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The loudest critics of mold avoidance are often the sickest people

I like to talk about the difference between choosing healing modalities based on “theory,” vs based on “perception.”

Not necessarily because people don’t already understand this, but because I think talking about it can illustrate many important points that aren’t easy for new people to grasp.

You may already know that mold avoidance opens the door to a huge new world of perception and intuition, where our bodies communicate with us and tell us what we need.

This is in stark contrast to the “normal” way alternative medicine is done, where laypeople (and biased doctors) kind of “pick and choose” what they think is important, like it were an all-you-can-eat buffet, and then just sort of adopt their “pet favorite” approaches.

For example, doctors will “latch on” to things like:

  • accupuncture
  • supplements
  • saunas
  • fasting
  • herbs
  • fancy IV protocols
  • ozone
  • etc

And if you go to 10 different doctors, you get 10 different answers.

It isn’t much different among “self-empowered” sick people who do all the decision-making without a doctor. They go to their local health food store, armed with a shopping basket, weave up and down the aisles, and purse their lips while “pondering” which supplements to try. They leave the store with a sense of accomplishment that “I got what seemed smartest and now I’m heading home to heal with my new supplements.”

There are a few problems with this approach. First, it gives us a false sense of empowerment and knowledge of what the root causes of our illness ACTUALLY is.

Second, it doesn’t recognize the reality that these chronic illnesses are poorly understood and most patients AND doctors don’t have a clue.

One of the most fascinating things I noticed when starting the style of mold avoidance discussed in this group, was that my body started SCREAMING at me about which treatments or actions I needed to take. This “compass” became a much more reliable predictor of how I could weave my way back to health, without relying on biased doctors or my own self-inflated sense of wisdom.

It was almost as if doing adequate amounts of mold avoidance “woke up” my body into a state where it could kind of keep its head above water all by itself, and at that point I could “tell” what I needed.

Sometimes it was in fact to do the stuff that everyone agrees is important, like eat organic. But oftentimes it was strange things like drinking gallons of carrot juice or surviving on certain kinds of “junk food” at gas stations.

Lately it has been fine-tuning my caffeine routine and energy drink protocol in the morning.

And this is where the discussion gets interesting. At this point, almost EVERYONE from the “old camp” of remaining chronically ill but “pretending” to be making progress, starts saying things like “but energy drinks are bad.”

This is where the discussion goes back to “theoretical” vs “perceptive” choices.

A good way to understand this is to think of someone who just got in a critical car accident. Many of the life-saving actions that person will experience in the Emergency Room are NOT necessarily in line with what “alternative medicine” says is best for us. The IV solutions in the hospital aren’t organic. The hospital beds are probably made ut of heavy metals. The lights in the ER are probably not natural light. But you still let them take you, because it saves your life.

I am not saying that mold avoidance means staying in a toxic hospital. I am saying that it falls more under the category of “emergency care” where you put some “theoretical priorities” on hold while you let your body get its head above water.

You might sleep in a new camper that is “offgassing chemicals.”

You might eat food that is just what’s available in a mold-free place, rather than perfectly selected food in Whole Foods in a big city.

You might buy clothing that is made out of plastic rather than those expensive organic threads you like.

And the list goes on.

What it boils down to is a biological reality that avoiding SPECIFIC types of mold super toxins, simply gives you your health back. It isn’t theory, or bias, or preference, or opinion. It just happens. And meanwhile EVERYONE from “alternative medicine” is screaming at you saying what you are doing “doesn’t make sense to them.”

AFTER your head is above water and you realize the miracle of mold avoidance, then sure, you may wish to start to delve back into making your choices based on “theoretical” concerns, just like regular healthy people may decide to give up certain things in order to be healthier in the long term.

One interesting question I like to ask people who live in their ivory towers of “theoretical health wisdom,” is: if your family, friends, or other objective third party observers were watching you, would they say your health is improving? Can you start to do normal things that healthy people can do, like drive long distances by yourself, work jobs with complex duties and which are mentally intensive, etc?

Because if your answer is “no”, then maybe those theoretical health choices aren’t actually what your body needs, no matter how much they make sense on paper. This is why I often say that some of the loudest critics of mold avoidance are themselves in denial about the yearly decline in their own health.

I have seen this many times in my own personal life, observing friends with severe chronic illness. One person in particular who is perhaps the loudest advocate for certain alternative therapies (changing the preference every year) but who is themselves, completely disabled with chronic illness. I guess it was no surprise that when I have visited this person, I sense an enormous amount of mold super toxins in their space. This is a great example of how the certainty that one’s own “logic” and “preference” for certain health approaches, may not actually lead to recovery.

So what does this whole message boil down to? I believe that the particular style of mold avoidance discussed in this group leads to an “awakening” of the body where it can start to recovery in a way that most people have never experienced before, and which often contradicts what “alternative” medicine often says.

This requires a kind of open-mindedness that most of us have NEVER attempted, until we are literally forced to consider it as we “crawl” out of our houses and sleep in our cars.

I literally just read another post this morning from someone who crawled out of their house and slept in their car. THIS MORNING.

Don’t you think this person – and many like them – have already invested tons of money, thinking, pondering, doctors visits, etc., with ultimately ZERO ACTUAL BENEFITS?

This is why mold avoidance is at its root, a FUNDAMENTAL paradigm change in how health is recovered. It changes how we think about health at the deepest levels, at least for people who suffer with this sort of illness.

And this fundamental shift in thinking is the part of the process that is still the most interesting to me. As I personally move further into recovery, I lose interest in actually teaching mold avoidance skills, because I think that topic is pretty well laid out for those who want to seek it.

But the topic which I think is still the most fascinating, personally, is this paradigm change that totally blew my socks off as I too underwent it when I had just crawled out of my house, slept in my car, and was totally unprepared for what came next. This is an actual picture of the first hotel room I slept in, October 2017, when I crawled out of my house and had no choice but to try to sleep somewhere different for a while while I considered this “paradigm change.” I called my wife and said, “I think there is something weird going on with mold.” That’s all I said, that’s all I knew.

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