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William Nordquist, DMD, MS
PRAISE FOR THE BOOK: “For too long healthcare has ignored the causative factors of disease and directed care to treating its symptoms. Dr. Nordquist outlines the evidence of the inflammatory process of disease and how bacteria, specifically spirochetes play a key factor. The ‘Silent Saboteurs’ opens the reader’s eyes to the broad and far reaching implications to healthcare that he outlined in his prior book, ‘The Stealth Killer’. This book is a must read for anyone involved in healthcare or the patient who is dealing with chronic illness.” —Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS, MAGD, FPFA, FACD, FADI, DICOI, DADIA
Drs. Nordquist and Krutchkoff have done an exhaustive investigation into potential relationship of many chronic inflammatory diseases to oral microorganisms.There are many dogmas in the health professions that are considered inviolate. Are they? In my long career to date, I have observed numerous beliefs considered to be fact for years disproven by new evidence and clinical observation by motivated, unbiased investigators. This book will stimulate your thinking relative to the relationship to oral and systemic health. It is a provocative and timely work. I congratulate the authors. —Gordon J. Christensen, DDS MSD, PhD “Once again William Nordquist has produced a volume of work that should change the way we practice medicine and dentistry today. In ‘Silent Saboteurs’ he expands and fleshes out the findings presented in his original book on spirochetosis, and it appears that the collaboration with oral pathologist David Krutchkoff has been quite beneficial. How appropriate that ‘Silent Saboteurs’ will be coming out at around the same time as the formative meeting of professionals from many walks in medicine in dentistry as they are beginning the new American Academy of Oral/Systemic Health. It is becoming obvious that one cannot divorce one part of the body from another. While ‘Silent Saboteurs’ is very well structured for reading by the medical professional, the writing is not so arcane and jargon-filled that it would not be accessible by many other ‘civilians’ and a valuable addition to any library. Conscientious, serious physicians and dentists need to absorb this text immediately if they wish to keep their practices on the cutting edge and optimize the health of their patients.” —William C. Domb, DMD
“The authors may have found the missing link between medicine and dentistry in general, and between oral spirochete infection and chronic inflammatory diseases in particular. The chapter on the use of spirochetes as biological warfare is fascinating, making one wonder about the origin of the current epidemic of Lyme disease. The chapter on Vitamin D reminds one to be careful about the recommendation of Vitamin D in the current Vitamin D deficiency ‘epidemic’. If future studies prove the connection, the authors will be known to have given a significant contribution to the understanding of human diseases.” —Huy Hoang, M.D.
“Dr. Nordquist is a pioneer in the relationship of oral spirochetes to systemic chronic conditions. This new revelation will certainly help point layman and professional alike to consider a new focus on how to best help ourselves, families and patients into better lifetime health.” —Douglas Martin DDS
“With a long clinical career and expertise in his field, Dr. Nordquist has written a fascinating book examining the connection between chronic systemic diseases and the presence of micro-organisms prevalent in periodontal disease, a subject that is of crucial importance both to society as a whole and to individuals. Dr. Nordquist’s book could dramatically improve the health of millions of individuals. If applied to our health care systems, the information in this book can change the way chronic diseases are treated in an aging population dealing with Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, heart disease, etc. Dr. Nordquist points the way to significant relief from the financial burden of health care cost on individuals and our society. Dr. Nordquist writes, ‘In light of abundant emerging data, one cannot dismiss the possibility that at least some of the chronic systemic diseases may be causally linked to the presence of micro organisms prevalent in periodontal disease. This admittedly theoretical notion must be proven one way or the other, and this proof will only come about with carefully controlled scientific studies. As we clear away the detritus and elucidate the facts, the truth will ultimately prevail. Clearly, much remains to be done.’ Another wise man, Buddha said, ‘Believe nothing that you read, nothing that you hear, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.’ Dr. Nordquist’s book makes sense, and I believe you will find that it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. We need to start harnessing the current knowledge about the potential link between periodontal disease and major chronic diseases and open the door to better understanding and better treatments. Dr. Nordquist’s book makes fascinating and provocative reading.” —Israel Barken, MD
“It appears likely that oral flora, especially in the context of inflammation and infection such as gingivitis, would cause systemic harm if entered into the circulation. This principle also applies to other circumstances where, in rare instances, ‘normal’ body compounds and flora leak out of their normal location such as the bile tract, colonic mucosa or skin. Although uncommon in these latter locations, the oral cavity is different in that ubiquitous trauma and infection opens ports of entry into the blood. There is anecdotal and circumstantial evidence that the entrance of oral bacteria and their products could cause significant internal injury such as facilitating, accelerating or perhaps initiating atherosclerosis, in particular, in the coronary arteries. The injury may happen indirectly through an immune response to the planted bacterial antigens.” —Faripour Forouhar, MD
“The authors’ relentless quest for knowledge regarding the silent destructive mechanism of spirochetes in their sabotage of the immune system is honest, pure and presented with great dignity. I believe that the authors have delved more deeply into this paramount important disaster that is taken place every day in patients’ mouths than any others who might have preceded them. I also strongly feel the spirochete story will one day, in the very near future, be one of the main podium topics that will appear in most congresses throughout the world. To me, Dr. Nordquist is a true and honest genius who one day will be considered a legend in the field of medicine and dentistry.” —Leonard I. Linkow DDS DMSc
Dr. William Nordquist is committed to excellence and has practiced dentistry in San Diego, California, since 1973. He received his Bachelor of Science in chemistry from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and worked for Eastman Kodak Company as an organic chemist. He received his Doctorate of Dental Medicine (DMD) and Master of Science from the University of Louisville. His Master of Science thesis and research produced many publications relating to surface chemistry of dental enamel and powdered and blocks of fluoro and hydroxyapatite (HA). He completed a general practice residency at the San Diego Naval Regional Medical Center and achieved the rank of lieutenant commander before leaving the Navy and setting up his private practice of dentistry in San Diego in 1976. He is a fellow in the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) and a diplomat in the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry (ABOI). Dr. Nordquist was named the 2008 International Dentist of the Year by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. This is the second book
written on the subject of Oral Spirochetosis. The first book, The
Stealth Killer, has a detailed autobiography which can be reviewed if
one would like to know more about me. So as not to repeat that
particular description of my life, I will add some detail of my
association with David Krutchkoff, my co-author, which I didn’t
mention previously, but is so important to where we are today. When I arrived in dental school in 1969, I was a
fresh graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology, where I majored
in chemistry, and I had just completed a three-year cooperative program
working as an organic chemist with the Eastman Kodak Company in
Rochester, New York. Making the switch from pursuing a PhD program in
chemistry to dentistry was done at the last minute and was based on the
probability of being drafted into the military and serving in Vietnam,
an idea which I did not savor. With a pure chemistry background centered
in research, I was always interested in pursuing some avenue of
research within the field of dentistry. During my second year, one of my
professors, David Krutchkoff, an oral pathologist, was about to
present his research to the dental and medical school facility. By
that time, he knew of my interest in research and invited me to attend. David’s research was very
interesting and had to do with fluoride and its reaction with tooth
surfaces. During his presentation, he expressed the idea that some of
the recent infrared surface analysis data he had gathered might possibly
have been an artifact rather than indicative of real physiochemical
change. I had had experience with this type of phenomenon in my
chemistry training, and during conversation following his lecture, I
explained to him why I felt that the data was more likely an artifact or
aberration due the limitations and characteristics of the scientific
instrumentation he employed. He was impressed with my knowledge in this
area, and that interaction started the sequence of events discussed in
The Stealth Killer that lead to my pioneering a post-graduate Master of
Science combined with the doctorate in Dentistry program at
Louisville. Our first publication together as a team, about 18 months
later, dealt with the proof of this observed change as artifact. The 3
year experience I received at Louisville with David and his research
eventually led to the writing of my first book some 35 years later.
During the research program at the University of Louisville, much
writing was required to not only finish the many research papers David
and I published together, but also to complete my research thesis.
Unfortunately, even though I could design and implement research
projects, I was not a talented writer. David was a very talented writer
and a very tough mentor in this regard. On three occasions, I
discussed with him in his office the lack of confidence I felt in
completing the program since this writing task was so difficult for me.
He refused to let me quit. I am so grateful today for his insistence
that I persevere since none of my research accomplishments would have
been possible without his pushing me on to complete this advanced
research training in Oral Biology. After my dental school
experience and graduate program with David, I moved on to pursue a
general practice residency in the United States Navy at the Naval
Hospital in San Diego, and David moved to Connecticut. Then, in 1974,
there came a time that some long-distance troubles arose between us with
regard to the writing of a manuscript and its submission for
publication. This difficulty plus the fact that both of us were busy
with our new career objectives led to a abrupt halt in communication
between us and the development of a 35 year hiatus in which there was
absolutely no contact with one another. My autobiography in The
Stealth Killer relates the fact that when my son reached junior high
school, he was diagnosed with dyslexia. As this disorder, without
question, is genetic and runs in families, the diagnosis of dyslexia in
my son also presented the answer to the longstanding question of why I
always had such trouble and difficulty with both language and writing.
Clearly, I was always dyslexic but was never properly diagnosed. When
The Stealth Killer was published, I reminisced about the early days and
former times, particularly about my mentorship with David in the early
70s, and I concluded that he was so important in my life that I must
reach out and attempt to contact him. When I finally did contact David,
some 35 years later, I explained this dyslexic issue that made the
post-doctoral program and writing chores so difficult for me.
Fortunately for me, he completely understood my difficulty during my
graduate program and thereafter, and we thus became reunited
academically after such a prolonged period of absence from one another.
As you compare the writing style of The Stealth Killer to this latter
work, you’ll note that this effort exhibits a more elegant, scholarly
writing style which was due to David’s contribution. It is such a
pleasure to once again be united with my former teacher, now Professor
Emeritus of Oral Pathology at the University of Connecticut. He not only
adds credibility to this most important work, but he has provided a
much-needed sounding board to bounce ideas on and receive appropriate
feedback. This has truly been a team effort, and the work itself is a
testimony to this fact. I hope the reader enjoys this effort as much as
David and I did putting it together.
The path that eventually led me to collaborate on this book has been both long and full of interesting twists and turns. One thing for sure is that along the way, from age alone, I have picked up considerable experience and, significantly, it is the fruits of this experience plus the occasional bits of wisdom gained therein that have allowed me a modicum of justification for making any contribution whatsoever to this work.
Read more about why Dr. Krutchkoff wrote this book...
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