Vaccines – F.I.G.H.T for your health! Linda Heming describes her Lyme disease healing journey Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Vaccine dangers Tue, 17 Jan 2012 06:07:02 +0000 Linda’s comment:  Vaccines lack the proven efficacy that every assumes exists…we need to help educate patients.

Dr. Gordon’s comments:

Vaccines really can contribute to serious illnesses, much more often than you realize, as they set the stage for autoimmune disease in anyone with underlying issues, like the 600,000 children EPA says are born with mercury toxicity and the huge number that are born with genetic issues that lower their ability to detox.

Vaccines lack the proven efficacy that everyone assumes exists. Here is a well organized site that can help educate patients and that has some well credentialed voices lending their credibility to help spread the word. It will be a voice for truth about the terrible benefit to risk ratio around vaccine use that you must learn if we are ever going to stop the barbaric practices going on today.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute
1. Industrial exposure to mercury is significant and mostly comes from coal burning (220 million pounds a year) and chlor-alkali plants.
2. The main ways that humans are exposed to mercury are from contaminated fish and dental amalgams or silver fillings.
3. Mercury can affect nearly all your organs, especially the brain, heart, kidneys, and guts.
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New study says: Autism NOT Genetic Tue, 02 Aug 2011 06:11:34 +0000 Linda’s Comments: This destroys the “expert” standing of so many autism so-called experts so do not expect overnight acceptance of the environment causation, which to anyone not involved in genetic research will find is clearly the logical explanation for not just autism but the fact that in USA one in four in school today are on drug therapy for some condition, diebetes, asthma, mental issues including depression adhd, obsessive compulsive and so on. 

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

This is a bombshell! Autism genetic causation with millions of dollars invested in this wrong direction is all but dead when the world reads the attached in-depth report.

Of course, erroneous ideas hang around in medicine for years, as there is so much money involved in sticking with out-moded concepts. This destroys the “expert” standing of so many autism so-called experts so do not expect overnight acceptance of the environment causation, which to anyone not involved in genetic research will find is clearly the logical explanation for not just autism but the fact that in USA one in four in school today are on drug therapy for some condition, diebetes, asthma, mental issues including depression adhd, obsessive compulsive and so on. 

This latest large study moves the pendulum away from genetic causation back to environment!! This study is carefully reported here in all detail so if you are involved in autism please read the attached in its entirety, as there are important details you will want to express accurately if you are advising patients or teaching.

I have always known that what Andrew Wakefield reported on, see his website and book Callous Disregard, had merit (IE MMR triggered autism in what had seemed to be normal children up until then). I have dealt with many of these families and attended numerous conferences

However, things are not always simple A + B = C and Thiomersal may not be acting alone and there are these Epigenetic issues we know are happening when substances like Bisphenol A impair methylation, as Randy Jirtle at Duke has documented in Agouti mice. Then the issue becomes one of what are the contributing environmental toxins and they may well vary from case to case. Then when you try to study which nutrient deficiencies are contributing to the autism spectrum, you have issue including D, Magnesium etc and now issues around the need for methylation support in order to better handle the load of toxins found in every child’s cord blood (see Ten Americans at 

Then the bomb shell of cerebral folate deficiency now reported in NEJM last week where we find that some antigen is blocking the folate receptors in brain and the only hint of nutrient deficiency was documented only in cerebral spinal fluid. Now we have many potential culprits for this new autoimmune disease of the folate receptor – milk protein or whatever you want to implicate to help explain why the folate receptor in brain are blocked and cannot take up folic acid unless in the form of Folinic acid or 5’MTHF and apparently needed by some in significant orthomolecular levels.

Now we have the time line of events and a turning point in the disease was 1988, which we now find is when vaccine manufacturers turned away from egg and incorporated aborted fetal tissue for vaccine production. 

WILL someone ever make sense of all this so that we can stop this epidemic? 

I vote for anyone wanting a healthy baby to start a one or two year aggressive detox program for prospective mom and dad along the lines I advocate with oral chelation including my Power Drink with ZeoGold added along with regular exercise and some sauna exposure to enhance sweating, as a minimum.

Then hopefully start a boycott of all vaccines made on aborted fetal tissue that includes 24 of them today. That would be nice but since that in some countries is met with jail terms and a gun pointed at the prospective recipient of the vaccine, maybe we have to settle for now with trying to decrease the number of adverse outcomes by at minimum using aggressive Vitamin C based oral program. That means using a minimum of one gram per 10# of weight or roughly for year of age, as one program to try to diminish the clear risk I see in associated with current vaccine use in a world population whose immune system is compromised from birth with over 220 known toxins including an average of over 1000 times more lead in tissues than was present 700 years ago (see Cal Tech, Clair Patterson). 

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



For over two decades now, so-called “autism experts” have been claiming that autism is more than 90% caused by genes. The influence of these claims on autism policy and research funding is hard to overstate. But few realize that the basis of these claims hangs on a fragile evidence base: two small twin studies–one from Great Britain, the other from Scandinavia–that reported high rates of concordance for autism among identical twins and no concordance at all among fraternal twins. Last week, the largest and most rigorous twin study ever conducted, the California Autism Twin Study (CATS) reported contradictory new evidence that struck a devastating blow to these claims. The CATS identical twins had lower and the fraternal twins higher concordance rates than past studies, a striking finding that suggests that instead of being highly heritable, the vast majority of autism cases stem from environmental causes.

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Linda, Dr. Gordon, comment on vaccine article Fri, 15 Apr 2011 17:26:10 +0000

Linda’s comments:  I have never and will never take any Flu shots, HPV or any vaccines ….I don’t buy into the scare tactics about how badly we need these toxic injections…..I don’t encourage ANYONE to either.
My kids didn’t get vaccines either….wait, my daughter got one shot and it made her so sick I said NO MORE… fact when one of your school mates got the mumps, measles, chickenpox I ran them over to play with these infected kids….yes they got their diseases, but only light cases, as I was poking vitamins/herbals in there….they got mega dosing of VitC….
Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

England says no point in giving flu vaccine to children under 5 but vested commercial interests hope to make it mandatory in USA under the health reform regulations. Flu shots for those under 5 are insanity. There is no documented benefit and the risks from learning disorders to asthma are increasingly being seen the longer we do follow up yet the commercial interests of those behind their intended mandatory vaccine movement are undaunted.

Also, could HPV vaccines lead to cervical disease in a 40 year old patient whose paps were always normal until she took the vaccine?

I just listed to a caller to NYU medical centers “DOCTOR RADIO” program on Sirius radio channel 114 and XM 119. She is going on 40 and was always normal on pap smears until she took the first of the HPV recommended three vaccinations. Now, for the first time in her life, she has an abnormal PAP. Experts agree that cervical cancer is nearly 100% due to HPV!  This woman did not have unprotected sex with a new partner but she received HPV, as a vaccine, which is being strongly promoted as the answer to eliminating cervical cancer for all sexually active young girls.  The guidelines for this patient are not yet finalized.

Of course the “experts” on the oncology program immediately assured her that there was no chance that her HPV vaccine could have lead to her unhealthy cervix yet they steadfastly agree that invariably cervical cancer is HPV!  

Read more here and try to stay on top of this for the sake of everyone!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

According to Vaccine Truth:
“Perhaps the UK government has learnt their lesson. Instead of vaccination they have decided to bring back last year’s Swine Flu ads with the caption ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ … The message is the best way to combat the flu is a lesson in hygiene.”
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Wild Scottish sheep could help explain differences in immunity Sat, 04 Dec 2010 05:17:06 +0000 Link:


An 11-year study of a population of wild sheep located on a
remote island off the coast of Scotland that gauged the animals’
susceptibility to infection may give new insight into why some
people get sicker than others when exposed to the same illness.
The answer to this medical puzzle may lie in deep-rooted
differences in how animals survive and reproduce in the wild,
according to the study, which was led by Princeton ecologist
Andrea Graham and published in the Oct. 29 issue of Science. The
research revealed that the sheep population over time has
maintained a balance of those with weaker and stronger levels of
immunity and fertility. “This is a groundbreaking study that to
my mind will change our whole understanding of the
immunoheterogenity in animal populations,” said Peter Hudson, the
Willaman Professor of Biology and director of life sciences at
Penn State University. “Graham and colleagues show beautifully
the tradeoffs in the immune system as a balance… that maximizes
reproductive output.”

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Lipoproteins of bacterial pathogens Thu, 11 Nov 2010 07:32:28 +0000 Link:


Bacterial lipoproteins are a set of membrane proteins with many
different functions. Due to this broad-ranging functionality
these proteins have a considerable significance on many
phenomenon from cellular physiology through to cell division and
virulence. Here, we give a general overview of lipoprotein
biogenesis and highlight examples of the roles of lipoproteins in
bacterial disease caused by a selection of medically relevant
Gram negative and Gram positive pathogens; Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Borrelia burgdorferi and
Neisseria meningitidis. Lipoproteins have been shown to play key
roles in the adhesion to host cells, the modulation of
inflammatory processes and translocation of virulence factors
into host cells. As such, a number of lipoproteins have been
shown to be potential vaccines. This review provides a summary of
some of the reported roles of lipoproteins and of how this
knowledge has been exploited in some cases for the generation of
novel countermeasures to bacterial diseases.

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Chronic Illness in US Kids Has Increased Thu, 07 Oct 2010 18:06:48 +0000 Double the number of children with chronic health conditions from 12.5 to 26% in just the past 8 years. At that rate, it can double again in another 8 years and the health care crisis will be upon us and the costs can bankrupt everyone. What are the causes of this epidemic of poor health?  I hope all of you know by now, it is not a deficiency of drugs!

This paper incriminates the obvious issues about life style. Note that they cannot dare mention the increasing number of vaccinations being administered to children in the United States and also cannot mention lead, mercury and the long list of toxins proven to be in every child from birth.

We need a new medical paradigm that recognized the causes of illness rather than suppressing the symptoms with dangerous drugs.

Please go to Google and view TEN AMERICANS video. Once you see this, you will want anyone that you love who is planning on a pregnancy to learn detoxing and my FIGHT program so that their child has a chance to really be healthy when born.

So just add these two ignored contributors, vaccines and toxin overload to the obvious diet and related life style issues they are willing to mention here. Note to get published they must stay politically correct so fast food gets mentioned but not toxins or vaccinations. This is their comment about the terrible report about the health of children in our country today. 

“So has the “social ecology” of childhood, the editorialists suggest, citing exposure to higher levels of toxic stress, increasing rates of absent parents, more sedentary lifestyles, more television and multimedia use, and high-calorie, high-fat diets.”

Now you can understand why a health care plan for everyone will be very expensive, as they will only be cleaning up the mess the above factors cause and never shutting off the ongoing contribution to this epidemic of chronic health conditions.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


February 16, 2010 — The rate of chronic health conditions among children in the United States increased from 12.8% in 1994 to 26.6% in 2006, particularly for asthma, obesity, and behavior and learning problems, according to results of a new prospective study published in the February 17 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
“Understanding prevalence and dynamics of chronic conditions on a national scale is important when designing health policy, making accurate clinical predictions, and targeting interventions to prevent chronic conditions,” write Jeanne Van Cleave, MD, from MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Boston, Massachusetts, and colleagues.
Patterns of how these health conditions have changed have not been widely examined, the authors note. The aim of this study was to examine fluctuations in the prevalence of obesity and other chronic conditions over time.

The investigators used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-Child (NLSY) Cohort (1988 – 2006) to estimate changes in prevalence, incidence, and rates of remission of obesity, asthma, other physical conditions, and behavior and learning problems in 3 consecutive cohorts of children in the United States.

The children were 2 through 8 years old at the beginning of each study period, and each cohort was followed up for 6 years. Cohort 1, followed up from 1988 to 1994, consisted of 2337 children, cohort 2 consisted of 1759 children and was followed up from 1994 to 2000, and cohort 3 consisted of 905 children and was followed up from 2000 to 2006.
Health conditions were reported by the parents and included any condition that limited activities or schooling or required medicine, special equipment, or specialized health services and that lasted at least 12 months.

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Person in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Takes Off With $2M Thu, 23 Sep 2010 18:08:11 +0000 Full article: Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M


A central figure behind the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) claims disputing the link between vaccines and autism and other neurological disorders has disappeared after officials discovered massive fraud involving the theft of millions in taxpayer dollars. Danish police are investigating Dr. Poul Thorsen, who has vanished along with almost $2 million that he had supposedly spent on research.

Thorsen was a leading member of a Danish research group that wrote several key studies supporting CDC’s claims that the MMR vaccine and mercury-laden vaccines were safe for children. Thorsen’s 2003 Danish study reported a 20-fold increase in autism in Denmark after that country banned mercury based preservatives in its vaccines. His study concluded that mercury could therefore not be the culprit behind the autism epidemic.

His study has long been criticized as fraudulent since it failed to disclose that the increase was an artifact of new mandates requiring, for the first time, that autism cases be reported on the national registry. This new law and the opening of a clinic dedicated to autism treatment in Copenhagen accounted for the sudden rise in reported cases rather than, as Thorsen seemed to suggest, the removal of mercury from vaccines. Despite this obvious chicanery, CDC has long touted the study as the principal proof that mercury-laced vaccines are safe for infants and young children. Mainstream media, particularly the New York Times, has relied on this study as the basis for its public assurances that it is safe to inject young children with mercury — a potent neurotoxin — at concentrations hundreds of times over the U.S. safety limits.

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A Wake-Up Story, by Healthy Child Healthy World Tue, 31 Aug 2010 20:22:37 +0000

Linda’s comment:  This video is simple and to the point….if you don’t care about your own health, please think about your children and grandchildren.  We know that babies are born into our world carrying 500 to 600 environmental toxins….There was a study done using 600 newborn babies within hours after birth…the blood tests results were very alarming….WATCH THIS VIDEO MORE THAN ONCE….pass it on to your grown children…show it to your place of worship…show it to everyone you can think of…This video shows hundreds of chemicals, etc., etc. etc., that are harming YOU, me and YOUR CHILDREN AND GRAND-CHILDREN….
What moms do not realize is their unborn child becomes the “toxic dump” for all the assaults and poor eating habits while carrying their child.  What needs to be done to help prevent or curtail these toxic loads is AT LEAST one year from becoming pregnant, the mother and father need to  clean up their bodies and consider a lifelong daily detox, prior to getting pregnant, AND after that year continue the detox. Your unborn child will have a better chance in life.
I personally did the wrong things when I was pregnant….I DIDN’T smoke or drink alcoholor take any medications, BUT I sucked down Diet Coke and Diet Dr Pepper and ate things that were unhealthy.  I didn’t eat organically, I took my folic, but no other supplements….I made a lot of mistakes….then I had 14 amalgams in my mouth and ALL the mercury from those amalgams were dumping DAILY into my body for my unborn child to take in as I chewed gum and ate. (the chewing of gum and foods releases on going Mercury into your bodies.  Bottom-line we are bringing children into the world who are already full of toxins and pathogens…..THIS MUST STOP…
This video, I hope, will bring education and awareness to all who care….even if the adults will not make the changes for themselves, make those changes for your children and grandchildren.
One last thing….think about those children who got “SLAMMED” with vaccinations on top of their already toxic bodies AND people wonder why we are dealing with Autism….Autism justisn’t caused by vaccinations, IMHO!!!!  However, think about it…..these babies are born with already toxic bodies, THEN they get 14 plus vaccinations within the first 2 years of their life….If you know those that are vaccinating babies, PLEASE get them to demand that those vaccinations be given ONE AT A TIME….BTW, my 30 year old daughter got her first 3 in 1 shot, got seriously ill and I said NO MORE….Yes, I took on the schools, and they backed down.  Now Arizona has 3 laws on the books to help protect parents who don’t want vaccinations….One other thing…When my daughters playmates got the chicken pox, measles, And mumps, I ran my daughter over to their house to play and get a natural exposure…..I protected her with high dosing of VitC and good children’s vitamins…PLUS, she got NO sugar…. Just be aware, if your child shows and/or showed no problems with vaccinations, they can have many problems as they go older….Don’t forget those vaccines were made and given before all the stink about nasty vaccines….KNOWLEDGE IS POWER….take charge of you own healthcare journey…some docs hate this, but alternative docs love it when you take the lead…they have a better chance of getting you well, when you lead the team….
What is more important than the health of your children and grand-children???
Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels, holding hands in the “chain of love”….

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Articifical sweeteners and their toxicity. Mon, 23 Aug 2010 05:55:06 +0000 Dear Catherine,

I’m pasting in a good article on High Fructose Corn Syrup.  You say “can you explain HFCS with regards to aspartame?”  HFCS is not good for you but it won’t instantly kill you.  Actually aspartame can.  As you’ve heard me say its masquerading as an additive but its a chemical poison – literally an addictive,  excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug and adjuvant that damages the mitochondria and interacts with drugs and vaccines…

It kills in many ways but for instance, its causes an irregular heart rhythm,
interacts with all cardiac medication,  damage
the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden
cardiac death.  Here are two articles about it
from world experts, H. J. Roberts, M.D., and Russell Blaylock, M.D.   H. J. Roberts, M.D.  Russell Blaylock, M.D.

You even get embalmed first.  Here is the Trocho
Study showing the formaldehyde converted from the
free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and
damages DNA.  When you damage DNA you can destroy

However, there are all types of ways to die from
aspartame.  Just read Dr. H. J. Roberts medical
text, “Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic”,  – 1000 pages of symptoms
and diseases and ways to die from this deadly
chemical poison masquerading as an additive.

Why ever drink a Coke?   I grew up in Atlanta,
Georgia home of Coca Cola.  It was different when
I was a young girl, of course, and the formula
changed.   When I started Mission Possible
International it was the last Coke I ever
drank.  I read the protest of the National Soft
Drink Assn and saw that they knew the gun was
loaded and even protested, then found out it was
addictive, a cash cow and used it
So they knew what it would do to the public and
didn’t care.  So I wouldn’t give them a penny
profit.  It was the last Coke I ever drank.  I
was in a movie theatre and asked for a glass of
water and it came in a Diet Coke cup.  I refused
it too.  Neither would I advertise for them.

We did an expose in Atlanta once for a TV station
and used a lady who had never had aspartame until
she was given a piece of sugarfree gum with
aspartame.  She immediately had a grand mal
seizure.  Many times reactions to aspartame are
instant as shown with this woman.  Also, because
of the chemical hypersensitization some people
have had immediate reactions.  If you saw Sweet
Misery: A Poisoned World  (
and I highly recommend everybody get a copy,
there is a woman, Cheryl Kemptner, who told the
hospital about the chemical hypersensitization of
aspartame and that she couldn’t be given any of
it.  They gave her a bracelet and put it on the
record but she was handed a glass of Crystal-Lite
with aspartame.  She became a Code-Blue and had
to be resuscitated.   She lived to tell the story
in Sweet Misery.  Some people have gone into anaphylactic shock.

Think of what aspartame can do to the
diabetic.  It not only can precipitate diabetes,
but aggravates and simulates diabetic retinopathy
and neuropathy, destroys the optic nerve, causes
diabetics to go into convulsions and even
interacts with insulin.  The free methyl alcohol
causes diabetics to lose their limbs.  No doubt
aspartame has caused the epidemic of

You just have to give up Coke and drink water and
not in plastic bottles.    You can get healthy
drinks at Whole Foods in glass bottles.  Or soon
you can get drinks from Just Like Sugar which are
safe and delicious

Here is something to forward to warn people about
Be sure to remember that Ajinomoto has changed
the name to AminoSweet, and all the other names
like NutraSweet, Equal,Spoonful, E951, Canderel, Benevia, etc.

Read on for an excellent article from the Nutrition Reporter on HFCS.

All my best,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,


Maybe Not So Natural…and Not So Safe

  Jack Challem, The Nutrition Reporter™

If you consider fructose a safe, natural sugar,
think again. You’ve been had by one of the
biggest nutritional bait-and-switch ploys in years.

Fructose and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) have
been aggressively promoted as natural sugars.
After all, we’ve been taught since childhood that fructose is fruit sugar.

The truth is that fructose and HFCS, as
large-scale commercial sweeteners, didn’t exist
20 years ago. Now, they’re almost as common as
sucrose-plain old white sugar. HFCS is routinely
added to processed foods and beverages including
Coca-Cola, Snapple, and many health food products.

“Fructose is not from fruit. It’s a commercial,
refined sugar,” asserted Robin Rogosin, a buyer
and research coordinator at Mrs. Gooch’s Natural
Foods Market in Beverly Hills, Calif.

In fact, a trail of medical studies dating back a
quarter of a century doesn’t paint a terribly
sweet picture for fructose. High fructose
consumption has been fingered as a causative
factor in heart disease. It raises blood levels
of cholesterol and another type of fat,
triglyceride. It makes blood cells more prone to
clotting, and it may also accelerate the aging process.

“People should avoid it,” urged John Yudkin,
M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus at Queen
Elizabeth College, London, and an expert in the health effects of sugar.

Most fructose sneaks into the diet in the forms
of sucrose and HFCS. Sucrose breaks down during
digestion into equal parts of glucose and
fructose. HFCS consists of 55 percent fructose blended with 45 percent glucose.

As is the case with any other refined food, a
little fructose won’t hurt you. The problem comes
with the sheer quantity of “hidden” fructose
being consumed through the HFCS and sucrose in
processed foods. For example, conventional and
“new age” soft drinks almost universally contain
11 percent HFCS by weight-2.2 pounds per case.

“The consumption of fructose has not increased
over the last 40 years. We have the data to show
that we’re not increasing fructose consumption,”
contended Mark Hannover, Ph.D., a researcher at
the A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co. of Decatur,
Ill, the second largest maker of HFCS in the United States.

Hannover is right about the past 40 years. But he
sidestepped the larger historical context.
Overall sugar (sucrose) consumption remained very
low – a few pounds a year – until the industrial
revolution. Advances in processing made it easy
to manufacture from sugar cane and sugar beets,
and people began eating more of it.

Although pure fructose has been available in
small quantities for decades, its use as common
sweetener dates only from the early 1970s. That’s
when the Finnish Sugar Co. developed a method to
efficiently synthesize it from cane and beet
sugar. Now, Staley and five other American companies make fructose from corn.

Staley’s principal product is HFCS, which has
captured a huge chunk of the market once owned by
makers of sucrose. The advantage of HFCS, from
the standpoint of food manufacturing, is that
it’s much sweeter than sucrose, it’s easier to
handle during processing, it has a longer shelf
life – and it’s cheaper than sucrose.

“We have improved the quality of sweeteners since
the advent of HFCS,” insisted Hannover. “It’s
clean microbiologically, it contains few sodium
ions, and it’s more stable than sugar.”

HFCS may be better than sucrose for
manufacturing, but it’s not any better for health.

Because refined sweeteners – and refined foods,
in general – lack bulk, it’s easy to consume
large quantities of them. Staley grinds up a
mind-boggling 500,000 bushels of corn a day and
turns them into more than 3 billion pounds of
HFCS annually. Amazingly, that’s only 20 percent
of the 16 billion pounds of HFCS consumed each year in the United States.

These days, our per capita intake of refined
sugar is almost 150 pounds a year. HFCS accounts
for 51.7 pounds of that, and sucrose for 64.5
pounds, according to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. That translates to about 60 pounds of fructose per person.

There’s good reason to believe that, from an
evolutionary standpoint, our bodies can’t handle
such large quantities of sugar, particularly
fructose. Eating it poses a health hazard, and it
doesn’t matter whether it’s from HFCS or sucrose.
But HFCS may be more dangerous because it sounds
more natural – and therefore healthier – than plain old white sugar.

“We felt the healthiest approach was to stay away
from refined sugars. That way, we’re not offering
a lot of empty calories,” said Bill Knudsen,
whose Chico, Calif., company has steered clear of
fructose sweeteners for its health food juices.
“A pure fruit juice product is healthier for you
than a refined sugar because of the micronutrients that come with the juice.”

In medicine, the first alarms about the link
between sugar consumption and heart disease were
sounded by Yudkin in the late 1960s. At the time,
he was chairman of the department of nutrition at
Queen Elizabeth College, London. Disturbed by
inconsistencies in the evidence linking animal
fats to heart disease, Yudkin began searching for another dietary factor.

An expert in carbohydrate metabolism, he
initially focused on sucrose consumption. In
laboratory and human tests, he found that sucrose
increased blood levels of cholesterol,
triglyceride, uric acid, insulin, and cortisol –
all associated with an increased risk of heart
disease. Sucrose also raised blood pressure and
increased the fragility of blood platelet cells,
making them more prone to clotting.

As dramatic as those findings were, the real
surprise came when Yudkin substituted fructose
for sucrose in his experiments. “The effects of
eating sucrose in the quantities we eat are
magnified with fructose. Fructose is the
dangerous part,” he said. In contrast, glucose
did little more than cause cavities.

Although he has been retired for almost 20 years,
Yudkin regularly publishes articles and letters
about sugar and heart disease in the leading
medical journals. In a phone interview, he was
surprised to hear that fructose and HFCS had
become common sweeteners in the United States. He
said they were virtually unheard of in England,
where overall sugar consumption has been declining.

Other researchers have confirmed Yudkin’s
findings, but sucrose and fructose are still
recognized as generally safe by the Food and Drug
Administration. Many widely used products, like
sucrose, were grandfathered in as a safe product
when food and drug regulations were created early
in 1938, and the safety of fructose was assumed
based on the perceived safety of sucrose.

“Fructose is part of the sucrose sugar. Sucrose
is affirmed as GRAS (generally regarded as
safe),” explained Judy Folke, a spokesperson at
the FDA’s Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Press
Office in Washington,D.C. “Fructose is not GRAS,
but it was treated under prior sanction because
it had been used for so many years.”

But the research suggests that, in retrospect,
the FDA may have assumed too much.

For example, fructose has been touted for years
as a safe sugar for diabetics because it doesn’t
trigger a rapid rise in blood sugar. That’s true,
but the cardiovascular consequences may outweigh
the benefits for diabetics,who already face a
higher than average risk of developing heart disease.

In a recent study, John Bantle, M.D., of the
University of Minnesota sequentially placed 18
Type I (insulin-dependent) and Type II
(noninsulin-dependent) diabetics on two diets.
The only difference between the diets was that
one contained carbohydrate as starch, which is
digested as glucose, and the other contained carbohydrate as fructose.

When they consumed the fructose, the diabetics
had fewer spikes in blood sugar levels. Three of
the Type I diabetics were able to reduce their
insulin intake, a positive change. However,
according to Bantle’s report in the Nov. 1992
Diabetes Care, the diabetics’ total cholesterol
rose an average 7 percent, and their “bad”
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol rose
almost 11 percent. The fructose increased their risk of heart disease.

But fructose doesn’t play havoc with only the
hearts of diabetics. Bantle noted the same
effects in a study of 14 healthy volunteers who
sequentially ate a high-fructose diet and one
almost devoid of the sugar. While on the fructose
diet, the subjects’ total cholesterol levels
increased by 9 percent and the LDL fraction increased by 11 percent.

“There is some data that if you consume a lot of
fructose, you can get an increase in
lipoproteins,” Hannover told Natural Health. “A
lot of this is mediated by consuming fructose
with other carbohydrates. We recommend using a
blend of carbohydrates – fructose may be the
primary carbohydrate with glucose or more complex carbohydrates.”

“I’m not trying to ignore the data,” he added,
“but I’m not trying to blow it out of proportion either.”

There’s another wrinkle. Add fructose to the
typical American high-fat diet – as most people
do – and the risk of heart disease increases even
more. Sheldon Reiser, Ph.D., of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition
Research Center in Beltsville, Md., studied 21
men eating two kinds of high-fat diets. The diets
were the same except for the carbohydrate. One
used simple starch, the other 20 percent fructose.

The cholesterol and triglyceride levels of all
the men increased while they consumed the
high-fructose/high-fat diet, but not while they
ate a high-starch/high-fat diet. Ten of the men
began the study with high blood levels of insulin
– another risk factor for heart disease – and
their cholesterol and triglyceride levels rose a whopping 30 to 50 percent.

Should people with moderate to high cholesterol
reduce their intake? The answer seems apparent.

“They might benefit from that,” Hannover
conceded. “We presume you’re under a doctor’s
care, and if you’re not, you should be. If I had
high cholesterol, it would be on the list of
foods to avoid – not on the top of the list, but
I wouldn’t leave it off either, since there is some data to support this view.”

Fructose and other sugars contribute to heart
disease in yet another way. Dietary sugars
increase what doctors call “spontaneous platelet
aggregation”, an unnatural tendency toward blood
clotting. But according to a study published in
the Aug. 1, 1990, Thrombosis Research, fructose
promotes abnormal clotting much more than does any other common sugar does.

There’s even more. Recent research by Forrest
Nielsen, Ph.D., of the USDA’s Human Nutrition
Research Center in Grand Forks, N.D., found that
fructose interferes with absorption of copper, an
essential mineral needed to create hemoglobin in red blood cells.

“Copper is affected by fructose,” Nielsen told
Natural Health. “With a high intake of
high-fructose corn syrup, people might show signs
of a copper deficiency and may need to enhance their copper intake.”

In addition, when five volunteers ate a diet with
20 percent fructose, their total cholesterol and
LDL cholesterol shot up. But the combination of
suppressed copper and high fructose also
increased the number of free radicals, damaged
molecules that contribute to cancer and aging.

Does Nielsen think fructose is safe? “I’m not
going to damn fructose because in small amounts
it’s not a bad substance,” Nielsen said. But he
later acknowledged, “I’m not convinced it’s completely safe.”

There’s one more significant side effect of
fructose. It cross links – that is, ties up –
proteins in what biochemists call the Maillard
reaction. This cross linking occurs during the
cooking of food, affecting both the taste and the nutritional value of food.

But the Maillard reaction also occurs in the
human body, and it’s suspected as a factor in
diabetes and aging, according to William Dills,
Ph.D., a chemist at the University of
Massachusetts at Dartmouth. Dills noted in the
Nov. 1993 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
that the relationship between the “Maillard
reaction-related cross-link in proteins,
cells,and tissues and the overall aging process appears indisputable.”

All this should not dampen your taste for fresh
fruit or fruit juice. The hazards associated with
fructose appear to be dose dependent, according
to Yudkin and other experts. If you eat
predominantly natural foods, and avoid large
quantities of processed foods, you have little to worry about.

Fructose accounts for only 5 to 7.7 percent of
the wet weight of cherries,pears, bananas,
grapes, and apples. That’s about 5.5 to 8
teaspoons per pound of fresh fruit. There’s even
less fructose – 2 to 3 percent, or roughly 2 to 3
teaspoons per pound – in strawberries,
blackberries, blueberries, oranges, and
grapefruit. Honey, refined by bees, contains 40
percent fructose, but its extreme sweetness
deters most people from consuming it in large amounts.

Calls to health food stores around the country
indicated a fairy high awareness of fructose as a refined sugar.

Rogosin, at Mrs. Gooch’s Natural Foods Market,
pointed out that carrying fructose-containing
products would be contrary to the chain’s mission
statement that emphasizes natural foods. “It has
known health effects – it increases cholesterol
and triglyceride levels,” she said.

Tim Connor, a buyer for Nature’s Fresh Northwest!
in Portland, Ore., pointed out that “there’s no
question that it’s a highly refined sugar.” The
health food grocery chain carries some products with fructose, though not many.

“We have not taken a no-sugar stance,” Connor
said. “We have taken a no-excessive-sugar stance.
We carry a broader range of products than what’s
found in more traditional health food or natural food stores.”

Is there a safe amount of fructose? Yudkin
reiterated that people should avoid it and that
they should be wary of sugars hidden in processed
foods. “Rather than switch to another sugar,” he
advised, “they should gradually reduce the amount
of sweetness in foods,” he said.

And what’s the view of the FDA, mandated by
Congress to ensure food safety? “We don’t have
any studies that show health effects (of
fructose)”, said spokeswoman Folke, after
checking with a scientific staff member she
declined to name. “We do not have any safety
studies on it. If a safety issue had come up, it would be big news.”

This article originally appeared in Natural
Health magazine. The information provided by Jack
Challem and The Nutrition Reporter™ newsletter is
strictly educational and not intended as medical
advice. For diagnosis and treatment, consult your physician.

copyright © 1996 The Nutrition Reporter™ – updated 12/04/96
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Dear Doctors, colleagues, friends and family…… Thu, 24 Jun 2010 19:43:24 +0000 Linda’s comment:   Dear Doctors, colleagues, friends and family……  

PLEASE share this information with all you know and VOTE daily….share with your patient base, church, other doctors…..This is a wonderful opportunity to help us get the education and awareness needed to help all understand this devastating disease….Autism families are in need of people understanding their needs and their children.  With the proper treatment of detox, modalities, supplements, speech, OT, etc., etc., etc., these children can be productive happy children and can become productive happy adults.   However, it takes a village to raise a child and it is going to take ALL to help these families to accomplish what is needed….
How many times have you seen a child at the play ground, church, airport, etc., etc., etc.,  that appear to have behavior problems?  Have you given any thought that these children might be on the autism spectrum and leaning life skills  to be normal children? Instead of making rude comments to their parent and/or caregiver about their behavior stop and think, perhaps this is a child with Autism?  How can I help this child? 
Help this brave mom win her audition with Oprah, so she can continue her mission to bring education and awareness to the world about children/adults who need our love, compassion and understanding what they are living. 
PLEASE VOTE daily for this mom and get this into the hands of everyone you know who will take the time to vote for this courageous mom.
Arizona Integrative Woman of the Year – 2010

Dear Provider/Agency/Advocate/Organization of services to individuals with Autism:

Please view the following video link regarding a reality show/talk show about autism.

My name is Prather Harrell.  I am a parent of two children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (one PDD-NOS, the other Autism).  I have decided to pioneer a journey to get autism the well publicized national and global attention it deserves by entering a contest hosted by Oprah Winfrey to pitch a show idea to her network producers.  I am hoping I can get your support.

The video link above is an online audition video I’ve posted on about my idea to host a reality show/talk show about families living and dealing with autism everyday.  I need to generate as many votes as possible between now and 11:59pm July 3, 2010.  That is not a lot of time, so I am hoping you would be willing to send this email with the attached link to your families, friends and constituents to request their support by voting.  Below is the email I’ve sent to my immediate circle of influence, but now I need to stretch my resources.  Will you help me???

I appreciate anything you can do to help get the word out about voting.  I promise this will be the only email you receive unless you respond with question or comment.  If you decided that you WILL send this email to parents, friends and constituents, here is the letter to them:
Hello Friends,
Thank-you for taking time to read this email and view the video.  For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Prather Harrell, and I have your information due to either our own acquaintance (past or present) or through that of a friend or family member that knows you and has forwarded your info onto me.  
I have a 5 year old son named Jonah who has autism.  Our journey with him has been both a challenge and a blessing.  I have learned to view the world very differently because he sees the world very differently.  It is because of him that I was inspired to participate in a contest hosted by Oprah Winfrey.
The contest is to pitch a show idea to her network producers for her new network OWN – the Oprah Winfrey Network, that will launch in January 2011.  My show idea is to be the host of a reality show/talk show about families living and dealing with autism everyday.  
I would love your support by clicking on the link below, viewing my video audition (just 3 min), then clicking on VOTE!  Then, I would request you to forward this email along to all of your contacts to view and VOTE as well.  The contest ends 11:59pm July 3, 2010, so I have from now until then to generate as many votes as possible.  YOU CAN VOTE AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE!!!  You do not need to watch the video to vote.  Remember, I’m trying to give children and adults with autism the voice they’ve never had before – a national platform on the Oprah Winfrey Network.  It doesn’t get much bigger than that!

Be blessed and thank-you so much for your support and your vote!
Prather Harrell

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