Chapter 1.
to Saunas
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Over the past two years, I underwent an intense electric
light sauna therapy program. Results
were dramatic and I began recommending it to patients. I observed similar excellent improvement in
their health. As I found few books about
sauna therapy, particularly using electric light saunas, this volume documents
what is known about this therapy and what I have observed.
Sauna, a Scandinavian word, is an ancient form of heat therapy used in
many cultures around the world. Sauna
refers to dry heat although steam is sometimes added, usually by sprinkling
water on hot rocks.
A sauna has two components, a heat
source and an enclosure to contain the heat. The heat source may be wood, gas, hot rocks
or electricity. Enclosures can encompass
the entire body such as a sweat lodge, room or other hollowed out area. Also available are sauna cabinets, with the
head exposed.
The sauna concept is to heat the body
several degrees. The body attempts to
reduce its temperature by driving blood to the surface and by sweating. Repeated heating increases the amount and the
efficiency of sweating.
Saunas can be of three basic
types. Convection saunas move hot
air around the body. Radiant
saunas use heat rays generated by ceramic far infrared elements, electric light
bulbs or by the sun. Conduction
saunas heat the body by direct contact with steam or hot sand.
Saunas improve circulation and relieve
internal congestion. Heating the body
helps destroy bacteria, viruses and tumors.
Sweating promotes elimination of toxic chemicals, heavy metals,
radiation and other toxins. The skinπs ability to eliminate poisons increases. Saunas
offer many of the benefits of exercise while requiring much less exertion.
Sauna History.
Hot air baths have been used by many cultures for thousands of
years. Among them are Mayan sweat
houses, the Mexican temescal, the Islamic hammam, the Russian bania,
Japanese mushi-buro, the Native American sweat lodge,
as well as hot air baths in India and Africa.
The best known European sauna users are the Finns. Hot air baths are also common among Greeks,
Romans, Germans, Turks and others.
In Finnish society, the sauna was
definitely multipurpose. Besides the
weekly family baths, the building was used for smoking and curing meats, doing
laundry, drying thatch, malting barley and drying fish nets. It was also used for massage, nursing the
sick, washing the dead and as a birthing chamber.
Settlers in America brought their
saunas with them. Often Finnish settlers
would build the sauna first. It would
serve as a temporary shelter to live in while they were building a house. Pioneers in natural therapeutics also
employed the sauna as a healing modality.
The best known nineteenth century American sauna proponent was Dr. John Harvey Kellogg,
M.D. At his Battle Creek Sanitarium he
carefully researched various dry and wet heat baths to assess their use as
healing modalities. A favorite was the
electric light sauna employing the new incandescent light bulb. It never caught on in America, but thousands
were sold in Europe, including to members of the royal families.
Sauna use waned during the early years
of the twentieth century, outshined by the technological wonders of modern
medicine. Over the past twenty years, however,
its use has increased, especially as a safe and powerful method for eliminating
addictive drugs and environmental toxins.
The infrared sauna was also introduced.
It provides a more pleasant experience for many people and is more
effective for detoxification.
Five Ways To
Use Saunas. This book focuses on sauna therapy. Saunas, however, may be used in several ways.
The warm, dry heat of the sauna relaxes the muscles and nervous
system. Tensions melt away. The sauna offers a healthful method to unwind
after a difficult day.
Health Maintenance. Periodic use
enhances circulation, nourishes the glands, cleanses the skin and offers many
of the benefits of exercise.
Social Interaction. Baths,
saunas and lodges can be community gathering places for families and other
groups. The warmth promotes openness and
community spirit.
Native Americans and other groups use sweat lodges for sacred
ceremony. The warmth, atmosphere and
shape of the lodge make it excellent for emotional and physical cleansing. Together with others or alone, the sauna is a
marvelous place to contemplate, meditate, pray and release fears and
negativity. Adding sound, color,
aromatherapy and other modalities can enhance the effects of the heat.
Spending one to four hours a day in sauna therapy is a powerful yet safe
healing modality. The sauna is
excellent to add energy to the body, decongest internal organs, assist
circulation, heal infections and help many other body systems. Medical therapies too often focus on
relieving symptoms while ignoring deeper causes which the sauna addresses.
In particular, conventional medicine
often overlooks the effects of toxic chemicals and heavy metals on oneπs health.
Genetics is emphasized, but there is little mention that nutritional deficiencies and toxic agents cause genetic defects. The following sections describe toxins the
sauna can help remove in more detail.
Organic Chemicals. Never
before in history have bodies been exposed to such large numbers and amounts of
toxic chemicals. From building materials
and home furnishings to food additives, solvents and thousands of other
products, chemicals are part of the modern lifestyle.
Many harm the body, though the effects
are often subtle. They accumulate in the
water and air, so no location remains unaffected. Many degrade slowly so their effects are
cumulative. Avoiding exposure is all but
impossible. According to the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), toxic chemicals are the worst
environmental problem in the nation, responsible for up to 80% of cancer
One class of chemicals, pesticides and
herbicides, are among the most toxic substances known to mankind. Several billion pounds are sprayed each year
directly on our crops. Besides eating
and wearing the residues, they contaminate the air and water supplies for
hundreds of years.
Testing for thousands of chemicals is
costly when tests even exist, and medicine has little to offer to eliminate
them from the body. The diseases they
cause have become epidemics. Sauna
therapy shines brightly as a simple, effective therapeutic modality to help
eliminate chemical toxins from the body.
Toxic metals.
According to the United States EPA, toxic metals are the second worst
environmental problem. Pesticides may
contain lead, copper, arsenic and other metals.
Fifty million mercury amalgam fillings are still placed in America each
year. Tons of it is dumped into the air
from coal-burning power plants and paper-making. Aluminum compounds are routinely added to
table salt and municipal drinking water supplies. Arsenic and lead used in pesticides and
insecticides find their way into the water and food supplies. In my
experience, everyone has excess toxic metals, whether or not they show up on
any test.
Some toxic metals replace vital
minerals in enzyme binding sites.
However, they do not function as well.
When they accumulate, they contribute to hundreds of physical and
emotional health conditions.
Lead contributes to more than 100 conditions including
neuromuscular and bone diseases, fractures, mental retardation, hyperactivity,
anemia and others. Some historians
believe the Roman Empire fell because lead water pipes slowly poisoned the
people and decreased their strength and intelligence. Sources of lead include old paint, inks,
pesticides, a few hair dyes, solder and other metal products. During sauna therapy, I have observed lead to
have a sickly sweet odor as it is eliminated.
Elimination of lead was confirmed with hair mineral testing.
Cadmium contributes to high blood pressure, heart
disease, cancer, fatigue, arthritis, violence, infections, back pain and other
conditions. Common sources are cigarette
or marijuana smoke, refined foods and tap water. One may feel tired for a few days if one
eliminates a lot of cadmium at one time.
Mercury toxicity is present in almost everyone
today. Mercury is found in silver
amalgam dental fillings, tuna and swordfish, contact lens solution, vaccines
and various other products. Mercury may
contribute to hypothyroidism, an impaired immune system, digestive
problems such as yeast infections, emotional difficulties, learning
disabilities, ADHD and many other conditions.
Mercury elimination, if heavy, may be accompanied by a fishy odor during
a sauna session.
Aluminum is associated with memory impairment and Alzheimerπs disease. Aluminum is widely used in
beverage cans, aluminum foils, antiperspirants, antiacids,
and aluminum cookware. Peppermint,
spearmint and wintergreen are naturally high in aluminum.
Fluoride contributes to brown staining of the
teeth, weakened bones, hip fractures, hypothyroidism, mental impairment, birth
defects and cancer. Fluoride compounds
are found in pesticides, air pollution, toothpastes, and are added to many
water supplies. Foods processed with
water including baby foods and juices often contain too much fluoride.
Large, worldwide studies show little
or no benefit of fluoride for tooth decay, contrary to many news reports. Only the United States, Australia and Great
Britain continue to add toxic fluoride compounds to drinking water.
Chlorine toxicity is associated with fatigue,
heart disease, cancer and renal problems.
Chlorine is required in the body, and found in salt and other
foods. Many chlorinated cmpounds, however, are highly toxic. These include chlorinated tap water,
chlorinated hydrocarbons used in pesticides and other chemicals, bathing in
chlorinated water, pools and hot tubs, and the use of chlorine bleach and other
chlorine-containing household products.
Arsenic contributes to liver and kidney damage,
weakness, diarrhea, muscle spasms, headaches and other symptoms. Sources include pesticides, beer, tap water,
table salt, paints and other chemical products.
Physiological minerals may also become toxic. For example, hexavalent
chromium is toxic while trivalent chromium is not. Vital minerals can also become toxic if they are
unusable by the body. Calcium is
needed in the bones. When it accumulates
in the arteries, joints, kidneys or elsewhere it becomes toxic. A similar situation occurs with iron,
manganese, chromium, copper, selenium and other vital minerals, contributing
to many health conditions. Of these, the most commonly seen are copper,
iron and manganese toxicity. They will
often be revealed on a hair mineral test at some point if one pursues a
corrective nutrition and sauna therapy program.
All three of these minerals help support weak adrenal
Copper is high in vegetarian proteins and
associated with zinc deficiency and adrenal exhaustion, both very common
conditions. Copper imbalance contributes
to emotional conditions, skin problems, joint pain, cancer, migraine headaches
and premenstrual tension. The symptoms
of copper toxicity are identical to the symptoms of premenstrual tension. Copper elimination in a sauna may be accompanied
by a rotten egg odor. This is probably
sulfur that is bound to copper to protect the body from the worst effects of
excess copper.
Manganese is found in unleaded gasoline and foods
such as tea. Both copper and manganese
are needed in the body. However, the
body may convert manganese into a toxic, oxidized form (MnO6) that helps
support weak adrenal glands. This
manganese is not usable and must be eliminated.
Manganese elimination in a sauna may cause a slightly metallic odor.
Iron toxicity is also very
common, although often not revealed on standard tests. Iron is added to all white flour products
such as breads, crackers, pasta and pastry.
Vitamin and mineral supplements often contain a lot of iron. Iron can accumulate to help support weak
adrenal glands. It is stored in the
liver and other organs and may contribute to heart disease, cancer, emotional
difficulties and other health problems.
Sauna therapy is excellent to remove
excess minerals, whether they are toxic metals or unusable or excess
physiological minerals.
Biological Toxins.
Infection plays a role in more conditions than previously thought, from
artery disease and ulcers to arthritis and colitis. Many bacteria and fungi produce endo-and exotoxins that cause
both local and systemic disease. More
and more of them are resistant to drug therapy.
Bodies weakened by toxic chemicals and heavy metals are more subject to
attack by infections.
Many infections are chronic, causing
nagging complaints that never go away.
This occurs especially in parts of the body with poor circulation such
as the joints, ears and sinuses. Heating
the body is a natural mechanism the body uses to fight infections. Sauna therapy not only heats, but powerfully
improves circulation to help fight both acute and chronic infections.
Radiation. An
article in The Ecologist, April 2001 issue begins by stating ≥the
(radiation) equivalent of a nuclear war has already happened≤. This may not be an exaggeration. The article carefully details that 1900
nuclear tests, accidents and nuclear waste dumping have exposed everyone on the
planet to the equivalent of 1000 Hiroshima bombs.
The article reveals details of
previously classified accidents including one in Greenland in 1968. A B-52 crashed at a secret nuclear base and
its cargo of four nuclear bombs detonated, sending up a cloud of plutonium
25,000 feet into the air. According to
US documents, 1250 nuclear weapons have been involved in accidents, a number of
which ≥resulted in or created the potential for plutonium
dispersal≤. The Soviet Union was
notorious for its cavalier attitude about nuclear accidents. A 1991 film documents the poisoning of
hundreds of thousands as a result of accidents at their first plutonium factory
at Chelyabinsk in the Ural mountains.
Using the official åradiation
riskπ estimates published in 1991 by the
International Commission on Radiological Protection, planetwide
contamination will cause 175 million cancer deaths and another 350 million
non-fatal cancers. It will also cause
another 235 million illnesses and 588 million children to be born with birth defects
such as brain damage, mental disability, spina bifida
and childhood cancers.
Depleted uranium, a waste product
which every nation that has atomic weapons has in abundance, is another source
of radiation exposure. To get rid of it,
it is often made into ammunition that was used in the Gulf War, Bosnia and
Kosovo. Leukemia rates have increased in
these areas since its use.
Another hidden source of radiation are the fluoride compounds added to many municipal water
supplies. Hydrofluosilicic
acid, the source of most fluoride for water supplies, is a smokestack waste
produce that contains radioactive particles and heavy metals along with
Other sources are medical and dental
x-rays, medical waste that may contain radioactive materials, CAT and other
scans, smoke alarms and proximity to food irradiation facilities.
Radiation is carried on mineral
particles. The minerals lodge in the
cells where they disrupt DNA synthesis.
This causes defective protein synthesis resulting in innumerable subtle
metabolic dysfunctions. As the defective
proteins replicate, the metabolic errors also multiply.
Electric light sauna therapy promotes
rapid turnover of body cells. The deeply
penetrating high heat kills damaged cells which are more heat-sensitive than
normal cells. Eliminating the
radiation-containing cells helps the body eliminate radioactive particles
faster and prevents replication of these cells.
Over a period of time, light sauna therapy can dramatically reduce the
amount of mutated DNA and radioactive material in the body. One needs to continue sauna use on a
maintenance basis because exposure to radiation continues throughout oneπs life.
Slow Metabolism.
Radiation and other toxins often affect the thyroid and adrenal glands
resulting in a slow metabolic rate. This
condition affects over 90% of adults and causes fatigue, impaired carbohydrate
tolerance, food cravings, allergies, obesity, elevated cholesterol, learning
disability, chronic infections and other conditions.
A low body temperature impairs
sweating. This hinders elimination and
interferes with tissue regeneration.
Supporting sluggish thyroid and adrenal glands helps, but is often not
enough. By heating the body, saunas
activate and enhance many metabolic processes.
This is most beneficial for those with sluggish metabolism.
An Anti-aging
Therapy. Metabolism slows as one grows older. Most older people
exercise less. Sweating occurs less
often, impairing elimination of toxins and increasing the risk of major diseases. Since sauna therapy helps reverse all these
conditions, it is a prime anti-aging therapy.
Sauna therapy can be used by most
people at any age, even by those in wheelchairs. Physicians familiar with it contend that it
can be adapted for any condition with proper supervision. Simple yet powerful, it can usually be done
right in the home.
Considerations. The FDA approves of saunas as therapeutic
devices. Consult with oneπs health insurance representative regarding
reimbursement for the cost of a sauna.
The Internal Revenue Service may consider sauna therapy a deductible
health expense if prescribed by a doctor.
Adding a built-in sauna will increase
the value of oneπs home. Unlike hot tubs and steam rooms, saunas
require practically no maintenance and are simple and inexpensive to operate.