All Posts Tagged With: "fish"

Recipe: Creamy Broccoli-Avocado Soup

Linda’s comment:  This is AWESOME SOUP….I of course use everything organic that I can find. I love Broccoli and Avocado….this is also a healthy soup….

Full Recipe: The Garden of Eating: A Produce-Dominated Diet & Cookbook


Prep: 30 minutes/ Cooking: 30 minutes/ Yield: 6 servings

Avocado adds a rich taste and creamy texture to green vegetable soups without milk or cream. I got the idea for this from the California Avocado Commission. I replaced zucchini in their recipe with broccoli, increased the volume of vegetables, and changed the seasonings. This soup goes well with fish, poultry, or meat with a bright orange, yellow, or red vegetable or fruit. Baked corn tortilla chips would make a great accompaniment.

Mercury, Heavy Metals – with comments from Linda, Dr. Gordon

Linda’s comments: Dr Gordon has been preaching for years and warning folks about the heavy metals we take into our bodies.  How many folks in the USA live near coal plants?  How much Tuna do we eat on a weekly basis.  Those of us who have or have had amalgams in our mouths for years will be fighting to remove the mercury from our bodies, BUT, we must remember that all mercury doesn’t come from amalgams….Dr Gordon gives a good explanation below…

Dr. Gordon’s Comments: Where does all this mercury come from? Many have opinions that it is all from dental sources or vaccinations, but the April issue of Discovery has the facts that contradict those opinions. I have attached the link to the April 2011 issue of Discovery, an article called Ill Wind Blowing Article by David Kirby.

This article states that they can prove how much of the mercury in our bodies comes from China and it is not just coal burning power plants in China, but smelting too, and dust, and volcanoes too. They report that 9/tenths of the mercury found in Americans’ blood is methyl form, mostly from fish with 40% of the total seeming to be from tuna. However, recently inorganic mercury has increased from 2% of women tested to 30% in just six years carried in the atmosphere from China and smelting is a largely unavoidable source and 1/2 is from smelting operations. Coal burning is another 38% of the total and that will increase rapidly, as they are putting two new power plants on line each week for electricity. 

Yes, Asian mercury is proven to be in American air and the levels are rising rapidly but the regions swelling deserts are contributing dust into the atmosphere increasingly too even obscuring vision in our national parks!  This is all now called the global mercury cycle and no one is clean, everyone is contributing to the mess. In the end we all live downwind!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


To access the article “Ill Wind Blowing”, click on link above then:

1.On cover of Discovery magazine, CLICK TO READ.
2.At bottom of page, press right page arrow until you get to pages 58-59. 
3.Click on them.

Nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Linda’s comment:  Isn’t it wonderful when the conventional docs find that Nutrition and proper diet is directly connected to the growth and function of children!!??  Some of you would like to scold them and say “I told you so” but I’m just excited that they are “finally” getting it!!  Just as the children of the Autism Spectrum parents have found that diet/nutrition is everything.  They also know that reducing the total body of pathogens and toxins can make all the difference in their children’s learning, sleep, and growth.  Reducing those heavy metals can help ALL, including adults.  Do your research folks and you can find the answers you are looking for.



November 3, 2009 (Honolulu, Hawaii) – Overall nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows that this patient population is at risk for low trace mineral status, including deficiencies in zinc and copper – minerals that may play a crucial role in the production of dopamine, norepinephrine, and melatonin, which regulates sleep. Continued