RV eBook: read Bryan’s best-practices on purchasing and caring for RV’s: click here.
*** IMPORTANT: All the information below on this webpage is REQUIRED READING before participating in the Facebook Mold Avoidance Group. ***
First, a disclaimer. I am not a doctor. I am a health care journalist. This document is for informational purposes only. Consult a physician for medical advice. Do not change or discontinue any treatments or medications without permission from your doctor.
➡ Introduction: Why This Document is Important
Thanks for stopping by! I am passionate about sharing mold avoidance with people. I credit mold avoidance with saving my life, and I hope you benefit from this information.
It is easy to believe that mold avoidance is “whatever you want it to be.” However, Erik-style mold avoidance is based on a specific approach and skillset that has been refined for decades. When you start listening to my podcast, start with this episode.
Please be sure to read my brand new article, False Assumptions in Mold Avoidance, to avoid the many pitfalls that newbies run into.
This document is intended to help you get started learning about mold avoidance. You are welcome to ask your questions by participating in our Facebook Group. Please remember that this group is NOT FOR CONVINCING PEOPLE to do Erik-style mold avoidance. Posts on that topic will be deleted. Rather, it is a group for people who have already decided to pursue this kind of avoidance.
I have already mostly moved on with my life, and am not actively pursuing mold avoidance community volunteering anymore. Therefore, if you are seeking help from any of my resources, you will be much more likely to find it if you educate yourself first, reading the books, studying the podcasts, etc. I am not available for questions that are already addressed in my resources. I’m also not a doctor, so can’t give you medical advice.
Coaching call: sign up for a 30 or 60 minute call with Bryan: click here. (Note: I don’t do much coaching anymore. I reserve the right to cancel appointments. I may take a few calls as time permits)
➡ First order of business: Read the Books
I know it is tempting to just ask all your questions on online forums, but it is 1000x more efficient to READ the books and resources people have already created. I know many people have brain fog, but people should do the best they can. Start here:
- Three Books by Erik Johnson and Lisa Petrison: First, read “A Beginner’s Guide to Mold Avoidance”. Also, read “Back From The Edge.” Then, begin to study a longer book, “Erik on Avoidance.” These books can be found here. (The book “Back from the Edge” is short and easy reading, and an EXCELLENT way to introduce family and friends to mold avoidance).
- Read Bryan Rosner’s book: “Mold Avoidance Road Trip”
You can download the book as a free PDF file here. You can find 19 Key Takeaway Points from the book here. Also, read a helpful book review by a large Lyme disease advocacy organization.
- Read this very important core article for mold avoidance:
Outdoor Toxins of Particular Concern for Mold Illness Patients. This article is of CRITICAL IMPORTANCE. One of the key (and surprising) premises of mold avoidance is that OUTDOOR toxins can be just as important as INDOOR mold issues.
- Start listening to Bryan’s mold avoidance podcast. This podcast contains many of the lessons Bryan learned while pursuing mold avoidance, and covers a wide range of topics. You can find the podcast by clicking here, or by searching your favorite podcast app for “Bryan Rosner mold avoidance”
Congratulations! If you’ve made it this far, you’re well on your way to getting a firm grasp on your mold avoidance education.
To continue your education, keep going…
➡ Next: Explain to Family and Friends, and find Personal Inspiration
One of the most important parts of getting started with mold avoidance is getting family and friends on board, and convincing yourself that you aren’t crazy and that others have walked this road too! Here are a few resources for that:
- Open letter to Family and Friends (by Bryan Rosner). Feel free to copy and distribute this letter.
- Read and share other mold avoiders’ stories: Ana Harris’ blog post So is it Mold or Lyme (read all of her other blog posts too). Kim Goodwin’s story (this one was the first thing I personally read on mold avoidance, and got me started!) What does mold avoidance look like in pictures? Our first two year photo album.
- Bryan Rosner’s YouTube video: Life-Changing Mold Avoidance. Read Bryan’s mold avoidance diary, which has a couple of articles for family and friends.
- All of my Podcast Episodes are intended for new mold avoiders, and for their families. I strongly recommend listening to ALL of these episodes before moving forward with mold avoidance. I have spent a tremendous amount of time and energy creating these episodes, and though it may take a few hours to listen to them, I think it will save you THOUSANDS of hours of research efforts.
➡ Join the Forum(s)
Several online forums exist to get support in starting out with mold avoidance. This is Bryan’s group. Get plugged in, and get support in beginning your journey. I also very much recommend joining Lisa Petrison, PhD’s, Facebook Group entitled “Mold Avoiders.”
IMPORTANT: We currently store some very important information on the Practical Mold Avoidance FB Group; information to help you get started. Be sure to read the Group Announcements, look at the Group Files, watch some of the Group Videos, and browse a few of the recent posts.
When you start listening to my mold avoidance podcast, listen to this episode first!
➡ Dig Deeper and Become an Experienced Mold Avoider
I suggest digging deeper into your mold avoidance education. All of this reading and exploring takes time, so try to do 20 or 30 minutes per day, and don’t expect to become an expert overnight. Most mold avoiders find that there is a very steep learning curve, and that it can take 2-3 years to become an “advanced mold avoider.” This process shouldn’t be scary or intimidating, because for most of us, dramatic health improvements are experienced during each step of the process!
Here are some further resources for digging deeper and becoming more educated:
Listen to all of the episodes of Bryan’s Mold Avoidance Podcast (Podcast logo pictured above and left) This podcast is also available on your favorite podcast apps (search for Bryan Rosner). https://lymebook.podbean.com/
But listen to this episode first!
Watch Bryan’s Mold Avoidance YouTube Channel:
Topics include:
- Mold avoidance
- Ten pass ozone
- Doing mold avoidance as a family
- Tips for doing mold avoidance in an RV off-the-grid
- Parasites and mold avoidance
- Many more topics, including favorite supplements for Bartonella, Babesia and Lyme!
19 Key Takeaway Points from Bryan’s Book
Tips for Doing Mold Avoidance in an RV, or in custom metal housing:
- Read this article (half way down the page is where the tips begin)
- Watch my YouTube Channel; many of the videos focus on mold avoidance in an RV
- YouTube Playlist with 4 videos on my journey building a mold-resistant RV
- Photos of my custom built mold-free RV
- I also recommend searching the Facebook group “Practical Mold Avoidance” and the group “Mold Avoiders” for posts from me about my experience building a custom RV.
Bryan Rosner’s “Stages of Healing” Article
Read Bryan’s “Diary” on mold avoidance experiences and lessons.
Read some of Bryan’s work which has been featured on Paradigm Change, an organization run by Lisa Petrison, PhD. If you have Lyme, especially look at this article.
Read this thread asking people what they regret about their mold avoidance and what they would have done differently. It is a GOLD MINE of information. Note: You will need to first request to be a member of this Facebook Group before you read the thread. Note: This is a different Facebook Group than the one Bryan co-runs.
➡ Supportive Therapies, Including Ozone
One of the basic premises of mold avoidance is that it is so successful and helpful that many people are able to greatly reduce or even discontinue all of their previously-needed therapies. This was my story too (watch this crazy video!).
Also, almost universally, mold avoiders agree that the top priority is to get clear of mold early on, and not worry about supportive therapies. This is also my suggestion. In fact, supportive therapies can be HARMFUL early in the process as the body is getting back on its feet. Personally, I would not even consider supportive therapies for at least 6-12 months into mold avoidance. However, at some point, supportive therapies may become useful. Especially those which aid the body in detox efforts. Of course, this is a very individual topic, and people should use their own best judgement about which therapies they will continue to need during mold avoidance.
OZONE THERAPY: One of the few therapies which I personally found to be extremely helpful in my mold avoidance journey was ozone therapy. So, you might want to get up to speed on that:
Bryan gets ozone ten pass live on video:
Ozone and mold article: https://lymebook.com/bryan/2017/12/03/new-lyme-treatment-is-mainstay-for-southern-california-llmd/
Free ozone and mold chapter from my recent book “Lyme Disease Supercharge”: http://lymebook.com/ozone-ten-pass-mold-bartonella-lyme.pdf
OTHER SUPPORTIVE THERAPIES: After someone has been doing mold avoidance for quite some time, maybe 12+ months, they may wish to consider some of the supportive therapies (and reasoning behind them) which I have found to be important. However, I must emphasize that even if you consider these therapies, mold avoidance is the PRIMARY tool moving health forward. I suggest people not get distracted with supportive therapies too early on. When you are ready, you can check out my free eBook on supportive therapies which I have found to be helpful. I also recommend people read this important article I wrote on the connection between parasites and mold illness. And a free chapter from a book I wrote on parasite treatment.
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