Gregori M. Kurtzman,
"The Stealth Killer, is a road map connecting bacterial issues in the gingiva to heart disease and Dr. Nordquist, does an excellent job showing us all of the signs along the way."
"Oral bacteria, specifically spirochets have long been the ignored factor in heart disease and Dr. Nordquist book Stealth Killer, connects the dots between periodontal disease and cardiac health."
Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS, MAGD, FPFA, FACD, DICOI
General Practitioner
Leisure World Plaza Professional Building
3801 International Drive, Suite 102
Silver Spring, MD 20906
Geoffrey Pullen
"Those of us who've worked in dentistry for years have our own formula. Make things strong, clean 'em up and tell the truth. The trouble is, this doesn't work on some. Cleaning them up makes no difference and that's when the formula doesn't work. This is very uncomfortable for the dentist. We don't claim to have all the answers Could Bill Nordquist have the answer? I think he might. The more you read and reread, the more pieces of the puzzle seem to fall into place. This may not be whole whole truth but it's in there somewhere. Fantastic."
Geoffrey Pullen
Coker, DDS
"This book will certainly get your attention, as will the evidence presented within it."
Dr. Rick Coker, DDS, FACE
Director, Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics
Kennedy, DDS
"Dear Bill,
Thanks for sending me you new book. I read it cover to cover and found the tale of your journey into biocompatible periodontal treatment fascinating. (See the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology BPT protocols attached) However, we need to talk as there are some aspects of disinfection you may be missing that I very much would like to share with you.
When you have a free afternoon I'd like you to join me and if we can get them, Russ Tontz, Jim Knott, Sheila Wolf and any of the other BPT practitioners. I know several in North county too.
You book comes at a very timely point as my current movie project is a documentary on Bad Bugs and I¢d very much like to interview you specifically about bugs in the blood stream from oral infections. You book was the clearest discussion I've read in recent years. I'd also appreciate if you would share any video clips, x-rays or other documentation of bacteremias you have for cover shots so I can include them in your segment. I start with you on camera and as you describe the problem we fade to show the bugs and the problems so the camera is no longer on your face. That is called a talking head and your viewers lose interest rapidly. If you watch MTV you see they change shots about every 1 to 3 seconds.
Let me know when you can spend some time and I
will see if I can get the others.
David Kennedy, DDS
Edwards, DDS
"Dear Bill,
I wanted to thank you so much for your book and DVD, what a surprise as I was planning to order it. I had been to Lymebooks .com and it was not available yet. I am one of Dr. Robert Miller's residents and we met last month. I so enjoyed your presentation and I was excited to get into dark field microscopy but back at the practice the excitement faded. Well I am so impressed with your work and I am excited that you have perhaps uncovered a major mystery with far ranging effects for Millions. Your DVD was well done and I am reading the book now. I want to help get this information out there for the profession and the public. I would love to send the book and a copy of the DVD to most of my specialists and close dental friends. Is there a way that I can get a quantity discount? Are the DVD's for sale? Can I copy them? My wife and I regularly write articles for magazines and newspapers, can we share this information? I am also interested in getting the fluoride and formula for HA to start using it as an augmentation. I am enthused again about getting a scope and starting to look at what is growing "and moving" in my patients plaque. I am already a microscope dentist and have an HD Camera system.
I am sending you a "care" package as a thank you for all you have taught me and the work you are doing. I am proud to have Dr Miller as a mentor and thank you for coming all the way to Florida to share with us."
Chris Edwards, DDS
Sawyer, DDS
"Dr. Nordquist has
solved the question of how periodontal disease is linked to coronary
artery disease, and related heart attacks. This book should open a
fury of investigation into if and how the spirochetes are related
every other chronic disease of mankind.
Prevention of periodontal
disease and heart disease must now start in childhood. Until we have a
way to kill the spores of spirochetes in vivo, the only defense we
have is prevention.
This book is a must read
for every clinician involved in treatment of chronic diseases, and
every patient who wishes to control their own chronic disease risk."
Gregory Sawyer, DDS
Omar Aguilera,
"Dr. Nordquist reveals the missing link that probably can prevent most of the major chronic diseases that is affecting the world's population, an easy to read book for patients as well as a must have in all physicians and dentist book collections.
It definitely changed my course of action as well as my periodontal protocols in my office, my family and friends.
It has changed My life as well as the life of many of my patients lives."
Dr. Omar Aguilera D.D.S.
Reynosa Mexico
Robert Miller,
"A stunning and insightful treatise on the relationship of periodontal and heart disease. Long forgotten in the annals of medicine, oral spirochetosis may be the missing link in explaining the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Dr. Nordquist presents a cogent thesis on how treatment of periodontitis may have profound effects on cardiovascular health."
Robert Miller, DDS,
Jeanette Magdalene, PhD
“Dr. William Nordquist is brilliant. If oral spirochetes are linked with atherosclerotic heart disease, neurological diseases, and inflammation in the mouth and body, the societal impact would be profound. This research may impact every level of health and well-being.”
Jeanette Magdalene, PhD
Linkow, DDS DMSc
“William Nordquist is one of the few geniuses in the dental profession today. He has been relentless all these years to find the true reason why periodontal disease is a direct cause of heart disease. After digesting hundreds of medical articles, treaties and book volumes, Dr. Nordquist formulated a theory that finally exposes the truth: many debilitating chronic diseases can have a single cause and become stealth killers. This book is a masterpiece that should not be overlooked by our professional colleagues.”
Leonard Linkow, DDS DMSc
Liza Karamardian
"It was such a pleasure to meet you last month at Bill Domb’s ozone course. I am so impressed with your theories and came home and immediately bought your book. Wow! What a breakthrough! This is potentially a huge turning point for our profession. Dr. Sawyer, Dr. Diercks and I are adopting your protocol in our office. We have been explaining everything to our hygienists and made “The Stealth Killer” mandatory reading for all of them. I saw one of them today who told me that she was half-way through the book and she said that it was really “scary” for all the people out there that don’t know about spirochetes and the
perio-systemic link…
So… we were wondering if we could borrow your use of the work “Lifeguard” to characterize our new protocol. I think it is a perfect name and it sends the right message to our patients. Also, Dr. Sawyer said that you knew where to purchase Hibiclens. Could you send me that information? We would like to order some and send it home with our patients as an oral rinse instead of
Thank you so much."
Liza Karamardian
Diane R. Lyons,
R.D.H., B.A.S.D.H.
Dear Dr. Nordquist,
I am wondering if I may be one of the first dental hygienists, you have heard from in regards to your latest research book?
The Stealth Killer was the most enjoyable and intriguing research discovery to date that I have read and read twice. The website with your chronological events and “You Tube” videos including the link to the PBS documentary-“The Hidden Epidemic: Heart Disease in America” were awesome.
I have introduced your book and website material verbally to many people, including dental co-workers, colleagues, healthcare workers and non-dental people, that have found this information very interesting.
For some background, I am a practicing dental hygienist with a preventive passion for high quality patient care for the past 30 years and have recently completed my bachelor’s degree for Applied Science in Dental Hygiene. During my studies, inflammation, pH balance and the oral-systemic link were my favorite topics to post on discussion forums or in course assignments on-line.
Even before returning to college, I had a heart for what the Surgeon General announced to the public about the oral-systemic link that you and I seem to be noticeably drawn. The Surgeon General’s mandate for the dental community is to enlighten the medical community so that we are on the same page, ending the treatment of patient’s needs in an isolation manner and recognizing we need to address their total well-being.
For me, it began at work with educating doctors, nurses and healthcare workers that are patients in our practice concerning the oral (specifically perio)-systemic link that we have been familiar with, for a long time.
My employer-dentist, knowing how interested I would be in the subject material, gave me your book to read. This offer could not have come at a better time. A company in our area was offering a pathology lab service, a DNA saliva-testing product to motivate patients and build practice revenues. However, excluding their specific systemic antibiotic regimen, the results ended up being close to our periodontal therapy protocol already in place. This company, I felt, would only give us status quo. It would not be a new progression to subdue the disease but another way to treat the symptoms. It would add an additional cost to our patients, creating extra schedule time for us, with no cure to the patients and an off and on regimen of systemic antibiotics-for how long? Having led our hygiene department in the last few years, I feel we have come a long way above the mainstream practices. We use Arestin as a part of our SRP protocol and the doctor uses a soft tissue laser (in Florida I cannot use one yet). Therefore, we are in place for a new frontier.
Your protocol validates lasers when most studies put it on the fence. It also validates irrigation when other studies showed insignificance. It establishes the unique ability for fluorides to travel inside dentinal tubules to kill bacteria and to use antibiotics at initial visit for the purpose of minimizing bacteremia. The above was working all along but had not been seen beneficial in a traditional manner because the cause (spirochete properties) was under the radar. This is similar to the thoughts concerning cholesterol being a fatty deposit, now considered sign more than a cause.
I am curious about the current research to invent a resolving agent so plaque does not adhere to the oral surfaces. Properties like that of cranberries that already break adhesion tension with the bacteria on bladder walls are leading this research. I would imagine it would need to be irrigated into each sulcus. Would this be enough to stop the spirochetes? Natural products sound promising such as Xylitol, but are the spirochete activities minimized by it like the other oral bacteria?
Connecting to others who are attracted to understanding inflammation and pH balances and therefore being on the cutting edge, reading the leading experts new research and getting it out to the main stream- public, patients and healthcare providers- is something that passionately drives me. As a change agent, it fits my philosophy of helping people to help themselves.
Thank you, again, for sharing your research and thoughts in your book. I truly enjoyed reading it twice.
Diane R. Lyons, R.D.H., B.A.S.D.H.