Archive for September, 2009

Lyme Disease and Violence: No Link

This expert is concerned regarding the overdiagnsosis of chronic Lyme but marginal labs. He is certain that it can be a neurological condition; however, just not likely to cause psychosis.

Here are his comments and remember this expert admits in can be in the brain but now that it went too far for him, it was never Lyme anyway! Stick with LIMES and avoid having patients told it was never Lyme. That’s not to say that Lyme disease can’t affect the brain. It can.

“Like most manifestations of this disease, neurological symptoms are hard to recognize and manage,” Schaffner says. “You can have an encephalitis picture that almost always occurs with damage to one of the nerves to the face. This causes paralysis of part of the face. These are part of the later manifestations of Lyme disease.”

“There is no question that Lyme disease has neurological manifestations,” Wormser says. “But frank psychosis to the point of killing someone would be really far fetched. It is really clear they are dealing with a situation that probably wasn’t Lyme disease to begin with.”

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


Lyme Disease and Violence: No Link
by Daniel J DeNoon
from WebMD — a health information Web site for patients

March 10, 2009 — Lyme disease can’t make a person violent or psychotic, infectious disease specialists tell WebMD.

According to media reports, the family and lawyer of a man accused of the murder of an Illinois pastor blame the man’s deteriorating mental health on longstanding Lyme disease. The experts who spoke with WebMD have not reviewed the man’s medical records and are familiar with the case only through media reports. But speaking in general terms, the experts reject the idea that violent behavior can be blamed on Lyme disease. “I don’t know of any convincing evidence that Lyme disease can cause violence or psychosis,” Gary Wormser, MD, tells WebMD. Continued

Inflammation Linked to Increased Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease

It would have been nice to test these patients for environmental toxins and also to see how high their heavy metals were??  Simple way to regulate and determine if metal toxicity has an effect on the cognitive decline?

Perhaps someday the conventional docs will get on the band wagon with the alternative world and begin searching for the “cause” and stop treating symptoms??!!

Angel Huggzz


Inflammation Linked to Increased Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease
Susan Jeffrey
Find out about a head-to-head comparison of MS treatment options
Dr. Daniel Mikol discusses the findings from the multicenter REGARD study.Click here.September 11, 2009 — A new study finds a link between systemic inflammation and increased cognitive decline in patients with established Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
In this study, both acute and chronic inflammation, which were in turn associated with increased serum levels of proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), were associated with an increase in the rate of cognitive decline in patients with mild to severe AD.
“The role of TNF-α within the brain is controversial, with evidence supportive of both deleterious and protective effects,” the authors, led by Clive Holmes, MRCPsych, PhD, from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, conclude. “However, if systemic inflammation has different [central nervous system] consequences depending on the existing relative activation state of the central innate immune system, dampening down systemic TNF-α may prove to be beneficial in AD.”
Their report is published in the September 8 issue of Neurology.
Inflammation and Cognitive Decline Continued

Military issues, related to service in the military

While I have no doubt this retired lieutenant colonel was diagnosed with Lyme disease,  my question is, has/was any thought given to how many chemical toxins he was exposed to during his military career?? 

With a full career in the military this poor guy was shot full of vaccines!!  How dirty were those vaccines.  Many say that vaccines can and has given patients, especially military personnel.

Lord knows the foods he was fed no doubt were GMO foods?

Bottom-line, we NEED to stop labeling everything with the word “Lyme”!  We need to focus on detoxing environmental toxins, and the poisons in GMO foods.   Plus, if we get word of the work “Lyme” no doubt more insurance companies would pay for treatments.  After all, Lyme symptoms can and are labeled with Fibro, Arthritis, Alzheimers, etc., etc., etc.

Keep your thinking caps on folks, there is more than one way to win this war against the diseases we are dealing with today!!

Angel Huggzz


Drwal drops election bid due to conditions
Medical issues related to service in military

Drwal, a 24-year veteran of the U.S. Army who retired as a lieutenant colonel after serving in various regions around the world, has been dealing with military-related injuries for over a decade.

“I had a couple of injuries when I was in the military,” he said. “I suffered injuries to both of my legs, which caused walking problems, and I suffered some neurological problems that affected speech and balance.”

Drwal, a member of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 67, also suffered from a tick-related disease while he was abroad, although the symptoms did not surface until years later.

“Last year I got really sick, and it turns out I had Lyme disease, and they are finding more and more troops that have been stationed in Europe have been coming down with it,” he said. “It just came on last year, attacking my joints and my neurological system.”

Full article:

Vitamin D Seems to be Preventing Swine Flu (H1N1)

What do we have to lose?
Read the letters and reports below and decide for yourselves.

You can now keep up to date on H1N1 from the leading
science publications. They are free and you can download the articles.

Be the expert on all this and know the facts, as we educate our patients about the facts, which will not be popular with many so called experts who are out to push their own agenda. Go to this link and check again every 2 weeks, as it will be constantly updated.

Be armed with facts that will counter the sales pitch the government
must offer to get rid of the over $1 billion of useless toxic swine flu
vaccines they have purchased sight unseen!!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

August 18, 2009
Target journal: The Medical Journal of Australia

Vitamin D may reduce the risk of incidence and death from the current A/H1N1 “swine flu” pandemic

The current worldwide pandemic of A/H1N1 influenza “swine flu” has the potential to cause the infection and death of many people. This virus appears to have some seasonality, in common with epidemic influenza. There is good evidence that epidemic influenza is seasonal due to annual variations in solar ultraviolet-B (UVB) irradiance and vitamin D production.

Formaldehyde Facts


Formaldehyde Facts
Angel P. wrote:
DOn’t forget …from the Formaldehyde Institute other names it is known
“…. Ivalon, Quaternium-15, Lysoform,
Formalith, BVF, Methylene oxide, Formalin, Morbicid, Methanal, Methyl
aldehyde, Oxomethane, Formic aldehyde, Fannoform, Fyde, Lofol,
Oxymethylene, Formol, and Superlysoform…”
Quaternium-15 is in almost EVERY cosmetic and hair care product
When we pick up a product at the local grocery store, most of us like to think we are getting something that has been tested and proven to be safe.  After all, we have laws to protect our health and safety, don’t we?  Actually, the government has very limited power to regulate manufacturers, or require testing of their products.
Here are some disturbing facts:
A product that kills 5-% of lab animals through ingestion or inhalation can still receive the federal regulatory designation non-toxic .  Of the 17,000 chemicals that appear in common household products, only 30% have been adequately tested for their negative effects on our health; less than 10% have been tested for their effect on the nervous system; and nothing is known about the combined effects of these chemicals when mixed within our bodies.  No law requires manufacturers to list the exact ingredients on the package label.
Personal care product refers to just about anything we use to clean our bodies or make ourselves look or smell good.  The closest thing to a regulatory agency for the personal care industry is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and their power is extremely limited.
Here are more unsettling facts regarding personal care products:
The FDA cannot regulate a personal care product until after it is released into the marketplace.  Neither personal care products nor their ingredients are reviewed or approved before they are sold to the public.
The FDA cannot require companies to do safety testing on their personal products before they are sold to the public.
The FDA cannot require recalls of harmful personal care products from the marketplace.
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and health (NIOSH) analyzed 2983 chemicals used in personal care products.  The results were as follows:
884 of the chemicals were toxic
314 caused biological mutation
218 caused reproductive complications
778 caused acute toxicity
148 caused tumors
376 caused skin and eye irritations.
Warning: You Can’t Trust Warning Labels! Continued

TEN food ingredients to avoid to feel better and look better


TEN  food ingredients to avoid to feel better and look better

Reported by: Jennifer Harrington
Email: <>
Last Update: 7/10 12:41 pm

<>Paula Owens the author
of <>“The
Power of 4” says avoiding these 10 things will
change your body dramatically. Owens has a
master’s degree in holistic nutrition and a bachelors degree in kinesiology.

1. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP: HFCS is the number one source of calories for most Americans and causes obesity.

You’ll find high-fructose corn syrup (GMO) in processed food, fast food, sodas, syrup that goes into your Latte, etc.

HFCS is extremely toxic to your liver, increases inflammation, causes obesity, oxidative stress and creates an aggressive insulin response.

Partially hydrogenated oils are found in thousands of processed foods (breakfast cereals, cookies, chips).

Trans fats are proven to cause heart disease and contribute to obesity.

Restaurant food, especially from fast food chains, often serve food loaded with trans fats.

Consequences of a diet high in trans fats include:
* increased inflammation
* decreased immune function
* decreased testosterone
* Arthritis
* Cancer
* Decrease IQ – learning disabilities.
American IQ has dropped 20 points in the past 20 years.
* Diabetes
* Elevated blood pressure
* Free radical production
* Heart Disease
* Interferes with neurological & visual development of fetus
* Liver damage
* Obesity
* Osteoporosis
* Type II diabetes
3. MSG: Monosodium glutamate is a chemical that has been associated with reproductive disorders, migraine headaches, permanent damage to the endocrine system leading to obesity and other serious disorders.

MSG is used in many foods as a taste enhancer. It is linked to reduced fertility.

4. SODIUM NITRATE: This is a preservative, coloring, and flavoring commonly added to bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked fish and corned beef.

Studies have linked eating it to various types of cancer. Continued

Lyme Disease, Psychiatric Symptoms and Aggressiveness

I have the highest respect for Dr Robert Bransfield, as a top psychiatriststs, and am priviledged to re-print this information.  In my own opinion I feel  many psychiatric symptoms with Lyme could be reduced if patient’s would focus more on toxins that we all are dealing with.  Lead and Mercury are our biggest culprits.  We all know that Lead and Mercury can and do affect our brains. 
We must find ways to reduce these toxins and that is why I focus on the FIGHT program.  It has worked for me.  These toxins are in our foods, water and some medications.  Learn to read labels.

CASTOR OIL – Natural Protection from Deadly Viruses

I personally use CASTOR OIL for EVERYTHING… is great for Lymies…I have a great deal of respect for David Williams, so I acknowledge him with the CASTOR OIL info. below.CASTOR OIL – Natural Protection from Deadly Viruses

From David William’s Alternatives Newsletter.


TOXIN MAGNET: The New Zeolite-Based Detox Program

Alzheimer’s Disease, MS, Autism, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes… If we neutralize and remove the toxins in our bodies, while supplying ourselves with needed nutrients, we will see a world free of most degenerative diseases!

Dr. Garry F. Gordon will present ‘TOXIN MAGNET: The New Zeolite-Based Detox Program You Need To Get Healthy’ at the 37th annual Cancer Control Society Convention, on Saturday Sept 5th, 2009 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel, Universal City, CA (Los Angeles area).

As our environment becomes increasingly toxic,  a safe, effective and convenient ‘daily’ treatment for lead, mercury, and other toxins, is now an essential part of any effective anti-aging and health promoting program.
Dr. Gordon’s “Toxin Magnet” powerpoint presentation will be available on the Gordon Research Institute website at  A webinar will soon be announced on that site for those who are unable to attend this conference. For additional information, use the search feature and type in either the word ‘Cancer’ or ‘Kobayashi’,  for life-saving information about a proven program that eliminated cancer for over 10 years, for more than 10,000 patients!