All Posts Tagged With: "liver"

PEMF and M.I.C.E

Linda’s comment: Please share with all……


This was designed for a presentation to firefighters in NYC by Dr Garry Gordon, DO, MD, MD

This was designed for a presentation to firefighters in NYC by Dr Garry Gordon, DO, MD, MD

DETOX with M.I.C.E (Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise)


The dust and smoke from the collapsed World Trade Center towers, and the fires that burned continuously for three months, consisted of more than 2,500 contaminants.  50% non-fibrous material and construction debris; 40% glass and other fibers; 9.2% cellulose; and 0.8% asbestos, and toxic amounts of crystalline silica, lead, mercury, cadmium, dioxin and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) which are known carcinogens and can also trigger kidney, heart, liver and nervous system deterioration.   

According to two studies published in the 10th anniversary edition of the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, firefighters exposed to the World Trade Center attacks are nineteen percent more likely to get cancer.  They and other 9/11 rescue workers are also suffering higher pulmonary, respiratory and stress related illnesses in comparison with the general population. 

Of 27,000 rescue workers who are voluntarily enrolled in a federally funded monitoring program, 28 percent have developed asthma, 42 percent chronic sinusitis, and 39 percent have developed gastroesophageal reflux disease.


M.I.C.E. (Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise) utilizing pulsed electro-magnetic frequency therapy, re-energizes damaged cells by inducing electrical changes within the cell that restore it to its normal healthy state. 


Cellular Exercise – Induces Autophagy


Autophagy is an internal “housekeeping” and recycling system that degrades damaged or unwanted organelles and proteins in a cell, and produces energy. This process has been shown to protect against cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, infections, diabetes, and more.   The failure of autophagy is thought to be one of the main reasons for the accumulation of cell damage and aging.  






Electricity and magnetism are vital to life.  A deficiency of magnetism in the body is like the body running out of oxygen.  With the loss of over 90% of the earth’s electromagnetic field, almost everyone today is operating at far below their true potential. Magnetic therapy restores what earth changes have depleted, the vital electromagnetic energy needed to produce optimal health. 


In clinical studies PEMF has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation, increase cellular energy production and detoxification, stimulate the body’s own stem cell production, heal non-union bone fractures.  PEMF is used to treat various cancers through facilitation of cellular alkalinity and apoptosis.  PEMF demonstrates amazing results in the treatment of mood disorders and depression, as well other neurological disorders like Autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. 


PEMF has even been documented to completely reverse a case of
advanced coronary artery disease!


PEMF repairs damaged and diseased tissue, repairs torn tendons and fractured bones, and enhances the synthesis of protein in the cells.  Pain, swelling, inflammation, and irritation are reduced while endorphins, serotonin, and the body’s natural healing processes are stimulated.  Nerves regenerate.  Range of motion is increased.  Metabolism is improved.  Nitric oxide is produced which dilates the blood vessels.  The formation and development of new cells, known as cytogenesis, is stimulated.  Edema, or swelling, is reduced.


PEMF therapy promotes the same responses and benefits that physical exercise produces, without the stress and strain upon your muscles and bone.  PEMF is Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise or M.I.C.E.   It re-energizes damaged cells by inducing electrical changes within the cell that restore it to its normal healthy state.  Because of this, cellular metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved and oxygen carrying capacity is increased.   


Ultimately, with PEMF and M.I.C.E. the immune system becomes healthier as the vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and colon are able to rid themselves of impurities thus detoxifying the body.  PEMF Therapy can reduce pain and improve the quality of your life by allowing your body to function as it was designed to do.”


For more information on Detoxing with MICE go to Gordon Research Institute website

Mobile phone radiation helps Alzheimer’s?

This is getting worse folks….did you know that talking on your cell phone while in a car makes it even worse?  This is also another source of radiation.  This study is very enlightening….



After all the concern over possible damage to health from using mobile phones, scientists have found a potential benefit from radiation.

Their work has been carried out on mice, but it suggests mobiles might protect against Alzheimer’s.

Liver nourishment recipe

Linda’s comments:  Those of us with chronic illness need to be nourishing our livers at all times…a simple way is to do the CBC cocktail at least 3 times weekly….during the Cancer days and active Lyme days I did one daily….here is the recipe….DO NO I repeat DO NOT alter this recipe for liver nourishment…
1 organic medium carrot….I never use the tops as it makes the drink way to bitter….you can use 2 small
                                      carrots but I don’t like the extra sugar that carrots have.
2 organic medium beets…..Use the top greens and the entire beet
1 organic medium cucumber….do not peel….cut off the tip of the cuke and take a knife and reem it down in
                                     the open end of the cuke, twisting a few times…..THEN shove a whole peeled
                                     garlic clove in  the cuke…..juicers don’t like little pieces, so this way the garlic
                                     clove gets chewed  up.
Salt to taste with sea salt or a good salt….DRINK down within 20 to 30 min. so you get all the benefits of the enzymes…
When I say do not alter, (some folks like to add lemon, apples, etc.,etc.), I mean it…. THIS IS A NOURISHMENT drink for the liver and not specifically for detox….
When you nourish the liver with this drink it will create its own flush….
There are some liver flush drinks out there, but I prefer this method, as did my Lyme and Cancer doctors.
I’m not big anymore on different flushes, except for the gallbladder, which I do once or twice a year to keep my gallbladder clean from stones….I’m more into the lifelong daily detoxing and nourishing from the FIGHT protocol….I want to keep up DAILY what my body needs and focus on a constant removal of pathogens and toxins…we get DAILY heavy metals, which our bodies that are full of inflammation are hit with….I have been on the FIGHT protocol for 2 years now and no longer have the bone pain I once did…

ublic Relations Campaign Deception: Aspartame & Formaldehyde

Full article:


I have recently been sent some information about aspartame and formaldehyde that looks like it might be part of one last public relations campaign to claim the chemical is ‘safe’. The formaldehyde exposure number cited in the text is off by a factor of over 400,000 and would not be taken seriously by knowledgeable scientists. The scientific literature cited has clearly not been read by the author. However, since a few consumers might inadvertently take the text seriously, I have chosen to point out some of the more obvious problems with the text.

> A simple MEDLINE search reveals that the levels of 
> formaldehyde they are talking about (30 micrograms after the 
> ingestion of 200 mg/kg/day of aspartame for 11 days) are 
> well within ‘safe’ levels, even though 200 mg/kg is equal to 
> about 60 Diet Cokes per day(!). 

The truth is that there is no MEDLINE summary showing an exposure to or an accumulation of 30 micrograms (ug) of formaldehyde in humans after ingestion of 200 mg/kg/day of aspartame. This figure appears to be either fabricated or caused by some serious math errors. The actual figure can be calculated quite easily and is approximately 61.3 milligrams (mg) for ingestion of one liter of diet soda.

The actual measured amount of aspartame in one liter of diet soda is approximately 600 mg. [Ref. 1]. If a 60 kg (132 lbs) woman ingested one liter of diet soda, she would be ingesting 10 mg/kg of aspartame:

    600 mg aspartame / 60 kg body weight = 10 mg/kg

Aspartame breaks down into 10.9% methanol by weight [Ref. 2]. So that the amount of methanol obtained from 600 mg of aspartame is:

    600 mg aspartame * 10.9% = 65.4 mg of methanol

Vitamin B6 and Methionine Lower Risk of Lung Cancer

Linda’s comment:  Well folks I have been here and done this with the lung Cancer not once but twice.  I learned….The FIGHT protocol is what I follow.  It is unfortunate, but today we have to protect ourselves from the toxic environment, which is becoming more toxic by the day.  I also take 20,000 mg ofBio En’R-Gy C, daily.   

Watch the  FIGHT webinar’s on this blog to get a better understanding of the importance of committing to the FIGHT protocol.
Dr. Gordon’s Comments:
Lung cancer on the rise along with our increasing pollution B-6 and Methionine and Folic Acid supplementation decrease incidence by 66% according to June 2010 JAMA.

“above average blood levels of vitamin B6 and Methionine, assessed on average 5 years prior to disease onset, are associated with at least a 50 percent reduction in the risk of developing lung cancer. The researchers also noted that when higher levels of vitamin B6 and Methionine are combined with an increased level of folate the reduction in lung cancer is 66 percent.”

Both of these nutrients are found in Beyond Vitamins-Improved and Beyond Chelation-Improved but the METHIONINE is in the Essential Daily Defense, as DL Methionine, which also helps detoxify mercury so you get even greater benefit.

Remember lung cancer in women is up 600% and over 50% have never smoked so pollution is the issue and daily detoxification is now essential for life.

BC-I conveniently also prevents fatal heart attacks and strokes due to decreasing clotting tendencies with its heparin-like action while also lowering lead levels with its multiple chelators including garlic, EDTA, DL Methionine etc.

Click below to see an abstract of this study.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


Lung cancer is a disease that forms in tissues in one or both lungs and usually in the cells lining the air passages. The majority of lung cancers are malignancies that arise from epithelial cells. Lung cancers most commonly metastasis to the adrenal glands, liver, brain and bone. There are two types of lung cancer; one being small cell lung cancer and the other one being non-small cell lung cancer. Cigarette smoking causes most lung cancers but high levels of pollution, radiation and asbestos exposure may also increase the risk. Statistical estimates in the US for 2008 including both types of lung cancer would be 215,020 new cases and 161,840 deaths.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is a water soluble vitamin that is instrumental in more than 100 enzyme reactions in the body. These activities are mostly related to the metabolism of amino acids and proteins. Vitamin B6 deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies. Much of this is due to the fact that a lot of vitamin B6 is lost during cooking and food processing. A U.S. Department of Agriculture study reported that 80 percent of Americans consume less than the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin B6.
Methionine is important to a variety of biochemical pathways; most cells can use homocysteine as a substitute for methionine. However, there are methionine-dependent cells that cannot use homocysteine in place of methionine. Methionine levels affect the amount of sulfur-containing compounds, such as glutathione, which defend against toxic compounds, in the liver. When higher levels of toxic compounds are present, more methionine is needed.

Current research has found that higher blood levels if vitamin B6 and methionine reduce the risk of lung cancer.

Flu like Symptoms … or something else?


Linda’s comments:  Folks this is a heads-UP on getting started on a lifelong daily detox protocol.  I personally use the FIGHT protocol, but what ever daily detox program you choose, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU BEGIN IT NOW…..The oil spill is hovering illness/disease….people in surrounding states are ALREADY getting sick.  If lead/mercury can reach the USA from CHINA, can you equate how much we will get here in the US from this Gulf Oil Spill?  DEVASTATING to say the least.
Right here on this blog you can find the Webinar’s on the FIGHT program….take the time and listen to one a day.  I’m begging you to get SERIOUS about your daily detox….it is only going to get worse. 
I now take the Zeogold (one capsule daily-opened in juice) with 5 sprays 3 to 5 times daily of the ACZnanoZeolite…..I bath daily in Beyond Clean and use the new EDTA soap, however, you need the rest of the protocol to protect you….I promote the FIGHT protocol, as I have been taking it for over 1 1/2 years and can truly feel the difference…..Not only am I having to deal with the “DAILY” environmental toxins, but I had 14 amalgam fillings for years… will take me 15 years to get that lead/mercury out of my bones, but I’m 1 1/2 years down the road…..
When you begin, your new best friend will be the toilet and Charmin, but it is worth it…..that eventually levels out and approximately every 3 months you will have another run on your bathroom…..the FIGHT program is like peeling an onion, one layer at a time. 
Please take this warning seriously folks…you won’t regret it….
  Lethal and toxic levels of hydrogen sulfide, benzene, and methalene chloride are floating in the air over the oil spill. There’s a very high probability that residents exposed to the air surrounding the spill will suffer a direct hit to their health status such as debilitating diseases or various birth deformities and cancer as a long-term result. But first what these people will see is flu-like symptoms, which, like in the flu, are symptoms of intolerable amounts of foreign toxins, chemicals and heavy metals in the tissues dumping into the bloodstream.
     Even a small amount of benzene exposure can cause temporary nervous system disorders, immune system depression and anemia. Short-term affects include skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation, headache, stomach irritation, drowsiness and dizziness. High levels of exposure can result in a rapid heart rate, excessive bleeding, tremors, vomiting, unconsciousness and death. Benzene can cause harmful effects on bone marrow and a decrease in red blood cells leading to myelofibrosis and myelodysplastic syndrome.
     That’s how it starts. Chemical exposure symptoms feel like a flu. Professor I.M. Trakhtenberg of Russia gives us a big hint when he says, “Chronic mercury exposure is also a threat to our health and makes us especially vulnerable to flu infections. It has been shown that “prolongedexposure of mammals (white mice) to low mercury concentrations (0.008 – 0.02mg/m3) leads to a significant increase in the susceptibility of mice topathological influenza virus strains.” For contemporary medicine to respond in an appropriate and humane way to the oil disaster it will have to leap out of the quagmire of its present paradigm an into one that understands the ‘terrain’ of human physiology and how that terrain is being overrun by chemical toxicity and heavy metals. WE DO NOT NEED TO BE ATTACKED BY AN INFLUENZA VIRUS STRAIN TO GET THE FLU. When we are attacked with nasty chemicals we are as likely to get the flu as when we are run over by viruses, which are more potent at driving health officials mad as at causing pandemics.
     “Blood elements such as WBCs, RBCs, hemoglobin, and bone marrow are adversely affected. With tissue proteins there is alteration of biological properties and protein synthesis. Enzyme; hormone; and endocrine functions of pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, ovaries, and testes are altered. There are pathological effects on the heart, liver, immune system, central nervous system, lungs, kidneys, and spleen.” continues Dr. Trakhtenberg.
     Thiol poisons react with SH groups of proteins, which leads to lowering the activity of various enzymes containing these proteins. This produces a series of disruptionsin the functional activity of many organs and tissues and this is the mechanism and pathological pathway of poisons that run us right into the ground. A toxic storm is gathering in the Gulf of Mexico and it contains devastating chemicals that can and will poison and destroy proteins with sulfur bonds.
Associated Illnesses
     According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, between 175,000 and 210,000 – or about 25 percent – of the living veterans of the 1991 Gulf War are currently afflicted by a debilitating, chronic, multi-symptom, multi-system disease commonly known as Gulf War Illness or Gulf War Syndrome. The Environmental Illness Resource , ( tells us that more than 110,000 cases had been reported by 1999, according to official government sources. There is even a report relating to military personnel in Kansas developing flu-like symptoms and chemical sensitivities after handling archived documents returned from the Gulf. In the UK, veterans of the 2003 conflict began reporting symptoms identical to those reported by the first war shortly after they returned from duty.
     The symptoms reported by veterans include:
Persistent Headaches
Muscle Aches/Pains
Neurological Symptoms, e.g. tingling and numbness in limbs
Cognitive Dysfunction – short-term memory loss, poor concentration, inability to take in information
Mood and Sleep Disturbances – Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia
Dermatological Symptoms – Skin Rashes, Unusual Hair Loss
Respiratory Symptoms – Persistent Coughing, Bronchitis, Asthma
Chemical Sensitivities
Gastrointestinal Symptoms – Diarrhea, Constipation, Nausea, Bloating
Cardiovascular Symptoms
Menstrual Symptoms
     These symptoms are similar to those attributed to chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities and other environmental illnesses. This similarity hasn’t gone unnoticed, which is why many people, including healthcare professionals and researchers, are coming to the conclusion that all these illnesses share common causes and etiologies. Gulf War vets have developed ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, at twice the rate of vets who did not serve in the Gulf War. Some veterans returned seemingly well, yet developed severe illnesses months or years later. The lag time between cause and effect makes understanding these illnesses more difficult.
     Coalition troops were constantly exposed to chemicals (and vaccines) whose use is considered safe by people and organizations that do not know a safe substance from a dangerous one. The retreating Iraqi army ignited approximately 600 oil wells in February 1991, which burned for about nine months. These fires produced massive amounts of thick smoke that sometimes drifted to ground level causing increased exposure to ground troops. When this occurred the air pollution was far greater than would be experienced in the average traffic congested western city.
     Questionnaires filled in by US troops indicated higher rates of eye and upper respiratory tract irritation, shortness of breath, cough, rashes, and fatigue than unexposed troops. The smoke from oil well fires contained a cocktail of chemicals, notably benzene, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide as well as quantities of particulate matter.
Read The Full Article
Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association

Mercury, new shocking findings

Linda’s comment:  This is a GREAT list compiled by Dr Michael…They are finding moe and more things with Mercury.  Everyone puts focus on vaccines, however Mercury is everywhere, including our foods…..Corn syrup, fish, the list goes on and on…..check out this web site >>>>> <<<<list of 55 brand names containing Mercury!!   Any foods that contain high fructose corn syrup   has mercury in it.  HFCS is found in so many things, including some yogurts, salad dressings, cereals, sodas, and countless sweets favored by children.  Here is another good web site on the dangers of Mercury>>>>….. Here are some human exposures that are important…..… 
How many of you buy your children those cute shoes with flashing lights?  Or those cute clothes with flashing lights.  Every time those lights flash your child is getting a shot of mercury!!  I ask myself,  WHAT IS THE INDUSTRY THINKING WHEN THEY LOAD OUR CHILDREN’S CLOTHES WITH MERCURY????  Is money that important?? We the consumer need to stand up and SAY NO MORE!!
When you read information like I have supplied you above and below, it should scare you enough to focus on detoxing these toxins from your body.  Everyday you walk out your front door you are getting slammed with 500 to 600 environmental toxins.  A lifelong daily detox is vital to your health and well being.
I have been on the FIGHT program for 1 1/2 years now and I thank God daily that I have had this experience.  Those of us with chronic illness need to detox daily or we will never get well.
Linda or Angel Continued

“Safe” Lead Levels Linked to Depression, Panic

Linda’s comments:  “Safe” lead levels?????  What is that suppose to mean???  In my opinion there is NO safe lead levels., as I want it GONE from my body.   I focus daily on a lifelong detox program.  I had 14 amalgams removed and I will be at this for several years to come.  However, it is working and I’m so very happy to have learned the importance and how to do a lifelong detox protocol.   The FIGHT protocol ROCKS and the 1 1/2 years I have been on it is the best thing I ever did.  Lyme patients have panic attacks, but Lyme patients are also full of serious toxins, namely lead/mercury.  I have never and don’t intend to take pharmaceuticals  to remove the unwanted and toxic chemicals in my body.  You can listen to the Webinar on FIGHT at  It is excellent and you can learn a lot…
At least this article talks about reducing our environmental exposures.  We can work hard at doing that, which I do daily, but with the “industry”, like Monsanto who continue to dump deadly toxins into our gardens, food and homes.  It is time THE CONSUMER, JUST SAYS NO MORE and stop buying these toxic chemicals.  Until the consumers walk up and put their foot down, the Monsanto’s of the world will continue to make our bodies a toxic dump. 
The one I worry about is pregnant mothers.  The baby they are carrying is a toxic dump from all the bad things the mom is exposed to and eats.  These babies don’t have a chance in hell.  They will be born with a body FULL OF TOXINS….Sad Sad thing…
You want to get rid of unwanted WEEDS.  Simple solution, take one gallon of Heinz WHITE Vinegar, pour in a cup of Morton’s salt, and one tablespoon of Dawn dishwasher detergent….Pour over the weeds and or spray the weeds you want dead.  It works and it is NON-TOXIC, using NO CHEMICALS.  So for approximately $3.00 dollars you can make the safest non-chemical WEED KILLER…..Shssssssssss  don’t tell Monsanto or they might come and get me….ROFL…..
Folks you can very easily began cleaning up your homes, offices and diets from chemicals, and begin a program like FIGHT.  Save your own lives, children’s lives and our earth.
Linda or Angel
PS…..I have tried hundreds of detox techniques over the years (I’m 65 yrs old) but I have found that the products in my lifelong daily detox program works for me.  I feel blessed daily for this…

December 9, 2009 — Young adults with higher blood lead levels are more likely to have major depressive disorder (MDD) or panic disorder, even if they have exposure to lead levels generally considered safe, new research suggests. Continued

Genetically modified (GM) foods

Big biotech claims that genetic engineering is a necessary step towards feeding the world’s growing population.  And yet debate still rages as to whether GM crops actually increase yields at all.  Furthermore, the UN recently stated that 30,000 people a day were starving to death, but not because of underproduction of crops.  It’s simply through lack of access. Continued

Genetic control of the innate immune response to Borrelia

Genetic control of the innate immune response to Borrelia hermsii influences the course of relapsing fever in inbred strains of mice.

Benoit VM, Petrich A, Alugupalli KR, Marty-Roix R, Moter A, Leong JM, Boyartchuk VL.

Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, and Program in Gene Function and Expression, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605; Institut für Mikrobiologie und Hygiene, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Charité Mitte, 10117 Berlin, Germany; Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Continued