Sara recently posted about moldies possibly having a zinc deficiency. This got me thinking.
Of course, for some people, taking zinc is intolerable. But this may be all the more indication of a zinc deficiency… Dr. K believes that zinc is the “gas pedal for metal detox.” When I was living in mold, I pursued the “KPU” protocol, which involves high doses of zinc and vitamin B6. Some people who have gone through that protocol have found it very difficult. My dad can’t even tolerate zinc at all, though he is mostly healthy. But he has some hidden mold issues.
Anyway, fast forward to now …. after 2.5 years of mold avoidance, I can tolerate zinc just fine… though the first few days of taking it were a little rough with some of that KPU type stuff (only a little).
I was taking high doses of zinc (75-100mg per day) recently to fight this viral infection that all the moldies seem to be dealing with. That is a story for a different thread.
But I have noticed something. The zinc seems to be resolving a symptom I’ve had for years and never been able to get rid of. And, possibly, my most important remaining symptom.
It is kind of hard to describe this symptom. I have found that a lot of my remaining (and perhaps deepest) mold / Lyme symptoms have to do with such things as:
- Core emotional status
- Identity, insecurity, self-perception
- Sense of calm and engagedness with life
- Emotional connection with nature
- Feelings of healthy masculinity, hormones, etc.
- Other kind of “non-descript” deep brain elements
So this hasn’t been the easiest thing to describe. But one thing I noticed a long time ago when I started to get really sick, was that I lost these things. And since they were hard to describe, they were also kind of hard to ask other people about.
I was googling and found that even normal people find zinc to improve dream quality and recollection. Somehow, this seems related to my above list.
To make a long story short, I think now I have a high degree of confidence in saying that when I continue to take high doses of zinc (I don’t need it for the virus anymore, so it is optional) I notice pretty dramatic improvements in the above-said areas. If I take 50mg zinc in late afternoon, I find my dreams to be very deep, memorable, interesting, processing of life.
Mind you, I haven’t been able to dream hardly at all for decades. I have often felt that this is somehow tied with deeper brain and emotional healing.
The dreams the zinc gives me aren’t always good dreams. Sometimes they are bad. But they do seem to be a kind of emotional processing, working through a back log of emotional challenges I haevn’t dealt with.
And I wake up feeling more centered, more clear, more connected, more aware of life’s challenges and solutions and options.
This has been a fascinating journey, because this symptom has just not budged AT ALL in years.
So perhaps dealing with “the virus” has had a silver lining…. I don’t think I would have ever had the guts to take this much zinc. Normally I used to only use the 22mg dosages. I have a lot of trauma from how intense the zinc used to be in releasing heavy metals, back in the old days. But that virus was so intense that I was gobbling 50-100mg just to stay alive.
So this could be a pretty interesting key, for me at least, to some important brain healing.
On a related note, I remember once reading that one of the deep structures of the brain – I can’t remember which one – hoards zinc. This part of the brain has like 10x the concentration of zinc as anywhere else in the body. The body so values having zinc there that it will forsake zinc anywhere else to keep it in the brain. So it could be that zinc is really important for brain function. Sara had hypothesized that coronavirus perhaps depletes us of zinc. Well, maybe all the other infections do too.
Anyway, thought I would share.
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