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Cipro & Levaquin reactions confirmed

Linda’s comments: Linda’s comment:  This is the reasons why I try and guide people to make their own healthcare choices and learn all they can about holistic/alternative medicine….There are wayyyyyyyyyy to many folks with Lyme disease who are given these products…..<sigh>



Levaquin and Cipro Reactions

In 2001, Dr. Jay S. Cohen published a ground-breaking article* on the severe and often disabling reactions some people sustained while taking Levaquin, Cipro, or another FQ antibiotic. Dr. Cohen says, “It is difficult to describe the severity of these reactions. They are devastating. Many of the people in my study were healthy before their reactions. Some were high intensity athletes. Suddenly they were disabled, in terrible pain, unable to work, walk, or sleep.” 
The 45 subjects in Dr. Cohen’s study reported the following side effects*.

Peripheral Nervous System

: Tingling, numbness, prickling, burning pain, pins/needles sensation, electrical or shooting pain, skin crawling, sensation, hyperesthesia, hypoesthesia, allodynia (sensitivity to touch), numbness, weakness, twitching, tremors, spasms.

Central Nervous System:


Dizziness, malaise, weakness, impaired coordination, nightmares, insomnia, headaches, agitation, anxiety, panic attacks, disorientation, impaired concentration or memory, confusion, depersonalization, hallucinations, psychoses.

Magnesium deficiency addressed by removing mercury

Linda’s comment:  FINALLY a doctor that gets it…..


Today, clinicians have major concerns with Toxic Body Burden, consisting of toxic heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and pathogen load, and how these poisons adversely affect the nutritional status of their patients. A particularly critical example of the interference of toxins with nutritional status and biochemical function is the competitive aspect of Mercury and Magnesium.     

Mercury, Magnesium and Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Mercury specifically competes with Magnesium and interferes with all Magnesium-dependent metabolic pathways, such as production of energy from ATP and GTP, which directly leads to lack of chemical energy. Every cell in the body requires chemical energy derived from ATP or GTP to function, heal and regenerate. Adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP) is a multifunctional nucleotide that is critical as the “molecular currency” of intracellular energy transfer. In this role, ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. It is produced as an energy source during the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and consumed by many enzymes and a multitude of cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions, motility and cell division. In signal transduction pathways, ATP is used as a substrate by kinases that phosphorylate proteins and lipids, as well as by adenylate cyclase, which uses ATP to produce the second messenger molecule cyclic AMP. If Mercury is present, this cannot occur.

Inflammatory Peripheral Neuropathies Prevalent in Poultry and Swine Farmers

Linda’s comment:  I have a friend who drives truck from the east coast to the west coast and recently I got a telephone call from her.  She told me that she would NEVER EVER roll her eyes at me when I talk about “free range”, organic feed, and how the chickens are killed and processed.

They had to pick up a delivery of processed chickens, (they drive refrigerated trucks) and the rot and smell were more than she could take.  She said many of the chicken in the confined cages had no feathers on their wings.  She thought it was because the cages they were kept in were so small that they could not flap their wings.  They picked up their load then delivered it to a place that the smell of rot was so bad she puked.  She has sworn off any chicken or eggs that don’t come from free range and organic fed.  Of course I was doing a happy dance that two more people saw the light!!  In the following article it doesn’t surprise me how sick our farmers are from managing chickens and pigs in such nasty conditions.  What has this world come to?? Continued