Marshall Protocol is perhaps the most significant breakthrough
in Lyme Disease treatment since Doug MacLean discovered in the
1980s how to employ a homemade rife machine (see Chapter 5) to
heal his own Lyme infection.
The reason the Marshall Protocol is so significant is
that it addresses an aspect of the Lyme Disease complex which
no other treatment, protocol, supplement or herb can even come
close to touching. The
discoveries that led Trevor Marshall, Ph.D., to develop the
Marshall Protocol have uncovered and exposed a critical part
of the process which Borrelia Burgdorferi uses to establish
and maintain infection in the host.
The Marshall Protocol is the only known therapy which
addresses this aspect of the bacterial survival process.
If you take the Marshall Protocol out of the Lyme
Disease treatment toolbox, there is no comparable tool to
replace it.
protocol builds on the work of Dr. Lida Mattman, one of the
most influential medical scientists in modern history. With a
master's degree in virology from the
and a Ph.D. in immunology from
, Lida Mattman has revolutionized the study of infectious
disease and established the foundation for decades of progress
in science and medicine. A
1998 nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Mattman found
that a certain type of bacteria lacking a cell wall (known as
cell-wall-deficient, variant, or L-form bacteria) are not only
very common but are also the root cause of multiple health
conditions that have baffled medical scientists for years.
The presence of cell-wall-deficient pathogens in the
human body is extremely difficult to detect and has thus been
largely ignored by conventional medicine.
Mattman's studies have forced hundreds of physicians and
researchers to accept the fact that this elusive and highly
complicated class of bacteria is responsible for many
previously-misunderstood ailments.
Interestingly, Mattman's research findings bear a
striking resemblance to the conclusions about microorganisms
drawn by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife himself.
her breakthrough discoveries caused a light-speed acceleration
in the field of bacteriology, no one has been able to figure
out exactly what to do about the cell-wall-deficient bacteria
identified by Dr. Mattman.
We know they are there, and we know they cause many
diseases considered untreatable or incurable by conventional
medicine, but getting rid of them is a different story.
there is a handful of brilliant researchers who are currently
studying these pathogens and are discovering ways to attack
cell-wall-deficient bacteria, destroy them, and thereby heal
incurable diseases. Trevor
Marshall, Ph.D., is one such researcher.
After failing to gain benefit from conventional
treatment for his own affliction with sarcoidosis (a
multi-system disorder characterized in affected organs by
inflammatory lesions),
was compelled to take a closer look at the pathogenesis of
chronic disease. His
research conclusions were very similar to those reached by Dr.
Mattman: a
surprisingly long list of chronic diseases are actually caused
by cell-wall-deficient bacteria.
Sarcoidosis and Lyme Disease, for example, share this
root cause. If you are confused because you thought Lyme
Disease was caused by spirochetes, not cell-wall-deficient
bacteria, keep reading, we will answer that question.
of studies by Dr. Marshall led him beyond the ability to
merely identify cell-wall-deficient bacteria and their role in
various disease processes.
In developing the protocol which bears his name, he has
created the means to actually counter their bacterial
activity. The
Marshall Protocol is a ground-breaking method of killing
cell-wall-deficient bacteria in the human body and ultimately
curing the previously untreatable diseases this pathogen
causes. After
employed his discoveries to treat sarcoidosis and heal
himself, he went on to establish The Autoimmunity Research
Foundation through which he collaborates with physicians and
researchers around the world to help chronically ill people
recover from various afflictions.
has bridged the gap between simple awareness of the existence
of cell-wall-deficient bacteria and knowledge of how to
eradicate them.
of the root cause of Lyme Disease may be needed here.
As mentioned earlier, the Lyme Disease pathogen,
Borrelia Burgdorferi, exists in three distinct forms:
spirochete, cyst, and cell-wall-deficient form.
It is popularly (and erroneously) believed that the
spirochete form of the disease is the only form—quite often,
researchers and practitioners ignore the other two forms.
This ignorance is the result of antiquated, inaccurate,
and close-minded educational materials commonly presented at
medical schools. In actuality, according to a burgeoning heap
of published research, the spirochete form is in fact just a
small part of the whole disease picture.
Let's take a small detour to examine the three
bacterial forms of Borrelia Burgdorferi.
not the totality of the disease, the spirochete form is highly
dangerous and significant.
It is responsible for the initial, rapid spread of the
infection throughout the body and various organs due to its
highly-mobile, drill-capable shape.
The spirochete form is also responsible for many
ongoing symptoms. It is, however, simply not the whole story.
second form of Lyme Disease bacteria is the cyst form, which
is also commonly ignored by mainstream practitioners and
researchers. The
cyst form is a symptomless, protective, survival-oriented form
that is elusive, difficult to identify in laboratories, and
nearly impossible to kill.
Further discussion of the cyst form can be found
elsewhere throughout this book and detailed discussion can be
found in Lyme Disease
and Rife Machines. Additionally, lymeinfo.net has an
extensive collection of cyst form-related research and
published studies.
third form of Lyme Disease bacteria is the cell-wall-deficient
form, which happens to be extremely dangerous, insidious, and
also the target of the Marshall Protocol.
Many of the most severe symptoms and organ dysfunctions
associated with Lyme Disease occur as a result of the presence
of cell-wall-deficient bacteria.
Additionally, over time, the population of
cell-wall-deficient bacteria tends to increase. This form can
actually hide inside cells within the body to avoid detection.
More amazingly, it can actually hide in immune system
cells themselves. The cell-wall-deficient form must be
addressed in order to heal, yet it is commonly overlooked, or
worse, its existence is often completely denied, despite
peer-verified research by the likes of such heavyweights as
Yale graduate Lida Mattman.
Each of
the three bacterial forms is capable of converting to the
other forms under certain circumstances.
Spirochetes convert to cell-wall-deficient and cyst
forms as a survival tactic (cysts are much more
treatment-resistant than spirochetes).
Cysts convert to spirochetes occasionally―usually
in spring and fall―as a proliferation tactic, to spread
the disease to other tissues (spirochetes are more mobile and
can more easily spread the infection than cysts). The
cell-wall-deficient form is utilized for various reasons,
including, of particular note, the ability of this form to
survive numerous treatment approaches, including cell wall
inhibiting antibiotics.
antibacterial approaches must be used for each of the three
bacterial forms because each bacterial form has different
weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Rife machines are highly
proficient in killing spirochetes.
Spirochetes can also be killed somewhat effectively
with protein synthesis inhibiting antibiotics.
Cysts respond to certain antibiotics (discussed in
Chapter 1). Cysts
can also be exposed and destroyed, with proper treatment,
timing, and planning, by rife machine therapy.
However, until the Marshall Protocol, there was not an
effective treatment for cell-wall-deficient bacteria. There
are several types of antibiotics (primarily protein synthesis
inhibitors such as the tetracyclines and macrolides) which
have activity against cell-wall-deficient bacteria, but these
are minimally effective when used alone.
The Marshall Protocol is the first therapy that has
actually been able to comprehensively eradicate this form of
the bacteria. This
is why the Marshall Protocol is so important.
Before the Marshall Protocol, there was simply no way
to deal with the cell-wall-deficient form of Lyme Disease.
Hence, before the Marshall Protocol, recovery was much
more difficult to attain.
I first
heard of the Marshall Protocol through Ron, a friend and
fellow Lyme Disease sufferer who often participates in the
Lyme-and-Rife online discussion group.
Just as I had, Ron had benefited from rife machine
therapy but still needed something to finish off the disease.
Ron was tremendously successful with the Marshall
Protocol. After
due consideration I decided to try the protocol myself.
Sure enough, results were forthcoming, and I couldn't
help but notice that the Marshall Protocol seemed to provide
improvement in areas where rife machine therapy lagged.
The longer I researched, used myself as a guinea pig,
and consulted with various patients and practitioners, the
more obvious it became that the Marshall Protocol would play
an important role in Lyme Disease recovery.
As mentioned, it addresses an aspect of the Lyme
Disease complex that, quite simply, no other treatment,
supplement, or protocol can impact.
who use rife machines to fight Lyme Disease will be excited to
find out that the Marshall Protocol appears to be compatible
with rife machine therapy.
More than compatible, actually.
Each therapy compensates for weaknesses in the other.
Because the method of action of the two therapies is
entirely different, it is not redundant to use both during the
course of a Lyme Disease treatment campaign.
The therapies work together to accelerate the healing
The answer to many incurable, idiopathic diseases
benefit provided by the Marshall Protocol does not stop with
Lyme Disease. Thousands
of actual patients with real medical conditions ranging from
fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome to arthritis and
obsessive-compulsive disorder have regained their health by
using the Marshall Protocol.
Their stories are very instructive.
To communicate with thousands of Marshall Protocol
users visit the discussion forum located at
commonality which allows such differing illnesses to be
treated successfully by the Marshall Protocol is their root
cause: cell-wall-deficient
bacteria. Visit
marshallprotocol.com for a full list of conditions which may
profit from the Marshall Protocol.
Of course not all allegedly untreatable diseases are
caused by cell-wall-deficient bacteria.
Some such diseases may be caused by other pathogens or
even problems like mercury poisoning and allergies.
However, a large number of serious diseases are caused
(or at least contributed to) by cell-wall-deficient bacteria
and will respond accordingly to the Marshall Protocol.
conventional medicine does not test for cell-wall-deficient
bacteria during the process of diagnosing diseases.
Hence, there is a wide range of symptom presentations
having these bacteria as a root cause which end up being
diagnosed with nonsense disease labels such as
“fibromyalgia,” "chronic fatigue syndrome," or
"depression.” These
disease labels (and many others like them) are flawed because
they provide only a description of symptoms but absolutely no
useful information about the cause of the problem.
Such diseases are those known in the conventional
medical community as "idiopathic."
The word means “without known cause” but is really
just a fancy way to say "we have no idea what is wrong
with you." Diagnosing
muscle pains with the label “fibromyalgia” is like
diagnosing a broken transmission in your car with the label
“It Just Don’t Work No More.” Patients are told that
there are no successful remedies for their diseases other than
symptom-reducing, palliative treatments, because frankly, how
could there be a successful remedy if no one knows what is
causing the problem?
In many
cases, the Marshall Protocol offers the only hope to people
with idiopathic diseases, because the Marshall Protocol
operates from a position of recognition and understanding of
the actual problem, not just the symptoms.
While no
one knows exactly how cell-wall-deficient bacteria infiltrate
the body, or why some people are more susceptible to them than
are others, open-minded scientists have long suspected their
involvement in many health conditions deemed idiopathic.
For example, consider autoimmunity, which is often
alleged as the cause of diseases like those mentioned in the
above paragraphs. Defined
as an attack on the human body by its own immune system,
autoimmunity itself has been hypothesized to be triggered by
stealth pathogens (like cell-wall-deficient bacteria) which
short circuit and confuse the immune system to the point of
self-attack. It
has been hypothesized that such stealth bacteria could hide
away in host tissues, leading the immune system to mistake
healthy, host tissues for the invading bacteria.
The Marshall Protocol has helped to confirm this
hypothesis; many people with autoimmune disorders have gained
significant improvement, or even complete recovery, via the
protocol. People
with so-called "autoimmunity" are actually getting
better when they are treated for stealth bacterial infections.
It may
be difficult to understand and accept that cell-wall-deficient
bacteria can cause diseases with so many diverse symptoms and
presentations—from musculoskeletal disorders to mental
disorders. The
following three points help to explain why many diseases,
commonly believed to be unrelated, can all be caused by
cell-wall-deficient bacteria:
a result of varying genetics, environmental factors, and
other variables, illness will manifest differently in
different individuals, leading to unrelated diagnoses
despite analogous causes.
possibly thousands, of different species of
cell-wall-deficient bacteria exist, each having unique
deleterious effects, leading to varied presentation of
bacteria are capable of infecting every major organ and
system in the body; the syndrome or disease label someone
ends up with often depends on where a cell-wall-deficient
bacterium establishes infection.
analogy will further clarify how different diseases and
different symptoms can have the same root cause: Allergies.
Many people are allergic to pollen, yet allergic
reactions vary greatly; some people get runny noses, others
get asthma, some get red, itchy eyes.
Some allergic reactions are only an uncomfortable
nuisance, while others are life-threatening.
In the same way, people react to infection by
cell-wall-deficient bacteria differently—some moderately,
some severely, typically all with symptoms that share some
aspects in common but still vary wildly, as is the case with
most idiopathic diseases.
An interesting side note:
many diseases which are caused by cell-wall-deficient
bacteria result in part from allergic reactions to their
bacterial toxins.
bottom line is simply that many diverse diseases share the
root cause of cell-wall-deficient bacteria. Because a
multiplicity of conditions can be caused by
cell-wall-deficient bacteria, the Marshall Protocol has
applicability to many seemingly unrelated illnesses.
If you or someone you know sufferers from an
unmitigated disease, it is possible that it is caused by
stealth bacteria unrecognized by conventional medicine.
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by
exploring what the Marshall Protocol offers.
Now we
will examine what the
Protocol is and how it works. First we will look at the
general principles and discoveries on which the protocol is
based, and then we will look at the actual treatments and
lifestyle recommendations that comprise the protocol.
Marshall Protocol principles
Vitamin D dysregulation
known as calciferol, Vitamin D was misnamed as a vitamin after
its discovery in 1922. A
vitamin is a type of organic substance that is required in the
diet and essential to nutrition and metabolism.
Vitamin D is unique because it is not required in the
diet; instead, it is manufactured by the body via exposure to
sunlight or artificial lights. Although we do consume Vitamin
D in our diets, it is not technically a vitamin since it is
not required in the diet.
For the
purpose of explaining the Marshall Protocol, we are less
concerned about the technical definition of Vitamin D and more
concerned about how it affects chronic disease.
Whether a true vitamin or not, Vitamin D plays a
critical role in the pathogenesis of Lyme Disease and other
illnesses involving infection with cell-wall-deficient
bacteria. At the center of the Marshall Protocol is the
breakthrough discovery that Vitamin D is not handled correctly
in the bodies of people infected with cell-wall-deficient
bacteria. Let’s look at how this dysregulated handling of
Vitamin D occurs.
As we
mentioned, Vitamin D can enter the body in two ways: it is
either synthesized in the skin after exposure to sunlight or
artificial lights, or it is consumed in the diet. Once Vitamin
D is inside the body, not all of it remains in static form. A
small portion of Vitamin D is converted to a type of
secosteroid known as 1,25
dihydroxyvitamin-D (abbreviated “1,25-D”).
A hormone required for regular body function, 1,25-D
is manufactured by the kidneys as a metabolite (or
product) of Vitamin D. In healthy people, the body tightly
regulates how much 1,25-D is made in the kidneys; although
critical to health, too much 1,25-D can be very harmful. If
present in excessive quantities, 1,25-D can be
immunosuppressive and cause a plethora of physical and
psychological symptoms.
people infected with cell-wall-deficient bacteria, the
production of 1,25-D can spiral out of control and rapidly
reach damaging levels. This
happens because, as an evolved survival mechanism,
cell-wall-deficient bacteria are capable of catalyzing the
process by which Vitamin D is converted to 1,25-D.
Instead of a slow, controlled conversion which occurs
only in the kidneys, 1,25-D production becomes uncontrolled,
occurring throughout the body inside cells infected with
cell-wall-deficient bacteria. Specifically, immune system
cells harboring cell-wall-deficient bacteria can turn into
tiny, unrestrained factories producing excessive amounts of
1,25-D. Bacteria
catalyze the 1,25-D conversion process intentionally to cause
immune system suppression and create a more favorable living
environment in the body.
result of catalyzed 1,25-D production is a subclinical yet
devastating immunosuppression syndrome that allows Lyme
Disease (and other types of cell-wall-deficient) bacteria to
persist chronically in the body.
When present in appropriately controlled quantities,
1,25-D is a critical nutrient and is important to health, as
we have said. However,
when present in excessive quantities, 1,25-D is
immunosuppressive and inhibits the immune system from fighting
infections. This process is one of the core survival
mechanisms of Borrelia Burgdorferi.
The excessive levels of 1,25-D often present in people
harboring chronic infections leads to a greatly inhibited host
defense system. By accelerating conversion of Vitamin D to
1,25-D, these tiny bacteria are basically able to neutralize
the human immune system.
as we have alluded to, elevated levels of 1,25-D itself (even
without infections on board) can cause a plethora of disease
symptoms. So, an
elevated level of 1,25-D has a two-fold impact: it suppresses
the immune system and also creates numerous other symptoms of
malaise. This is why it is so important to address elevated
1,25-D levels when treating Lyme Disease.
aforementioned principles are at the core of the Marshall
Protocol. One of
the primary objectives of the Marshall Protocol is to reduce
the excessive levels of 1,25-D in the body.
Since 1,25-D is a metabolite of (or product of) Vitamin
D, the process of reducing 1,25-D levels in the body requires
that a person suffering from infection with
cell-wall-deficient bacteria decrease their consumption of
Vitamin D foods and supplements, and also reduce their
exposure to sunlight and bright lights. Both of these actions
are primary components of the Marshall Protocol that will be
examined in a few pages. By curtailing the amount of Vitamin D
that enters the body, 1,25-D production is also reduced,
bringing the immune system back into balance. While Vitamin D
consumption (and exposure to sunlight and other artificial
lights) may be neutral or even beneficial to healthy people,
it can be poison to people infected with cell-wall-deficient
bacteria because of this pathogenic process.
addition to Dr. Marshall, Dr. James Schaller has also found
that 1,25-D is involved in other inflammatory processes.
Specifically, 1,25-D levels have been found to be higher in
inflamed, damaged, and arthritic joints in comparison with
healthy joints. This observation further confirms the
principles on which the Marshall Protocol is based.

that you have some background in the nuances of Vitamin D,
we’ll turn our attention back to the role Vitamin D plays in
the Marshall Protocol. In the Marshall Protocol, the
goal is to reduce excessive 1,25-D levels (which are almost
always present in Lyme Disease sufferers). This is
by intentionally avoiding exposure to sunlight and bright
lights and by decreasing consumption of Vitamin D-containing
foods and supplements. We will further discuss these topics in
a later section of this chapter. First, though, before
moving on, I am sure some of my readers will be scratching
their heads and wondering if they should actually consider
Vitamin D reduction as a valid Lyme Disease therapy.
Let's take a small detour with some additional discussion of
that issue.
It is
natural to be skeptical that intentional reduction of Vitamin
D in the body could be healthy.
Vitamin D supplements line the walls of your favorite
health food store.
Vitamin D may be a part of your daily supplement
routine. New
research is available almost daily detailing the benefits of
Vitamin D. However, you need to shift the platform from which
you view Vitamin D.
Any good thing can become a bad thing under certain
Water, for example, is essential to sustaining life,
but it can also cause death.
No one would tell a drowning person not to worry
because water is our friend.
Vitamin D is no different.
People infected with cell-wall-deficient bacteria will
find that Vitamin D can and does become toxic.
The effects of elevated levels of the Vitamin D
metabolite known as 1,25-D are,
quite frankly, responsible in part for the word “chronic”
in “chronic Lyme Disease.”
There is
no one-size-fits-all formula for Vitamin D. Some health
conditions may benefit from its supplementation, while others
are harmed. Consider, for example, the analogous nutrient,
iron. Too much iron makes you very sick (my father has this
condition, called hemochromatosis, and has to give blood every
couple weeks to lower his iron levels). Conversely, we all
know that too little iron leads to anemia. In the case of iron
it would be misguided to argue about whether iron is good or
bad. The right
amount is good, and the wrong
amount is bad. The same is true of Vitamin D―in some
cases it may be too low, and, in other cases, too high.
If you
need objective verification that your 1,25-D levels are in
fact abnormal, several laboratory tests are available. These
tests look at levels of 1,25
dihydroxyvitamin-D, 25 hydroxyvitamin-D and
angiotensin-converting enzyme. The codes for these tests are
LabCorp #081091, #081950, and #010116, respectively. A
physician trained in applying the Marshall Protocol can help
you understand, order, and interpret these tests. You can get
a referral to such a physician and learn more about these
tests at marshallprotocol.com.
If you
do not have access to a Marshall Protocol-trained physician,
the tests are still worth doing because they can help you
convince your current physician that your Vitamin D levels are
indeed problematic and that the medications and lifestyle
modifications advocated by the Marshall Protocol are
indicated. Test
results are also helpful for patients themselves to see, as
they can objectively identify Vitamin D dysregulation and
establish that the protocol may be helpful. Seeing objective
test results can dispel doubt in the protocol and establish a
scientific basis for its use.
In the
case of Lyme Disease, laboratory tests, while helpful, are not
a necessary prerequisite to proceeding with the protocol. The
tests can be quite expensive and are often not covered by
health insurance. I personally never had Vitamin D tests done.
The results of these tests are not always a perfect
indicator of the treatment’s potential usefulness and should
not in any case be relied on too heavily. In lieu of or in
addition to the tests, a therapeutic trial of the protocol can
potentially determine whether or not a specific patient will
find benefit.
the goal of reducing Vitamin D in the body is so unusual, many
of you may be wondering why you should even consider it at
all. After
learning the basic principles of this protocol, I was asking
the same question. However,
after using the protocol, the answer became clear: I used the
protocol because it works.
It provided enormous, sustained improvement even after
many other therapies failed.
This improvement did not occur overnight, and there
were some counterintuitive experiences along the way.
We have already seen some of the counterintuitive
principles involved in the Marshall Protocol, but lets take a
closer look to ensure that these important concepts are fully
As we
have said in the Spotlight
on Vitamin D SideBox, people infected with
cell-wall-deficient bacteria may actually feel better with
higher levels of Vitamin D on board, but this leads ultimately
to increased severity of their disease.
As Vitamin D is converted into 1,25-D by
cell-wall-deficient bacteria, immune system activities
(inflammation) are diminished.
This results in a symptom-reducing effect.
The superficial improvement experienced may even lead
Lyme patients to seek out Vitamin D sources.
The appropriate course of action, in actuality, is to
reduce levels of Vitamin D in the body.
Vitamin D levels are lowered to the point that bacteria are no
longer able to stimulate production of 1,25-D, the immune
system can again begin to perform properly.
Herx reactions will accompany the reviving immune
system as it begins to attack the infection and kill bacteria.
If you have read Lyme Disease and Rife Machines, recall that herx reactions are a
necessary, albeit uncomfortable, part of the recovery process.
Be aware that it is easy to misinterpret what is actually
going on. Herx reactions that
occur as Vitamin D levels are lowered may seem like worsening
of the disease. These herx-related symptoms may even be
misinterpreted as Vitamin D deficiency. In reality, such
symptoms are not indications of disease worsening, nor are
they signs of Vitamin D deficiency, but instead, they are
indications of true healing.
the short term it is easy to conclude that the Marshall
Protocol’s Vitamin D reduction is harmful—it seems to
increase symptoms. It
is also natural to conclude that Vitamin D supplementation is
beneficial—symptoms are alleviated.
Because of this confusion and the counterintuitive
nature of Vitamin D’s effects in someone infected with
cell-wall-deficient Lyme bacteria, it is important to study
thoroughly and understand fully the Marshall Protocol.
Vitamin D avoidance can be confidently relied on only
if you feel comfortable in your understanding of its mechanism
of action.
remember that the information in this chapter about Vitamin D
is experimental and investigational.
There may be negative side effects to Vitamin D
reduction. Consult
your physician.
Amplified Effects of Antibiotics
second foundational principle on which the Marshall Protocol
is based is intimately connected with restoration of proper
Vitamin D regulation: upon restoring healthy 1,25-D levels,
not only is the immune system revived, but another related,
and very significant, benefit is seen.
Also at the core of the Marshall Protocol is the
breakthrough discovery that standard pharmaceutical
antibiotics have greatly enhanced effect when Vitamin D levels
are properly balanced. This
was first discovered by Dr. Marshall in relation to treating
his own case of sarcoidosis.
In the
past, sarcoidosis patients have received only minimal benefit
from antibiotic therapy. But Dr. Marshall discovered that,
upon reduction of 1,25-D levels, sarcoidosis patients can
actually be cured with antibiotic therapy.
Eventually, dozens of people with other chronic
illnesses (including Lyme Disease) discovered the same to be
true: having given
up on antibiotic therapy due to disappointing results, they
found relief and even remission when taking antibiotics after
reducing 1,25-D levels. These
discoveries launched the Marshall Protocol:
a program that eradicates cell-wall-deficient bacteria
by utilizing a coordinated schedule of particular antibiotics
in combination with various methods of Vitamin D control.
Vitamin D levels are appropriately reduced (which leads to
decreased production of 1,25-D), antibiotics not only work
better, they can become hyper-effective.
So effective, in fact, that only a minuscule dose is
needed to elicit powerful antibacterial action.
This outcome is seen even in patients who have
previously failed to respond to high-dose antibiotic therapy.
For example, someone who previously experienced only
mild benefits when taking 300mg/day of minocycline will
experience dramatic benefits during use of the Marshall
Protocol even though doses as low as 10mg/day may be used.
Incredible, isn't it?
amplified effect of antibiotics has a twofold benefit.
First, it means that antibiotics will actually start to
work for people who had not previously responded to them; and
second, it means that antibiotic side effects are kept to a
minimum during use of the protocol because doses can be kept
low. This is great
news! The Marshall
Protocol solves two of the primary problems facing Lyme
Disease sufferers: the
marginal effectiveness of antibiotics and the toxic side
effects associated with their use. Of course, increased
effectiveness of antibiotics also means that herx reactions
can be much more severe, thus, special care and caution is
above excerpt is only a sample from the Marshall
Protocol chapter of the book "The Top 10 Lyme
Disease Treatments."
the complete paperback book or
this chapter as a PDF e-book to read the rest of the chapter. The
following are additional sections included in this
Marshall Protocol Components
Correcting Vitamin D Levels
Reducing Exposure to Sunlight and Bright Lights
Avoiding Vitamin D Sources in Food and Supplements
Benicar Lowers Vitamin D Levels and Weakens the Bacteria
Antibiotics used in the Marshall Protocol
My experience with and commentary on the Modified Marshall Protocol
Trial and error vs. laboratory testing
Rife machines vs. the Marshall Protocol
A Final Word
The Top 10 Lyme Disease Treatments:
Defeat Lyme Disease With The Best Of Conventional And
Alternative Medicine
367 Pages