Author Nicola McFadzean, N.D.
214 Pages, $24.95
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Intestinal Health
Yeast overgrowth is a huge problem for people taking long-term antibiotics, but is very common even in those without that predisposing factor. Antibiotics kill off unwanted bacteria, but can also kill off the beneficial flora in the gut allowing Candida to overgrow. Yeast will also proliferate if intestinal parasites are present or if there are foods that may be causing inflammation in the gut. In short, anything that disrupts the healthy functioning of the gut can make one more susceptible to yeast overgrowth.
Part of addressing yeast problems is to heal leaky gut. Gut healing agents include the amino acid glutamine, slippery elm, marshmallow, licorice and an immune-boosting agent called colostrum.
Thankfully, there are many great anti-fungal remedies found in nature. They can be given separately or in combination.
Favorite: Dr. Nicola’s Anti-Fungal Formula – a blend of nature’s anti-fungals including garlic, sweet leaf, pau d’arco, fennel, gumweed, cinnamon, thuja and Oregon grape root – 30 drops three times daily.
Runner-up: Candibactin-AR – combines aromatic oils of thyme, oregano, sage and lemon balm – 1-2 gel caps two or three times daily.
Once we improve our nutritional status by taking foods out of our diet that may be creating inflammation, and eradicating any intestinal infections such as parasites, there are specific things that can assist in the healing of the gut lining. Once the gut is better healed, less immune activation will occur and the intestinal mucosal barrier will be able to provide a more complete divider between the gut, which effectively is the access point for the “outside world” and the bloodstream, which is the “inner sanctum.”
Here are a few things that promote gut healing:
Aloe vera juice – one of the most soothing and healing substances for the gut. It can be drunk in a little water or added to a smoothie (see Section II: Putting It All Together) – up to ˝ cup twice daily.
Slippery elm – If you can find the powder, mix it with some water into a gruel-like consistency, and consume within a few minutes. The paste will coat the wall of the digestive tract and is very healing. Can also be bought in capsule form if the powder is not available. One tablespoon mixed with water taken twice daily between meals.
Kefir – being full of healthy bacteria, kefir can be used for gut healing through its role in recolonization – ˝to 1 cup daily.
While I am predominantly focusing on how foods can be used to support digestive function, there are several supplements that warrant a mention in the area of gut healing. These include:
Marshmallow root – known as a demulcent herb, marshmallow lines the intestinal wall and provides relief from irritation.
Licorice root – the deglycerrhizinated form will not increase blood pressure, but will coat and heal the mucous membranes. It is particularly good for esophageal irritation and reflux (in chewable form).
Zinc – a mineral that is essential for healing as well as boosting immunity. Zinc carnosine is the best form for healing the gut and also has anti-H. pylori properties.
Glutamine – anti-inflammatory amino acid that is essential for the growth of the cells lining the intestines.
Vitamin A (helps sIgA production) – heals mucosa – 20,000 IU as beta-carotene daily.
SeaCure is a hydrolyzed fish protein powder that is highly effective for healing leaky gut by providing free amino acids essential for repair.
Digestive enzymes – help break down food into smaller molecules to avoid the immune activation while leaky gut is being repaired.
These healing foods and remedies are also good to use for a GI tract that has been inflamed and irritated by the harsh effects of antibiotics. I also find ginger tea to be excellent for nausea associated with antibiotic use. I recommend 2 cups daily of fresh ginger root that has been steeped for 5-10 minutes in boiling water. Ginger teabags are also available.
of Contents
& Intestinal Health
By Nicola McFadzean, N.D.
Paperback Book, 214 Pages, $24.95 |

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