New book by Bryan Rosner
Published in March 2019 • 226 pages
Book Launch Sale Happening Today!
Published by BioMed Publishing Group
Foreword by Daniel Cagua-Koo, PMA, MD, MPH

Book Launch Sale Event happening now! Get $5 off when you order Lyme Disease Supercharge today. Buy the book in Paperback or eBook format.
Bryan Rosner has written 5 books on Lyme disease that have sold over 40,000 copies. But this is the most important one yet. Order your copy today and get $5 off during our Book Launch Sales Event. You can order the book in Paperback or eBook format.
See the Table of Contents and read a free sample.
Two years ago, Bryan Rosner’s health started to decline severely despite him having been mostly recovered from Lyme disease for a number of years. All of the old treatments which Bryan had relied on in the past (and wrote about in his books), no longer worked. His health got so bad that he was thinking about how to say goodbye to his family.
Bryan read about a little-known strategy that some Lyme disease patients had been using to “supercharge” their recovery. The strategy was developed by Erik Johnson, a now-retired Army Bio-Warfare Officer. Bryan was initially skeptical, but he kept an open mind. He had exhausted all of his options, and was willing to try anything.

Fast forward to the present. Now, after using this strategy himself for almost two years, Bryan is astonished by the results. Since beginning to pursue this approach, Bryan has been consistently healing and moving toward his prior health. He is back to hiking and biking regularly, works full-time, and now, every day brings new health gains instead of deeper levels of decline.
Bryan was dumbfounded that this healing strategy has not been talked about more in the Lyme disease community, so he felt compelled to write this book. Lyme Disease Supercharge tells Bryan’s story in detail, and describes Erik’s strategy.

After falling ill in the 1980’s with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), Erik Johnson became bedridden and debilitated. Doctors were unable to help him. He was so sick that all he could do was crawl back and forth between his bed and the bathroom. Through meticulous experiments and putting his bio-warfare training to work, Erik discovered something that changed his life.
His new healing method allowed him to go from being bedridden to climbing Mt. Whitney in just six months. Even today, years later, he still climbs Mt. Whitney almost every year as a testament to his recovery.
But even more interesting is that his strategy was found to have application for many other chronic illnesses, especially Lyme disease. There is now a grass-roots movement including thousands of Lyme disease patients around the globe who employ Erik’s strategy. Many of these people were on their deathbeds and had given up hope prior to beginning, but are now experiencing various stages of recovery.
Many of those who have been experiencing substantial benefit from this approach were not merely “mildly ill” patients. Instead, the reports being shared on the various forums have indicated that people usually turn to this strategy when “all else has failed.” Something that can literally bring people back from the dead is worth sharing, wouldn’t you agree? Bryan certainly feels that that is the case, which is why he is so excited about this book. See the book’s Table of contents, as well as a free sample, here. You can purchase the Paperback or eBook versions of the new book.
Above photos: Erik, then and now. Left photo is Erik early in his recovery. He went from bedridden to hiking Mt. Whitney in just 6 months of using his new healing strategy. Now, many years later, he still climbs Mt. Whitney almost every year, as a Testament to his recovery. Right photo: Erik at the top of Mt. Whitney in Summer, 2018.
Lisa Petrison, PhD, has been a very significant contributor to our knowledge-base on Erik’s approach. She was herself sick with CFS/ME and was at her worst about 10 years ago. She was forced to quit her job as a University Professor, and she spent most of her time in bed.

She discovered Erik’s work, got on a plane and flew out to see him, followed his strategy, and regained most of her health. As a skilled researcher, she was able to organize Erik’s findings into several books, websites, and research databases. Her work has been integral in helping people understand how the approach works, and her contributions have substantiated much of Bryan’s new book.
After her recovery, she founded Paradigm Change, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to studying the role of mold toxins in chronic illness. Apparently, many people have needed the contributions Lisa has made to this topic, because the recovery-oriented Facebook Group she founded now has more than 12,000 members! Lisa’s three books on the topic are also very well-reviewed and considered by many to be life-savings resources.
Dr. Cagua-Koo is a medical doctor who was also greatly helped by Erik’s approach. He is a graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine. With his medical background, he has been able to develop a framework and medical approach for sick patients. He Founded River of Life Medical, where he practices medicine and employs Erik’s approach with some of his patients. Dr. Cagua-Koo wrote the Foreword for Lyme Disease Supercharge.
Mold is old news in the Lyme disease community. Lyme doctors have known about the importance of mold for years, and have addressed it adequately with their patients…or, at least, that is the conclusion that some patients and physicians currently believe. But what if there is more to the equation?
Erik Johnson discovered that the modern, typical outlook on mold illness may be adequate for mildly ill patients to get better, but not for the super-sick. Erik has developed a strategy that has helped many super-sick patients, even after other approaches fail.
Erik is not a doctor and did not intend to develop a paradigm-changing approach to chronic illness. Instead, he was a desperate patient and found a way to help himself recover. However, patients have taken notice of his work. One of the side effects of discovering something this important is that the word gets out. And, the word has gotten out.
Erik has never made money from his discoveries. In fact, the approach Erik developed is independent from the greed-riddled, product-driven medical industry. Erik’s approach is actually quite the opposite, allowing people to become more independent than they could have ever dreamed possible. Independent of doctors, health products, and reliance on “the system.”
In 2004, Bryan Rosner published his first book on Lyme disease, entitled Lyme Disease and Rife Machines. That book also advocates an approach which puts power and independence back in patients’ hands. Bryan has always been attracted to healing approaches which rely on true research and results, rather than products and services. This is something that attracted Bryan to Erik’s research in the first place.
Bryan’s new book, Lyme Disease Supercharge, is about supercharging recovery from Lyme disease using this little-known, yet profound, healing strategy.

Get $5 off when you order Lyme Disease Supercharge today.
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Bryan Rosner is the author of 5 books on Lyme disease. He is the founder of BioMed Publishing Group, and he has been researching and publishing on alternative medicine topics for a living since 2003. Bryan and his wife Leila have three children, Judah, Addy and Cora.
This photo was taken while Bryan was doing extreme mold avoidance in the deserts of Arizona in 2018.
Bryan Rosner and Erik Johnson are not doctors or medical professionals. They are not qualified to dispense medical advice. The statements on this website and in this book have not been evaluated by the FDA. The book and website are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Instead, the book and website are intended only to share the experiences and opinions of those whose views are expressed. For medical advice, please consult a licensed physician.

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