

Tami Duncan, co-founder of the Lyme-Induced Autism (LIA) Foundation and Bryan Rosner have just finished co-writing a book entitled The Lyme-Autism Connection: Unveiling the Shocking Link Between Lyme Disease and Childhood Developmental Disorders. The book was published in June, 2008 and is now available.

The Lyme-Autism Connection Paperback Book
287 Pages, $25.95, Written by Bryan Rosner & Tami Duncan
Add to Cart | Learn More

Over the last decade, two disease epidemics have gone from mild ripples in the water to roaring, ravenous, all-consuming tidal waves, destroying thousands of lives and tearing apart countless families.

These two diseases are Lyme disaese and autism. Until recently, these afflictions were believed to be unrelated. Actually, that is an understatement. They were believed to have absolutely nothing in common, occupying distinct and opposite positions in the medical field. While bronchitis and strep throat have some relationship in that they are both infections, Lyme disease and autism were thought to have nothing in common at all—one is a tick-borne infection which healthy people contract while camping, and the other is a prenatal brain development disorder.

Recently, however, science has found similarities between Lyme disease and autism that cannot be ignored. When one looks beneath the surface of these seemingly diverse disorders, the underlying discoveries are shocking. 

Learn more and order The Lyme-Autism Connection
287 Pages, $25.95, Paperback

Read Excerpts from the Book: 

Watch Dr. Charles Ray Jones and Dr. Warren Levin
talk about the Lyme-autism connection at the
2008 Lyme-Induced Autism conference:


An investigative report, this book set out to examine the explosive increase in both Lyme disease and autism cases. The book is based on objective scientific data (read the latest Lyme-autism connection scientific study) as well as the vast wisdom and experience of physicians, researchers and parents. Although the Lyme-autism connection is an area of research which is brand new and continually developing, there is an ever-increasing amount of information and science to support the connection hypothesis. The following are some of the discoveries which were made by the authors and presented in the book:

  • Autism involves the immune system, and many of the immune dysfunctions seen in autism are the same as those seen in Lyme disease.
  • Numerous infections appear to be involved in autism, one of which is Borrelia burgdorferi (the Lyme disease bacteria). Borrelia appears to be one of the more important infections due to its skyrocketing prevalence and epidemic proportions.
  • The Lyme-autism connection has been substantiated by clinical experience, both in the physician’s office and at home among numerous mothers. http://www.lymebook.com/lyme-autism-connection
  • Borrelia can be transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy, resulting in early childhood infection.
  • The symptoms of Lyme disease overlap with the symptoms of autism, and in fact, the two diseases share in common many of the same “mimicking diagnoses.” Both Lyme disease and autism are characterized by clustering of these diseases within family histories.
  • The Lyme-autism connection is being studied with increasing frequency, by researchers with an ever-growing list of qualifications and credentials.
  • The connection is supported by geographical, chronological, and statistical analysis of the epidemiology of the two diseases.
  • The Lyme-autism connection is comprised of not one or two elements, but instead, numerous puzzle pieces which support one another to create and substantiate the connection hypothesis.
  • If you intend to take action and apply Lyme disease treatment to your child, please do so only under the supervision of a licensed physician. 
  • This field is evolving rapidly. To stay up to date, keep connected with the LIA Foundation


One of the most striking findings was the overlap between the states with the highest incidence of Lyme disease and the states with the highest incidence of autism. The following graphs show this dramatic association. In the below graphs, cases of Lyme disease are indicated by black bars, and cases of autism are indicated by grey bars. Note the unmistakable clumping of cases of Lyme disease in the states with the highest incidence of autism. This graph has been broken into two parts to accomodate the narrow width of this email.




     Foreword by Robert Bransfield, M.D., 10
     Information for the Reader, 12
     The LIA Foundation, 12
     Introduction to this book, 14


PREFACE     Getting Personal with Bryan and Tami

     Bryan’s Preface: The Lyme-Autism Connection Close To Home, 19
     Tami’s Preface: Research and Questions Bring New Hope, 24


CHAPTER 1    Introduction

     The Twin Epidemics, 33
     An Uphill Battle, 37
     The Many Faces of Autism, 41
     But Isn't Lyme Disease a Simple Bacteria?, 48
     ILADS List: Basic Information About Lyme Disease, 48
     Infection Stew, 52
     On The Front Lines, 56


CHAPTER 2    Building the Foundation

     Congenital Transfer,  59
          Pregnancy and Lyme Disease, By John Drulle, M.D., 62
          Recent Studies, 69

     Family Disease Trends, 74
     Interpreting the Data and Moving Past the Genetics Paradigm, 78
     Refuting the Inventible Guilt, 80


CHAPTER 3    Immunity and Infections

     Building the Case,  83
     Autism and Infections,  88
     A Few Key Example Infections, 91


CHAPTER 4   Making the Connection

     The Antibiotic Clue, 97
     The Key Lyme-Autism Study, 102
     Open Studies, 111


CHAPTER 5    Connecting the Dots: Common Symptomology

     Symptoms vs. Syndromes, 116
     Blurred Lines Between Disease Labels, 117
     Lyme Disease: The Great Imitator, 119
     Autism: The Next Great Imitator?, 121
     Autoimmunity, 126
     Where the Rubber Meets the Road, 129


CHAPTER 6    Connecting the Dots: Geographic Distribution

     The Correlation Coefficient, 135
     Chronological Correlation, 140
     Geographical Correlation, 145


CHAPTER 7    Getting Help

     Finding a physician, 154
          Finding a Lyme-Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD), 158
          Finding an Autism-Literate Medical Doctor, 159

     Using Internet Discussion Groups to Locate a Physician, 159
     Brief Tips for Formulating a Treatment Plan, 160
     Treatment Resources, 161
          Websites, 162
          Books, 164

     Closing Argument, 165



     Appendix A: Testing for Lyme Disease and Co-infections, 169
     Appendix B: Introduction to Lyme Disease, 179
     Appendix C: Testing for and Treating Heavy Metal Poisoning, 189
     Appendix D: The Think Tank Overview, 199
     Appendix E: Personal Stories of Mothers and Families, 224

Bryan and Tami hope that you find this book to be fascinating and informative. You can learn more about the book at http://www.lymebook.com/lyme-autism-connection. You can learn more about the LIA Foundation at http://www.liafoundation.org. You can read the press release for the book, as well.

In Other News...
Lymebook.com News Headlines

http://www.webmd.com/news/20080609/bad-lyme-bug-spreadingVirulent Lyme Strain Spreading in U.S., Europe - WebMD. A recent news article published by WebMD, and reviewed by Louise Change, M.D., is entitled “Virulent Strain of Lyme Disease Spreading in U.S., Europe.” Here are some of the highlights from the article.

It's not a new strain of Borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochete or spiral-shaped bacterium that causes Lyme disease. In fact, it was one of the first strains ever identified -- found in the cerebrospinal fluid of a patient with severe Lyme meningitis.

But now Wei-Gang Qiu, PhD, Benjamin Luft, MD, and colleagues find that the particularly nasty ospC type A strain appears to be the most common of the 20 or so B. burgdorferi strains found in the U.S. The spread of this virulent strain, they suggest, could be part of the reason for the increase in Lyme disease cases seen over the past two decades.

"OspC type A is the type most widely distributed in the U.S. -- and, as others have shown, this is the most virulent strain," Qiu, an assistant professor at New York's Hunter College, tells WebMD. "If this is widespread, it is not good. You don't want to see this thing increase." Read the full article here

Newsletter Sponsor

New Bartonella Textbook by James Schaller, M.D. In Summer of 2008, Dr. James Schaller published another excellent book on Lyme co-infections - this time, a book on Bartonella. This book is an excellent complementary resource to his recently published Babesia Textbook. Bartonella is found throughout the entire world, in cities, suburbs, and rural locations. It is found in fleas, dust mites, ticks, lice, flies, cat and dog saliva, and insect feces.http://www.lymebook.com/bartonella-schaller

Bartonella is so powerful at suppressing immunity that it can be found attached to red blood cells, and inside blood vessel walls, both without causing extreme fever and death. This suppression makes killing any other challenging co-infection very difficult.  
  • This is the first Bartonella Skin-Pattern book in English.
  • Now you or your child can be diagnosed by newly discovered skin findings.
  • Exciting new treatments for 2008!
Bartonella: Diagnosis and Treatment, 500-pages, $55. Hope Academic Press, 2008
Learn more and order the book

Newsletter Sponsor

The most important resource supporting Lyme-autism research is the Lyme-Induced Autism (LIA) Foundation. The foundation hosts think tanks and conferences in which the brightest minds of medicine gather to roundtable about the connection. If you were unable to attend the 2008 LIA Foundation Conference held on April 12 in Fort Lee, New Jersey, you should consider getting the 9-DVD set from the conference. We now carry this set as a supporting resource for the Lyme-autism book. Some of the most respected and knowledgeable physicians in the field spoke at the conference, including:

     Robert Bransfield, MDhttp://www.lymebook.com/autism
     Richie Shoemaker, MD
     Charles Ray Jones, MD
     Janelle Love, M.D.
     Peta Cohen, MS, RD
     Kazuko Grace-Curtin
     Guissepina Feingold, MD
     Warren Levin, MD
     Richard Horowitz, MD

The 9-DVD set includes all of these presentations. Learn more about the DVD set and place your order here.

We need your help! One of our upcoming books, focusing on Lyme disease and health insurance challenges, requires the stories and victories of patients just like you. If you have a success story of your battle with a health insurance company, please let us know about it!
Specifically we are looking for stories of patients that have successfully litigated cases against any insurer, with copies of all court documents.  Please include the originating complaint that brought about the court action. Did the patient have long-term disability cut off without notice?  Did the patient experience their health insurer deny benefits for coverage of treatment?  Has litigation brought about resolution and resumption of coverage issues?  Has any patient challenged the IDSA guidelines and their "standard of care" successfully?  Has anyone overcome the "not medically necessary" curve ball that insurers like to throw at patients?  Finally, were punitive damages awarded or damages for pain & suffering, loss of future earnings, past and future medical expenses which ensued resulting from not being treated in a timely and thorough manner?  Would the patient be willing to be interviewed by phone?  Any Lyme legal victory story with proper documentation will be considered.
We need case victories that focused on patient SSDI, health insurer, LTD insurer, worker's comp insurer and casualty insurer, and worsening of symptoms due to third party causes.  We prefer to have all court documentation of each case.
On the physician front, we are looking for victories over state medical boards, health insurers, physician protection legislation that some states have in place, victories in getting research published in mainstream journals and grant allocations.  Please submit all information on this topic to Kathleen at Christdied4u2@bellsouth.net. 
About Kathleen Liporace, author of the new book: 
Kathleen Liporace’s field of employment is medico-legal consulting for attorneys and patients against insurers.  This involves much research, negotiating and writing.  She has done well over 600 hours of research into Lyme and co-infections and the controversy surrounding the IDSA elite Lyme guideline writing members. 

In an ongoing effort to keep the Lyme community up to date with the latest news and events, Bryan Rosner spends considerable time updating his Video Blog. In this blog, Bryan discusses various important Lyme-related topics. The blog is updated 1-4 times per month. Don't forget to bookmark the page when you visit and check back for the latest news and research! Visit the blog now: http://www.lymevideoblog.com.


We now carry the well-known and highly informative textbook by Lida Mattman, Ph.D., entitled Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens. This book is a must have for doctors, patients, and researchers. Lida Mattman graduated from Yale University with a Ph.D. in immunology. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine and she is respected worldwide as the leading expert on cell wall deficient bacteria.

At 448 pages long, and 2.1lbs in weight, the book is extensive and thorough. Lida Mattman's work has invluenced many current treatment protocols and much modern thinking on diseases. Learn more about the book here.

BioMed Publishing Group is now offering a children's book on Lyme disease! We all know that Lyme disease can be very devastating in children. It is also a difficult task to educate children about the disease. Now you can accomplish this! Don't miss this beautifullyhttp://www.lymebook.com/lyme-in-rhyme-rodda-child-lyme-book illustrated, expertly written children's book on Lyme disease, authored by a registerd nurse.

Getting this book for your child may provide an incalculable benefit if your child becomes aware of the dangers of Lyme disease and is careful when outdoors and in wooded areas. See a sample page from the book and learn more here.

Until Next Time
Lymebook.com newsletter information

The Lymebook.com staff hopes that this newsletter has been helpful and informative.  Don't worry, we do not send out regular weekly or monthly newsletters.  Instead, we plan to only send a newsletter when something significant happens, which should be about 3-5 times per year.  If you have any questions about our newsletter or products, feel free to call us at (801) 925-2411. Until Next Time!


     Bryan Rosner and the Lymebook.com Staff

DISCLAIMER:  Lymebook.com newsletters, products, and websites exist as informational and educational resources only.  We do not provide medical advice nor do we offer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or cures for any diseases or medical conditions.  See a licensed physician for medical advice—do not consult Lymebook.com. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Bryan Rosner is a journalist, not a medical professional or physician.

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