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Moldy Housing Sucks

Yes, I know this is obvious. But it sucks a lot more than you realize it sucks.

We have had a couple of rentals that have gone moldy now, and 3 RV’s which served us well but went moldy (the first two from cross contamination).

Earlier, I had sort of given up on custom metal housing and decided that renting wood housing was the best route, with flexibility to jump from rental house to rental house.

But I am realizing that even in the best of cases, that is actually not a very good plan.

Because moldy housing causes havoc in many, many ways. Most of them are very insidious, sneaky ways that you don’t first realize.

I was making a list of all of the reasons that moldy housing sucks, including financial strain, health setbacks, lack of stability, fighting and mold brain, loss and replacement of belongings, and about 50 other things. The list started getting so long that I just decided to stop working on it, and just say: however much you THINK moldy housing sucks, multiply that by 100, and you should be about where reality is.

So, moldy housing sucks. It sucks much, much more than you realize. MUCH MUCH more.

My takeaway is that I am really going to redouble my efforts in finding an alternative setup; something like 10 acres with trees and privacy and no restrictions, where we can live alternatively in metal housing.

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