Join Dr. Garry Gordon for a Webinar on ELECTRON DEFICIENCY

December 29, 2011


Are you feeling tired or fatigued? Do you experience migraine headaches unrelieved by traditional treatments? Do you have unexplained flu-like symptoms, muscle cramps or electrical sensations in your limbs and spinal column?  Do you suffer from insomnia, feel like time is speeding up, and notice an increase in lucid, intense dreams?

You may be suffering from Electron Deficiency Disease!

As we enter 2012 we are witnessing changes within, upon, and around our Earth that are affecting all living organisms.  But there is a scientific revolution underway!  Join Dr. Garry Gordon for an exciting and life changing webinar you absolutely will not want to miss.

Title: Electron Deficiency Disease and M.I.C.E.
When:  Saturday, January 7th 2012
Time:   12:00 to 1:30 PM CST.
Register online: 

Dr. Garry Gordon is a leader and trusted health educator worldwide.  During this ACIM sponsored web presentation you will learn what electron deficiency is, how it is being recognized as an underlying mechanism of all disease, and how a powerful energy-based, magnetically induced cellular exercise (M.I.C.E.) therapy, is healing and restoring the body’s natural life force.

“As above, so below” aptly describes the relationship between the state of our universe and the state of man.  The macrocosmos is the same as the microcosmos.  Mind and body, galaxy and atom, sensation and stimulus, are all intimately bound – one affecting the other.   Our toxic environment and the Earth’s rapidly declining electro-magnetic field thus affecting us on all levels, and manifesting as disease.

Dr. Claude Swanson, Ph.D., in his new book entitled “Life Force – the Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi, and Quantum Consciousness”, documents how laboratories around the world have proven that the subtle energies of the mind and body are very real and extremely powerful.  These seemingly intangible energies, once thought of as ‘paranormal’ phenomena, can be tested and measured.

The bridging of modern Quantum Physics and Einstein’s theory of General Relativity is finally being realized… with energy and consciousness spinning the unifying threads that weaves it all together.

Magnetically induced cellular exercise, or M.I.C.E.  is a safe and amazingly effective therapy that reaches deep with the actual cells of the body, energizing, supporting and regenerating cells and tissues that make up muscle, bone, brain and all organs of our total body.