Author Ken Singleton, M.D.
Excerpts from the Lyme Disease Solution:
of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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of Lyme disease books and DVDs.
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In cases of Lyme disease, in addition to its usual detoxification functions, the liver also needs to detoxify the body of Lyme toxins and antibiotic residues. To assist in this process, the following guidelines can be extremely helpful:
Make foods high in omega-3 oils a regular part of your diet. Sardines and wild-caught salmon are excellent food choices for this purpose. Also take purified fish oil supplements on a daily basis (2,0003,000 mg per day).
Eat plenty of raw foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Plant-based foods (except beans, potatoes, and tomatoes) better help the processes of liver detoxification when consumed raw or juiced rather than cooked. Artichokes and dandelion leaves are two particularly liver-helpful vegetables. Phases One and Two of the Lyme Inflammation Diet (LID) are designed to help jumpstart this cleansing and detoxification process. I highly recommend that the LID be followed according to the guidelines I provided in chapter 5.
Eat only organic foods if possible. Nonorganic foods contain herbicides and pesticides and other substances that add to the burden of liver detoxification. Organic foods, by contrast, help to reduce the toxin burden placed on the liver.
Make nuts a regular part of your diet, as they assist both liver and gallbladder function. They are an excellent source of healthy oils and quality protein. Nuts also make an ideal snack food between meals.
If you would like
to learn more about the book before ordering it, feel free to browse
these excerpts, which are available online, free of charge:
of Contents Introduction
and Background
and Diagnosis Natural
Killer (NK) Cells
Diet Medical
History and Physical Exam
Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Food,
Diet, and Omega Fatty Acids
and Positive Outlook Index
"What I have accomplished with this 500+ page book, The Lyme Disease Solution, is to share my everyday knowledge and practical experience of 10 years as a Lyme-enlightened practitioner (who also is himself a Lyme-survivor). Although I hesitate to use the cure word in relation to chronic Lyme, the principles in this book have resulted in a greater than 90% response rate in my patients. At least 60% of my patients achieve long-term improvement that allows them to get off of antibiotics completely."
Ken Singleton, M.D.
By Ken Singleton, M.D.
Foreword by James A. Duke, Ph.D.
Paperback Book, 523 Pages, $29.95 + $7 Shipping & Handling |

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