New Book Series for Sue Vogan

“The Experts of Lyme Disease: A Radio Journalist Visits the Front Lines of the Lyme Wars” by Sue Vogan
I can say that I am really excited about this series. There will be 10 Lyme disease experts who have appeared on In Short Order over the years featured in each book.  In Book I, the experts will be: Dr. Daniel Cameron (ILADS President and, Dr. Kenneth Singleton (, Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker (, authors Constance Bean (Beating Lyme), PJ Langhoff (It’s All In Your Head series), Les Roberts (The Poison Plum), and others such as Scott Forsgren (The Better Health Guy), Tami Duncan (Lyme Induced Autism Foundation), Betty Martini (Mission Possible International), and David Kocurek, Ph.D. (Stand Up For Lyme).
The foreword is written by Dr. Warren Levin ( and published by Bryan Rosner (  
To order your copy, please contact the publisher at
If you have not read NCO: No Compassion Observed, by Sue Vogan, order your copy at, as well.
Book II in the series is scheduled to be released in December 2008. It will be another great lineup and packed full of information.
You may read my book reviews at

2 Comment(s)

  1. On Feb 18, 2009, Cinda Crawford said:

    Congratulations on the fantastic job you’re doing for people with Lyme Disease. It’s one of those supposedly “mysterious” illnesses (like Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) that doctors either often misdiagnose or do not “treat” well, thus enabling the patient to get well!

    PLUS, congratulations on the next book in your series, featuring expert interviews. I know what a challenge it is to do professional interviews well.

    All my best and keep up the good work,
    Cinda Crawford

  2. On Dec 13, 2010, MAX said:

    Figure out that lyme sufferers, will test positive for hiv, pull on this thread, then the whole fraud of aids, and the hidden golden goose for big pharma LYME disease, will unravel for all the deceived world to see. What they have done, and are doing to human beings, is a abomination , a breaking of their oath,s as doctors and healers, and breaking the oaths of creation.

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