MMR – F.I.G.H.T for your health! Linda Heming describes her Lyme disease healing journey Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Vaccines and Therapies for Vaccine Damage Tue, 21 Jul 2009 17:26:31 +0000 I am participating in the Medical Doctors Vaccine Webinar Series this Wednesday evening, 7/22/09, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT with Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD.  I will be speaking with him about vaccines and therapies for vaccine damage.

Sign up link is:

This is just one in an on-going series, that takes place on Monday and Wednesday evenings, and is co-produced by two great people:

Nick Haas, whom you will all one day thank, as a concerned parent who is making this lifesaving information about the dangers of vaccination available to the public.

Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, who practices in Chicago and is a prolific writer, outstanding physician and freedom fighter.

This vaccine issue is particularly pertinent now with the Swine Flu scare and the possibility of mandatory vaccinations in many countries. We all need to know the facts about vaccine’s still unproven benefits vs. their proven risks and what our choices are, if we still have freedom to choose. Also what are the alternatives and the potential legal risks involved for parents choosing to use a religious exemption. This is open to one and all so tell your patients about this, as everyone needs to be as fully informed as possible on this complex issue. Tune in and learn more!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Medical Doctors Vaccine Webinar Series

Please consider helping spread the word via your newsletters and websites about an absolutely historic set of webinars hosted by medical doctors. Most of the presenters are medical doctors as well. The link to provide people is Some of the presenters are listed below and the list is growing quickly.

David Ayoub, MD
Dawn Richardson – PAVE
Deanna Gromowski, Ian’s Voice
Donald Miller, MD – Cardiothoracic Surgery
Evelyn “Evie” Pringle, investigative journalist
Garry Gordon, MD DO MDH
Gary S. Goldman, PhD, Medical Veritas
H. Hugh Fudenberg, MD
Harold Buttram, MD
Isaac Golden, ND PHD D. Hom
Judy Converse
KP Stoller, MD
Mary Ann Block, DO
Meryl Dorey, Australian Vaccination Network
Patrick Quanten, MD
Richard Halvorsen
Russell Blaylock, MD Neurosurgeon
Sherri Tenpenny, DO
Stephanie Cave, MD
Stephen Marini, DC, PhD
Todd Elsner, DC
True Ott, ND, PhD

Medical Voices Vaccine Information Center

Please consider helping spread the word about this new site at While it’s only 1/1000th of what it will be shortly, several doctors have asked me to start getting the word out about the site now because of the swine flu situation.

Networking Doctors Internationally

Please consider putting me in contact with medical doctors who would be willing to present, regardless of where they’re located in the world. Also, I would hugely appreciate any media; video, articles, books done by medical doctors (whether in the original language or translated) that speak to the real issues regarding vaccines.

Medical Voices Vaccine Information Center as a Multi-Language Website

If you’re able to help me with getting the site going in your language or another language, please let me know. The platform is Joomla.

Thank you so much for anything you are willing to do. Just spreading the word is more than enough.

Nick Haas

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MMR VACCINE AND AUTISM – What Is The Truth? Mon, 15 Jun 2009 17:08:03 +0000 This controversy it too hot for the government to allow the truth to be heard! They have to defend status quo, because to admit there is even a possibility of MMR vaccines contributing (even 1 %) to the development of Autism, means that many parents will never vaccinate their children again.
Yet there is a vaccine recovery act, and without a doubt, some people react very badly to almost any vaccine. Take the Flu shot which clearly has led to the devastating development of disabling paralysis called Guillian-Barre syndrome.
That happened twice to Ms. Donna Jackson Nakazawa who has written the best selling book called The Autoimmune Epidemic. This excellent book, endorsed by leading medical specialists at Johns Hopkins and National Institutes of Health (NIH), explains in great detail why we have an epidemic of over 100 diseases today. Conditions ranging from MS to Diabetes, these experts agree that Autism is autoimmune related!
The Autoimmune Epidemic states that due to (Epi)Genetic changes in our population (induced by exposures to toxins like Bisphenol A or BPA) we can no longer treat everyone with the old standard protocols for vaccination.
Thus, if the government has a vaccine recovery program for those injured by vaccines, and if experts believe that we can no longer adhere to the overly aggressive standard vaccination recommendations, and as we face more of these devastating diseases that now affect over 25 million Americans, then the truth is Vaccines are a part of our current health crisis!
At the same time, some vaccines do have the potential for good and so we are not able to discontinue all vaccines. Undoubtedly in the future there will be great vaccines that everyone may want – unless of course the person receiving the vaccine is genetically or immunologically compromised in some way. That leads to the recognition that everyone today is loaded with heavy metals, organic toxins and carcinogens, endocrine disruptors and neurotoxins. To learn more about your own body-toxin load, see the Environmental Working Group site at
So WHAT IS the answer? There clearly has to be some admission by the authorities that people are changing genetically due to these toxins. That is called EPIGENETICS (See “A Tale of Two Mice” at about Epigenetics and Agouti Mice studies).
These changes mean that the old idea of one size fits all medications is no longer applicable. This means we need to bring flexibility into the vaccine schedule and certainly not give all the vaccines so rapidly at such a young age. We need to admit there are risks! Once that is understood, then we can make rational decisions about how to lower those risks.
Nutritional supplements alone can promote tremendous reduction in bad outcomes from vaccines as shown By Dr. Archie Kalokerinos His research documents a substantial decrease in vaccination related deaths in children simply by giving 500-1000 mg(s) of Vitamin C, per 10 pounds of weight, about 1 hour before administering the vaccinations. We can look into using homeopathy to modify the potential for any adverse reaction. We might even start to prepare for the vaccination process like we would prepare for an endurance race! But none of that can happen when we try to pretend that there is no risk, or that there is no relationship, between bad outcomes and the administration of vaccines.
Andrew Wakefield’s research deserves respect. He is an outstanding physician and scientist and his work has been replicated by many others. But the establishment seemingly cannot deal with the concept that attenuated viruses in the MMR vaccine could stay alive for years in immune-compromised children, and later be found growing in the cerebrospinal fluid and intestine! If they admit that there is any truth to Dr. Wakefield’s research, they fear no one will ever again allow the current MMR vaccine to be given to their child.
We have failed to explain to people the concept of how to balance benefit vs. risk. If we admit there are risks, then we can look forward to benefits to see how we want to handle this.
How many children really die from measles is a concept that is not understood by the public today. The truth is…VERY FEW! Furthermore, there are experts who strongly believe that having these childhood diseases actually makes a child’s immune system stronger.
So that is the benefit side of the equation. Now, how many children are we willing to harm to get that benefit? Obviously the party line has to pretend that no children are harmed, but that IS NOT TRUE! Clearly, there are children that are harmed with even the Flu vaccine.
As people become fully informed on the complexity of these public health issues, we might one day move forward towards lowering the risk. We first must admit that there is risk. Once we admit there are real risks with any vaccination program, then we can focus on how to lower those risks.
I assure you I would NEVER give any vaccine to anyone without trying to lower those risks. The easiest way is to take a lot of Vitamin C, even if you do nothing else. But why not also defer any vaccines, especially if you are ill in any way, have had no sleep, or other stresses that make you less able to handle the challenge of receiving a vaccination.

G Gordon MD DO MD(H.)
Gordon Research Institute

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