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Lead in toys

Linda’s comment:  Our governor here in Arizona does an excellent job of paying attention to lead in Toys.

“In a precedent-setting case in 2008, the Arizona Attorney General’s
Office reached a multi-state settlement with Mattel, Inc. and its
subsidiary Fisher-Price, Inc., to protect children from lead in its
popular toys”
Get after your states Attorney General in an effort to STOP companies selling toys with lead in them…
(Phoenix, Ariz. – March 5, 2010) Attorney General Terry Goddard today
warned consumers to shop carefully when purchasing toys and other
products for children. According to the Department of Health
Services, high levels of lead can pose a number of health risks,
including behavioral problems, learning disabilities, seizures and
even death. Children under six years old are at higher risk for
exposure to lead because of their hand-to-mouth behavior. It is
important for parents to know the risks and how to protect their
children. Continued