Special note from Linda

Linda comments  This is one of the most heart wrenching U-tubes regarding a brother and sister who are suffering with LYME mixed with MOLD, that I have EVER watched……
This U-tube is what keeps pushing me forward, reaching out to help those who are so very sick and dying. As long as the good LORD keeps me alive, I will continue to bring education and awareness on LYME/MOLD illness. I will NOT desert the LYME/MOLD communities…… I was once there and GOD bless my Holistic/Alternative docs for supporting my needs and treating me when I had no money….
While I have a healthy respect for Dr Steve Harris, MD, LLMD, no where in this U-tube does it mention ANYTHING ABOUT reducing their total body burden of pathogens and toxins!!!! This is disturbing, as I can speak to how detoxing pathogens and toxins, can and DOES speed along recovery….The FIGHT protocol by Dr Garry Gordon, DO, MD, MD(h), saved me when fighting 5 cancers, 2, Lyme infections, KLAPOWI worm, Aspergillus MOLD pneumonia (they also need to consult with Dr Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, LLMD for their mold issues)….You can learn more about the FIGHT protocol by going to one of my blogs…
www.lymebook.com/fight and look for the folder that has the FREE FIGHT Webinars, that I have had GREAT response to.
IMHO, a daily detox is a must to get control of this horrific disease plus following the proper diet/nutrition……Stop this madness……..bottom-line STOP FEEDING THE CRITTERS GARBAGE FOODS, so treatments will work. OUR TOXIC WORLD IS A BIG PART OF FIGHTING ILLNESS.
GOD SPEED their recovery and praying that someday they will lead a painless life…
Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels, holding hands in the “Chain of Love”
