increase in glycosylated hemoglobin – F.I.G.H.T for your health! Linda Heming describes her Lyme disease healing journey Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aspartame Poisoning Fri, 10 Sep 2010 15:59:10 +0000 Dear Cara,
I’m so sorry about your child.  Aspartame does trigger birth defects 
and especially autism.  In fact, aspartame is not an additive at all 
but a deadly addictive excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically 
engineered drug and adjuvant.  An adjuvant is an immune 
stimulator.  The squalene in the Anthrax vaccine that caused so many 
of the troops to have ALS is an adjuvant.  ALS is also caused by 
aspartame:  So its a 
double whammy so to speak.  Adjuvants all cause the same thing, MS, 
lupus, ALS, autism, etc.  Now to make it even worse aspartame damages 
the mitochondria which is the powerhouse of the cell and interacts 
with drugs and vaccines.  Splenda is a chlorocarbon 

Dr. Jim Harrison just did a graph showing autism skyrocketing when 
aspartame was approved.  In fact, I used your case  without your 
name.   Here is a new study 
which showed aspartame jumps premature birth up to 
78%:  Of 
course, the front groups are fighting the evidence:

You actually figured it out for yourself, but now you need help with 
your baby.  I do know somebody who can help you.  Contact Dr. Spice 
Crosby:  In my opinion if there is one person 
in this country who can help you, it would be Spice.  She worked with 
one case where the autism was even cured.

Here is the Aspartame Warning Flyer you can send to others to warm 
them not to make the same mistake and remember that Ajinomoto has 
just changed the name to AminoSweet so be 

Below my signature you will find the Aspartame Resource Guide which 
has detox, the aspawrtame documentary, medical texts and a safe 
sweetener, Just Like Sugar.

All my best,

Helpful Links:,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,
Aspartame Information List,  scroll down to banners

  Aspartame Resource Guide

Aspartame medical text, Aspartame Disease:  An Ignored Epidemic, 
<>  by H. J. Roberts, 
M.D., over 1000 pages  He also has other books on aspartame and just 
published “A Manifesto for American Medicine”

Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s Detox Formula: 
His new book is “The Only Answer to Cancer”.

Detox formula:  “What To Do If You Have Used Aspartame” by 
neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., 
Dr. Blaylock is author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, 
<>    He 
has an excellent CD titled:  “The Truth About Aspartame”, 
<>  All info is on 

Aspartame documentary:  Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, 

Aspartame Information List, you can subscribe on 
<>  scroll down to banners.

How to get aspartame out of your 

Safe Sweetener:  Just Like Sugar, 
<>   Can be 
found in places like Whole Foods. Made of chicory and orange peel, 
Calcium and Vitamin C.  Chicory has been used for 70 years to improve 
the health of diabetics.  Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote in his 
newsletter, The Blaylock Wellness Report, 
“Finally a safe sweetener”.

Aspartame information for distribution:  The Artificially Sweetened 
Times, 24 page booklets on aspartame, 

The Lethal Science of 

Studies have shown that sucralose can:

  * Cause the thymus to shrink by as much as 40% (the thymus is your 
immune powerhouse – it produces T cells)
* Cause enlargement of the liver and kidneys
  * Reduce growth rate as much as 20%
* Cause enlargement of the large bowel area
  * Reduce the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%
  * Increase the pH level in the intestines (a risk factor for colon cancer)
  * Contribute to weight gain
  * Cause aborted pregnancy low fetal body weight
* Reduce red blood cell count

Particular warning to diabetics:  Researchers found that diabetic 
patients using sucralose showed a statistically significant increase 
in glycosylated hemoglobin, a marker that is used to assess glycemic 
control in diabetic patients. According to the FDA, “increases in 
glycosolation in hemoglobin imply lessening of control of diabetes.”

Ajinomoto just announced a new name for aspartame called 
AminoSweet.  Be warned.

Web sites:  <>,  and 
Aspartame Toxicity Center, 

Also, you may be interested in the history of aspartame just reported 
for Prop 65:

Cynthia Oshita
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Proposition 65 Implementation
P.O. Box 4010 1001 I Street, 19th floor
Sacramento, California 95812-4010
FAX (916) 323-8803

Dear Ms. Oshita:

In reading available information, I assume you want mostly how 
aspartame relates to cancer.  Indeed it is a carcinogen, proven so by 
many scientific studies.  Aspartame also triggers many other serious 
diseases which fill the 1,000+ page medical text, Aspartame Disease: 
An Ignored Epidemic, 
<> by H. J. Roberts, M.D.

When FDA Commissioner Dr. Von Eschenbach took office I wrote him 
about aspartame and cancer, mainly due to his professed intention to 
save cancer victims; so much of this has already been 
Later 12 toxicologists asked the FDA to ban aspartame because of the 
long term Ramazzini studies on large rat populations showing 
aspartame is “a multipotential carcinogen”. 

Now I’ll go back to the beginning.

Aspartame was not approved by science but thru the political 
chicanery of Don Rumsfeld.  D.C. Attorney James Turner, explains how 
Rumsfeld did it in the documentary Sweet Misery, a Poisoned World. 
Here’s a clip from the movie so you can hear what he 

Searle’s problem was they couldn’t get studies to show safety.  For 
example, in  the Bressler 
you read where they would excise brain tumors from the rats, put them 
back in the study and after they died resurrected them back on paper. 
They even filtered out neoplasms to hide them from the 
FDA.  Repeatedly Searle was caught in this criminal activity.

On January 10, 1977 in a 33 page letter, FDA Chief Counsel Richard 
Merrill recommended to the Justice Department Attorney Sam Skinner 
that a grand jury investigate Searle for “apparent violations of the 
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 USC 331 (e), and the False 
Reports to the Government Act, 18 U.S.C. 1001, for “their willful and 
knowing failure to make reports to the Food and Drug Administration 
required by the Act, 21 U.S.C 355 (i) and making false statements in 
reports of animal studies conducted to establish the safety of 
aspartame.” The FDA called special attention to studies investigating 
the effect of NutraSweet on monkeys and hamsters.

Searle was caught dead to rights, so they hired Skinner, made him a 
deal he couldn’t refuse. So the former Justice Department prosecutor 
became a defender.  Next at bat as                   U. S. Prosecutor 
was William Conlon, who promptly switched sides too. By then the 
statute of limitations had expired. Searle knew they couldn’t win the 
case so they simply hired the prosecutors.  The Godfather hired the 
District Attorneys!

Nevertheless the FDA had no intention of approving aspartame.  The 
fraud was so great that  Dr. John Olney (who with James Turner fought 
against approval of aspartame ) told Searle to do studies in his lab 
so he could see that they were done honestly, with supervision.  Dr. 
Olney believed the FDA wouldn’t approve aspartame because the studies 
showed it produced brain damaged.  What he didn’t anticipate is that 
Searle didn’t submit these findings to the FDA.

January 30, 1980 the Public Board of Inquiry revoked Searle’s 
petition for approval declaring that they had “not been presented 
with proof of reasonable certainty that aspartame is safe for use as 
a food additive.”   Searle had spent $17 million on an aspartame 
factory and had no intention of giving up, poison or no.  At this 
point they hired Donald Rumsfeld who said he would call in his 
markers and get it approved anyway.
What were those markers?  President Reagan had told Rumsfeld he would 
be nominated for vice president, but instead selected Bush number 1.

The day after Reagan took office he appointed Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes 
as the new FDA Commissioner, to over-rule the Board of 
Inquiry.  Reagan knew it would take 30 days to get Hayes to the FDA , 
so he wrote an Executive Order making the FDA powerless to do 
anything about aspartame.  At 3 AM that night a member of Reagan’s 
staff called the FDA Commissioner Jere Goyan and fired him.  Here is 
a letter from his wife who was there when the terminating call came 

Once aspartame was on the market there was outrage as consumers were 
diagnosed with seizures, multiple sclerosis and blindness from the 
free methyl alcohol releases.  Senator Orrin Hatch, on Monsanto’s 
payroll, obstructed hearings on aspartame for years, but there were 3 
Congressional hearings from 1985 to l987.  Hatch was on Monsanto’s 
payroll, and kept  the bill in committee that would put a moratorium 
on aspartame until NIH completed independent studies on the flood of 
aspartame problems they were seeing: seizures, blindness, headaches, 
sexual dysfunction, behavioral problems, especially in children, drug 
interactions and birth defects.

About that time  Dr. James Bowen wrote FDA that “aspartame is mass 
poisoning of the American public and 70 countries” – today over 
The good doctor wrote: “For this reason, I am opposed to labeling 
aspartame content of food and drinks.  To do so would imply that the 
government is taking some sort of responsible action….when the only 
responsible action would be to immediately take aspartame off the 
market, fully disclose its toxicities, offer full compensation to the 
injured, public and criminally prosecute anyone who participated in 
the fraudulent placement of aspartame on the marketplace.”

How was the new FDA Commissioner,  Arthur Hayes,  get rewarded for 
over-ruling the Board of Inquiry?  He was hired as a consultant to 
NutraSweet’s PR Agency on a 10-year contract at $1,000.00 a day, and 
nobody’s heard a peep from him since, he got lockjaw.  Who ever heard 
of a PR guy who won’t talk?

Now they began funding professional organizations 
ladies-of-the-evening like the American Diabetes Assn, American 
Dietetic Assn and numerous others to propagandize the public with 
touting asparshame. Of course they also threatened scientists whose 
studies identified the toxicity of this poison. In the UPI 
Investigation Dr. Wurtman was threatened if he did studies on 
aspartame and seizures he would lose his funding. He capitulated. 
Read this report on the 8 month investigation by United Press 
Dr. Wurtman, too, got a terrible case of aspartame lockjaw, but MIT 
still gets the money.

ILSI, the International Life Sciences Institute, was born in 1978 as 
a “research” front for our favorite poisoners.  It’s board members 
are from Coke, Pepsi, Searle, Monsanto and the rest of the usual 
suspects. If a university won’t play their way the get no pay, that 
is to say, funding for fake “research”.

Over the years many independent studies have been done.  The 
manufacturers say 200 studies that aspartame is safe as rain.  Some 
of those were the ones FDA found fraudulent and sought prosecution 
for, and others were simply bought and paid for quack studies from 
rubber duck labs.

Consider seizure studies by Monsanto, they bought Searle in 
Seizures are listed 5 times on the FDA report of 92 symptoms that 
range from male sexual dysfunction to 
People are having so many seizures and going blind on aspartame that 
the Community Nutrition Institute filed a petition to ban aspartame 
in l986. Again the manufacturers put in the fix to prevent it from 
being banned.
They were so worried someone would have a seizure they actually gave 
people anti-seizure medication in the Rowan study.  ‘

Another impeccable “study” involved one-day consumption of,  believe 
it or not:  a single capsule of aspartame. Tantamount to smelling the 
bottle.  The got it peer reviewed with their power.  So when 
consumers complain of seizures they say “we did studies and aspartame 
doesn’t cause seizures”.

                   I smoked a Lucky once and I’m fine, so nicotine 
doesn’t cause cancer!

They have all bases covered.  Today front groups like Calorie Control 
Council, with full knowledge that aspartame causes birth defects and 
mental retardation actually push the 

When 60 Minutes did a story about aspartame and brain tumors the 
manufactures claimed to have all these studies showing safety.  Dr. 
Ralph Walton who was on the show decided to research who funded the 
Note that 92% of independent peer-reviewed studies show problems 
aspartame causes, while those funded or controlled by industry all 
say it’s safe. If you eliminate 6 studies the FDA, aspartame’s branch 
office in Washington, messed with, and one pro-aspartame sponsored 
summary, 100% of independent scientific peer reviewed studies show 
aspartame problems.

As Dr. Bowen said: this is mass poisoning of the world.  Aspartame 
destroys the brain, the optic nerve, the immune system and central 
nervous system.  It devastates every organ of the body.  Epidemic 
obesity, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, retinopathy and neuropathy, 
optic nerve destruction, convulsions and insulin reactions, MS, 
Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, IQ depreciation and dozens of other 
afflictions have been inflicted upon us by this deadly neurotoxic 
carcinogenic “sweetener”.

According to the prestigious Ecologist, aspartame was listed with the 
pentagon in an inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons 
submitted to Congress. 

Studies show the horrific damage done to the body.  For instance, the 
Trocho Study shows the formaldehyde converted from the free methyl 
alcohol actually embalms tissue and damages DNA. 

Here are summaries of the two aspartame studies, Ramazzini, that 
showed aspartame to be a  multipotential carcinogen, passed down 
through the mother:

DR. MORANDO SOFFRITTI, lead researcher on two groundbreaking 
long-term aspartame studies. He was recently honored at New York’s Mt 
Sinai School of Medicine with the Irving J Selikoff Award For his 
outstanding contributions to the identification of environmental and 
industrial carcinogens and his promotion of independent scientific 
research. Reviewing his two impeccable aspartame studies. Dr. 
Soffritti explains:

The first ERF study (2005) was conducted on 1800 Sprague-Dawley rats 
(100-150/per sex/per group) In order to simulate daily human intake, 
aspartame was added to the standard rat diet in quantities of 5000, 
2500, 100, 500, 20, 4, and 0 mg/Kg of body weight. Treatment of the 
animals began at 8 weeks of age and continued until spontaneous 
death. The results show that APM causes a statistically significant, 
dose-related increase of lymphomas/leukemias and malignant tumors of 
the renal pelvis in females and malignant tumors of peripheral nerves 
in males. These results demonstrate for the first time that APM is a 
carcinogenic agent, capable of inducing malignancies at various dose 
levels, including those lower than the current acceptable daily 
intake (ADI) for humans (50 mg/kg of body weight in the US, 40 mg/kg 
of body weight in the EU).

The second ERF study (2007) was conducted on 400 Sprague-Dawley rats 
(70-95/per sex/per group). In order to simulate daily human intake, 
aspartame was added to the standard rat diet in quantities of 100, 
20, and 0 mg/Kg of body weight. Treatment of the animals began on the 
12th day of fetal life until natural death. The results of the second 
study show an increased incidence of lymphomas/leukemias in female 
rats with respect to the first study. Moreover, the study shows that 
when lifespan exposure to APM begins during fetal life, the age at 
which lymphomas/leukemias develop in females is anticipated. For the 
first time, a statistically significant increase in mammary cancers 
in females was also observed in the second study. The results of this 
transplacental carcinogenicity bioassay not only confirm, but also 
reinforce the first experimental demonstration of APMs multipotential 

Over six years ago I petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame.  The FDA 
has 180 days to answer it.  They refuse, obviously because I’m using 
their own words, and they don’t know how to get around the fact that 
everything is a matter of record.   If it wasn’t so criminal one 
would have to laugh at their propaganda – the idea that someone might 
even consider believing them.  For instance, they will tell you there 
is just a small amount of methanol, and there is more in 
oranges.  What they don’t say is that in oranges that it is 
accompanied by ethanol which is the classic antidote for methanol 
toxicity and takes it out of your body safely.  Here is a peer 
reviewed journal article about it. 
Methanol also binds to pectin.  In aspartame there is no 
ethanol.  Here is their basic propaganda answered with 

A detox formula for aspartame victims endorsed by Dr. Russell 
Blaylock, Neurosurgeon: 
Available are his excellent books and a CD :”The Truth About Aspartame”

There are efforts now in states and countries to rid the planet of 
aspartame.  It is genetically engineered.  The manufacturers are get 
people in high places addicted.  When I testified to the Senate in 
New Mexico, half the senators were sipping Diet Coke.  Presidents 
Clinton and Bush were addicted.  Methanol is classified as a 
narcotic, it causes chronic methanol poisoning. This effects the 
dopamine system of the brain producing addiction.

  I’ve lectured in other countries and I can tell you people are sick 
and dying the world over on this poison. It would be great to see it 
banned from California.  First of all its illegally on the market 
because it violates the Delaney Amendment.  Here are comments from an 
FDA toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, to Congress on 8/1/85:

Dr. Gross testified that at least one of Searle’s studies “has 
established beyond ANY REASONABLE DOUBT that aspartame is capable of 
inducing brain tumors in experimental animals and that this 
predisposition of it is of extremely high significance. … In view 
of these indications that the cancer causing potential of aspartame 
is a matter that had been established WAY BEYOND ANY REASONABLE 
DOUBT, one can ask: What is the reason for the apparent refusal by 
the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney 
Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act?”

The Delaney Amendment makes it illegal to allow any residues of 
cancer causing chemicals in foods. In his concluding testimony Gross 
asked, “Given the cancer causing potential of aspartame how would the 
FDA justify its position that it views a certain amount of aspartame 
as constituting an allowable daily intake or ‘safe’ level of it? Is 
that position in effect not equivalent to setting a ‘tolerance’ for 
this food additive and thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA 
itself elects to violate the law, who is left to protect the health 
of the public?” Congressional Record SID835:131 (August 1, l985)

Here is my letter to the Assembly Committee on Health which exposes 
the fact that it’s adulterated: 
The adulteration  means it violates interstate commerce laws.

Consumer power is winning the war against this toxin. Holland 
Sweetener, the largest European aspartame producer closed in 2006. 
Another European maker also quit. In Japan Tosh stopped making it as 
well.  Merisant, in the USA went bankrupt for $230,000,000 in 
January, 2009.  47 members of Parliament signed for a ban in the 
UK.  There is continuing effort to get banned in the 
Philippines.  Romania banned it in the early 90’s because it’s 
carcinogenic. And now the European Food Safety Authority is doing a review.

Today no drug is safe if the consumer is using aspartame because of 
the interaction due to damage to the mitochondria.  It’s used in 
hospitals because of the dietitians making patients even sicker.

The Nutratanic hit the iceberg and Coke & Pepsi are in the lifeboats 
with new sweeteners in the works. Japan’s Ajinomoto and the USA 
NutraSweet Co are still slapping around in the frigid waters of 

  If I can provide further data I’ll gladly do so. There is no way to 
show safety on aspartame with honest, unbiased studies.  Eliminate 
industry studies to defend its product and you’ll see how deadly is 
this toxin.  Dr. Bill Deagle said its more deadly than depleted 
uranium because its ubiquitous  in our food.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International (warning the world off aspartame)
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599
<>, and 
Aspartame Toxicity Center, 
Aspartame Information List, 
<>  scroll down to banners

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