All Posts Tagged With: "copper"

Copper research

Copper is essential for many functions. This is a new one; healthier prions with less risk of prion diseases. It seems that it stabilizes Prions. This means they are less likely to misfold or aggregate when copper is present.

Low levels of copper have been tied to arrhythmias and many other health problems. It is best to NOT restrict copper unless there is proven copper excess, and serum copper is merely a reflection of inflammation and does not reveal elevated copper levels in the tissues.

Dr Klinghardt’s research on Kryptopyroluria is leading to exciting clinical benefits in some patients who were diagnosed with Lyme or Autism or related neurodegenerative problems.
Aggressive zinc supplementation will impair copper absorption leading to deficiencies with many possible symptoms and significance health risks.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute Continued

Magnesium and Autism

Linda’s comments:  This is a great newsletter to subscribe to.  I’m posting this one here today as it has information that is vital to all and I don’t want anyone to miss it.  Too many people don’t take enough magnesium in their daily diet, especially children.  Magnesium is vital to those children of the Autistic spectrum…..please read and enjoy, but make sure you take notes.
Angel Huggzz

Full article:


Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2002 shows that when the diets of 2,566 children ages 11-19 were studied, less than 14 percent of boys and 12 percent of girls had adequate intakes of magnesium and low magnesium intake was associated with lower measures of several lung functions (including lung capacity and airway flow).[2] Continued

Nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Linda’s comment:  Isn’t it wonderful when the conventional docs find that Nutrition and proper diet is directly connected to the growth and function of children!!??  Some of you would like to scold them and say “I told you so” but I’m just excited that they are “finally” getting it!!  Just as the children of the Autism Spectrum parents have found that diet/nutrition is everything.  They also know that reducing the total body of pathogens and toxins can make all the difference in their children’s learning, sleep, and growth.  Reducing those heavy metals can help ALL, including adults.  Do your research folks and you can find the answers you are looking for.



November 3, 2009 (Honolulu, Hawaii) – Overall nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows that this patient population is at risk for low trace mineral status, including deficiencies in zinc and copper – minerals that may play a crucial role in the production of dopamine, norepinephrine, and melatonin, which regulates sleep. Continued

Wild Meat Raises Lead Exposure

Linda’s comments:  No only do we have to worry about eating wild meat containing Lyme disease, but now we have to be concerned about the “lead” exposure from eating this meat.  There is also proof that deer from our high mountain ranges are getting lead exposure from the “coal” stacks in China.

Heavy metals is all around us and it is a must that we begin a journey in a lifelong daily detox program to reduce these heavy metals from our bodies.  For those with chronic illness, like Lyme disease, it becomes deadly.  If you have amalgams, it is important to have them safely removed by a dentist that knows how to remove them properly.  Look for a Holistic dentists and if there are none in your community, then ask around for dentists that have experience in removing amalgams safely.

You can help protect yourself by finding a lifelong daily detox like the FIGHT program.  I have been on this protocol for over a year and am very pleased.  Feel free to ask questions about the products I have found that replenish my body to a healthy state.  Don’t get caught up in a once a year cleanse.  A lifelong cleanse is vital for good health.

Linda Continued

ADHD & zinc, copper deficiency

November 3, 2009 (Honolulu, Hawaii) — Overall nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows that this patient population is at risk for low trace mineral status, including deficiencies in zinc and copper — minerals that may play a crucial role in the production of dopamine, norepinephrine, and melatonin, which regulates sleep. Continued