Coronavirus sure is bringing mold avoidance to the forefront of some smart people’s minds! I sold a house to a very smart attorney in Tahoe a few years ago. We keep in touch from time to time and chat about investing and world events. Today, this was the conversation, which started as being centered around coronavirus, but then progressed to this….
James (my past client, lives by angora):
I tend to agree that we’ll probably all get it (coronavirus) at some point. We assume it is all over Tahoe because of all of the visitors. Just that most of us are at the very healthy end of the spectrum and so will remain asymptomatic.
I do know that this whole thing has solidified my general aversion to hospitals and cruise ships. I think in the end we’re gonna find out that fresh air, sunshine and maybe chloroquine for those with more serious symptoms is a pretty effective treatment. They found with the Spanish flu that patients recovered faster in the outdoor tent hospitals.
Bryan response:
Funny you should bring up the Spanish flu! Actually, one of the primary treatments for our mold issues has been “fresh air.” A person in Tahoe named Erik Johnson was a victim of the 1980’s “China Flu” in Tahoe. That was also where and when the first cases of “chronic fatigue syndrome” showed up. Erik noticed that people who lived in moldy buildings, “got the flu and never recovered” – and went on to develop chronic fatigue syndrome. He was one of them. At his worst, he was crawling to the bathroom. He had this for years, after getting the flu.
Little by little, he experimented with getting outside. His mom told him “you always do better in the woods.”
He eventually went on to build himself a completely mold-free RV, made out of exclusively metal. This is obviously more extreme than 99% of people would need to do, but he was already at a place where he had been taken way down by this.
Little by little, he regained his strength and function, and now he has thousands of followers, including me.
During the Spanish Flu, when they noticed that being outside helped, everyone was trying to guess what it could be – the sun? the fresh air? Or both? In any case, we sure do know that fresh air and sun helps, and even helps people who have been taken out more intensely.
More and more people are following Erik’s story now, that we have “another China flu.” And this flu is even behaving strangely, where you have weird clusters of people who get it and others next door who don’t. So interesting!
Erik’s story of these events – a pretty quick read – is available from a friend’s organization, Paradigm Change… if you are interested in reading it. It is a very intriguing eBook and even moreso, interesting because it takes place in Tahoe and Truckee, near where you live. Maybe some recreational reading is needed with all this home time!
It is an eBook called “Back from the Edge.” (you can get the eBook for free on this page.)
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