dementia – F.I.G.H.T for your health! Linda Heming describes her Lyme disease healing journey Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 More on cancer diagnostics … with Dr. Gordon Tue, 12 Apr 2011 06:43:01 +0000 Cancer diagnosis and treatment is ready for an overnight revolution. This WSJ report has vital information about how bad current diagnosis is and offers some real hope for the future. If you add this information to the new Johnson and Johnson test that finds one cancer cell in a billion in peripheral blood and therefore alerts doctors and patients. Most cancers are not local by the time they are found; if you find a 6 mm lump in a breast there are already 100 million cancer cells present there!! Now that we know radiation offers no help nor does lymph node dissection in the axilla offer any benefit, this is the time to move on to any tests that will motivate patients to take better care of themselves.

My FIGHT program is the answer but patients need some test that they believe is worth paying attention to in order to follow my program and then see that the less than optimal test results are all improving and they are no longer getting sick.

Also note in this report that there is a high false positive rate on skin biopsies for melanoma so who is getting needless surgery again? Please join me in alerting patients to the futility of current cut, burn and poison and the value of a total health program like my FIGHT program. We know we can improve the outcome of every measurable parameter of disease including cancer, cv, dx and dementia and slow aging.

Note that researchers at UC San Diego find that high cholesterol is protective against environmental toxins!  The cholesterol myth needs to be destroyed; low cholesterol is associated with bad outcomes. Only oxidized cholesterol is worth dealing with and simple things like Kyolic Heart formula has been proven by Dr Budoff at UCLA 
( to be 7.5 times more cardio protective than aspirin and statins together!

The public is brain washed today and they, therefore, have most of the facts all wrong! You need to educate your patients and office visits do not provide the needed time so rent space and invite patients to an evening or a Saturday afternoon free lecture; you could plan on at least 1/2 day for your patients and their families. Do this once or twice a year, as it doubles your practice and increases your satisfaction with your work. Use a Holiday Inn or some affordable large space.

Also refer them to all my lectures on my website and all my PowerPoint lectures are downloadable to use in your office. Contact Liz at Longevity Plus, 928-472-4263, ext 133, for assistance on using one of my PowerPoint lectures.

If we are to avoid bankrupting our nation with bad medicine, you need to become a spokesman for our FACT brand of Advanced Medicine. Put together a flyer, hand out and mail to everyone in your area and rent a space to share what you learn in FACT with your patients and friends and the public. They are ready to listen as Andrew Weil’s book title says No One Can Afford to Get Sick!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



Cancer can be notoriously difficult to spot, so scientists are working to develop new techniques to better detect tumors in the body. 

Such tools could potentially identify cancer cells more reliably and earlier than currently available methods, such as mammography, biopsies and magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI. Improved detection methods could help speed up treatment decisions and monitor whether a therapy is working.

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Sublingual B12 – with comments from Dr. Gordon Mon, 21 Feb 2011 00:10:59 +0000 Sublingual B12 dramatically changes lives! Beyond B12 from Longevity Plus also contains three forms of folic acid so that the negative reports about cheap folic acid do not apply. Only when you are using the methylated forms of folic acid, as well as B12, can we overcome some of the methylation associated problems rampant in patients today.

This is due to epigenetic changes; thanks to the Bisphenol A found in everyone today many of us have impaired methylation pathways. I did a webinar that addressed some of these issues, as methylation is deeply involved in detoxification and memory loss as well. The webinar can be found on (Methylation Support, Toxins, and Memory Loss (1/25).

This article will help you appreciate the epidemic of borderline B12 deficiencies we see when we test with methylmalonic acid not serum B12, which is a waste of time and money.

Please read this and help your patients to a fuller happier and healthier life. Help meet their B12 needs! B12 has cured asthma in children and treated bursitis and it was heavily studied in mainstream literature just 50 years ago before all the drug companies came up with a drug for anything that seems wrong with every patient while carefully ignoring the causes of impaired health.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



Tired? Depressed? Forgetting things? Who isn’t these days? 

Those are also symptoms of a deficiency of B12, a key nutrient needed to make red blood cells and DNA and keep the nervous system working right. 

Vitamin B12 deficiency is officially considered rare, affecting about 1 in 1,000 Americans, according to a 2005 study. But the incidence rises with age, to about 15% of elderly people. The rate is also much higher among people who don’t eat meat or dairy products, people with absorption problems, people taking acid-blocking medications and those with Type 2 diabetes who take the drug Metformin. 

“B12 deficiency is much more common than the textbooks and journal articles say it is,” says Alan Pocinki, an internist in Washington D.C., who routinely tests his patients who fall into those categories. He also notes that since the Metformin connection was discovered only recently, some physicians aren’t aware of it. “They assume that if patients complain of numbness and tingling in the feet, it’s a diabetes issue and not a B12 issue.”

Other symptoms of low B12 include anemia, depression, dementia, confusion, loss of appetite and balance problems. Long-term deficiency can bring severe anemia, nerve damage and neurological changes that may be irreversible. 

Sometimes the symptoms are subtle. Internist Linda Assatourians, one of Dr. Pocinki’s partners, says that a surprising number of her young female patients also have low levels of B12. Typically they are healthy and active, but they don’t eat much meat and they have minor mood, memory or balance problems. “When I supplement their B12, they feel better,” Dr. Assatourians says. “It’s not a controlled study, but I see a lot of them.” 
“I was sort of tired, but I thought, ‘It’s winter and I’m doing too much,’ ” says Jessica Riester, 27, editor of publications for a German-American think tank. Her B12 level was slightly over 200 picograms per milliliter (the normal range is considered 200 to 800 pg per ml). After several weeks of B12 injections, then 1,000 milligrams daily in pill form, her B12 is now over 600 pg per ml and she says she feels better. “My color is better and the shadows under my eyes are gone,” she says. 

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B vitamins and Dementia Fri, 08 Oct 2010 16:27:52 +0000 This is proof that we slow the brain shrinkage rate by 30% using B- vitamins. I assure you the difference will be even more significant when you include sublingual administration of Methylcobalamin with all 3 forms of Folic acid.  By the way I have never failed to see real improvement in mental functioning when I enhance blood flow, which Beyond Chelation-Improved always does, as it really lowers blood viscosity significantly. 

The synergistic effects from the over 78 active ingredients in BC-I with the Omega 3/primrose and the heparin-like effects from the EDTA/MUCOPOLYSACCARIDE and the PHOSPHATIDYL SERINE with Gingko that has always been a key part of oral chelation effect BC-I delivers without fail. Note we continue to have no reported fatal heart attacks or strokes while I cancel stents and bypass on everyone, as those are really not needed when you do my FIGHT for your health program.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute 

From: IAS Newsletter


Last week the exciting results of a new study were widely reported in the UK press, “Vitamin B tablets could slow and even halt the devastating march of Alzheimer’s disease,” The Daily Telegraph reported. The newspaper went on to say, “large daily doses of vitamin B can halve the rate of brain shrinkage, a process that can precede Alzheimer’s disease and dementia”.

This story is based on a well-conducted two-year double blind trial, carried out by researchers from the University of Oxford, the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust and the University of Oslo in Norway, which compared the use of high dose vitamin B supplements with an inactive placebo in 271 people over 70 with slight memory problems. The study discovered that those given vitamin B suffered brain shrinkage or atrophy 30% slower than those given placebo.

This early research was published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed journal of the Public Library of Science. Read the research here: Homocysteine-Lowering by fatal heart attacks or strokes while I cancel stents and bypass : A Randomized Controlled Trial

Brain atrophy describes the loss of neurones and their connections and is a process that is accelerated in people with mild cognitive impairment and even faster in those who develop Alzheimer’s.

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Rule on Lead Safety Set to Take Effect Fri, 28 May 2010 15:31:01 +0000 Dr. Gordon’s comments:

LEAD is again being recognized for the persistent danger it represents.

No one dares discuss the levels of lead we are born with being 1000 times higher than just 400 years ago or the proven fact that is DOES REAL HARM, as the higher it is the more heart attacks there are and the sooner you develop cataracts. All found in studies from Harvard and CDC that everyone has this massive load of lead in bones when we are born and it just gets worse every time we breath, as particulates in the air from coal burning as far away as China are giving us Lead and Mercury.

Somehow, this does not make anyone excited, as statins are so much easier to focus on and what your cholesterol level is fits our 5-7 minute office visit demands. Yet statements like this are regularly appearing in newspapers like the New York Times that reminds some of us that Ritalin deficiency is not the correct diagnosis. Of course this extends to Autism, Dementia and all causes of morbidity and mortality and bones take adults 15 years to remodel and no chelator gets it out faster, as only soft tissue stores are readily chelatable.

So bone lead must come out slowly by pushing out more lead each day than we take in by living, breathing, drinking, and eating by using oral chelators and fiber and high dose ascorbic acid and properly designed Zeolite products daily for life.

Of course anyone who is pregnant today is pushing the lead from their body into the fetus. So no where on planet earth is anyone born without their 1000 times elevation of bone lead, which at menopause slowly is released, as bone loss occurs leading to Hypertension, Fatigue, Dementia, etc. So this EPA regulation is too little too late but better than nothing, as some may learn that getting the lead out is a worthwhile activity.

Here it is in the NY TIMES and similar information is seen all the time but it all misses the mark by a mile!!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


After almost two decades of delays, the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday that it was on track to implement a regulation requiring the construction industry to help prevent cases of lead poisoning among children.
The agency said it expected more than 125,000 renovation and remodeling contractors to be trained and certified in lead-safe work practices by April 22, when the new regulation takes effect.

Under the rule, workers would have to take steps like containing their work area with plastic and conducting a thorough cleanup of lead paint dust stirred up during construction activity, which federal officials say is partly to blame for about 120,000 cases of elevated lead levels in children younger than 6 each year. Congress passed legislation in 1992 directing the E.P.A. to propose the regulation, but the agency did not finish the rule until 2008, after environmental and public interest groups filed a lawsuit to pressure the agency to issue it.  Some environmental groups are now pushing to make the rule tougher, while builders are warning their clients that it will inevitably increase construction costs. The rule applies to work performed in homes and buildings occupied by children, including schools and day care centers built before lead paint was banned in 1978.  E.P.A. officials said on Thursday that with a housing stock of about 38 million units that are potentially affected by the rule, they expect it to produce results. 

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Exposure to electromagnetic fields from cell phones Thu, 22 Apr 2010 04:23:24 +0000 Linda’s comments:..This is a very important subject for all folks, especially those with chronic illness.  It is very hard to get well when you are being blasted by EMF/EMR.  One of the things I have noticed is the more I detox the more sensitive I am to EMF/EMR.  I’m GRATEFUL for this, as it is a sure sign that I am being blasted more than what I ever imagined.
I am being treated by a new technology called Energy Enhancement System and you can read more at ……These treatments are helping me to eliminate the EMF/EMR’s from my body.  The exciting thing about these treatments is I take my lifelong daily detox protocol FIGHT before I enter the room for a 2 hour session….the system ENHANCES the protects I am taking for the FIGHT program.
There are many who are buying these systems for their homes….I wish I could afford a system.
Please read all the information below regarding EMF/EMR and learn.  When a chronically ill person is getting too much EMF/EMR they can will not reach the wellness level they want to reach.
A report that cited more than 2,000 studies found that chronic exposure to even low-level radiation (like that from cell phones) can cause a variety of cancers, impair immunity, and contribute to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, heart disease, and many other ailments. One likely way: EMFs open the blood-brain barrier, causing blood vessels to leak fluid into the brain and damage neurons.

What’s more, a less–well known kind of EMF, known as “dirty” or transient electricity #, may play an even more damaging role. Transients are largely by-products of modern energy-efficient electronics and appliances—from computers, refrigerators, and plasma TVs to compact fluorescent light bulbs and dimmer switches—which tamp down the electricity they use. This manipulation of current creates a wildly fluctuating and potentially dangerous electromagnetic field that essentially charges up the electrons in every cell of your body. Some research suggests that by overlapping the body’s signaling mechanisms, transients may interfere with the secretion of insulin, drown out the call and response of the immune system, and cause other physical havoc.

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Vitamin B12 deficiency is EPIDEMIC Sat, 13 Mar 2010 19:19:17 +0000 Linda’s comment:  I have had to take B12 shots for years UNTIL I began on the FIGHT protocol.  I was taking sublingual B12 in am and pm, plus shot, but when I began taking the  B12 on the FIGHT protocol,  I no longer have to do the shots.  I can’t encourage you enough to have those B12 levels checked. 
Vitamin B12 deficiency is EPIDEMIC and we suffer from this lack of B12 with many health problems including fatigue and early memory loss. This report found that 50% of TYPE 2 Diabetics have B-12 deficiency, which contributes to the more rapid development of diabetic complications including dementia and neuropathy.

It is so easy to correct this condition using Longevity Plus’s sublingual Beyond B12, which includes the ideal form of B12 Methylcobalamin to support methylation, as well as ACTIVE forms of Folic Acid. Folic acid is also so vital for health and again when properly tested, 5’MTHF is almost routinely deficient in our aging population.

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Heart Disease A ‘Silent Killer’ In Patients With Severe Mental Illness Thu, 19 Nov 2009 06:56:22 +0000

A large new study confirms that people with severe mental disorders – such as schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders – are 25 percent to 40 percent more prone to die from heart disease than people without mental illness are.

Moreover, smoking and physical inactivity – behaviors that individuals potentially can change – significantly contribute to this increased risk of death, found researchers led by Amy Kilbourne, Ph.D.

They looked at results from the 1999 Large Health Survey of Veteran Enrollees in conjunction with the VA’s National Psychosis Registry and the National Death Index of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Including responses from more than 147,000 veterans, the study is the largest of its kind to ever take place. Most of the respondents were men and about two-thirds were 50 or older.

Kilbourne, associate director of the VA Ann Arbor National Serious Mental Illness Treatment Research and Evaluation Center in Michigan, and colleagues from Dartmouth Medical School conducted the study, which appears in the November-December issue of the journal General Hospital Psychiatry.

Patients with mental disorders who also had a diagnosis of diabetes – a known risk factor for heart disease and a side effect of some antipsychotic medications – were at high risk for heart disease-related mortality, as were patients with a diagnosis of dementia.

Smoking and lack of exercise, both common behaviors in people with mental disorders, contributed to the heart disease-related deaths considerably.

“These are devastating illnesses that lead to a lot of functional impairment, so many of these individuals have difficulty staying motivated to exercise to begin with, or finding places where they feel comfortable exercising,” Kilbourne said.

However, even when considering factors such as diabetes and lifestyle, researchers found that patients with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders were still more likely to die from heart disease. “This suggests that we are either missing some factor, or there is something inherent about having these disorders that puts patients at greater risk for heart disease-related mortality,” Kilbourne said.

Eric Goplerud, Ph.D., director of the Center for Integrated Behavioral Health Policy in Washington, said that results of this study and others suggest that people with serious mental illnesses are far less likely to receive medical screening and general preventive care. He said that lack of coordinated care has serious consequences: “Serving their mental needs in one stovepipe and their medical needs in another is probably associated with premature mortality.”

“The issue of cardiovascular disease in this population is huge,” Goplerud said. “As we look at national health reform, it is absolutely critical that people with mental illness and addictions be included – they are dying of preventable medical conditions.”

General Hospital Psychiatry is a peer-reviewed research journal published bimonthly by Elsevier Science. For information about the journal, contact Wayne Katon, M.D., at (206) 543-7177.

Kilbourne AM, et al. Excess heart-disease-related mortality in a national study of patients with mental disorders: identifying modifiable risk factors. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 31(6), 2009.

Health Behavior News Service

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