I was once told by a mold avoidance mentor that “the smart people eventually make their way to mold avoidance.”
This is so completely true.
When you start pursuing mold avoidance as per the actual principles set forth in all of the great reading materials (as opposed to just making up your own rules or listening to doctors), you start to notice crazy stuff happening.
You get so many signs and signals from your own body that this is THE core / root problem that was causing you to be sick.
It is the exact opposite situation from what happens when, for example, you go see a new doctor ($250 for the appointment) and try out a new bottle of supplements ($99.95) and you get home, start taking the supplements, and “convince” yourself for a few days that you are “doing better.” It may even be a few weeks. But eventually you sink right back down to where you were, and if you are honest with yourself, those supplements never REALLY got down to the core level of your sickness. I mean, never really gave you glimpses of how you used to feel as a kid before you even got mold sick.
But supplements are actual SUBSTANCES, they are herbs or medications that WILL make you feel “something.” Good or bad or just weird, something anyway.
But mold avoidance is literally a behavior that shouldn’t make anyone feel anything, let alone feel deep rumblings and changes at the most core and fundamental level of health. Which is what happens!
So, the smart people eventually notice this. And you don’t even have to be THAT smart.
You go off and experiment with this weird thing called mold avoidance and even without a medication, supplement, IV drip, or whatever, your core health starts to change in ways that you haven’t felt in years or decades.
All by doing things that “scientifically” shouldn’t amount to a hill of beans. We aren’t talking about just moving to a non-moldy building, we are talking about weird stuff like “avoiding outdoor mold supertoxins that science hasn’t identified yet.” According to your doctor and your mom, this should NOT provide any health changes, let alone DRAMATIC health changes.
What I say is clearly proven to be true simply by the fact that people CONTINUE to pursue this sort of mold avoidance even though it is highly odd, awkward, expensive and inconvenient. Why would mold avoiders continue to do that if it doesn’t work? When the same patients won’t even spend $100 on supplements that don’t work?
Again – this is basic logic. You have to be a little bit “smart” to see it though.
Now, on to the affordability and practicality of this sort of mold avoidance. Obviously it is highly unaffordable and impractical. No one disputes this.
But this again is where “smart people” still do it – because smart people know that sometimes you have to go “backwards” in life to go “forwards.” You really need your brain to work in order to make money. You really need your health to not be on a long-term downward trajectory in order to have ANY sort of quality of life.
So it is not very smart to just get sicker and sicker every year. I think it is much smarter to FIRST just do whatever the F*ck is needed to get your health turned around, and then figure out “next steps” later.
It is kind of like how if you get in a critical car accident, the very FIRST thing that happens to you at the ER is that the doctors try to stabilize you and turn you around from dying. They don’t worry about what it costs or about if you are overweight or about if your favorite color is pink. They ONLY worry about making sure you DONT DIE.
So that is also a smart thing for people to be doing who are basically on a long-term downward spiral of their health. They realize that this is a situation very much like the Emergency Room, and it is for sure an emergency. You have to be somewhat smart to think about it this way.
I’m also not saying that people who DONT pursue avoidance are “dumb.” It may be that they actually are smart but just haven’t hit that tipping point yet where they become very desperate. We’ve all been there.
Anyway, just some thoughts for the day. If the Titanic is sinking you FIRST try to get on a lifeboat. Then LATER you may wish to figure out a better plan, but that’s only after you prevent yourself from drowning.
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