If you’ve hung out in Lyme, mold, & CFS communities, it’s no secret that people simply don’t get better.
We could get distracted by talking about the disagreement over what these illnesses even are. Are they primarily infections? Toxicities? Genetics? No one has a clue.
But the bottom line is that regardless, people don’t get better.
And before you say “wait, many do get better,” I’m talking about the SUPER SICK people.
This is why before I even tried extreme mold avoidance, it piqued my interest. Because of deductive reasoning.
The way I figured it, all of the “complex and incurable” chronic diseases either have no cure at all, or else the cure must be quite obscure & even a bit crazy-sounding.
I don’t really need to explain the first option: perhaps these diseases just have no possible resolution.
However, the second option is interesting: that they have an obscure & crazy-sounding answer that few people find.
Why is it logically necessary for few people to find it? Because if the cure were something simple and easily accessible, like a supplement, then everyone would just go that direction and it all of a sudden wouldn’t be an “incurable disease” anymore.
I’m not good at everything in life but I can usually smell logical & illogical propositions from 100 miles away.
I smelled logic when it came to extreme mold avoidance. A handful of weirdos were claiming that they experienced resolution from Lyme, mold & CFS by using a treatment that 99.9% of people wouldn’t even consider, regardless of the miraculous results being reported. Boom, that fit the equation. Plus, this thing called “mold avoidance” was so inconvenient that not a single person would stick with it unless it was REALLY helpful. And lastly, no one was profiting from it. So the information didn’t seem biased.
I think if more Lyme, CFS & mold patients paused and considered the logic I set forth here, their “truth alarms” would start to buzz loudly. Maybe not to the extent that they fully believe in mold avoidance right off the bat.
But it MOST CERTAINLY fits within a logical and deductive equation that explains why there is a single answer to these illnesses, a single root cause, yet almost no one gets better.
And we are NOT just talking about “mold toxicity being at the root” of these diseases. Because tons of doctors already believe that and “treat” their patients accordingly.
Nope, what we are referring to here is SPECIFICALLY the idea that there is something special and unique about EXTREME mold avoidance. That is the thing about which people report miraculous results. Not “mold treatment,” but rather, “extreme mold avoidance.”
I’ll conclude with a final little morsel of logic: If you suspend disbelief for just a minute and go with me here, it is also logical that anything NOT mold avoidance would yield terrible results, if in fact, mold avoidance is the “long lost cure,” the sole key that fits the lock. In other words if mold avoidance is the answer, anything not mold avoidance should yield failure.
And this is EXACTLY what we see in practice: hundreds of millions of dollars being spent in BOTH conventional and alternative arenas, with pretty much zero results.
How do you like them apples.
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