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The Unpopular Toxin

If you go to just about any cancer or alternative medicine conference, toxins are all the rave. Glyphosate, hormones and antibiotics in food, chemicals, you name it.

But as soon as someone says, “hey, look, I found this one toxin that was making me sick! I avoided it and got better!” what does everyone do? Do they congratulate you and wish you well? No, they tell you you are crazy.

Which is odd, because who gets to pick these popular toxins after all? Certainly it doesn’t matter if they are ACTUALLY the toxins that are making people sick.

In fact, the sheer number of toxins they talk about, and the sheer number of people who are really sick and not getting better, implies that they really have no idea what is actually causing illness. It is kind of a crapshoot, throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Most alternative medicine practitioners and advocates really have no interest in actual truth. That is self-evident. They are more interested in social connections, the latest fad, and toxins which “sound good.”

In fact, this very idea is what made mold avoidance intriguing to me in the first place. I noted that no one was really talking about mold avoidance, except those who were making massive health gains. Mold avoidance really seemed to speak for itself, without any need for fancy display booths at trade shows.

But the deafening pitch of profitable and glimmering alternative medicine takes no notice, happily peddling this year’s “new thing” to all the sick people who didn’t get better from last year’s “new thing.” Survival of the smartest, I guess.

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