Author Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.

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        335 Pages, $34.95

Excerpts from the Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy:

Table of Contents and Index

History of Sauna Therapy

Sauna and Alkalization

Sauna and Weight Loss

Sauna and Fever

Sauna and Pesticides, Heavy Metals

Sauna Building Materials

Sauna Clinic and Spa Locations







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335 Pages, $34.95   

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
By Nenah Sylver, Ph.D. 
335 Pages, $34.95

About the Author 

Nenah Sylver has enjoyed a rich and varied career as a Reichian psychotherapist, a holistic health educator, and an internationally published writer. In 1996 she received her doctorate in Transformational Psychology, an interdisciplinary program of bodymind psychotherapy, holistic health, and gender studies, from the Union Institute. 

Dr. Sylver’s last book, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing: Holistic Technology for Cancer and Other Diseases (Stone Ridge, New York: The Center for Frequency Education, 2001), explores a safe, non-invasive modality developed in the 1930s that uses frequencies, combined with the latest research in many areas of complementary health. 

Forthcoming books include a work integrating feminism, depth psychology, and the body-mind principles of Wilhelm Reich; and a handbook that studies poisonous chemicals in the home, and presents safe, effective substitutes. Formerly published under the name “Nina Silver,” her writings in holistic health, psychology, feminism, sexuality, and social change have appeared in Natural Food & Farming, Natural Living Today, The New Internationalist, 333 334 The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy Nexus, Off Our Backs, Beiträge zum Werk von Wilhelm Reich (Contributions to the Work of Wilhelm Reich), and the anthologies Journeys of the Heart: Perspectives on Intimacy in America (Bruner-Mazel, 1999), An Introduction to Women’s Studies (Simon & Schuster, 1997), Women, Culture, and Society: Readings in Women’s Studies (Simon & Schuster, 1994), Transforming a Rape Culture (Milkweed Editions, 1993), and Closer To Home: Bisexuality and Feminism (Seal Press, 1992). 

Her volume of poetry, Birthing, was published in 1996 by Woman in the Moon Publications. Dr. Sylver has also been cited in Utne Reader (now called Utne magazine) and The New Yorker, and listeners have enjoyed her holistic health discussions on the radio. In addition to her scholarly pursuits, Dr. Sylver is also a lifelong musician and award-winning songwriter. She looks forward to recording an album of original songs. 

Resources and Clinic Locations Worldwide


Clinics, Doctors, and Medical Treatment Centers


Most of these facilities are equipped to handle people with serious prob­lems such as allergies, arthritis, cancers, cardiovascular disease, environ­mental illness, hard-to-treat infections, and neurological disorders. They administer sauna sessions, hyperthermia, or other heat treatments as part of a supervised, systematic detoxification program. Resort spas and a few medically-oriented spas are on pages 287 to 304.


Aquavitae Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy Centre 6501 Campeau Drive, Suite 100 Kanata, Ontario K2K 3E9 Canada

contact: Nadine Bellman, Physiotherapist phone: 613-592-2222 fax: 613-592-0284 website:

People with arthritis, rheumatism, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, neuro­logical conditions, injuries, tendonitis, pre- and post- surgical condi­tions such as joint replacements, and repetitive stress injuries are treated with physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, and many forms of hy­drotherapy.


Austin Rejuvenation Center 911 W. Anderson Lane #205 Austin, Texas 78757

contact: Vladimir Rizov, MD phone: 512-451-8149

Detoxification treatments include chelation with EDTA. DMSO, en­zymes, homeopathy, laetrile, oxygen, and vitamins are also used. Hy­perthermia treatments are in electric heater saunas to 120°F (48.9°C), with ozone added.


Ayurvedic Institute 11311 Menual Boulevard NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112

contact: Pancha Karma Department phone: 505-291-9698 fax: 505-294-7572 website:

Therapies include diet, lifestyle recommendations, synchronized oil massage, Shirodhara (a mind-balancing treatment), and Pancha Karma, which balances body, mind and spirit through the elimination of toxins so the body can return to its normal healthy state. The institute offers herbal steam treatments.


Battle Creek Lifestyle Health Center 101 N. 20th Street Battle Creek, Michigan 49015

contact: Jeff Gates, MD, and Bruce R. Hyde, MD phone: 888-255-3180 or 269-963-0368 fax: 269-963-3305 website:

In this descendent of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg’s spa, treatments include alpha stimulation, herbs, massage, nutrition, physical therapy, sunlight treatments, and hydrotherapy. Sauna therapy is given in one of Kel­logg’s original electric light baths. 


Black Hills Health & Education Center PO Box 19 Hermosa, South Dakota 57744

contact: Dick Nunez, FT, SFT, CPT phone: 800-658-5433 or 605-255-4101 fax: 605-255-4687 website:

People with autoimmune disorders, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity receive a 6-day non-medical program or a 13-day or 20-day medical program. Modalities include exercise equipment, hot and cold contrast treatments, hydrotherapy, and massage. The sauna uses steam.


Celebration of Health Center 122 Thurman Street Bluffton, Ohio 45817

contact: Dr. L. Terry Chappell, MD phone: 419-358-4627 fax: 419-358-1855 website:

People with allergies, arthritis and joint pain, autism (in children), car­diovascular problems, and yeast infections are treated with various heal­ing modalities including IV chelation, nutrition, and prolotherapy. The sauna uses steam with ozone.


Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine

7510 Northforest Drive

North Charleston, South Carolina 29420 contact: Allan D. Lieberman, MD phone: 843-572-1600 website:

Specialties include allergies and food sensitivities, children with learn­ing disabilities or other special needs, occupational and environmental medicine (including chemical injury/sensitivity), preconception care, and yeast problems. Treatments include chelation, nutrition, and de­toxification. The sauna uses dry heat.


Clinque La Prairie SA Medical & Revitalization Center

CH-1815 Clarens

Montreux, Switzerland phone: 011+41+21+989 3311 fax: 011+41+21+989 3333 website:

Medical services include cardiology, dental care, dermatology, endocri­nology, general surgery, gynecology, neurology, opthalmology, plastic surgery, and psychiatry. The staff beauticians, dermatologists, and mas­sage therapists administer hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, massage, and ozone. The facility has a dry sauna and Turkish bath.


The Cole Center for Healing/Cincinnati Hyperbarics

11974 Lebanon Road, Suite 228

Cincinnati, Ohio 45241 contact: Theodore J. Cole, DO, NMD phone: 800-667-5395 (toll-free) or 513-563-4321 fax: 513-563-3131 website:

Modalities include acupuncture, chelation, herbs, homeopathy, nutri­tional therapy, all oxygen therapies, psychological modalities, and pho­toluminescence (UV blood irradiation) to combat infections like HIV and hepatitis. (Blood is drawn, subjected to UV light, and then re­turned to the body.) The sauna cabinet uses steam with ozone.


Comprehensive Health Association 9910 Long Point Road Houston, Texas 77055

contact: Robert Battle, MD phone: 713-932-0552 fax: 713-932-0551 website:

People with allergies, arthritis, autism, cancer, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, environmental illness, and other conditions are treated with chelation (oral and IV), homeopathy, nutrition, and neural, oxida­tive and pain therapies. The two saunas use steam with ozone, and FIR.


Ealing Natural Therapies 108 Westcott Crescent Hanwell, London W7 1PB England

contact: Enrida Kelly, Dip, ANP (Naturopathy) phone: 011+44+0208 933 4520 website:

Services include ear acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, iridology, meta­bolic typing, mineral analysis, nutrition, and ozone cupping and insuf­flations. The sauna uses steam with ozone.


The Edelson Center for Environmental & Preventive Medicine 3833 Roswell Road, Suite 110 Atlanta, Georgia 30342

contact: Stephen Edelson, MD phone: 404-841-0088 fax: 404-841-6416 website:

People with chronic diseases such as ALS, autism, cancer, chronic fa­tigue, lupus, multiple chemical sensitivity, multiple sclerosis, and Par­kinson’s are given chelation (oral and IV), nutrition, ozone therapy (in­cluding injections), and photoluminescence (UV blood irradiation). The two saunas use FIR and convection heat.


Élan Vitál Medical Centers and Spas 21 West Street Worcester, Massachusetts 01609

contact: Abbas Qutab, MD phone: 508-753-0006


7 Whittier Place, Suite 108

Boston, Massachusetts 02114 phone: 617-227-6573 website:

Specialities are women’s health, aging problems, and hormone regula­tion. An adrenal stress index, food allergy profile, Ayurvedic pulse diag­nosis, and cardiovascular, parasite, and urine tests are given. Treatments include Ayurvedic medicine, chiropractic, herbs, homeopathy, and nu­trition. Heat treatments consist of smooth, hot lava stones soaked in es­sential oils and massaged onto the body.


Environmental Health Center 8345 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 220 Dallas, Texas 75231

contact: William J. Rea, MD phone: 214-368-4132 fax: 214-691-8432 website:

This is the first environmentally safe residential clinic constructed in the U.S., by the award-winning Dr. Rea, with organic foods, safe water, and rooms containing only natural, scent-free materials. The detoxification program uses dry and steam saunas.


Environmental Health Center of Western New York 65 Wehrle Drive Buffalo, NY 14225-1021

contact: Kalpana D. Patel, MD phone: 716-833-2213

Specialties include adolescent, pediatric and geriatric medicine; aller­gies; clinical immunology; environmental medicine; metabolic disor­ders; and preventive medicine. Treatments include chelation and nutri­tion. The sauna is Finnish.


Fun Fit Studio Noellenstrasse 15a, CH-9443 Widnau, Switzerland

contact: Dorit Boehme, Government approved massage therapist phone: 011+41+71+722 5250 fax: 011+41+71+722 5205 website:

People with allergies, back pain, cellulitis, headaches, and other condi­tions are treated with acupuncture, massage, spine corrections, and the F-Scan and Theraplex energy devices to kill microbes and impart re­storative frequencies to the body. There is a Finnish sauna and steam aroma shower.


Health Care for the 21st Century 875 Walnut Street, Suite 370 Cary, North Carolina 27511

contact: Joan Amtoft-Nielsen, MD, PhD phone: 919-467-5770 fax: 919-469-2971 website:

People with hard-to-treat conditions, including arthritis, cancer, cardiac disease, Cushing’s disease, digestive problems, mold, and yeast infection are treated with many modalities including environmental medicine, homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, and nutrition. The sauna uses steam with ozone.


HealthMed 5501 Power Inn Road, Suite 130 Sacramento, California 95820

contact: David Root, MD phone: 916-387-8252 fax: 916-387-6977 website:

People afflicted by environmental illness, chemical exposure, alcohol­ism, and drug abuse (of either prescription or street drugs, but not crack cocaine or heroin) are given the Hubbard detox protocol. The all-tile sauna rooms use dry heat.


HealthMed of New York

139 Fulton Street, Suite 515

New York, New York 10038 contact: Apryl McNeil, MD phone: 212-587-3994, 212-587-3998, or 212-587-3761 fax: 212-587-3760 website:

This facility was created to administer the Hubbard detox protocol to people who worked at Ground Zero, including police, firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians, and custodial staff at Stuyvesant High School (which became an impromptu infirmary), and now experience neurological and pulmonary disorders from the dangerous chemicals they absorbed. See HealthMed listing above.


Health Tools

3736 Mount Diablo Boulevard, Suite 202

Lafayette, California 94549 contact: Wootie McAdams, ND phone: 415-925-1831

People with allergies, digestive disorders, fatigue, heavy metal and chemical toxicity, immune dysfunction, muscular and skeletal pain, TMJ syndrome, and other chronic illnesses are treated with cell thera­py, herbs, homeopathy, massage, neural therapy, orthomolecular nutri­tion, oxygen therapies, and local and whole body hyperthermia. The saunas use steam and FIR.


Healthy By Nature

126 Laurel Road

East Northport, New York 11731 contact: Christopher J. Fischer, ND phone: 631-757-3366 fax: 631-757-3385 website:

Services include naturopathy, homeopathy, nutritional and herbal con­sultations, and constitutional hydrotherapy. The sauna cabinet uses steam.


Holos Center 2211 Corinth Avenue, #301 Los Angeles, California 90064

contact: Nadine Cutright, MBA, CtH phone: 310-345-8649 website:

Holos provides information, education, services, and products that en­courage clients to be proactive in their own lives and make enjoyable, informed choices about their health care. Modalities include biofeed­back, hypnotherapy, and cleansing protocols. The sauna is FIR.


Integrated Medical Specialists 115 Eagle Spring Drive, Suite A Stockbridge, Georgia 30281

contact: Dr. T. R. Shantha, MD, PhD, FACA phone: 770-474-4029 fax: 770-474-2038 website:

People with AIDS, ALS, arthritis, cancer, chronic fatigue, cardiovas­cular disorders, Crohn’s, diabetes, heavy metal and environmental poi­soning, hepatitis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis receive holistic and al­lopathic care that includes acupuncture, chelation, herbs, nutritional supplements, colonics, drugs, hormone replacement, Hyperbaric Oxy­gen Therapy (HBOT), and Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). A FIR sauna is used for hyperthermia.


Johnson Medical Associates 317 Dal-Rich Village Richardson, Texas 75080

contact: Alfred R. Johnson, DO phone: 972-479-0400 fax: 972-479-0400 website:

Specialties include allergy testing and desensitization, environmental and internal medicine, and toxicology. Treatments include chelation, homeopathy, nutrition, oxygen therapies, and intravenous and oral sup­plementation. The saunas are dry.


Klinikzentrum Bad Sulza GmbH

Multidisziplinäre REHA- und AHB Klinik

Rudolf-Gröschner-Str. 11

D-99518 Bad Sulza

Germany phone: 011+49+(0)36461-90 fax: 011+49+(0)36461-91890

Specialities include allergies, dermatology, cardiology, orthopedics, pe­diatrics, sports, and environmental medicine. Modalities include pho­totherapy, and electrotherapy, and mineral and mud baths. The saunas use both dry heat and steam.


Longevity Institute Indiana

9292 North Meridian Street, Suite 300

Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 contact: Arthur Sumrall, MD phone: 317-574-1677 fax: 317-574-1688 website:

People with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and heavy metal toxicity receive electrodermal screening, chelation (oral and IV), herbs, ho­meopathy, live cell analysis, nutrition, oxygen therapies, and photolu­minescence (UV blood irradiation). The dry heat sauna capsule dis­penses aromatherapy and vibrating massage. The low-EMF, FIR sau­na cabinet is used for intensive detox.


Magaziner Center for Wellness

1907 Greentree Road

Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003 contact: Alan Magaziner, MD phone: 856-424-8222 fax: 856-424-2599 website:

People with allergies, arthritis, autism, ADD, cancer, cardiovascular dis­ease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and heavy metal toxicity are treated with chelation (oral, IV, rectal), herbs, homeopathy, and nu­trition. The sauna uses FIR.


New Hope Health Clinic

7320 South Yale Avenue

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136 contact: Kent R. Bartell, ND, DC phone: 877-544-HOPE (4673), toll-free website:

People with arthritis, cancer, fatigue, heavy metal toxicity, heart disease, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, immune system suppression, osteoporo­sis, hormonal problems, and endocrine dysfunction are treated with ho­meopathy, intravenous chelation and nutrition, naturopathy, and oxygen therapies. The sauna cabinet uses steam with ozone.


The Oxygen Spa

14346 Cape May Road

Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 contact: Marian Porter, ND phone: 301-879-0212 website:

People with many conditions, including heavy metal and chemical tox­icity, come here for detoxification. The session begins with 30 minutes in a steam cabinet with ozone, followed by 15 minutes of oxygen inha­lation, or ozone inhaled through olive oil or olive with essential oils.


Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Whakaue Street (mail only: PO Box 1342l)

Rotorua, New Zealand phone: 011+64+7+348 0189 fax: 011+64+7+348 4266 website:

Specialities include rheumatism, arthritis, and other locomotor disor­ders. Treatments are modern, combined with older, more traditional “spa cures” including massage and mud packs. The spa area of the hospital, which is open to the public as a regular day spa, has a steam bath, and mineral water pool at temperatures of 98.6° to 104°F (37° to 40°C).


Robbins Environmental Medicine Center 400 South Dixie Highway Boca Raton, Florida 33432

contact: Albert Robbins, MD phone: 561-395-3282 fax: 561-395-3304 website:

Specialities include allergies, asthma, chemical sensitivity, chronic fa­tigue, and occupational and environmental medicine. Modalities in­clude optimal dose immuno-therapy, massage, and nutrition with IV vitamin therapy. The sauna is dry.


Sanoviv Medical Institute 2602-C Transportation Avenue (satellite office) National City, CA 91950

contact: Cynthia Tercha, ext. 6005 phone: 800-SANOVIV or 801-954-7600 fax: 561-395-3304 website:

This holistic Mexican hospital provides anti-aging and spa services, and treats people with serious conditions including cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, lupus, Lyme disease, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. Therapeutic modalities include biological dentistry (removing silver-mer­cury fillings), chelation, colonics, nutrition, and psychotherapy. Hydro­therapy is in sea water pools. The sauna is dry.


SpiritMed 16534 37th Avenue NE Seattle, Washington 98155

contact: Walter Crinnion, ND phone: 206-361-5600 fax: 206-367-1888

Dr. Crinnion teaches health care providers how to recognize and treat toxic overload, and how to use the sauna therapeutically. He also teach­es environmental medicine as a full professor at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona.

StressBusters Body Therapy Center

26548 Moulton Parkway, Suite D

Laguna Hills, California 92653 contact: Mikki M. Anderson, LMT phone: 949-831-1988 fax: 949-831-2689

Nearby hospitals refer high-risk, pregnant women to this center. Special massage techniques correct potential breech births—giving the baby more room to return to a normal head-first position—and rehabilitate the postpartum woman’s stomach muscles and back. Induction mas­sage, given to mothers who are due or overdue for delivery, stimulates labor. Ms. Anderson also offers infant massage classes for parents, and emotional release and cognitive therapy to people with cancer. A chiro­practor on staff treats injuries. The sauna is Finnish.


Zdraviliše Laško

Zdraviliska 4

Lasko 3270, Slovenia phone: 011+386+3+734 5555 fax: 011+386+3+734 5298 website:

People who want to relax, or with serious and degenerative conditions such as burns, rheumatism, or locomotor/neurological difficulties, come for Aryuvedic and underwater massage, electrotherapy, hot pum­ice stone therapy with essential oils, menthol and pearl baths with me­dicinal herbs, exercise, and post-operative physiotherapy. Staff includes doctors, nurses, and surgeons. The facility has a thermal spring 89.6° to 95°F (32° to 35°C), solarium, whirlpool, Roman bath, and Turkish steam bath. The sauna is Finnish.



Health-Related Organizations


American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)

c/o The American Financial Center

7701 E. Kellogg, Suite 625

Wichita, Kansas 67207 phone: 316-684-5500 fax: 316-684-5709 website:

This group will send you a list of physicians who practice environmen­tal medicine in your area.


HEAL (Human Ecology Action League)

PO Box 49126

Atlanta, Georgia 30359-0629 phone: 404-248-1898 fax: 404-248-0162

HEAL provides information on environmental illness, environmental testing for toxic chemicals, and safe substitutes for toxic products. Pub­lications include a reading list and a guide to environmentally-related health care practitioners. There are also support groups for members across the country.


International Clinical Hyperthermia Society

12099 W. Washington Boulevard, #304

Los Angeles, California 90066 contact: James I. Bicher, MD phone: 310-398-0013 website:

The Society was organized to provide a forum for members to discuss their ideas on the use of hyperthermia and present their clinical experi­ence at meetings. The website contains abstracts of articles by the pre­senters, plus a list of treatment facilities (many of them holistic) world­wide that provide hyperthermia.


The Weston A. Price Foundation for Wise Traditions

PMB #106-380

4200 Wisconsin Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20016 contact: Sally Fallon, MA phone: 202-333-HEAL web site:

This organization shares the research of 20th century dentist Weston Price, who found that the healthiest, cavity-free people ate traditional, local foods (animal and vegetable) that were either raw or pre-digest­ed (fermented, sprouted, soaked or slow cooked); while the sickest ate refined carbohydrates, sugars, and fake foods that caused tooth decay and malformed dental arches in the malnourished offspring of nutri­ent-deprived mothers. Publications include a quarterly magazine with articles on food, healing, and nutrition politics.





alkalizer-detoxifier, and healthy tanning system


Healing Arts & Wellness Centre Inc.

#3–3911 51st Avenue

Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 2Z2, Canada contact: Noel and Pat Livingston, independent distributors phone: 888-870-3933 (toll-free) websites:

Microbiologist Robert O. Young, PhD, who formulated these products from Inner Light, Inc., says that SuperGreens—an enzyme-rich powder of grasses, herbs, and vegetables (1 teaspoon equals about 5 pounds of greens)—when mixed with Prime pH alkaline drops, raises the pH of the system. This facilitates detoxification of the liver, flushes the kidneys and the intracellular fluid, and helps eliminate fat and cellulite. His company’s StarTan air brush system confers a lovely bronzed tan. But it is very differ­ent from a conventional tanning bed, Dr. Young notes: it is safe enough to be used weekly for a year-round tan (at a fraction of the cost) because it nourishes, rejuvenates, and improves the skin with DHA, essential fatty acids, and oxygen (nutrients for the skin and brain).


chapparal capsules, lotion, and spray


Energy Medicine Association 15639 Four Seasons Drive Houston, Texas 77084

contact: Paddy McAlister phone: 281-463-1026 website:

One of the most popular herbs in the Native American medical reper­toire is chapparal, or Larrea tridentata. Larrea produces numerous com­pounds to protect itself against bacteria, fungi, viruses, insects, rodents, and weeds. The very phytochemicals that enable a single Larrea plant to survive up to 11,000 years in the hot, dry, southwestern United States desert—without being riddled with microorganisms, or eaten by in­sects or animals—are desirable to humans. Five patents were granted to a doctor for extracting and purifying the plant’s beneficial constituents while eliminating those that could be toxic to the liver. Larrea is avail­able in capsules, or in lotion and spray for the skin.



coffee, herbal alternative to


Teeccino Caffé, Inc.

PO Box 42259

Santa Barbara, California 93140 contact: Customer Service phone: 800-498-3434 (toll-free) or 805-966-0999 fax: 805-966-0522 website:

Coffee is addictive and dangerous. Even the 7% caffeine in “decaf” causes blood sugar swings and heart arrhythmia, and releases stress hormones. Ground roasted herbs, fruits, grains, and nuts in caffeine-free Teeccino brew (and look) just like coffee, but taste better. Bitter herbs promote digestion; chicory root contains inulin (a soluble fiber that nourishes digestive flora); roasted barley has no detectable gluten levels; and there are 65 mg. of alkaliz­ing potassium per cup.Teeccino is also nationally distributed to natural foods stores, the food service industry, holistic health practitioners, and spas.


essential oils and personal care products


A Natural Hi

PO Box 1033

South Bend, Indiana 46624 contact: Val Lang, herbalist/consultant phone: 574-286-5834 fax: 775-248-0851 website:

This company provides excellent quality, organic and wild-crafted pure essential oils, as well as hundreds of plant-based spa and beauty prod­ucts. Ms. Lang also creates custom skin care items, essential oil blends, and unusual combination homeopathic and medicinal herbal tinctures. She is very careful about not using synthetic toxic ingredients like sodi­um laurel sulfate, mineral oil, etc.


exercise equipment: mini-trampoline (the cellerciser™)


Center for Cellular Health, LLC

2255 North University Parkway

Provo, Utah 86404 contact: David Hall, inventor phone: 800-856-4863 (toll-free) or 435-835-5867 fax: 435-835-5869 website:

The body’s dense lymphatic fluid must be moved to eliminate dead cells, infectious microbes, heavy metals, and other waste. Bouncing on the Cellerciser™ utilizes the three-fold forces of gravity, acceleration, and deceleration to provide an aerobic, weight loss-promoting, body contouring workout that is more complete and beneficial than regular exercise (weight training, running, or swimming). David Hall’s portable folding Cellerciser™ is not a typical mini-trampoline or rebounder. Its exceptionally “easy” bounce protects your knees and joints while liter­ally massaging every cell, and revitalizing bones, blood vessels, connec­tive tissue, glands, internal organs, and skin.


Lymphatic Patches


Health Gems

1330 Booker T. Washington Highway, #35

Moneta, Virginia 24121 contact: Kae Thompson-Liu phone: 540-297-6485 website:

Square compresses from the Orient, usually placed on the soles of the feet, draw out heavy metals, chemicals, and other wastes from the body. Bamboo sap vinegar, wood vinegar, ionic particles, agarikus mushroom, chitosan, eucalyptus, hottuynia cordata, and saururus chinesis—with the FIR emitted by crushed tourmaline—complement any detox program.


Transfer Factor and Health Information Clearinghouse


Fawcett Research 19689 7th Avenue N.E. #138 Poulsbo, Washington 98370

contact: Dale Fawcett or Carol Fawcett phone: 866-315-1838 (toll-free) or 360-598-6585 fax: 360-697-6595 website:;

This international networking center provides information on holistic treatments for research scientists, clinicians, journalists, and seekers of holistic health care. Transfer factor, the immune modulator in colos­trum (produced by a nursing mammal)—and a critical part of many detoxification and wellness programs—is also available.


Water Electrolysis Unit


Better Way Health 2029 Kramer Way Marietta, GA 30062-5476

contact: Dave Perkins, owner phone: 877-461-4463 toll free; 678-560-1808 local fax: 678-560-1961 website:

Dave Perkins used ionized alkaline water as part of his protocol to re­cover from medically diagnosed Stage IV cancer. His water filter uses a .03 micron, silver impregnated filter to decontaminate microbes, and comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.


Saunas—Build Your Own, Instructions


Aaland, Mikkel. Sweat (Santa Barbara, California: Capra Press, 1978). The book is currently out-of-print. But instructions are available at, or can be ordered from Cyberbohemia, 539 Greenwich Street, San Francisco, CA 94133.


Jalasjaa, Bert Olavi. Art of Sauna Building (Key Industries, 1981).

McVicker, Marilyn. Sauna Detoxification Therapy: A Guide for the 

Chemi­cally Sensitive (McFarland & Company, Inc., 1997).

Virtanen, John O. The Finnish Sauna: Peace of Mind, Body and Soul (O­W Enterprise, Withee, Wisconsin 54498; 1998).


Wilson, Lawrence. Dr. Wilson offers plans for building a crude infrared light bulb sauna with detailed assembly instructions, as well as a kit of parts for an infrared bulb heating unit. Write to PO Box 54, Prescott, Ar­izona 86302, or visit the website



Saunas—Custom Builders


Custom companies build saunas individually cut to fit any space, from blueprints, floor plans, or given dimensions. The customer can purchase prefabricated saunas, liners for rooms, or modular, freestanding sauna kits. Saunas can be installed for home or public use; indoors or outdoors; and as part of a room, or as a separate room. Most custom builders also supply heaters, steam baths, and accessories. Some manufacture their own heaters, controls, and doors. The woods vary. Each builder is unique, so ask what they do. Most are willing to travel.


Am–Finn Sauna Company PO Box 29406 Greensboro, North Carolina 27429

contact: Ed Gideon, owner phone: 800-237-2862 (toll-free) or 336-854-1991 fax: 336-854-3677 website:


Finlandia (in Canada) / Saunafin (in the U.S.) 115 Bowes Road, Unit 2 Concord, Ontario L4K 1H7, Canada

phone: 800-387-7029 (toll-free) or 905-738-4017 fax: 905-738-2486 website:


Finnleo Sauna, Steam and Infrared 575 East Cokato Street Cokato, Minnesota 55321

contact: Mark Raisanen, owner phone: 800-346-6536 fax: 320-286-6100 website:


Helo Sauna, Steam and Infrared (sells to other dealers and installers only) 575 East Cokato Street Cokato, Minnesota 55321

contact: John Oster, national sales manager phone: 800-882-4352 fax: 800-528-9665 website:


Northernlight Sauna 167 Clinton Street Kingston, New York 12401

contact: Stephen Johnson, owner phone: 800-344-0513 (toll-free) or 845-340-9934 website:


Solhem Sauna LLC Box 880 Moretown, Vermont 05660

contact: Nils Per Shenholm, owner phone: 802-244-6460 website:



Sauna and Sauna Accessory Manufacturers


In this section, portability means wheels, a relatively small size, relatively lightweight, or a unit that can easily be broken down after each use.


Aran Aqua Pollution Control Systems, Inc. PO Box 288 Chippewa Lake, Ohio 44215

contact: Ted Trikilis, president phone: 866-272-6247 (toll-free) or 330-769-4844 fax: 330-769-1755 website:

The Aranizer™ is an unusual air purification unit that regroups the at­mospheric oxygen molecule (O2) into allotropic, high-energy molecules containing four or more atoms of oxygen (O4, O5, O6, O7, etc.) called Aran™, which does not contain dangerous nitrogen compounds, kills bacteria and microbes, removes dust, pollen, and mold; and produces beneficial negative ions.


Arrowhead HealthWorks PO Box 950 Twin Peaks California 92391

contact: Carolyn Bormann, ND phone: 909-338-3533 fax: 909-338-7343 website:

Brand name of sauna: (a) BioTherm, (b) Silver Bullet. Type of sauna and body position: (a) Cabinet; horizontal, (b) Tent; horizontal. Materials from which sauna is constructed: (a) Mahogany lined with fi­

berglass and carbon, (b) Silver metallic mesh lined with fiberglass and

carbon. Any glues or adhesives used in construction: No. Price: (a) $2495 to $3095, (b) $795 to $995. Portability: (a) Yes (connecting modular units), (b) Yes. Type of heater: (a) FIR, (b) FIR. Noteworthy features: No plastics, PVC, neoprene, or styrofoam. Domes

in the ozone/oxygen compatible BioTherm, available in multiple siz­es, can be used separately for selected areas. The FIR-emitting carbon panels were patented by NASA. Personal and tech support from a medical hyperthermist is available for a fee.


BNH Corporation 16000 Phoenix Drive City of Industry, California 91745

contact: Sales phone: 800-622-4316 (toll-free) or 626-336-8800 fax: 626-369-7800

Brand name of sauna: (a) Infra Therapist, (b) Aurora Infrared Sauna, (c) Aroma N Steam. Type of sauna and body position: (a) Cabinet; horizontal, (b) Room; seat­ed, (c) Room; seated. Materials from which saunas are constructed: (a) Plastic, (b) Wood (cedar,

aspen, poplar, basswood), (c) Plastic. Any glues or adhesives used in construction: No. Price: (a) $2000 to $2500, (b) Wholesale only, (c) $2000 to $3000. Portability: (a) Yes, (b) No, (c) Yes. Type of heater: (a) FIR, (b) FIR, (c) Steam. Noteworthy features: No additional information provided.


Heavenly Heat 1106 Second Street Encinitas, California 92024

contact: Bob Morgan, owner phone: 800 MY SAUNA (800-697-2862) fax: 760-634-1268 website:

Brand name of sauna: Heavenly Heat Saunas. Type of sauna and body position: Room; seated or (for the larger models) lying down. Materials from which sauna is constructed: White poplar, exclusively, and

glass for the windows. Any glues or adhesives used in construction: No. Price: $2675 to $4900. Portability: No for all units except the narrowest, one-person model,

which is on wheels. Types of heaters: Two heating systems in each sauna: Far Infrared, and electric stone-filled upon which water can be thrown.

Noteworthy features: Saunas come in seven sizes, as modular room kits. All saunas contain filters to eliminate noxious fumes, and vents to al­low fresh air in the room. The FIR models have individual heating controls for each bather.


High Tech Health, Inc. 2695 Linden Drive, Suite 200 Boulder, Colorado

contact: Bill Johnson, president phone: 800-794-5355 or 303-413-8500 fax: 303-449-9640 website:

Brand name of sauna: Thermal Life Far Infrared Sauna. Type of sauna and body position: Room; seated. Materials from which sauna is constructed: Poplar. Any glues or adhesives used in construction: Small amount, water-based. Price: $2800 to $3800. Portability: No. Type of heater: FIR. Noteworthy features: Assembles in 15 minutes without tools; heater has sin­

gle degree setting increments. Company president will give support and answer questions while customer detoxifies. Offices in England (phone: 011+45+787 3429) and Australia (phone: 011+61+75+448 8367).


Longevity Resources Inc. 2412 Beacon Ave, Suite A Sidney, British Columbia Canada V8L 1X4

contact: Roger Chown, owner phone: 877-543-3398 or 250-654-0092 fax: 888-543-3439 (toll-free) or 250-654-0093 website:

Brand name of sauna: Hyperthermic Chamber. Type of sauna and body position: Cabinet; seated. Materials from which sauna is constructed: Fiberglass. Any glues or adhesives used in construction: No. Price: $2199 to $2399 (US). Portability: Yes (on wheels). Type of heater: Steam generator. Noteworthy features: A patented “curing” process virtually eliminates

outgassing from fiberglass. Steam generators and piping are made of food grade copper to eliminate unwanted degradation (electrolysis) that can occur when copper is combined with stainless steel. Compa­ny also manufactures ozone generators.


Nippa Sauna Heaters by Bruce Enterprises, Inc. 5125 US 45 North Bruce Crossing, Michigan 49912

contact: Christine Bowers, owner phone: 906-827-3906 fax: 906-827-3889 website:

Wood stoves: heavy duty steel; between 190 and 250 pounds; hold up to 150 pounds of rock; priced from $589. Gas stoves: heavy duty steel; 160 pounds and up; hold 150 pounds of rock; priced from $1199.

Electric heaters: stainless steel with triple insulation walls; weigh between 35 pounds and 75 pounds; hold between 50 and 150 pounds of rock; priced from $478.

All of the heaters accommodate rocks on which water can be thrown to create steam.


Plasmafire Intl. 7186-205th Street Langley, British Columbia Canada V2Y 1T1

contact: Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh phone: 604-532-9596 fax: 604-532-9596 website:

Brand name of sauna: Omega Type of sauna and body position: Cabinet; seated. Materials from which sauna is constructed: Fiberglass. Any glues or adhesives used in construction: No. Price: $2500 (US). Portability: Yes (on wheels). Type of heater: Steam from stainless steel boiler. Noteworthy features: Steam sauna is ozone-ready with Teflon fittings.

Company also manufactures medical ozone generators (sold separate­ly) based on Tesla’s “cold plasma” design, with a lifetime warranty.


PLH Products, Inc. 16000 Phoenix Drive City of Industry, California 91745

contact: Sales phone: 800-946-6001 (toll-free) or 626-961-0700 fax: 626-968-0444 website:

Brand name of sauna: Healthmate. Type of sauna and body position: Room; seated. Materials from which sauna is constructed: Cedar, aspen, poplar, bass­

wood. Any glues or adhesives used in construction: No. Price: $3000 to $6000. Portability: No. Type of heater: FIR. Noteworthy features: No additional information provided.


Spa Associations


The popularity of spas has grown in the last decade, thanks to the educa­tional and outreach efforts of spa organizations. Over 50 countries are rep­resented by these organizations, with thousands of members that include-besides day spas, medical spas and resort spas—body care product compa­nies, cruise ships, fitness centers, hotels, medical clinics, mineral spring fa­cilities, spa consulting firms, spa equipment manufacturers, spa magazine publishers, and trade show organizations. Service providers such as physi­cians, massage therapists, nutritionists, and wellness instructors also may belong to spa associations, as well as any interested consumer.  

These associations are devoted to influencing policy for the spa industry, as well as promoting a positive spa experience to the public. They accomplish

these goals through educational literature, seminars, and websites. They may offer information on spa history and etiquette; spa travel specials and cuisine; and members’ products and services, which can include acupuncture, aro­matherapy, herbal wraps, homeopathy, massage, and sauna therapy as well as conventional spa services like hair and nail care. The websites of most spa or­ganizations include a search engine that finds a specific type and location of a member facility, and helps match consumers to a suitable spa.


The Day Spa Association / The Medical Spa Association 310 17th Street Union City, New Jersey 07087

contact: Hannelore R. Leavy, executive director phone: 201-865-2065 fax: 201-865-3961 website:

The International SPA Association (ISPA) 2365 Harrodsburg Road, Suite A325 Lexington, Kentucky 40504

contact: Debra Locker, director of public relations phone: 888-651-4772 (toll-free) or 859-226-4374 fax: 859-226-4445 website:


Spa Finder 91 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10003

phone:             212-924-6800 (magazine subscriptions) 800-255-7727 (toll-free) or 757-382-4380 (spa information and reservations)



Spa Index 1511 M Sycamore, Suite 104 Hercules, California 94547

contact: Kristina J. Fitzhugh, editor phone: 877-832-6169 (toll-free) fax: 707-598-7653 website:





A spa provides facilities and services pertaining to beauty, fitness, and health. This listing contains a very small sample of English-speaking facilities that have dry saunas, steam, and/or some type of therapeutic pool. Services can include aromatherapy and oil infusions; body and herbal wraps (using Aryu­vedic plants, algae, seaweed or other botanicals); electrolysis; exercise, fitness and yoga classes; facials; hair and scalp care; hydrotherapy (moving water in a pool, often containing therapeutic liquids); many types of massage; mineral water pools; mud or clay baths; nail care; specialized skin care, and more. Re­sort spas are connected to overnight-stay hotels. Day spas may have similar, and as many, features as resort spas, but they do not accommodate overnight guests. Medical spas can be affiliated with homeopaths, naturopaths, nurses, physicians, and/or medical centers; and in addition to traditional spa fare they offer more medically-oriented services such as acupuncture, Aryuvedic medi­cine treatments, chiropractic, dermatology, homeopathy, nutritional consulta­tions, oxygen therapy, and plastic surgery. Medical spas may accommodate ei­ther overnight or day guests.


In the entry that notes which type of sauna is used, “dry” indicates non-steam heat—usually conventional electric or far infrared, though not always— to distinguish it from heavy steam (although some of the dry saunas are made to accommodate hot rocks onto which water can be poured). “Steam” can in­dicate the dissemination of steam from a capsule, so-called “steam shower,” large room, tent, or cabinet. Hydrotherapy, hot tubs, whirlpools, waterfalls, and hot and cold plunge pools are referenced as well; but swimming pools are not. Be aware that some state laws in the US require that whirlpools and simi­lar tubs be decontaminated with chlorine, which is poisonous and can cause respiratory and skin problems in many people.


It is impossible to list every establishment that has a sauna, so consult your local phone directory under “YMCA” (or “YWCA,” “YMHA,” or “YWHA”) and “Health Clubs.” I did not list the chain health clubs such as The Equinox or Health and Racquet Club, or spas found in the following well-known chain hotels: the Biltmore, Doral, Hilton, Hyatt Regency, La Quinta, Loews, Marri­ott, Plaza, Radisson, Ritz-Carlton, and St. Regis—partly because these facilities can be found easily in the phone book, and partly because many of the larger

chain hotels no longer open their facilities to people who are not guests of the hotel. See the beginning of this Appendix for strictly medical treatment facili­ties that administer to people with serious conditions such as cancer and envi­ronmental illness.


Be an informed consumer. Whether you want a day spa, resort, or medical spa, be clear about what is offered before you visit. Due to the widespread use of poisonous chemicals for hair and nail care, I tried not to list establishments with a major focus on “beauty” (unless precautions are taken to use safe ingre­dients)—but please, since everyone has a different tolerance of chemicals and scents, for your own safety and peace of mind, double check. Prices at these facilities can vary widely. Search the internet to see if the spa has a website; a quick look may help you decide whether or not that facility is for you.



Guide to fees

NFG = No Fee for Guests. This pertains to resort spas only. If the spa is part of a resort, people staying at the resort may use the spa sauna, steam, and other facilities without having to pay an additional fee.

FG = Fee for Guests. This pertains to resort spas only. If the spa is part of a resort, people staying at the resort must pay an additional fee if they want to use the spa sauna, steam, and other facilities.

DP = Day Pass. This pertains to day spas (non-resort), and to resort spas that allow non-resort guests for the day. For a (usually) moderate fee, the cus­tomer may use the sauna (and other facilities such as exercise equipment or swimming pool) as much as desired, without having to pay for a spe­cial spa service.

PS = Purchase a Service. The facility allows the use of the sauna or steam room if the customer buys other spa services such as a facial or massage.

SF = Separate fee. There is a separate fee for use of the sauna, steam, whirl­pool, etc., independent of other services. (This separate fee usually aris­es in spas that don’t issue a Day Pass.) There might be a time restriction with this option, so check with the facility; otherwise, an hour-long sau­na can be rather expensive. However, I tried to include only those spas that are generous with their time and reasonably priced.

NFR = No Fee for Residents. This pertains to residential spas only. They do not allow outside guests to use their facilities.



United States







Hideaway in Fairhope Medi-Spa. 251-929-2114. Medi­

cal. Steam, aromatherapy, oxygen. By appointment only.

PS or SF.



Lynn Cary’s Holistic Day Spa. 251-450-0002. Steam, aromatherapy, oxygen. PS or SF.




Slender Elegance Body & Soul Spa. 480-368-0022.

Medical. Hydrotherapy, steam with ozone. DP, time re­

striction for ozone. 
The Spa at Gainey Village.
480-609-6980. Dry. DP. The Stress Less Step. 480-945-1579. Dry, steam. DP.


Canyon Ranch Health Resort. 800-742-9000. Medi­

cal (four-night minimum stay). Dry, steam, eucalyptus steam, whirlpool. NFR.



Hot Springs  

Andrea Rose Salon. 501-623-6449. Steam. SF or PS. Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa. 800-643-1502. Dry,

steam. PS (guests and non-guests).





Burbank Spa & Garden. 818-845-1251. Dry. SF or

PS. Dr. Wilkinson’s Hot Springs Resort. 707-942-4102.

Hot springs. NFG (guests of resort only).

Calistoga Village Inn & Spa. 707-942-0991. Dry, hot

springs. NFG; PS (non-guests). 
Mount View Hotel & Spa.
707-942-6877; 800-816­

6877. Hydrotherapy with herbs, hot stone massage. SF

(guests and non-guests).

Desert Hot Spgs          
Desert Hot Springs Spa Hotel.
800-808-7727. Dry, hot mineral pools. NFG; DP.


Skin Spa, Inc. 818-995-3888. Dry, steam. DP.


Bellissima Day Spa. 760-480-9072. Steam. SF or PS.


Los Willows Inn & Spa. 888-731-9400. Dry, steam, whirlpool. NFG; DP or PS.

June Lake        

Double Eagle Resort & Spa. 760-648-7134. Steam, whirlpool. DP.

La Jolla            

The Spa at Torrey Pines. 858-777-6690. Dry, steam, eucalyptus steam. NFG; DP.


Bodyspa. Medical. 800-269-5167. Dry, steam. SF or PS.

Los Angeles     

Beverly Hot Springs. 323-734-7000. Dry, steam. DP.


Spa at Silverado. 707-257-5555. Dry, steam, whirlpool. DP.


The Oaks at Ojai. 805-646-5573. Medical (two-night minimum stay; nutritional consulting only from nurse on staff). Dry, steam.


Valley Inn & Spa. 805-640-2020. Dry, steam, whirl­

pool. NFG; DP.

Olympic Valley            

Spa at Squaw Creek. 530-583-6300. Dry, whirlpool. NFG; DP.

Palm Springs   

The Palms. 760-325-1111. Dry. PS.



Branford          By the Sea Inn & Spa. 203-483-3333. Dry. SF (guests and non-guests call ahead for appointment).

Norwich          The Spa at Norwich Inn. 860-886-2401. Dry, steam, whirlpool. NFG; DP or PS.


Fort Lauderdale           Wyndham Bonaventure Resort & Spa. 954-349-5515. Dry, steam, whirlpool, warm and cool plunge pools. NFG; DP.

Key Biscayne   Sonesta Beach Resort & Spa. 305-365-2949. Dry, steam. NFG; DP.

Key West         PierHouseResortandCaribbeanSpa. 305-296-4600.Med­ical. Dry, steam, whirlpool. DP (guests and non-guests).

Miami Bellezza Spa Salon and Boutique. 305-665-3656. Dry. PS.

N. Miami Beach          Aventura Holistic Day Spa. 305-957-8814. Medical. Steam (aromatherapy), hydrotherapy. SF or PS. Orlando Grand Floridian Spa & Health Club. 407-824-2332.

Dry, steam, whirlpool. DP.

Papillon Spa. 407-992-2938. Dry, steam, whirlpool. DP

or PS.

Palm Beach     Babor Institut. 561-832-9385. Steam, hydrotherapy.

Steam no fee; hydrotherapy SF. Spa at the Breakers. 561-653-6656. Dry, steam, whirl­pool. NFG; PS.




Lenox Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires. 800-326-7080. Medi­cal. Dry, steam, eucalyptus steam, whirlpool.Three-night minimum stay, NFR.


Ann Arbor Bellanina Day Spa. 734-747-8517. Dry, steam. DP. Farmington Hills Tamara. 248-855-0474. Dry, steam, hydrotherapy. DP. Gaylor Heart to Heart Massage Spa. 989-705-1717. Dry. SF.


Mirage Spa. 702-791-7472. Dry, steam, whirlpool. NFG; DP or PS.

Reno    Reverse Aging Club. 775-327-4878. Medical. Dry. SF, or monthly or longer memberships (members use sau­nas as often as desired).

New Hampshire

Moriches Mt. Tremper

New York

Skaneateles Woodstock

Luna Mesa Day Spa. 631-874-4114. Steam. SF or PS.

The Emerson Spa. 845-688-7900, ext. 380. Dry, steam, whirlpool. NFG; DP or PS. Beauty & Wellness Day Spa. 212-983-9577. Steam. SF

or PS.

Pratima Ayurvedic Skin Care. 212-581-8136. Steam. SF or PS. Soho Sanctuary. 212-334-5550. Dry, steam. Dry, SF;

Steam, PS or SF.

Mirbeau Inn and Spa. 315-685-5006. Dry, steam. NFG; DP or PS. River Rock Health Spa. 845-679-7800. Dry, steam.


North Carolina


Duck High Point Marshall Pinehurst


Chagrin Falls Shaker Heights


Grove Park Inn Resort. 800-438-5800. Dry, steam, min­eral pool, waterfall pool, hot and cold plunge pools. DP (guests and non-guests) or PS (guests and non-guests).

Spa at the Sanderling. 800-701-4111, ext. 744. Steam,

hot tub. NFG; DP or PS. Ambiance European Salon. 336-883-7778. Steam. SF or PS.

Madison Medical Massage. 877-839-0125. Medical.

Dry. SF or reduced fee with service. The Spa at Pinehurst. 910-235-8320. Dry, steam, whirl­pool. PS (must have 3-day advance reservation).

Martha’s La Look Medi-Spa. 440-543-2797. Medical.

Dry, steam. SF. Charlotte’s Day Spa-Salon. 216-283-2400. Dry, steam, whirlpool. SF.

Bella Via Therapeutic Wellness Spa. 419-534-6552. Hy­drotherapy. SF.



Farmington     Nemacolin Woodlands Resort & Spa. 724-329-6930. Dry, steam, whirlpool, hot tubs. DP (guests and non-guests) or PS (guests and non-guests).

Wyomissing     Bell Tower Salon & Spa. 610-372-6379. Steam. SF or PS.

Rhode Island

East Greenwich           Kenneth Cote Renewal Center. 401-884-2810. Steam. SF or PS.

South Carolina

Charleston       Charleston Hotel Place Spa. 843-937-8522. Dry, whirl­pool. NFG; PS.

South Dakota

Hot Springs     Springs Bath House. 605-745-4424 or 888-817-1972. Hot mineral pool, steam, hydrotherapy, hot stone mas­sage. SF or PS.


Hendersonville            Yana’s Salon & Spa. 615-822-9551. Steam, whirlpool. PS.




Anacortes        Watersedge Health Club & Spa. 360-299-2180. Dry, eucalyptus steam. DP.

Bellingham      Chrysalis Inn & Spa. 360-756-1005. Steam. NFG; PS.

Monroe            Kathleen’s Salon & Day Spa. 360-794-3395. Steam with aromatherapy. SF.

Port Townsend            Annapurna Center for Self-Healing. 800-868-2662. Dry, steam. NFG; DP.

Snoqualmie     Salish Lodge & Spa. 425-888-2556. Dry, steam, hot tub, waterfall. NFG; PS.

West Virginia

Berkeley Springs Coolfont Health Spa & Resort. 304-258-4500. Dry. NFG; DP or PS.


DePere            The Day Spa. 920-339-5250. Dry, steam. Dry SF; steam SF or PS.

Kohler Kohler Water Spa/American Club. 920-457-7777. Dry, steam, whirlpool, hot and cold plunge pools, waterfall pool. DP (guests and non-guests), PS.


Jackson Hole   Amangani Resort. 307-739-0333. Steam. PS.

Teton Village   Snake River Lodge and Spa. 800-445-4655. Dry, steam, hydrotherapy, hot tubs. NFG; DP (includes one treat­ment).


Loipersdorf,    Styria




Somerset Parish

Southampton   Parish






Thermalquelle Loipersdorf GmbH & Co KG. 011+43+

33+828 2040. Medical. Dry, steam, herbal steam, min­

eral pool, waterfall. NFG; DP.

Soulshine Resort. 011+501+523 3347. Herbal and min­

eral baths, whirlpool, hot and warm pools. Residential

only. NFR.

The Ocean Spa at Cambridge Beaches. 800-468-7300

(toll-free, US and Canada) or 441-234-3636. Dry, steam,

hot mud. Residential only. NFR.

The Spa at Sonesta Beach Resort. 441-238-1226. Dry, steam and whirlpool. DP (guests and non-guests).

Kurotel Longevity Center and Spa. 011+55+54+286 2133, ext. 189. Medical. Dry, steam, hydrotherapy. Res­idential only; program of one week or more. Saunas in­cluded in treatments.

Bodyworks Salon & Day Spa. 403-678-5746. Steam. Residential only. Saunas included in treatments.

Satori Day Spa. 403-678-9388. Steam. SF or PS.

British Columbia

Text Box: Clinton 	Echo Valley Ranch & Spa. 800-253-8831. Steam. Res¬
	idential only. Saunas included in treatments. 
Victoria 	Nature’s Spectrum Far Infrared Sauna Center. 888-262¬
	4477. Dry. SF. 
Grafton 	St. Anne’s Country Inn & Spa. 888-346-6772. Dry, 
	steam, eucalyptus steam. Residential only. PS. 
Kingston 	Spa at the Mill. 613-544-1166. Hydrotherapy. SF. 
London 	Fayez Beauty Spa. 519-652-2780. Dry, whirlpool. SF. 
Port Hope 	The Hillcrest Victorian Inn & Spa. 888-346-6772. Dry. 
	Residential only. 
Canary Islands 	
Lanzarote 	Terapia Natural España (Natural Therapy Center). 609 
	010 231 928 513505. Medical. Sauna in the arthritis 
	and back pain clinic. NFG; PS or SF. 
Baden-Baden 	Brenner’s Park-Hotel & Spa. 011+49+7221+900 0. Dry, 
	steam, aromatherapy pool. NFG; PS. 
	Schlosshotel Bühlerhöhe. 011+49+7226+55 0. Dry, 
	steam, whirlpool. DP. 
Puerto Rico 	
Puerto Vuevo 	Nouvelle D’Spa. 787-783-9492. Steam. SF or PS. 
Fife 	TheOldCourseHotel,GolfResort&Spa.011+44+334+ 
	474 371. Dry (oven), moist heat. NFG; PS.



This book offers patients and practitioners life-saving information not available anywhere else in print or on the internet. If you would like to learn more about the book before ordering it, feel free to browse these excerpts, which are available online, free of charge:

Table of Contents and Index • History of Sauna Therapy • Sauna and Alkalization

Sauna and Weight Loss • Sauna and Fever • Sauna and Pesticides, Heavy Metals

Sauna Building Materials • Sauna Clinic and Spa Locations


The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
By Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.
Paperback Book, 335 Pages, $34.95

Order By Phone: Order Online:
(530) 541-7200




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