these developments remained a mystery. This new study brought together a team of researchers from a variety of disciplines – infectious diseases, cardiology, allergy and pathology – to look more closely at the issue.
“By combining the insights of investigators from different medical disciplines, we were able to measure effects of a viral infection that may have been previously overlooked,” explains Crumpacker.
In the first portion of the study, the scientists examined four groups of laboratory mice. Two groups of animals were fed a standard diet and two groups were fed a high cholesterol diet. After a period of four weeks, one standard diet mouse group and one high-cholesterol diet mouse group were infected with the CMV virus.
Six weeks later, the animals’ blood pressures were measured by the cardiology team using a small catheter inserted in the mouse carotid artery. Among the mice fed a standard diet, the CMV-infected mice had increased blood pressure compared with the uninfected group. But even more dramatically, 30 percent of the CMV-infected mice that were fed a high-cholesterol diet not only exhibited increased blood pressure, but also showed signs of having developed atherosclerosis.
“This strongly suggests that the CMV infection and the high-cholesterol diet might be working together to cause atherosclerosis,” says Crumpacker. In order to find out how and why this was occurring, the investigators went on to conduct a series of cell culture experiments.
Their first analysis demonstrated that CMV stimulated production of three , and MCP1 – in the infected mice,µdifferent inflammatory cytokines – IL6, TNF an indication that the virus was causing inflammation to vascular cells and other tissues.
A second analysis found that infection of a mouse kidney cell line with murine CMV led to an increase in expression of the renin enzyme, which has been known to activate the renin-angiotensin system and lead to high blood pressure. Clinical isolates of human CMV in cultured blood vessel cells also produced increased renin expression.
“Viruses have the ability to turn on human genes and, in this case, the CMV virus is enhancing expression of renin, an enzyme directly involved in causing high blood pressure,” says Crumpacker. When the scientists inactivated the virus through the use of ultraviolet light, renin expression did not increase, suggesting that actively replicating virus was causing the increase in renin.
In their final experiments, the researchers demonstrated that the protein angiotensin 11 was also increased in response to infection with CMV. “Increased expression of both renin and angiotensin 11 are important factors in hypertension in humans,” says Crumpacker. “What our study seems to indicate is that a persistent viral infection in the vessels’ endothelial cells is leading to increased expression of inflammatory cytokines, renin and angiotensin 11, which are leading to increased blood pressure.”
According to recent figures from the American Heart Association, one in three U.S. adults has high blood pressure, and because there are no known symptoms, nearly one-third of these individuals are unaware of their condition. Often dubbed “the silent killer,” uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure, notes Crumpacker.
“We found that CMV infection alone led to an increase in high blood pressure, and when combined with a high-cholesterol diet, the infection actually induced atherosclerosis in a mouse aorta,” says Crumpacker. “This suggests that further research needs to be directed at viral causes of vascular injury. Some cases of hypertension might be treated or prevented by antiviral therapy or a vaccine against CMV.”

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