EDITORS NOTE – HOW TO USE THIS POST: Instead of writing a full post here, I am going to be providing a link to a discussion on the Facebook Group “Practical Mold Avoidance.”
To access this link, you first need to go and request to be a member of that Facebook Group. Once your membership is approved, please return here and click on the link below, which will take you to the particular post I am referencing here. Thank you.
Many people with mold illness find that they cannot tolerate things like fermented foods, and also wood fire smoke. But then later on, they not only can tolerate these things, but find them to be ACTUALLY BENEFICIAL. What could be going on with this? I would like to provide a link to a discussion thread addressing this topic, and I think that everyone will benefit from reading the post and reading all of the comments below the post.
Furthermore, there are many additional benefits of wood fire smoke. Erik Johnson has said that putting a wood stove in his RV was one of the best things he ever did, and I agree with that, as I have done it also.
Some of the benefits include: increased ventilation and clearing of detox VOC’s, plasma created by open flames, radiant / IR heat created by hot iron, ash and carbon (see below link), and more.
I have done many experiments now, and there is no question that on nights when I use the wood burning stove while I sleep, in my custom RV, I wake up feeling much, much better.
Forum Link:
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