One of the members of our Practical Mold Avoidance FB group posted this, and I thought it was worthy of preserving:
by Angela Anshin Raines
Question: What do I do if I am broke, scared, and “cannot do mold avoidance”?
Angela’s Answer: I would suggest changing your basic premise.
Instead of “how can I do mold avoidance when I can’t afford to move,” try asking, “how can I do this with very little money?”
You’ll get better answers from yourself and the group. It’s really, really hard. At least it has been for me.
But keep in mind:
– If today you don’t start because you “have no money,” by the time you leave, you could have a mountain of debt.
– If today you don’t start because you’re “too sick to camp,” soon you may not be able to walk. Much harder.
– If today you “can’t move” because you’re living for free with a parent, imagine how much harder it was for those of us who broke leases and lost deposits and rent.
This is a PROGRESSIVE illness. It will only get worse if you don’t get out. However hard that seems now, it will only get harder. My entire life fell apart because of this.
I lost everything. All my possessions. Shuttered my business, lost all my clients. Beyond financially ruined. Living out of my car since last July. My only regret is not figuring this out and leaving sooner.
Please listen to those of us who have already “tried everything” and don’t delay. Start with the required reading. It answers a million questions. Then if you need help applying it to your specific situation, you’ll find a ton of support here.
This group is here and willing to help you save your life. These people have done and are doing amazing things to heal. Take ideas, inspirational, and strength from them. But it starts with not limiting yourself with ideas like “I can’t move.”
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