Lyme Movie FREE to watch on Hulu! Must See!


Click Here to Buy the movie “Under Our Skin.”

There will be a few commercial breaks….please continue to watch it… can buy DVD’s to give to your colleagues, patients, family, show in your waiting room….. 
This is a world-wide endemic/epidemic….. 
We need help getting this into more hands…..Lyme disease is misdiagnosed with MS, ALS, Parkinson, Alzheimers, RA, Fibro, etc., etc., etc. 
It isn’t just carried by ticks… is in semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, saliva, tear ducts, OUR BLOOD SUPPLY….you don’t have to have a tick on you to get Lyme…..the Co-infections are growing….this is a horrific MUTATING DISEASE….We need to label it as an STD….teens are giving it to each other….TALK TO YOUR TEENS ABOUT USING CONDOMS……spouses are INFECTING AND RE-INFECTING EACH OTHER…. 
For those who have never seen this movie, I BEG YOU TO WATCH IT THROUGH…..