One of the most common misconceptions about mold avoidance is that it is “one of many” protocols people with mold sickness should consider.
The easiest way to address this false assumption is to use the analogy of the Emergency Room.
If your life is at stake and you are on the table in the ER, would you ask the doctor about a healthy diet?
Would you ask the doctor about where to get organic groceries?
Would you ask the doctor about what might cause Alzheimer’s disease?
Because it is an EMERGENCY. Not that those other questions don’t matter – they do. It is just that they matter AFTER your life is saved.
Many people get sicker and sicker each and every year with mold illness, no matter HOW MUCH sauna, organic foods, or supplements they use! Hence, getting over mold illness – especially the sicker one becomes – is an EMERGENCY.
Being that it is an emergency, it SUPERCEDES other health concerns.
The reason recovery isn’t happening is because of the very most fundamental principle in mold avoidance: that the body will NOT embark in normal, healthy detox UNLESS a person is “clear enough” of mold. You can learn more about this idea in this podcast episode.
Lack of detox (due to inadequately “clear” surroundings) creates a “garbage dump” environment in the body, where excessive mold toxins build up and allow chronic infections to thrive. Any amount of Lyme or viral treatment is INEFFECTIVE because it is a garbage dump! Halted detox also allows other toxins – like heavy metals – to build up as well, for MONTHS OR YEARS. No amount of detox therapies will help because the body is like a race horse that has DUG IN ITS HEALS and refuses to run (to detox). It’s game over. And once this downward spiral gets far enough, the body requires a VERY clear place to kickstart detox – often much more clear than average patients and doctors realize.
This is why you will FREQUENTLY hear about how amazing mold avoiders feel when they are doing proper avoidance, even if they are ignoring such things as: eating organic, avoiding chemicals and fragrances, and worrying about other health concerns.
It isn’t that those other things are not important! It is just that the EMERGENCY of mold illness must first be addressed before it even matters what else someone is doing.
Just like someone needs to escape the ER at the hospital with their life intact, before they worry about an organic diet or what “might” cause Alzheimer’s disease. No one asks if the shock paddles on the ER table are made out of non-toxic metals when their heart is stopped and the doctors are using those paddles to try to bring them back to life!
This is also why mold avoiders often do really well in RV’s made out of “toxic plastic” or hotel rooms that are not “fragrance free.” Because when you take away MOLD, the body just spontaneously recovers. This doesn’t mean fragrances and plastic are GOOD FOR US. It just means that they aren’t the emergency.
I often refer to this concept as “the singularity of mold avoidance” (podcast episode with that title). Because getting over mold illness first requires a SINGULAR endeavor, i.e., to get “clear enough” of mold!
In fact, the detox process in mold sick individuals is often SO BROKEN – and the improvements in health SO DRAMATIC – that many of us choose to prioritize detox *at all costs* even if it means doing some other kinds of “unhealthy things.” One example in my own personal life is drinking Celsius energy drinks. Before mold avoidance, I wouldn’t have been able to even tolerate a single sip of these (any amount of caffeine usually is intolerable to mold sick people, and in fact many of the “intolerable things” end up being HELPFUL when someone is recovering, caffeine being just one example).
Yet nowadays, I find that caffeine and coffee – but particularly Celsius energy drinks – REALLY help me keep my detox going, in a way that staves off any recurrence of “the bad old days” of mold illness when I was a bedridden blob.
Are Celsius energy drinks “healthy”? I don’t know and I don’t F*ing care! When my detox is pumping, I feel great – WAY better than being chronicly sick! There are other similar habits that may seem strange from the outside looking in, but when you ask a mold avoider why they engage in it, it’s because of that SINGULARITY of mold avoidance…
This isn’t a theory, belief, pontification, pondering, or position. It is an EXPERIENCE – I just feel normal and can do things like work, play, think, and watch movies (to name a few things normal people do) when I acknowledge and respect the Singularity of Mold Avoidance. One of the biggest hurdles us mold avoiders cross is to realize that we aren’t that smart. We didn’t ponder our way to results. We EXPERIENCED our way.
One last point: I often like to invoke the analogy of an airline pilot. Have you ever seen how airline pilots live? They somehow manage to fly that jet even while they are sleeping in random hotels, even while they are drinking too much coffee, even while they are jet-lagged, even while they are eating bagels and McDonalds from airport restaurants.
Now, it might be true that such a lifestyle is UNHEALTHY and they may develop a disease and die early. Sure! No one is arguing with that.
But as mold sick individuals, we sure aren’t getting anywhere by “trying to live a healthy lifestyle,” are we? If we were, our pantries wouldn’t be filled with $100K in supplements even while we are still getting sicker each year!
So the first goal in recovery should be to just become like that pilot – REMOVE the mold burden and allow your body to recover so that you can be a normal person. THEN, if you want to, sure… go crazy on your healthy lifestyle and your pet-favorite modalities, diets and rituals!
End of post.
If you haven’t already, check out Bryan’s E-Book entitled RV’s For Mold Avoidance

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