The illustration above depicts the phenomenon where chronic parasite infections coat and cloak themselves with a blanket of metal toxins and mold, so that treatments do not reach through and kill them. As a result, when someone is still living in mold, parasite treatments may accomplish very little. On the other hand, when clear of mold, parasite treatments my be very powerful – even too powerful, in some cases.
Many of the experienced mold avoiders I know feel that parasites are a core issue in mold illness. When you piece together the clues in mold illness, you find parasites at every turn. Some of these clues include:
- While mold illness may prove to be the root cause of many different illnesses (such as Lyme disease, CFS, allergies, etc), one thing that seems to be a commonality is that almost all mold sufferers with these syndromes eventually see that they have parasites as one of their deepest issues. This becomes especially evident during mold avoidance.
- In my own personal journey with mold avoidance, I found that the Lyme disease layer was easily peeled away, but that the parasite layer was much deeper and more persistent than I could have ever guessed.
- Some mold illness sufferers can trace the onset of their mold reactivity back to some kind of international travel, and/or acute GI distress or parasite incident.
- Many mold illness patients report that parasite treatment greatly helps with their recovery. (Warning: parasite treatment can be very intense and maybe even dangerous, during mold avoidance).
- Again, even while mold illness can present very differently (Lyme disease vs. CFS vs. allergies, etc), later in avoidance, almost all experienced mold avoiders notice that these syndromes end up peeling away quite readily, and what is left behind, almost always, is a type of IBS / G.I. distress / intestinal syndrome. This deeper layer, and commonality in mold avoidance progression, is quite telling.
Some (including myself) have experienced some benefit when pursuing parasite treatment. This is the case even when parasite treatment never worked at all when living in the “moldy house.”
However, there are two important warnings to heed before pursuing parasite treatment:
- I do NOT advocate that people attempt to treat parasites when they are early in mold avoidance. As one of my mentors said, parasite treatment should not be pursued until one has done “mold avoidance, mold avoidance, and more mold avoidance.” The body just isn’t ready until it has had A LOT of time to detox and be clear. This goes for other treatments too, not just parasite treatments. Also, I have NEVER found that parasite treatment is any kind of substitute for mold avoidance.
- Paradoxically, treating parasites can be even MORE intense when clear of mold. When I attempted to do it still exposed to mold, it did almost nothing to me – no herx, no improvement. But when clear of mold, it seems that the parasites become much more vulnerable, and killing them can be a very powerful intervention. When they die, they release all of the toxicity (mostly metals + mold toxins) that they have been storing up for decades. So – killing them can be dangerous and require a serious arsenal of binders and knowledge.
So, what should mold avoiders do? Well, start out with “avoidance, avoidance, and more avoidance” before even thinking about parasite treatment. Principle: Mold Avoidance itself is the #1 Parasite Treatment, by far!
The purpose of this blog post is to give you a jumping off point to research this topic further, so I am going to provide links to more in-depth information.
Resources for treating parasites during mold avoidance:
Mold + Parasites free eBook (all about the tools and strategies I used)
Mold Avoidance Roadtrip free eBook (with chapters on my parasite + mold experiences)
Mold + Parasites Hypothesis Statement Explaining The Mold / Parasite Connection
When to Use Treatments During Mold Avoidance Podcast episode
Free Chapter Excerpt from one of my Books on Available Parasite Treatments
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