Borrelia burgdorferi and commentary

It is very important to know that this field was open for studying in 2010 again for because it was closed such a long time:
as it was quoted in my different presentations and letters to the Editors:
” Protection of B.b.s.l. became known

Fibroblasts protected B. burgdorferi s.l. for at least 14 days of  exposure to ceftriaxone. …  several eukaryotic cell types provide the Lyme disease spirochete with a protective environment  contributing to its long-term survival.  by Klempner et al., J-Infect-Dis. 1992

Borrelia b.s.l. persisted inside synovial cells for at least 8 weeks.

  _Girschick-HJ et al., 1996


Intracellular(!) or unit membrane coated Borrelia b.s.l. for being destroyed it needs  as much antibiotics as

TWENTY QUANTITY of MIC(!) at least! see Garon’s group at RMLab: Dorward DW, Schwan TG, Garon CF. et al. presented for example in the Intl.Congress of Lyme Borreliosis Foundation, Hungary 2000!”

The Development goes with big striding steps…
                                                        but people are suffering day 

Full article:


Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes are an infectious agent of Lyme borreliosis. The aim of our studies was to investigate the fate of engulfed B. burgdorferi cells in L-929 mouse fibroblasts and to observe development of intracellular infection in vitro after 2 and 48 h. Electron microscopic studies reveal consecutive stages of B. burgdorferi spirochetes penetration to mouse fibroblasts in vitro. It has been observed, as a first step attachment and engulfment of spirochetes followed by formation of vacuoles. After 48 hours of infection, vacuoles of fibroblastic cells have been seen full of B. burgdorferi bacteria and latter they have been released from infected cells to extracellular space. It can be the evidence that B. burgdorferi multiply intracellulary.