Dr. Gordon’s book picks

Linda’s comment:  Excellent choices of books….

These books belong on your desk. My comments are below.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

#1: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0312545622/1n9867a-20

The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-made Epidemic 
Dan Olmsted

Autism, mercury, medicine and man made disease brings an important historical perspective to the mercury issue that further supports my contention that we all need to focus on toxins first in our efforts to restore or improve health in everyone.

#2: http://www.amazon.com/Principles-Applications-ozone-therapy-physicians/dp/145641335X/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1305915366&sr=1-6

As many of you know, for the past twenty years I have been teaching classes to physicians and other health practitioners on the applications and principles of ozone therapy.  For most of that time, I have been repeatedly asked, “Why don’t you write this stuff down?”.  So here’s the news – I finally did. 

The book is the accumulation of over thirty years of experience using ozone in a general medicine practice.  It offers step-by-step protocols for all of the major medical conditions that I have found to successfully respond to ozone therapy.  It also offers new scientific insights into how ozone stimulates healing on a cellular level, and discusses its effects on oxygen utilization in general.  These effects serve to explain what causes our bodies to degenerate over time, and offers direction on how that process can be slowed. 

The book is entitled, “The Principles and Applications of Ozone Therapy – A Guideline For Physicians”.  You can purchase the book at www.amazon.com.  Just plug in “Frank Shallenberger” in the search engine.  For those interested in learning firsthand how this is done, please come to the course.  Details and registration can be found atwww.ozonecourse.com.   God bless all of you.

Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD

#3: http://www.amazon.com/Your-Stomach-Really-Miserable-Praktikos/dp/1607660008/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1305915627&sr=1-2

Your Stomach: What is really making you miserable and what to do about it, Jonathan V Wright, M.D.

Low stomach acid is epidemic and symptoms are virtually identical to excess stomach acid. If you live on antacid based therapy you will induce nutritional imbalances and deficiencies. I have tested hundreds of patients using the Heidelberg capsule test, which actually measures stomach acid before and after a challenge with food; 98% need more acid to eliminate their stomach problems.  

This book by Dr Wright may save you time in helping educate your patients in the simple process of taking some BETAINE HCL with a meal. It identifies those whose symptoms are aggravated and thus can not use it to their benefit but most will tell you this is their solution!  I needed 4 capsules with meals for years, as I had no stomach acid but now that I have regenerated my body, I no longer am dependent on Betaine capsules with every meal. 

#4: http://www.doctorgaby.com/samples.html

“Nutritional Medicine” by Dr Gaby is his life’s work. With over 15,000 references, this $300 textbook is destined to be an authoritative source for anyone seeking information on nutritional approaches to any health problem. Look at the samples available at no charge and see how much you do not know on just the topic of vitamin C.

Of course, it is impossible today to have any one text provide the information that will keep everyone happy. The FDA may want it burned.  And there will be those who want higher or lower recommendations, for example, some will feel that with the levels of Bromine, Fluorine, etc typically found in everyone today, the need for iodine will be higher than what Dr Gaby recommends.

Nonetheless, this outstanding contribution can help improve the health of everyone on our planet as establishes a solid basis for incorporation nutrition into the management of all health problems.

Of course, allopathic medicine will also have trouble in spite of the over 15,000 references here. They are so used to claiming that there is nothing else that can be done for so many patients they see that this needs to be placed in the waiting room of every doctor’s office. Then anyone willing to learn more about nutritional approaches to health problems will find in one convenient source potential life saving information.