All Posts Tagged With: "Heavy Metal detox"

Iodine Deficiency Epidemic

Dr Joe Pizzorno, as the former Dean of the John Bastyr School of Naturopathic Medicine, still does a great job of continuing to educate. Read more about how iodized salt may be very unstable in humid environment.

I cannot say it more succinctly than he has here!  Get IODINE into patients! Continued

Mercury Amalgams vs. Breathing Particulates or Eating Fish?

How great is the contribution of Mercury from dental amalgams vs. breathing particulates or eating fish??

Why is FDA so afraid to alert consumers to the possibility that amalgams contribute to total body mercury levels and that combined with eating fish, which they refuse to require adequate labeling there also, means that consumers have no knowledge why they have so many health issues in their family. Continued

Contaminated Drinking Water in Our Schools

Drinking water in schools is clearly unsafe; lead is just the tip of the iceberg.
Once we educate everyone, then someday we will have reverse osmosis (RO) units in schools but that will take a long time. In the meantime water is merely one source of toxins now found in everyone so maybe the answer is to put Zeolite in everyone to help filter this stuff out before it gets more concentrated in our tissues like brain and heart. Continued

Healthy Babies Require Well Nourished Mothers.

This latest research should help encourage all pregnant women to measure their urine levels of vitamin C with the C STIX repeatedly during pregnancy. Anyone with the green color essentially has scurvy and their offspring’s brain health will be impaired. Continued

You CAN Help Patients Get Off Coumadin

There is a huge need for doctors’ knowledgeable enough to consult with patients about alternatives to Coumadin.  I feel that it is one of the most dangerous drugs prescribed so therefore I help patients go off Coumadin every day (Read personal testimonies below), but they have to assume FULL PERSONAL responsibility, as there are almost no doctors who will help them do that due to lack of adequate knowledge about the benefit to risk ratio. Remember, Coumadin helps to calcify blood vessels so it is NOT a life extension strategy for most people. Continued

Lyme and Infection Control with ACS 200

[Originally posted to FACT forum on Wed May 27, 2009 11:51 am]

Lyme seems suddenly to be everywhere and now we learn that most of us have Cytomegalic Virus too. This new research helps explain the sudden increase in Lyme world wide!

This information combined with the CMV research should be enough that, when considered altogether, leads me to believe that soon infections might overtake all other challenges including toxins, heavy metals, food sensitivities etcetera, as the key missing culprit that must be dealt with in all chronic disease patients if you are to see real lasting results! Continued

Military issues, related to service in the military

While I have no doubt this retired lieutenant colonel was diagnosed with Lyme disease,  my question is, has/was any thought given to how many chemical toxins he was exposed to during his military career?? 

With a full career in the military this poor guy was shot full of vaccines!!  How dirty were those vaccines.  Many say that vaccines can and has given patients, especially military personnel.

Lord knows the foods he was fed no doubt were GMO foods?

Bottom-line, we NEED to stop labeling everything with the word “Lyme”!  We need to focus on detoxing environmental toxins, and the poisons in GMO foods.   Plus, if we get word of the work “Lyme” no doubt more insurance companies would pay for treatments.  After all, Lyme symptoms can and are labeled with Fibro, Arthritis, Alzheimers, etc., etc., etc.

Keep your thinking caps on folks, there is more than one way to win this war against the diseases we are dealing with today!!

Angel Huggzz


Drwal drops election bid due to conditions
Medical issues related to service in military

Drwal, a 24-year veteran of the U.S. Army who retired as a lieutenant colonel after serving in various regions around the world, has been dealing with military-related injuries for over a decade.

“I had a couple of injuries when I was in the military,” he said. “I suffered injuries to both of my legs, which caused walking problems, and I suffered some neurological problems that affected speech and balance.”

Drwal, a member of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 67, also suffered from a tick-related disease while he was abroad, although the symptoms did not surface until years later.

“Last year I got really sick, and it turns out I had Lyme disease, and they are finding more and more troops that have been stationed in Europe have been coming down with it,” he said. “It just came on last year, attacking my joints and my neurological system.”

Full article:

TOXIN MAGNET: The New Zeolite-Based Detox Program

Alzheimer’s Disease, MS, Autism, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes… If we neutralize and remove the toxins in our bodies, while supplying ourselves with needed nutrients, we will see a world free of most degenerative diseases!

Dr. Garry F. Gordon will present ‘TOXIN MAGNET: The New Zeolite-Based Detox Program You Need To Get Healthy’ at the 37th annual Cancer Control Society Convention, on Saturday Sept 5th, 2009 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel, Universal City, CA (Los Angeles area).

As our environment becomes increasingly toxic,  a safe, effective and convenient ‘daily’ treatment for lead, mercury, and other toxins, is now an essential part of any effective anti-aging and health promoting program.
Dr. Gordon’s “Toxin Magnet” powerpoint presentation will be available on the Gordon Research Institute website at  A webinar will soon be announced on that site for those who are unable to attend this conference. For additional information, use the search feature and type in either the word ‘Cancer’ or ‘Kobayashi’,  for life-saving information about a proven program that eliminated cancer for over 10 years, for more than 10,000 patients!

We Are All ‘Living In A Sea Of Toxins’

Mark Hyman MD has done an excellent job at the 13th Annual Functional Medicine Conference of organizing thoughts about the EFFECTS of environmental and exogenous chemicals on our health, and why blood testing underestimates the extent of the problem.

I draw your attention to a few paragraphs from his extensive presentation, which discusses some of the impact of chemicals and toxins on our health. Click the link to view the entire 13th annual conference proceedings ‘Managing Biotransformation: The Metabolic, Genomic, and Detoxification Balance Points’.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


The Proceedings From the 13th International Symposium of The Institute for Functional Medicine

(Excerpt from presentation article by Mark Hyman, MD entitled ‘Systems Biology, Toxins, Obesity, and Functional Medicine’)


Why should we worry about toxins unless we work with toxic chemicals or spray pesticides for a living? Isn’t exposure minimal? Unfortunately, risks of exposure are substantial, pose significant public health risks, and can no longer be ignored. Continued

Natural Health Habits: Oral Chelation Therapy for Enhanced and Extended Lifespan

Read below what internationally renowned author, entrepeneur and investment publisher Gary Scott has to say about chelation therapy and healthy living.


Beyond Chelation
by Gary A. Scott

This message outlines how and why, in the 1960’s, due to strict OSHA regulations, the government curtailed a simple (and incredibly low cost) amino acid that can help improve cardiovascular systems, increase memory, improve vision, enhance vitality, expand energy and extend lifespan. Continued