Please Help Save a Child




The eyes of the nation are on San Antonio, Texas.  An influential opposition has, with malicious intent, lined up to make the following a benchmark case against right to treatment choice where multiple protocols exist.  A loss will be devastating not only to this family, but also to the future of medical care access to everyone suffering from a disputed medical condition and especially to those, present or future, suffering with Lyme disease. 


Marc, a nine-year-old Autistic child with confirmed Lyme disease, and his mom are under attack by San Antonio Child Protective Services (CPS) because the mom sought competent medical treatment for Marc.  When she contacted us for help, she pleaded, “Please help me to save my son – he is dying!”  In fact, without knowledgeable medical care, he was losing his vision and had already lost 30 pounds. 


Uninformed physicians supporting the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) position on Lyme disease instigated the report to an equally uninformed CPS 


CPS has interfered with the legal medical care of this special needs child without any due diligence.  Their first intervention was an invasive confrontation indicating no desire to understand or resolve conflicting and debatable medical opinion widely known to be suspect [Findings by Connecticut Attorney General Blumenthal, Reported May 1, 2008]. 


The child is now subject to removal to institutional care with an equal lack of understanding and skill and Marc’s mom is being pursued for criminal charges.  Texas CPS, the foster care system, and contracted physician services have a documented history of questionable actions and deadly results [Ramshaw, E., Dallas Morning News, August 17, 2008]. 


CPS and the San Antonio district have been in the spotlight for a number of missteps, the most recent being their mishandling of the abusive FLDS polygamist group situation in West Texas.  San Antonio CPS needs to regain credibility.  The local County District Attorney needs to recover from a series of strong criticisms in preparation for a 2010 reelection campaign. Such self-promotion of authority makes their prosecution of this matter highly questionable.  The protectors from child abuse have become the abusers. 


1000 people making a gift of $10 or more to this cause can provide the support and legal assistance to defend this egregious insult to the right of all parents to choose medical care for their children. 


Please visit for more information and to see how you can help.  This effort is sponsored by Child Protection and Safety (CPAS,, a Nonprofit Association dedicated to providing resources to children and their families placed in duress and legal jeopardy by authorities interfering with proper medical care.  CPAS is directed by a Board of patients & patient advocates known for their work in their own states and nationally. 


Only $10 to thwart this attack

save a child’s life

and ultimately, OUR OWN RIGHTS.


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1 Comment(s)

  1. On Aug 27, 2008, Cinda Crawford said:

    Sue, bless you for all that you do. This story touched my heart. I submitted this to my blog and hopefully my audience will see it, too. Check out

    Thanks, Cinda Crawford
    Host of the Health Matters Show

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