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Vaccine dangers

Linda’s comment:  Vaccines lack the proven efficacy that every assumes exists…we need to help educate patients.

Dr. Gordon’s comments:

Vaccines really can contribute to serious illnesses, much more often than you realize, as they set the stage for autoimmune disease in anyone with underlying issues, like the 600,000 children EPA says are born with mercury toxicity and the huge number that are born with genetic issues that lower their ability to detox.

Vaccines lack the proven efficacy that everyone assumes exists. Here is a well organized site that can help educate patients and that has some well credentialed voices lending their credibility to help spread the word. It will be a voice for truth about the terrible benefit to risk ratio around vaccine use that you must learn if we are ever going to stop the barbaric practices going on today.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute
1. Industrial exposure to mercury is significant and mostly comes from coal burning (220 million pounds a year) and chlor-alkali plants.
2. The main ways that humans are exposed to mercury are from contaminated fish and dental amalgams or silver fillings.
3. Mercury can affect nearly all your organs, especially the brain, heart, kidneys, and guts.

Mercury – commentary by Linda & Dr. Gordon

Linda’s comment:…..Heavy-metals are a food for Lyme critters….I started on my journey of removing the heavy metals from my body almost 2 years ago….I had 14 amalgams removed….I went on the FIGHT protocol and I’m slowly removing these metals….having that many amalgams, we know that I have mercury deep in my bones….get with it and begin the journey of removing the heavy metals from your bodies…it is a slow process, but you must start somewhere…..Having Lyme disease, the mercury serves as heavy armor for the critters….We are getting slammed daily from our dirty environment with heavy metals….we are in a fight for our lives…..The FIGHT program will make your journey much easier…

Dr. Gordon’s comments:

Mercury is seriously increasing in our environment from coal burning power plants, dentistry etc. How could you prove that mercury is not a contributor to anyone’s health problems, whether mental or physical?

Read this and realize that if treatment was free, and safe, probably everyone on the planet deserves mercury detoxification.

What is the dental component vs. the coal burning component? The answer to that will depend on the individual, as that is where the mercury in fish is largely coming from.

Here is an excerpt from this great well reference article by Mark Hyman MD:

“Whether your fillings are new or old, the mercury in them is constantly absorbed into your body. And even if you stop being exposed to that mercury, it sticks around. It takes up to 18 years for the body to clear half of the dose of mercury from the body. Once mercury is in the body it comes out only VERY slowly.

In fact, people with amalgam fillings have significantly elevated blood mercury levels, three to five times more mercury in the urine, and two to twelve times more mercury in their tissues than those without amalgam fillings.

However blood and urine mercury levels don’t necessarily relate to the mercury load in your body tissues or severity of clinical symptoms.

Research on sheep and monkeys with dental amalgams has shown that blood mercury levels remained low – even though their tissue mercury levels were raised.

Urine mercury levels aren’t much better as an indicator of your total mercury load. They mainly reflect the cumulative dose of inorganic mercury in the kidneys and there exists only a very weak correlation with levels in other target tissues”

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



10 Truths and Tips about Mercury Toxicity
1.Industrial exposure to mercury is significant and mostly comes from coal burning (220 million pounds a year) and chlor-alkali plants. 
2.The main ways that humans are exposed to mercury are from contaminated fish and dental amalgams or silver fillings. 
3.Mercury can affect nearly all your organs, especially the brain, heart, kidneys, and gut. 
4.Many chronic diseases may be caused or worsened by mercury, including neurologic disease, ADHD, autism, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and more. 
5.Some of us are genetically better adapted to detoxify mercury than others, leading to variable effects within the population. 
6.You should reduce your exposure by avoiding large ocean fish (like tuna, swordfish, shark, and tilefish) and river fish. Eat only small wild fish. If it fits in your pan, it is probably okay. 
7.Blood tests are relatively worthless for analyzing mercury toxicity, unless you have had a significant recent exposure or eat a lot of sushi or tuna. 
8.Hair tests only check for mercury from fish, not from fillings so they only give you a partial picture. 
9.The only way to find out your total body load of mercury is to take a medication with sulfur molecules that binds to the mercury like fly paper. This is called DMSA or DMPS. This test should ONLY be done by a trained physician and involves taking one dose of this medicine, followed by a 6- or 24-hour urine collection to see how much comes out. (In my opinion, the most reliable testing is done by 
10.If you are toxic and sick, you may consider addressing your dental health by seeing a biological dentist who can safely help you deal with mercury in your mouth. 

Flu like Symptoms … or something else?


Linda’s comments:  Folks this is a heads-UP on getting started on a lifelong daily detox protocol.  I personally use the FIGHT protocol, but what ever daily detox program you choose, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU BEGIN IT NOW…..The oil spill is hovering illness/disease….people in surrounding states are ALREADY getting sick.  If lead/mercury can reach the USA from CHINA, can you equate how much we will get here in the US from this Gulf Oil Spill?  DEVASTATING to say the least.
Right here on this blog you can find the Webinar’s on the FIGHT program….take the time and listen to one a day.  I’m begging you to get SERIOUS about your daily detox….it is only going to get worse. 
I now take the Zeogold (one capsule daily-opened in juice) with 5 sprays 3 to 5 times daily of the ACZnanoZeolite…..I bath daily in Beyond Clean and use the new EDTA soap, however, you need the rest of the protocol to protect you….I promote the FIGHT protocol, as I have been taking it for over 1 1/2 years and can truly feel the difference…..Not only am I having to deal with the “DAILY” environmental toxins, but I had 14 amalgam fillings for years… will take me 15 years to get that lead/mercury out of my bones, but I’m 1 1/2 years down the road…..
When you begin, your new best friend will be the toilet and Charmin, but it is worth it…..that eventually levels out and approximately every 3 months you will have another run on your bathroom…..the FIGHT program is like peeling an onion, one layer at a time. 
Please take this warning seriously folks…you won’t regret it….
  Lethal and toxic levels of hydrogen sulfide, benzene, and methalene chloride are floating in the air over the oil spill. There’s a very high probability that residents exposed to the air surrounding the spill will suffer a direct hit to their health status such as debilitating diseases or various birth deformities and cancer as a long-term result. But first what these people will see is flu-like symptoms, which, like in the flu, are symptoms of intolerable amounts of foreign toxins, chemicals and heavy metals in the tissues dumping into the bloodstream.
     Even a small amount of benzene exposure can cause temporary nervous system disorders, immune system depression and anemia. Short-term affects include skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation, headache, stomach irritation, drowsiness and dizziness. High levels of exposure can result in a rapid heart rate, excessive bleeding, tremors, vomiting, unconsciousness and death. Benzene can cause harmful effects on bone marrow and a decrease in red blood cells leading to myelofibrosis and myelodysplastic syndrome.
     That’s how it starts. Chemical exposure symptoms feel like a flu. Professor I.M. Trakhtenberg of Russia gives us a big hint when he says, “Chronic mercury exposure is also a threat to our health and makes us especially vulnerable to flu infections. It has been shown that “prolongedexposure of mammals (white mice) to low mercury concentrations (0.008 – 0.02mg/m3) leads to a significant increase in the susceptibility of mice topathological influenza virus strains.” For contemporary medicine to respond in an appropriate and humane way to the oil disaster it will have to leap out of the quagmire of its present paradigm an into one that understands the ‘terrain’ of human physiology and how that terrain is being overrun by chemical toxicity and heavy metals. WE DO NOT NEED TO BE ATTACKED BY AN INFLUENZA VIRUS STRAIN TO GET THE FLU. When we are attacked with nasty chemicals we are as likely to get the flu as when we are run over by viruses, which are more potent at driving health officials mad as at causing pandemics.
     “Blood elements such as WBCs, RBCs, hemoglobin, and bone marrow are adversely affected. With tissue proteins there is alteration of biological properties and protein synthesis. Enzyme; hormone; and endocrine functions of pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, ovaries, and testes are altered. There are pathological effects on the heart, liver, immune system, central nervous system, lungs, kidneys, and spleen.” continues Dr. Trakhtenberg.
     Thiol poisons react with SH groups of proteins, which leads to lowering the activity of various enzymes containing these proteins. This produces a series of disruptionsin the functional activity of many organs and tissues and this is the mechanism and pathological pathway of poisons that run us right into the ground. A toxic storm is gathering in the Gulf of Mexico and it contains devastating chemicals that can and will poison and destroy proteins with sulfur bonds.
Associated Illnesses
     According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, between 175,000 and 210,000 – or about 25 percent – of the living veterans of the 1991 Gulf War are currently afflicted by a debilitating, chronic, multi-symptom, multi-system disease commonly known as Gulf War Illness or Gulf War Syndrome. The Environmental Illness Resource , ( tells us that more than 110,000 cases had been reported by 1999, according to official government sources. There is even a report relating to military personnel in Kansas developing flu-like symptoms and chemical sensitivities after handling archived documents returned from the Gulf. In the UK, veterans of the 2003 conflict began reporting symptoms identical to those reported by the first war shortly after they returned from duty.
     The symptoms reported by veterans include:
Persistent Headaches
Muscle Aches/Pains
Neurological Symptoms, e.g. tingling and numbness in limbs
Cognitive Dysfunction – short-term memory loss, poor concentration, inability to take in information
Mood and Sleep Disturbances – Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia
Dermatological Symptoms – Skin Rashes, Unusual Hair Loss
Respiratory Symptoms – Persistent Coughing, Bronchitis, Asthma
Chemical Sensitivities
Gastrointestinal Symptoms – Diarrhea, Constipation, Nausea, Bloating
Cardiovascular Symptoms
Menstrual Symptoms
     These symptoms are similar to those attributed to chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities and other environmental illnesses. This similarity hasn’t gone unnoticed, which is why many people, including healthcare professionals and researchers, are coming to the conclusion that all these illnesses share common causes and etiologies. Gulf War vets have developed ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, at twice the rate of vets who did not serve in the Gulf War. Some veterans returned seemingly well, yet developed severe illnesses months or years later. The lag time between cause and effect makes understanding these illnesses more difficult.
     Coalition troops were constantly exposed to chemicals (and vaccines) whose use is considered safe by people and organizations that do not know a safe substance from a dangerous one. The retreating Iraqi army ignited approximately 600 oil wells in February 1991, which burned for about nine months. These fires produced massive amounts of thick smoke that sometimes drifted to ground level causing increased exposure to ground troops. When this occurred the air pollution was far greater than would be experienced in the average traffic congested western city.
     Questionnaires filled in by US troops indicated higher rates of eye and upper respiratory tract irritation, shortness of breath, cough, rashes, and fatigue than unexposed troops. The smoke from oil well fires contained a cocktail of chemicals, notably benzene, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide as well as quantities of particulate matter.
Read The Full Article
Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association

Disorders That Mimic Multiple Sclerosis


If you have multiple sclerosis (MS)––or you know someone who does––you probably remember how long it took to make the diagnosis.  You also may remember a lot of blood tests, a lumbar puncture, at least one magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, as well as many visits and examinations by various doctors.  You may wonder why it still takes so long to make the diagnosis in this modern age of MRIs and other sophisticated tests.  We are going to try to explain why it can be so difficult for even the most expert MS neurologist to determine that someone has MS.  You have to live with the diagnosis and face the disease and the treatments.  You should understand and have confidence in the diagnosis.  Also, if your case of MS does not fit the typical pattern, you need to be aware of the other disorders that can mimic MS.  This is important because the treatments may be very different and, just as in most cases of MS, treatment begun early in the course of the disease is the best way to prevent or slow further neurologic damage.

MRI and new laboratory tests have definitely helped speed the diagnosis, but it still takes longer than anyone would wish, even in easy cases.  This is partly because of the variable nature of the disease in its many signs and symptoms. But it is also because a rather long list of other medical disorders can cause neurologic symptoms and signs that resemble MS. Furthermore, the “white spots” on brain MRI can be caused by a number of other conditions that also need to be ruled out.

The diagnosis of clinically definite MS requires that a person experience at least two neurologic symptoms of the type seen in MS, in two different areas of the central nervous system (CNS), at two different times (‘disseminated in space and time’).  Most typically, the symptoms are optic neuritis plus either an abnormal sensation or a problem with movement.  It can also be numbness in one part of the body and weakness or lack of coordination in another.  But in every case, there can be no other explanation for the symptoms, the changes seen on the MRI, and the abnormalities in the spinal fluid.  Many “mimics” need to be ruled out in order to make the diagnosis of MS. 

Mercury, new shocking findings

Linda’s comment:  This is a GREAT list compiled by Dr Michael…They are finding moe and more things with Mercury.  Everyone puts focus on vaccines, however Mercury is everywhere, including our foods…..Corn syrup, fish, the list goes on and on…..check out this web site >>>>> <<<<list of 55 brand names containing Mercury!!   Any foods that contain high fructose corn syrup   has mercury in it.  HFCS is found in so many things, including some yogurts, salad dressings, cereals, sodas, and countless sweets favored by children.  Here is another good web site on the dangers of Mercury>>>>….. Here are some human exposures that are important…..… 
How many of you buy your children those cute shoes with flashing lights?  Or those cute clothes with flashing lights.  Every time those lights flash your child is getting a shot of mercury!!  I ask myself,  WHAT IS THE INDUSTRY THINKING WHEN THEY LOAD OUR CHILDREN’S CLOTHES WITH MERCURY????  Is money that important?? We the consumer need to stand up and SAY NO MORE!!
When you read information like I have supplied you above and below, it should scare you enough to focus on detoxing these toxins from your body.  Everyday you walk out your front door you are getting slammed with 500 to 600 environmental toxins.  A lifelong daily detox is vital to your health and well being.
I have been on the FIGHT program for 1 1/2 years now and I thank God daily that I have had this experience.  Those of us with chronic illness need to detox daily or we will never get well.
Linda or Angel Continued

“Safe” Lead Levels Linked to Depression, Panic

Linda’s comments:  “Safe” lead levels?????  What is that suppose to mean???  In my opinion there is NO safe lead levels., as I want it GONE from my body.   I focus daily on a lifelong detox program.  I had 14 amalgams removed and I will be at this for several years to come.  However, it is working and I’m so very happy to have learned the importance and how to do a lifelong detox protocol.   The FIGHT protocol ROCKS and the 1 1/2 years I have been on it is the best thing I ever did.  Lyme patients have panic attacks, but Lyme patients are also full of serious toxins, namely lead/mercury.  I have never and don’t intend to take pharmaceuticals  to remove the unwanted and toxic chemicals in my body.  You can listen to the Webinar on FIGHT at  It is excellent and you can learn a lot…
At least this article talks about reducing our environmental exposures.  We can work hard at doing that, which I do daily, but with the “industry”, like Monsanto who continue to dump deadly toxins into our gardens, food and homes.  It is time THE CONSUMER, JUST SAYS NO MORE and stop buying these toxic chemicals.  Until the consumers walk up and put their foot down, the Monsanto’s of the world will continue to make our bodies a toxic dump. 
The one I worry about is pregnant mothers.  The baby they are carrying is a toxic dump from all the bad things the mom is exposed to and eats.  These babies don’t have a chance in hell.  They will be born with a body FULL OF TOXINS….Sad Sad thing…
You want to get rid of unwanted WEEDS.  Simple solution, take one gallon of Heinz WHITE Vinegar, pour in a cup of Morton’s salt, and one tablespoon of Dawn dishwasher detergent….Pour over the weeds and or spray the weeds you want dead.  It works and it is NON-TOXIC, using NO CHEMICALS.  So for approximately $3.00 dollars you can make the safest non-chemical WEED KILLER…..Shssssssssss  don’t tell Monsanto or they might come and get me….ROFL…..
Folks you can very easily began cleaning up your homes, offices and diets from chemicals, and begin a program like FIGHT.  Save your own lives, children’s lives and our earth.
Linda or Angel
PS…..I have tried hundreds of detox techniques over the years (I’m 65 yrs old) but I have found that the products in my lifelong daily detox program works for me.  I feel blessed daily for this…

December 9, 2009 — Young adults with higher blood lead levels are more likely to have major depressive disorder (MDD) or panic disorder, even if they have exposure to lead levels generally considered safe, new research suggests. Continued