No you’re not. Just like everyone else, you need water to survive, or you’ll die. Go ahead, try it. Just kidding!
It doesn’t matter if you understand why water is good for you. You could be a water biologist, or a baby who knows nothing, and both alike, need water to survive.
That’s just how it is. It is a fact that is INDEPENDENT from your knowledge and your opinion.
This is kind of how pristine locations work.
I was asked recently if I automatically recognized pristine locations when I found them. Well, I kind of did, but not quite well enough. It really really helped to have an experienced mold avoider send me to a pristine place, and then for me to observe what it felt like, and observe what kinds of things happened in my body when I was there…so that in the future, I could find and spend more time in pristine places, to heal.
I am not saying people can’t find pristine places on their own. Some can. I don’t know that I could have, without help.
So, no matter how you feel about all of this, it can still be tricky to find pristine locations and you might need help.
But there’s another thing, too. Just like water, it doesn’t matter if you believe that pristine locations are good for you. It doesn’t matter if you understand the science, or if you like it, or if you feel really happy about it. It has been established that pristine locations cause a very important switch to be flipped inside the body, which kick-starts healing from mold illness. This is just a fact, and is how the body works. Just like it is a fact that the body needs water, even if you don’t know why.
We don’t get to decide how our bodies work. We don’t get to vote on that. If you stop breathing, you’ll die. It isn’t up for debate.
This is a hard concept for new mold avoiders to grasp. They don’t realize that there is actually a physiological switch that is activated when the location is pristine enough. (Here’s a podcast on why pristine locations matter)
That is why part of learning mold avoidance is to first agree to being a student of mold avoidance. Because you don’t get to make up the rules. But you do get to learn them, if you want to.
Below are some photos of City of Rocks State Park in New Mexico, where we spent a couple of months healing. At the time, this was one of the most pristine locations I have ever visited. Mixed reports currently on if it has stayed that way. Note: Don’t be fooled by how beautiful it is. We have also stayed at many beautiful locations which were horrible places to heal from mold illness. While the beauty is lovely, it is not the deciding factor on whether or not a place is pristine.

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